forbidden place

Chapter 505 Capture the Evil Star

() Cui Zhongqing has followed Hanhui for so many years, and the two have already connected with each other. When the God of Swallowing Camel came, the son of the evil star was ecstatic, and he was also ecstatic. Devouring such a master will definitely bring him one step closer!

Seeing a generation of camel gods, the second master of the Northern Sect of the Demon Sect, and the future leader of the Dharma Protector Sect turned into thousands of shreds of meat, the primordial spirit was also perished by the three talented swordsmanship, heaven, earth, human beings, and they did not escape, that is, they became invisible.

The reason why Han Hui used all his strength to use the three-talented sword technique is because of this reason that the Yuanshen did not let the Tuntian Camel God escape, and all of them were absorbed by Cui Zhongqing, who had just become a complete demon king.

In this way, coupled with the previous accumulation, and Cui Zhongqing's ability to blast and kill the Thunder Tribulation six times, coupled with the devouring Tianming Demon Lord, the rules of the Demon Lord have been perfected, and it can definitely go one step further, so that it can be easily bombarded and killed. Seven thunder tribulations, against the level of eight thunder tribulations, by self-explosion, even the masters who can kill eight thunder tribulations, against the top powers of nine thunder tribulations.

At that time, he had a top-notch helper. Whether it was dealing with the invasion of hell or the Emperor Jigen, he was a little more confident.

After using the Sancai sword technique, Han Hui felt a deep weakness from the depths of his soul, and the restraints wrapped in the bright moon above his heart descended disturbingly and returned to the depths of his heart.

This kind of weakness is the weakness of the soul. The three talents accommodate all phenomena of heaven, earth and people, and wiped out the soul of an eight-time thunder master in an instant. The consumption of the heart can be imagined.

The sword light that killed the God of Swallowing Camel also took a lot of energy from Han Hui. Hundreds of thousands of Jindan masters attacked and killed through the gate of the nine heavens. Condensed into three.

Otherwise, such a tyrannical force would be enough to destroy the Nine Heavens Gate, and even destroy the Sage Map of the Way of War!

However, it's not time to rest yet, Han Hui's body moved, and Liu Mian walked out of the dreamland holding the yin and yang gourd in his hands. The gourd shook, and the yin and yang two airflows swirled, blasting and killing many Sanxian masters .

At the same time, the extension of the country, the dream of thousands of miles, wrapped the evil star's holy son, this is the real big head, with him, a holy king can be created!

Submitting a holy king, a demon king, Han Hui can create miracles that have never been seen in ancient times!

After entering the fantasy kingdom, even if Han Hui is haggard in heart, there is no problem. With a thought, the power of the whole kingdom is suppressed.

Xie Xing Shengzi just felt his eyes go dark, as if the sky and the earth collapsed instantly, his body was crushed to the ground, as if the demon god personally shot him and pressed him to the ground with a slap.

With his mouth kissing the earth in the kingdom of dreams, he breathed in the extremely abundant vitality between the heaven and the earth, and the eyes of the son of the evil star, who was constantly struggling, were red.

"What's going on here? Where is this? How could the God of Swallowing Camel die? Even the masters of the nine thunder tribulations couldn't kill him. Why didn't he come to save me!" the son of the evil star roared angrily.

"This is my country, son of the evil star, surrender to me, and I will make you a holy king!" Han Hui's figure appeared in front of him.

The vitality between heaven and earth frantically gathered towards Han Hui, nourishing and nourishing his body. In the fantasy kingdom, Han Hui is the only god.

A single thought can kill the Holy Son of the Evil Star without moving a hand, and suppress him to death, just like a giant pressing down on a grasshopper.

Cui Zhongqing turned into a big blood cocoon again, suspended in the dreamland, and thunderbolts flickered and bombarded around the blood cocoon.

This is the thunder array arranged by Hanhui, absorbing the thunder energy in the vitality of heaven and earth, condensing it into divine thunder, bombarding Cui Zhongqing's body, enlivening his blood and speeding up his absorption.

Thunder Palace was able to help him before, but with the growth of his strength, the effect of Thunder Palace became less and less obvious, so Han Hui came up with such a trick.

Outside, Liu Mian showed his supernatural power, and the yin and yang qi circulated, encircling many masters. When his body flickered, he seemed to become a god controlling yin and yang, attacking these people.

