forbidden place

Chapter 504

() There was a mocking smile on the corner of Han Hui's mouth, the Son of the Evil Star snorted coldly, turned his palm over, and slapped Han Hui fiercely. When the space was shaking, a red figure jumped out, tearing his fist apart Breaking the world, blocking the palm of the son of the evil star.

"You still want to fight with my master? It's just a holy son. Even a holy king will be my master's servant!" After Cui Zhongqing killed the Tianming Demon Lord, he got the inheritance of the Mingming Demon Lord, and there are more demons. The mysteries of the gods flowed into his consciousness.

His strength was even greater, and he hit the palm of the Xie Xing Shengzi with his fist, sending the Xie Xing Shengzi flying backwards.

During the process of flying back, the Holy Son of the Evil Star showed anger on his face: "As a Demon Lord, you are willing to become a slave of the Holy Son. It is really disgusting. I will kill you and completely confuse the Demon Sect!" shame!"

As he spoke, his thigh stomped fiercely in the void, layers of space oscillated, and a white bone phantom appeared from his leg, as if the void had become solid, and at the same time his arm moved, viciously The ground punched out, and similarly, a phantom of white bones appeared on the arm.

"Catch him alive!" Seeing the astonishing aura of the Son of Evil Star, Han Hui not only didn't pay any attention, but lightly ordered a word that would make the Son of Evil Star vomit blood.

"It's really courting death!"

The Son of the Evil Star let out a roar, punched out, and the phantom of the bone shot down fiercely towards Cui Zhongqing.

Cui Zhongqing's body shook, and he also punched out.

In the blood of Blood Hell, there are countless wills. After a comprehensive collection of wills wins over a human master, the strength of a human basically determines his strength.

Bone Hell is not the case. Bones are the foundation of strength. All they need is a piece of skin, a piece of skin that can isolate vitality.

With this skin, the vitality of heaven and earth can't do much harm to them, and the power is the same as in hell, equally earth-shattering.

The white bone collided with Cui Zhongqing's fist, and there was an incomparably huge roar, the surrounding space was shattered, and the bodies of the two shook at the same time, and they were evenly divided.

Cui Zhongqing let out a long cry, turned his palms over, and the shadows of his palms flickered, enveloping the world, preventing the Son of Evil Star from rushing out.

The shock in the heart of the Son of the Evil Star couldn't be more shocking. How many saint sons did he kill to achieve today's cultivation, coupled with the deliberate cultivation of the Dharma Protector Sect, and the fusion of two tyrannical bones, the result is still being suppressed by Cui Zhongqing Fight, there is such a tyrannical demon in the world?

Cui Zhongqing had just killed the Tianming Demon Clan not long ago, and received the blessing of the Demon God, she shouldn't have made such rapid progress!

He didn't know that Cui Zhongqing was a magic weapon, and it would be troublesome to capture the son of the evil star. If he wanted to kill the son of the evil star, he could do it with a self-destruct.

"Kill!" Seeing that the battle had entered a stalemate, Shouzhugan and the short fat man next to him started at the same time, attacking and killing Han Hui.

Of course, in their eyes, Han Hui is the Holy Son of the Bone, and after killing the Holy Son of the Bone, the Holy Son of the Evil Star will be able to break through immediately and become the supreme body of the Holy King!

With a sneer hanging from the corner of Han Hui's mouth, he flicked his sleeves, and the misty kingdom in front of him circled around gently, enveloping both of them.

After entering the dreamland, both of them became sluggish for an instant, their bodies were stiff, and it was difficult for them to raise their hands under the pressure of the huge force.

In the kingdom, not only the rules have been changed, but even more domineeringly, the hearts have been affected. Scenes of strange and extraordinary lives appeared before their eyes.

There is a feeling of being in a dream, or not knowing the previous experience is not a dream.

A light spot enveloped the two of them, and after a few flashes, they disappeared, suppressing the two of them in the deepest part of the dreamland.

Just after suppressing the two people, the God of Tuntian Camel rushed over. In the void, his camel suddenly lifted, opened his mouth, and swallowed toward Han Hui.

Swallow a world in one gulp!

Swallow the sky in one gulp!

The God of Swallowing Camel is worthy of the name of Swallowing Heaven!

It's a pity that he couldn't swallow the cold glow. The dreamland of the cold glow was extremely concentrated, and three feet in front of him, it produced boundless power, which was pulled together with the surrounding void.

