forbidden place

Chapter 430 An Litong

Fairy Yu's eyes widened immediately: "What? The Twelve Great Sects surrendered to the Empire? How is this possible? Even if the Empire has some background, it is impossible to compete with the Twelve Great Sects! The Twelve Great Sects have Sanxian masters Yes, at this juncture, won't those Sanxians appear?"

Han Hui smiled bitterly and said: "No one knows how rich the empire has accumulated. Besides, Sanxian is really nothing. I don't know how many I have killed!"

> "

Han Hui smiled wryly again, but he didn't explain, Fairy Yu only saw the difference in his aura, but couldn't see his true state.

Besides, even if it can be seen that he is in the realm of Jindan Daoist, can Jindan Daoist be able to fight Sanxian?How can this be!

"If you want to find your parents, maybe you don't need to go back to Caifengmen, but go to Wuji Island in the South China Sea!" Han Hui said.

"Where is Wuji Island in the South China Sea? Why can I see my parents there?" Fairy Yu asked in surprise.

"His Majesty the Emperor of the Empire conquered the world and made the twelve major sects submit. All the suzerains of the twelve major sects were crowned kings, changed the name of the country to Ji Yuan, and called themselves Emperor, Emperor Ji Yuan!" Han Hui explained.

"To conduct the Zen Conferring Hall on Wuji Island in the South China Sea, is your mother the suzerain or your father the suzerain? Anyway, one of them should be crowned king. How could they not attend this grand ceremony?"

"Then let's go to Wuji Island in the South China Sea! How far is it from Wuji Island in the South China Sea?" Fairy Yu asked.

"This place is Gouji City, not far from Wuji Island in the South China Sea!" Han Hui said.

"What? Gouji City? The most vicious city in the world? Why did you come here? This place is at least tens of millions of miles away from the South China Sea, enough for us to walk for a while!" Fairy Yu said in shock.

Han Hui smiled and said: "From Gouji City, there is only a teleportation array directly to Haijiao City, we can directly teleport there!"

"The teleportation array? Who arranged it? The cost of teleporting there is too high?" Fairy Yu obviously hasn't adapted to the status quo.

After Han Hui's detailed introduction, she sighed with shock on her face: "I didn't expect such a great change in the world, and I am really worried about my parents. Let's go to Haijiao City!"

Han Hui nodded, controlled Mangdang Mountain to the teleportation array next to the City Lord's Mansion, hid himself, mixed into the teleportation crowd, and teleported to Haijiao City.

Haijiao City means the ends of the earth. This is the southernmost point of the mainland, and further south is the vast sea. No one knows how far it is.

Appearing from Haijiao City, Han Hui took Fairy Yu for a stroll: "This is Haijiao City, it really deserves to be a city on the verge of the sea, the materials are too rich!"

Fairy Yu nodded: "Although the mainland is vast, there are too many people living there, too many qi practitioners, too many battles and destructions, and the materials are becoming scarce. It is possible to keep some original medicinal herbs, and the sea will be different, it is a paradise for sea beasts, with infinitely rich treasures!"

While the two were chatting, a person suddenly opened his eyes in a castle in Haijiao City.

"He appeared, and indeed he came to Haijiao City. I haven't found his breath for so long, so I knew he would not miss this rare scripture, so I just waited for him here!" The man in the house is obviously a fisherman in the South China Sea.

The ghost boy sitting next to him opened his eyes with a "swish".

"Has he finally come out? Let's capture him!" Nanhai Boy stood up.

"Senior ghosts and gods, this person's origin is unknown, so it's better not to do it blatantly. Anyway, this is Haijiao City, and this junior still has some contacts here, so let's test his details first!" Nanhai Diaosen said.

"Alright, after all, the Emperor Jiyuan's enshrinement ceremony is getting closer and closer. At this critical juncture, His Majesty the Emperor definitely doesn't want to cause problems. If there is a disturbance, we will not end well!" The ghost boy nodded and sat back in his seat up.

Han Hui got countless primordial stones from the Nine-Star Alliance, and seeing the dazzling array of materials, he was naturally moved, and said to Fairy Yu, "Why don't we go to the treasure market and see how amazing the treasures in the sea are."

At this moment, a voice called: "Han Hui, let us go out too, I don't want to be locked at home and watch the projection every day!"