None of these people can survive six thunder disasters, the highest level is only five times. Liu Mian can definitely kill the masters of six thunder disasters with the yin and yang gourd, and it is no problem to resist seven lightning strikes .

With a light tap of a finger, an old man dressed as a Taoist priest with a sinister face was blown away, and a large amount of blood shot out from his body.

Then, the yin-yang gourd trembled in the void, and the old man was captured on the spot. The friends around him stretched out their hands to grab him, and Liu Mian sprayed out a sword light from his mouth.

The man's palm did not have time to avoid the sword light, and collided with the sword light. With a "shua", the sword light penetrated the palm and cut the palm in two.

That's all, a destructive sword energy surged along the meridians and flowed towards his whole body. At this moment, everyone panicked, jumping and jumping one by one, urging the rules, trying to escape from this dangerous place , in their view, it must be the return of all the masters of the Demon Sect Southern Sect.

Otherwise, how could a dozen of them come here, as well as the God of Swallowing Camels, a legend of the Northern Sect, be defeated?

It's a pity that with their means, they can't even escape now. They are blocked by the black and white airflow one by one, and they are kept behind by large nets and cages one by one.

Seeing the end of the battle outside, these people were pressed into the fantasy kingdom, and a light spot wrapped them up, like thin bamboo poles and short fat people, and suppressed them into the deepest part of the kingdom. convenient.

Evil Star Son: "You yourself are just a Holy Son. How can I become a Holy King if I surrender to you? Bone Son, I, the Evil Star Son, can be killed but not humiliated!"

"Hahaha, Holy Son of the Evil Star? Since when did your Demon Sect produce a powerful Holy Son like me? Can kill a master who is at the peak of Thunder Tribulation eight times?" Han Hui said with a smile.

The Son of the Evil Star was stunned: "Are you not the Son of God? Impossible, although your supernatural powers far exceed the standards of the Son of God, but the aura of the Son of God on your body is in line with mine, so it is impossible to deceive me!"

"Really? Then look at who this is?" As he spoke, a figure staggered and appeared next to the Son of the Evil Star who was lying on the ground and desperately looking up.

"Son of Bones!"

It's not like I don't know, but I was startled. As soon as the real body of the Bone Son appeared, the Evil Star Son felt the true essence in his body being aroused, and a throbbing of the soul came from the depths of his heart.

This is the real Son of the Bone. When he didn't see the Son of the Bone, he felt that Han Hui was the Son of the Bone because of the problem of the original induction.

After seeing the Son of the Bone, one can immediately tell the difference, one is to really get the source, and the other is to steal the source.

"Now do you decide to take refuge with me? Son of the Evil Star!" Han Hui said with a smile.

"Hey, take refuge in you? The Son of Evil Star didn't expect you to fall into his hands. We only have Sons who stand dead in our Demon Sect, and there are no Sons who kneel down to survive!" Son of Evil Star has not yet answered, Saint Bone The son has already said with a bah.

"How? Holy Son of the Evil Star? As long as you submit to me, I will kill the bone body and make you the Holy King of the Demon Sect. You will dominate the world. No matter what the Dharma Protector religion is, you will be a fart in front of you!" Han Hui ignored Son of Bone, instead said to Son of Evil Star.

Xie Xing Shengzi's heart moved, and he wanted to pretend to agree, but suddenly he thought of Cui Zhongqing's loyal appearance, and his heart suddenly shuddered. < Ren's servant, Han Hui asked him to surrender, so he killed the Bone Saint Son for him. There must be some unknown means.

Han Hui made him submit, even if he relied on the control of the ban, he could also open his heart and completely control him with the imprint in his heart, and he could kill him with a single thought in his mind.

"Hmph, it's absolutely impossible to want me to surrender!" Son of the Evil Star said through gritted teeth.

"Haha, only one of the two of you can survive, think about it for yourself, it really won't work, I let this Demon Lord devour you, when the time comes, the Demon Sect Saint King and the Demon Lord will merge into one, maybe you will become a high-ranking Demon God! "Han Hui pointed at Cui Zhongqing and said.

Both of them were furious: "How dare you blaspheme the demon god, you will be tortured forever in hell, and your soul will never be reborn!"

"Hahaha, we are in hell now, and the whole world will be in hell in the future!" Han Hui said with a smile.

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