forbidden place

Chapter 431

Han Hui naturally didn't care about people like An Litong, but when he heard that this person had a marriage contract with Yuxianzi, he immediately paid attention to it. He didn't have any affection for Yuxianzi, and he didn't want to ruin her marriage, so he said quickly : "My name is not worth mentioning, Yu'er, don't make trouble with this brother An."

Immediately, Fairy Yu opened her phoenix eyes, and pointed at Han Hui's nose: "I am so kind to you, but you treat me like this, and when you see An Litong, you scare you into a turtle. I really misunderstood you at the beginning." .”

"No, I think marriage is a lifelong event, and you should always be cautious. Your parents must have their reasons for choosing An Litong!" Han Hui continued to persuade.

The strong man upstairs with the spear on his back slapped the table with a "slap": "There is such a cowardly person in the world, he really deserves to be killed. If An Litong doesn't kill him, I will kill him too!"

The sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked man hastily dissuaded him: "Brother, it's just different from the past. In the past, we were all over the world, and we could kill whoever we wanted. Now, there are many masters in the world, and countless hidden characters have been exposed. The empire has even issued strict regulations. The law, here in Haijiao City, not to mention the realm of the big brother, even the Jindan Daoist can't afford it!"

The big man's expression froze, and he sighed fiercely. He didn't know if it was because he hated Han Hui and couldn't kill people, or because he thought of the laws of the empire and could no longer be happy with revenge.

"What's the point? It's just that I value this person's talent. I feel that this person is quite unique in the way of restraint, and he has obtained some inheritance in a mysterious ancient site. In the future, he will have the opportunity to be promoted to Jindan Daoist, so I let me Marry this person, this person is vicious and vicious, and no one in the world knows it? Once in order to snatch a set of treasures, he wiped out a sect, and he wiped out the entire sect!" Yu said angrily now.

Only then did Han Hui understand, he believed that Fairy Yu would not tell lies, and the way he looked at An Litong suddenly changed. Originally, he thought that this person was quite honest in appearance, tall and tall, and his character should be good. It's a matter of killing people and seizing treasures.

An Litong saw that Han Hui showed weakness, and immediately became stronger: "Hey, boy, kneel on the ground for the uncle, shake your ass, and be the shit-eating dog of the uncle from now on, I will spare your family's life, otherwise, I will definitely kill you The whole family!"

"Hey, I thought you were a human being, but I didn't expect you to be a beast. Is the law of the Emperor Ji Yuan a piece of shit? A thing like you can kill people at will?" Han Hui sneered.

"Pa" Hai Hai, who was watching the excitement in the restaurant with a spear on his back, patted the table again: "Unexpectedly, this person is a bit of a but, dare to ridicule An Litong like this!"

"Boy, you are courting death!" An Litong raised his eyebrows horizontally, turned his palms, and slapped Han Hui away.

The blood-red palm was formed out of thin air in the sky, and there seemed to be a sea of ​​blood on the palm, and the sea of ​​blood was churning and roaring.

"Blood Sea Mahamudra! This person has practiced the Blood Sea Mahamudra, no wonder he dares to be so arrogant!" The man with the gun on his back was shocked.

Fairy Yu moved her body, a colored light appeared around her body, and a phoenix cry came from the colored light, which rose into the sky with the colored light.

Ever since Changsun Wan'er was promoted to the top of Guihai, she had never had the chance to fight. This time, she finally got the chance. With a flick of her sleeve, thirteen sword lights shot up into the sky, transformed into a sword array in the air, and strangled towards the bloody hand.

"They are all at the peak of Guihai! Who is this person? There are three beauties beside him, and two of them are at the peak of Guihai!" The sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked man couldn't hide his shock.

These thirteen sword lights were formed by Changsun Wan'er and Changsun Long recently. As soon as Pu made a move, he showed great power, trying to stir up the sea of ​​blood in Xue's hand.

With a "boom", the bloody hand collapsed, and the thirteen sword lights were also shattered. At the same time, the colorful light emitted by Fairy Yu was also shattered, and the phoenix's mournful cry was heard.

Changsun Wan'er and Yu Xianzi took two steps back at the same time before standing still.