"Ow!" "Ow!" "Ow!"

It seems to be the roar of a monster, it seems to be the syllable of the beginning of heaven and earth, the void keeps collapsing, the rules are shaken, and hell is trembling.

Cui Zhongqing and Xie Xing Shengzi, who were fighting, were both affected, each of them staggered and couldn't help themselves, mobilizing rules and power to protect themselves.

Seeing the appearance of the God of Swallowing Camel, the son of Xie Xing showed ecstasy on his face. The God of Swallowing Camel is the second master of the Northern Sect of Demon Sect, second only to Yin Tianchou, the leader of the Dharma Protector Sect.

Even when Yin Tianchou held a meeting, he was appointed by default as the leader of the next generation of Dharma Protector Sect to protect the Northern Sect of Demon Sect.

With a flick of Han Hui's sleeve, phantoms of the fourteen portals rushed out of his body and formed three feet in front of him.


There was a loud hum, and the whole plane trembled.

Han Hui remained motionless, standing upright in the void, like the only ruler of the world, even if the sky was swallowed, he still stood upright!

Tuntian Camel God's expression changed when he saw Yitun Wugong. He never thought that a mere Holy Son could be so tyrannical.

Could it be that all the masters of the Southern Sect really came back?If that's the case, it's really terrible, not to mention him, even Yin Tianchou has to stay away.

Han Hui reached out and grabbed the camel god in the sky: "You are the god of swallowing camels? The second master of Beizong! It's really good, I can create a more powerful demon if I take you in!"

The God of Swallowing Camel's eyes flashed red, his body shuttled instantly, the hump on his back thundered like a war drum, and there were explosions in the sky and the earth.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

One sound of war drums was beating in the void, and every sound shattered the void. Every sound turned the world upside down. When the first drum sounded, Han Hui felt the space in front of him explode. The huge force made his body explode. Dreamland is unstable.

With a shake of his body, countless runes in his heart shot up into the sky, intertwined with the bright moon hanging above, forming a picture of the sky net including the bright moon.

The power was mobilized to the extreme, and the whole mind became clear instantly, allowing the already scattered national space to gather again.

It is impossible to defeat the fantasy kingdom with only the power of the God of Swallowing Camels, but it is not easy to guarantee the hundreds of millions of people in it.

Han Hui secretly made up his mind that he must raise the level of the people inside as soon as possible, let them contribute to stabilize the country, not to protect them every time he fights.

However, to improve these people, Hanhui can do it. The most important thing is to manage these people. They must let these people believe in themselves. The best management method is belief.

If these were fighting each other inside, let alone [-] million loose immortals, even [-] million Qi practitioners would be enough to make Han Hui's head swell.


A thunderous roar erupted amidst rumbling drums. This roar did not come from the God of Swallowing Camel, but from the Dreamland.

Three sword lights shot out, one knife representing all kinds of celestial phenomena, one knife representing all things on the earth, and one knife representing everything about human relationships!

Heaven, earth and man's three talented sword skills!

This is Hanhui's sword cutting with the power of his mind, after he understood the mysteries of the rules of heaven, earth and people. Of course, the power of the sword was fully launched by hundreds of thousands of golden core masters.

There has never been such a great power between heaven and earth, it can tear everything, cut everything, and kill everything!

Tuntian Camel God showed panic on his face, his eyes were wide open, and the flesh on his cheeks trembled with fear. This knife covered the world and pierced everything, making him inescapable!

At their level, it is difficult to kill them with pure power. They have mastered some of the secrets of the Heavenly Dao, and if they want to escape, it is difficult to really keep them.

Last time when he was fishing on the island, the power he unleashed was enough to kill the heavens, but he was also escaped by the fisherman in the South China Sea.

This Sky Swallowing Camel God was obviously much stronger than the Nanhai Diao Ke. With one bite, the hump on his back swelled, making the sound of war drums, and he could simply sweep away all experts.

Cui Zhongqing and Young Master Xie Xing, who were able to kill the master of thunder robbery six times, were both shocked and unable to continue fighting just because of the short distance.

"What kind of saber technique is this? How could there be such a saber technique and such power in the heaven and earth?" Tuntian Camel God roared in horror.

Three saber lights flashed across his body, instantly turning into everything in the world, and the number of saber lights like stars suddenly appeared.

The Three Lives and Myriad Things will crush the God of Swallowing Camels!

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