In the middle of the night, in Nuo Da's living room, the only sound was Guo Zhenbei's quiet snoring.Yang Yanzi, who looked focused, didn't seem to be affected by him.She focused her eyes on the materials sorted out in front of her, and her slender fingers moved quickly on the keyboard.

As her research progressed, the details leading up to the end times were outlined by the international events that took place during the year.

In the early morning of December 12, 12, the Fusang Empire suddenly announced to the outside world.The world's largest "Biosphere Project" will be carried out by the Fuso Empire alone. The goal is to demonstrate the possibility of human future interstellar colonization, and the results will be provided to countries around the world for free!

But because it is a top-secret research project, scholars from any country will not be invited to participate.Such research will naturally set off an uproar in the world's scientific and political circles.This is especially true for the United States, which has always been interested in outer space exploration.

But even though the economic high pressure and diplomatic offensive carried out by many interested countries for three consecutive months did not affect the determination of the Fusang Empire, they still insisted on carrying out this top-secret project alone.

In April 13, the Fuso Empire began to use foreign exchange to purchase a large amount of strategic resources such as crude oil, metals, and grain.

This makes people have bad associations, and some countries in the international community have questioned it.Then the Fusang Empire sent people to the United Nations to explain, indicating that the reason for their procurement is that the "large-scale biosphere" plan requires more resources.

At that meeting, the U.S. government issued its strongest warning to the Fuso Empire.At the same time, personnel were sent to conduct weapons inspections to ensure that the Fusang Empire would not engage in nuclear weapons in violation of the post-war regulations.The warning was backed by a majority of the United Nations, including Russia and China.

Unexpectedly, the Fusang Empire seems to be calm.Except for the "large-scale biosphere" project, any scientific research department and other research departments are fully open to the inspection team of the United Nations, which is composed of the United States, Britain, Russia, France, and China.

According to international reports, although the Fuso Empire has the ability to manufacture nuclear weapons, it has no intention of developing them at all.And in the end, the Fuso Empire allowed it, and an independent observer composed of American scholars checked the specific implementation of the "large-scale biosphere" plan.

Regardless of the outcome, both the United States and the Fuso Empire remained silent.It's just that the inspectors assured the world that the Fuso Empire had no intention of manufacturing nuclear weapons at all, and there was no possibility of the revival of militarism.

In September 13 years after the inspection, the world became crazier and weirder.

There are reports that the Fuso Empire appears to be preparing for war.Outside all the buildings in China, fences with a height of 3.5 meters and a thickness of 1 meter have been installed.All houses must be equipped with strong protective railings.

At the same time, the military enterprises in the Fuso Empire are rapidly increasing the production of light weapons and ammunition storage, and increasing the procurement and storage of natural resources.Moreover, all the youths of the Fusang Empire have undergone light weapons shooting and simple field survival and military training.

It seems that the war is on the verge of happening, and all countries in the world have stopped watching and discussing.Most of them started quietly, some kind of war preparations.At the same time, the three aircraft carrier battle groups of the U.S. Navy fleet headed for Guam and announced a six-month military mission, inviting navies including Russia, China, the United Kingdom, and France to carry out a mission called "Peace Mission." exercise.

When the three U.S. aircraft carrier battle groups and the Chinese aircraft carrier battle group appeared on the stage at the same time, it aroused the cheers of "amazing" from military enthusiasts all over the world.The nuclear-powered aircraft carrier of the United States, as well as the fourth-generation stealth fighters of various countries, various helicopters, and other combat systems are all dazzling.

At the same time, it seems that the five countries are also mentioning that they have more in-depth access to the substantive in-depth military exchanges.Even the U.S. government allows Chinese citizens to visit the interior space of the Washington-class aircraft carrier stationed in Guam.

This is of course good news for the world.At this time, some international commentators said that this was the cooperative attitude of the United States, Britain, France, China, and Russia, and in a sense, it was also the gospel of mankind.

This massive military exercise has attracted the attention of all walks of life in the world.The display of various new weapons, as well as the demeanor of celebrities from all over the world, immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the world.

However, in the early hours of December 13, 12, when this exercise, which attracted the attention of the world, suddenly stopped.

The European and American fleets withdrew to Guam, while the Chinese and Russian fleets returned home quickly separately.Then there was a complete blackout of news, first on the Internet, then on television and radio.China declared a state of emergency and at the same time issued a national mobilization order.Radio and television, however, showed no hostility towards any outside nation.

On December 13th, the sudden announcement of nationwide martial law and curfew made people speculate that the war may not be far away.When residents in coastal cities planned to start snapping up necessities, the state also began to distribute emergency food, medicine, and boxes and barrels of drinking water for free.

Compared with the densely populated coastal areas, H County in the northwest is still calm as usual.As for food, as mentioned above, which family does not have several thousand catties of wheat stored.The process of urbanization has not cut off the relationship between people who have been in the city for less than 10 years and their own small mountain villages.

Just like Guo Zhenbei, when a disaster happened, the first thing he thought of was going back to his home in the small mountain village.

Suppose, if he really took Yang Yanzi and Xiao Ah Liang back to that small mountain village, facing the surplus food in the village, they would definitely not go hungry.Therefore, County H didn't even organize the distribution of food, emergency food, and medicine.Only the police patrol the streets, and they are only equipped with the simplest 9mm police gun.

This is less than 13 hours since the zombie virus disaster broke out on the afternoon of December 12, 21.However, the information obtained by Stefanie Yang is obviously not limited to the period when the military exercises are stopped.

It can be seen from those videos that during these 24 hours, European and American countries have been transporting weapons, ammunition, troops, as well as medicine and food to their cities.The members of the American National Police returned to the establishment and began to perform duties in various cities. At the same time, the Russian side also started a national mobilization.The Fusang Empire also sent teams of soldiers to enter the various buildings.

The soldiers were all heavily armed and wore gas masks and anti-biochemical combat suits.This suggests that they appear to know the precise timing of the outbreak.However, at the end of Stefanie Yang's data summary and analysis, she wrote such a puzzling sentence.

"Although the Fusang Empire knew about the outbreak of the virus, they were not the instigators of the disaster!... But it is certain that the end of the world will begin on December 12, 12!"

This conclusion is probably not wrong, but who caused the disaster is still a mystery!


"Vertical and horizontal first release, please support the genuine reading and the author's creation" does not laugh


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