forbidden place

Chapter 426

Han Hui looked at the yin-yang gourd spinning in the sky, and suddenly tore his hands towards the sky, and a portal appeared from between his hands, the gate of the nine heavens!

A good defender hides under the Nine Grounds, and a good attacker moves above the Nine Heavens!

Inspired by the attack of the yin-yang gourd in the sky, Han Hui instantly understood the core rules of the Gate of Nine Earths.

In the past, when he attacked, he relied on his absolute strength to forcefully break through the rules of other people's blocking, and bombarded other people's bodies.

The power consumed in this way is extremely huge, the yin-yang gourd is a magic weapon refined from a nine-star treasure, and its own power is so strong that it cannot be added.

In addition to the rules of the Loose Immortal who have survived five or six thunder calamities, they can directly break through the rules of Loose Immortals below the same level and directly bombard the body.

If the Sanxian who had had four or five thunder tribulations did not have the magic weapon refined from the nine-star treasure, he would be killed in one fell swoop.

You know, Mount Mangdang is full of ten-star treasures, and Han Hui has no way to kill the Sanxian who has been thundered five times in one fell swoop.

The most important thing is that there is no law of dispersal on Mangdang Mountain, and it is impossible to break through other people's rules and protection. It can only be broken by strength. In many cases, power cannot even be added to other people's bodies.

"Ah!" "Ah"

There were two screams from the yin-yang gourd, like two chickens being pinched by their necks. Han Hui scanned with his consciousness and found that there were nine old men in the yin-yang gourd.

All of them are fierce dragons and tigers, at least they are in the realm of Jindan Daoist, and several of them have survived the thunder disaster, and they have the breath of thunder disaster loose immortals on their bodies.

The nine people worked together to control the yin-yang gourd, and the gate of the nine heavens rotated, sending out another bombardment.

A knife light slashed and tore the void, avoiding layers of rules, and slashed into the yin-yang gourd. The other closed mouth of the double-headed monster depicted on the yin-yang gourd moved instantly, with black lines on it Passed by like mist.

There was a sound of "dang", and the metal and iron mingled.

Forcibly blocking the light of the knife coming from the Nine Heavens Gate, Hanhui shook his sleeve, Mount Mangdang shook, and a huge force was added to the light of the knife, the light of the knife did not dissipate but flourished instantly, cutting open Yin and Yang gourd.

"What kind of power is this? How could it be possible to cut through the Nine-Star Treasure?" <Yang Gourd was quite incapable, and was suddenly invaded by the light of the knife. The light of the knife swirled in the void, and nine heads shot up into the sky.

The yin-yang gourd is not a magic weapon of fate. Without human control, there is no attack ability. Unlike Hanhui's Mangdang Mountain, which can still be attacked, Mangdang Mountain can automatically protect the master.

"Get it for me!"

With a roar, Han Hui stretched out an arm, and the aura on it vibrated, like a dragon appearing from the nine heavens, breaking through layers of clouds and mists, and spying on the highest orb.

This is with the help of the power of Mangdang Mountain, grasping the Yin-Yang gourd in one hand, and suppressing it in the depths of Mangdang Mountain.

"This is the treasure of our Nine Star Alliance, the yin-yang gourd. The master's supernatural powers are so boundless that he can capture the yin-yang gourd!" Lang San was shocked when he saw the yin-yang gourd being sucked in from the Mangdang Mountain. lose color.

Just as he was shocked, just a head and nine corpses also fell from the sky and flew into the Thunder Pond deep in Mangdang Mountain.

This Thunder Pond is the Mangdang Thunder Pond. The Thunder Pond in the Thunder Palace was re-sacrificed by Han Hui and turned into the Mangdang Thunder Pond. Cui Zhongqing is using the Thunder Pond to practice, fusing with the body of the mysterious man.

The five-time Thunder Tribulation Sanxian master, the body contains endless energy, and the breath of the five-time Thunder Tribulation, if it is completely absorbed, Cui Zhongqing must have supernatural powers.

"The Nine-Star Alliance? It seems that the controller of the Nine-Star Alliance is the mysterious weirdo. Now that he has done something, he will eradicate the Nine-Star Alliance!" Han Hui moved his body, stepped into the void, and scanned the count One hundred thousand miles away, he shot towards the direction where Yin Yang Gourd came.

The yin-yang gourd has just arrived, and the breath is still lingering in the void. It is easy to be found and tracked by Han Hui. With the help of the invincible power of Mangdang Mountain, he tears the void, moves instantly, and with a few flashes, he came to a mysterious valley among.