With one against two and still gaining the upper hand, this An Litong can be regarded as an absolute strongman in Guihai Realm, no wonder his tone is so loud.

"Unexpectedly, Yu'er, you have also been promoted to the Guihai realm. This is good, so that your body will be more human. With the help of your Yuan Yin, I will definitely be able to promote to the Jindan Daoist realm!" An Litong saw that Fairy Yu unexpectedly Breaking through the Guihai Realm, a look of astonishment flashed in his eyes.

It's only been a while, even if there is a great opportunity, it's nothing more than being promoted to Guihai, how can it be possible to exert the power of Guihai's peak?

"Shameless!" Fairy Yu was furious immediately, and she was about to attack again when she flicked her body. Han Hui reached out and patted her on the shoulder to hold her back.

"What? Are you going to help him?" Fairy Yu said angrily.

"Haha, boy, you really have the potential to be a dog, no matter what, I will accept you and let you be a dog!" An Litong laughed when he saw Han Hui's performance.

"You don't even have the qualifications to do enough for me, and you're still yelling here!" A figure flashed beside Han Hui, and a figure emerged from it, reached out and grabbed An Litong, and grabbed An Litong's neck.

"Jindan real person!" An Litong yelled in horror like a chicken being strangled by someone's neck.

"Master, this person has been captured, please show me how to deal with it!" The man was wearing a purple-gold armor, and he was one of the two Jindan real people that Han Hui had just promoted.

"How is it possible? What is the identity of this person? Could it be that he is the prince? Even the prince can't make Jindan Daoist call himself a servant!" said the big man with the gun in shock.

The man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks has also grown his mouth, and he doesn't know what to say.

There are nine levels of Qi training, one level and one level.

Both of them are in the Guihai realm, and they seem to be very close to Jindan, but they are nothing in front of the Jindan real person.

An Litong was an example. This person was at the peak of the sea, and he didn't even have the strength to resist, so he was picked up like a chicken.

"Let him kneel at the gate of Baoshi!" Han Hui ordered lightly.

The man flipped his palm and slapped An Litong's neck, a burst of true energy poured into An Litong's body, An Litong's body creaked, no longer under his control, he knelt down on the ground.

Just when everyone thought that the overall situation was settled, they generally shook their bodies, and a ray of light jumped out from the top of An Litong's head. This light was not a soul, but a puppet.

The whole body of this puppet is made of some kind of fine steel. It is about the same height as An Litong. Its eyes are top-quality gemstones, which emit a green light.

As soon as the puppet appeared, a pair of palms shot out the magnetic light, and a pair of eyes shot out the light of flesh, and it blasted and killed the golden core real person.

At the same time, the puppet also spoke human words: "Boy, you really don't know how to live or die. I got the inheritance of the ancient puppet temple, and I can sweep the world. How dare you treat me like this!"

"Boom" "Boom"

After several fights, the avatar puppet actually fought with Jindan real person evenly, almost evenly.

"What a powerful puppet!" Han Hui couldn't help being shocked.

He was able to surpass his own physical realm and refine a puppet at the level of a Jindan real person. Where is this puppet temple?Can there be such a magical puppet?

"An Litong was able to refine such a puppet. No wonder the head and wife of Caifengmen betrothed Fairy Yu to him. This is not only a matter of adding a Jindan real person to the sect, but also related to the future development of the sect. Ah!" The big man with the gun couldn't help sighing.

"Kneel down!" The Jindan Daoist suddenly shook his body, slapped the clone puppet's head fiercely with his palm, knocked the puppet staggering, and fell to the ground on the spot.

To be able to compete with the Jindan Daoist is not a real Jindan Daoist after all, not to mention the Jindan Daoist sent by Hanhui is a rare Jindan flawless Jindan.

In the past year, I have been comprehended every day in the holy map of the way of war, and there is already a trace of regularity in every gesture, and it is this regular breath that completely suppresses the clone puppet.

"This puppet is not bad, I accept it!" Han Hui said, stretched out his hand to grab the puppet, and the puppet who was beaten and lying on the ground was caught in the sleeve at once.

Han Hui was able to silently use the power of Mangdang Mountain to grab a small puppet.

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