Han Hui smiled at the corner of his mouth. At this time, Changsun Wan'er's voice said that Changsun Wan'er was already at the peak of returning to the sea, but he hadn't comprehended life and death, and hadn't advanced to the Jindan realm.

"You look so troublesome, there must be many people who know you, if you come out, maybe you will cause some trouble!" Han Hui said through voice transmission.

"Hmph, what kind of trouble can it cause? Fairy Yu is not a disaster? She is a majestic Fairy from the Caifengmen, but few people know her? Why do you take him for a stroll?" Eldest Sun Wan'er was not convinced.

Han Hui rubbed his nose, and with a flick of his sleeve, he released the eldest grandson Wan'er, followed by Lian'er.

"I also want to go shopping, not like watching a projection!" Lian Er said with her lips pouted.

"Okay!" Han Hui nodded helplessly.

This Lian'er is really miraculous, she was able to get out of the gap in Mangdang Mountain when she sent her eldest grandson Wan'er away.

Han Hui was under a lot of pressure to go shopping with these three beauties who were a disaster. The identities of these three people were too sensitive.

The Zhangsun family took refuge in him, and as long as Changsun Wan'er was recognized, she would inevitably think of him, but this time her dream way of retreating him has improved again, and she should be able to deal with all the troubles.

"You have to change your appearance, otherwise go back and watch the projection obediently!" Han Hui pointed at Lian'er and said.

Lian'er raised her mouth and said, "Why do I want to change my appearance?"

"If you don't change your appearance, others will recognize it and snatch your refining vehicle!"

Lian'er was speechless, and asked Han Hui to use the rules, slightly distorting the rules in front of her, into another appearance, even the clothes could not see the original appearance.

Sure enough, a lot of attention was attracted along the way, and now experts from all walks of life gathered in Haijiao City, and Han Hui went shopping with the three masters so arrogantly, and soon met acquaintances.

Of course, this acquaintance is not Han Hui's acquaintance, but Yu Xianzi's acquaintance.

They had just walked to the gate of Baoshi, and a gaze came over. Han Hui saw a middle-aged man in a black shirt, tall and tall, with an incredible pair of eyes shining.

"Yu'er, it turned out to be you! You are not dead, are you really not dead?" the man looked at Fairy Yu and shouted.

Fairy Yu looked at the man, but she didn't show the slightest emotion. She just cupped her hands and said, "So it's Elder An. Of course I'm not dead. I've been trapped in a Jedi all these years. Are my parents okay?"

"Of course it's good. The two princes miss you very much. In a few days, they will come to Haijiao City. Yu'er, do you know how much I miss you? Back then, the two princes had agreed to marry you I'm sorry, you insisted on going to the ancient tomb, but something happened. I was retreating at the beginning, cultivating avatar puppets, and I couldn't escape. I'm so happy that you can come back. When the two princes come, we will hold our wedding ceremony! "The middle-aged Elder An said.

"Elder An, I have my own heart now, and I will report our affairs to my parents. When they agreed to the marriage, I was very opposed to it, so I found an excuse to leave Caifeng Mountain and go to the ancient tomb of the desert." Fairy Yu said.

When she said that her heart belonged, she looked at Han Hui, and now he was not worried that Han Hui would be plotted against by An Litong's jealousy.

In Mount Mangdang, Han Hui raised her realm vigorously and showed her god-like means, which made her full of confidence in Han Hui.

Besides, An Litong is only out of Guihai Realm, she is also at the peak of Guihai now, so naturally she is not afraid of An Litong.

Hearing Fairy Yu's heart belongs to her, An Litong looked at Han Hui who was standing next to her, with a cold light in her eyes: "Who is your Excellency? Why did you bring my fiancée?"

At this time, many people were paying attention, Han Hui was carrying three unique colors, and the three of them were high-level Qi trainers at first glance, not ordinary people, which naturally aroused everyone's speculation, seeing An Litong chatting up with them, everyone They all paid attention.

In a teahouse, a big man with a big mace on his back shook his head: "This An Litong is too incompetent. Others took his fiancée and went straight up to kill him. Why do you ask?"

"Brother also knows An Litong?" asked a man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks opposite him.

"Of course I know An Litong. This kid covets Fairy Yu from Caifeng Sect. If he joins Caifeng, that girl might be Fairy Yu. She is really extraordinary!"

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