Bloody aura shot up from the valley, and Han Hui's spiritual sense scanned it, and found that there were many bones piled up like a mountain.

The boundless vitality gathered into a solid body, one by one resentful souls wandered away, the sky-shattering neighing occurred, and the evil spirit rushed straight to the bull fight, shaking down the stars in the sky.

"What a fierce place, just condensed the evil sword array. After absorbing it, I wonder if I can condense a few vortexes of spiritual consciousness. If I can gather enough Tiangang sword formations, the spiritual consciousness can be transformed into form. Wanli killed someone!" Han Hui also gasped when he saw this fierce place.

At this moment, the murderous aura in the valley suddenly surged and gathered towards the sky, a bone throne was instantly formed, and an old man stood beside the throne, watching Han Hui coldly.

Although Han Hui had never seen this old man before, he felt familiar with his eyes.

"It turned out to be you, who succeeded in seizing the house so quickly. You didn't run away when you saw me coming, and you still dared to come out to die, which shows that your life is exhausted!" Han Hui immediately understood that this old man was the mysterious owner of the big bone hand.

"Hmph, boy, I never thought you would have such a magic weapon. Our young master's promotion to the Holy Son is just around the corner!" The old man stared at Han Hui viciously.

A bone light flashed above the throne of bones, and a young man in white clothes appeared on it. This young man was about in his twenties, and he was very handsome, but his eyes were as dark as hell. Seeing his eyes made people feel uncomfortable. Can't help feeling awe of the soul.

"Haha, I am really blessed. With the magic weapon in you, I can kill the evil star son and become a holy king in the end!" The young man's eyes flashed with fire.

"Kneel down and surrender, join my demon gate, and offer your magic weapon. I will spare your life. In the future, you can follow me to open the passage to the heavenly realm, enter the supreme heavenly realm, and gain eternal life!" The young man looked at Han Hui, It's like looking at your own servant.

"Have all of you people in the devil's way ruined your brains? Let me kneel down and surrender? Offer your magic weapon? I don't think it's better for you to kneel down and surrender. I'll help you kill the so-called son of the evil star. I still want to Take a demon king as a slave!" Han Hui said coldly.

"Bastard, you dare to blaspheme the Holy Son, blaspheme the Holy King, your soul must endure the devouring torture for hundreds of millions of years, and your body must also be burned by the boundless bone fire!" said the mysterious man who had just seized the house.

"This body of yours is the body of the real master of the Nine-Star Alliance? Demonic ways are demonic ways after all. If you take away other people's foundations, you will also plunder other people's bodies. I just want to eliminate demons and defend the way. Surrender, and get a servant of the Holy King!" Han Hui was also burning in his heart at this time.

He already has a demon king, if he can accept another holy king, what kind of situation will it be like?

"My boy, I think you don't know how to live or die. My Demon Sect shocks the world. Every time there is a great prosperity, there are bones like mountains and blood flowing like seas. Today, I will let you know the horror of my Son of Bones!" The young man on the throne of bones leaned forward. Then, following his figure, all the evil spirits in the world condensed, followed his palm, and grabbed towards Han Hui.

Han Hui clearly felt the turmoil in the world, and the opposite valley seemed to be connected to hell, and endless evil spirits surged up from hell, forming a wrap around him.

"Unfortunately, I didn't get the sword manual of Tiangang Sword Formation. From the information I got, the most powerful sword formation of Jianzong should be Tiangang Sword Formation. If I can get the sword manual, I can condense the Tiangan Sword Formation here. , Flipping the Boundless Disha to achieve the highest Tiangang!" Disappointment flashed in Han Hui's eyes.

He has killed countless masters, and beside him are old antiques like Xu Kong and Changsun Wuji who have lived for an unknown number of years, and know a lot more things than before.

Boundless evil spirit condensed in the sky.

"Bone cage!"

The young man stopped shouting, and the evil spirit condensed into a cage. Huge white bones formed a cage and surrounded Han Hui.

There are a total of 24 white bones, all of which are condensed from the evil spirit of death, and each one is as real as the bones of a god.

"Break it for me!"

With a loud roar from Han Hui, Mangdang Mountain shook out and blasted fiercely towards the bone cage.

After comprehending the mysteries of the Gate of Nine Heavens and the Gate of Nine Earths, Han Hui is confident that he can destroy everything.

Brothers who read this book, don’t be stingy with the red tickets in your hands, anyway, the books of the aunts are not bad for these few red tickets, bring the red tickets,,,

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