The black night is like the world of the last days.Everything becomes incomprehensible, and all normal people seem to be a little abnormal.Just like Yang Yanzi, a home girl, seems to be no longer normal.

With a skillful one-button shutdown, the uncomfortable sitting posture that was originally upright suddenly eased up.There was an expression on her face that didn't suit her cold, almost impersonal eyes.

This dream-like expression was fleeting, and Yang Yanzi's eyes showed obvious disgust.And this disgusted gaze extended to Guo Zhenbei who was calling out to the side, and then she returned to her bedside with Xiao Ah Liang.

Little Ah Liang, who was frightened during the day, curled up, hugging Stefanie Yang's little stuffed bear, with tears that did not freeze on her little face.This scene warmed Yang Yanzi's gaze after being cold all night.Immediately, she recalled the memories she had read, especially when she heard about Xiao Ah Liang's grandpa's sexual experience, it was a real experience.

Stefanie Yang's reaction was totally different from Stefanie Yang, the nervous and talkative house girl.She tilted her head, her cold eyes softened, and even unconsciously smiled.But when she whispered to herself, what she said was even more confusing.

"With that natural man who has not received any training, they can't escape! Although he is a kind person, he doesn't have any survival skills needed. He needs keen eyesight, flexible reflexes, and enough courage!"

them?Could it be that they are talking about Guo Zhenbei and Xiao Ah Liang?Isn't Stefanie Yang planning to escape?According to her words, there is not much error in Guo Zhenbei's conclusion at the moment.Although he can play a bow, he is already better than most ordinary people.But of course he will not have the same quality as a soldier, and at this time, is there a better choice than the quality of a soldier for survival.

Although there have been many strange things this night, it is not over yet, at least it seems that Stefanie Yang does not intend to end.In a blink of an eye, I saw my mobile phone, although the mobile phone signal had already been interrupted at this time.Most people's mobile phones have already died, but this matter is not a problem for Stefanie Yang.

Her eyes flickered again, and she made up her mind again, this time it was no longer the desktop computer outside.Instead, he sat on the table and opened another notebook that he found out from nowhere.Even on such a cold day, she didn't sit under the covers.Sitting on the edge of the bed in her pajamas, she could only hear her fingers moving her head quickly on the keyboard.

That's not surprising, but what was even more strange was that at last she picked up the microphone, and then she let out a sound that some people's ears could hardly distinguish.The sound was like the noise of a radio, with a low whistling with extremely strong penetrating ability.

If someone like Guo Zhenbei heard it, he would definitely ask with a frown.

"Is that a human voice?"

Stefanie Yang was constantly busy, apparently she was recording some kind of voice, and she hardly even noticed that the sky had already shown a gloomy dawn.Finally, the file was copied to the mobile phone, and then it was placed on top of Guo Zhenbei's head, and the small earphones were hung on Guo Zhenbei's ears.


It's always uncomfortable to hang something on your ear.Guo Zhenbei made an impatient sound, raised his arms and paddled carelessly.It looked as if she was about to wake up, but Yang Yanzi lowered her head and uttered some extremely low but penetrating voices into his ears.

The sound made Guo Zhenbei fall into a deep sleep again, his head tilted and motionless like a dead body.

Yang Yanzi who raised her head again looked like a vampire who had lived for thousands of years.Especially the cold non-human eyes, if Guo Zhenbei saw this at night, he probably wouldn't dare to open the door even if he was killed.

After doing all this, Yang Yanzi's cold gaze suddenly disappeared.Then, seeing the first ray of light that came through between the curtains, she stretched without affectation.Afterwards, she acted like someone who just woke up from an uncomfortable night's sleep.One hand rubbed his neck, and the other rubbed his tear-filled eyes.

"Oh my god, I slept through the night...!"

Listen to the laziness of complaining, Miss Yang came back without asking us.Looking at her appearance, she seemed to have no idea what happened that night.

After rubbing her neck and beating her waist, she seemed to remember where she was.When she saw Guo Zhenbei who was still lying there, she covered her mouth with an "ah" in shock.Then he hugged his shoulders, looking surprised as if he had done something shameful.

"Wow... my god... oh my god, I'm sleepwalking again... I... I'm not going to sleep next to him all night, oh my god..."

It was around this time that Stefanie Yang, who was nervous and confused, remembered to check her clothes and body.Then he patted his chest, looking relieved.

"Well, it's okay!"

Immediately, he squinted his eyes in black and white, and looked at Guo Zhenbei with hatred, as if he wanted to suck his blood.

"Hmph, it's all the bastard's fault. If he hadn't slept in the living room, I wouldn't have slept next to him all night. Oh, my neck... I'm at a loss... Hmph... Dead guy..."

The eyes that were closed back again gave off a sly light, and then reached out to turn on the computer that had just been shut down for a while.In the flashlight, a headshot was taken of Guo Zhenbei, who fell into a deep sleep at the moment and was so asleep that he couldn't even snore.

With a certain kind of smug smile, Yang Yanzi "woke up" early in the morning. When she came out of the kitchen, there was a plastic cutting board with Guo Zhenbei's photo posted on the color laser printer just now.In the other hand, she was holding the crossbow that Guo Zhenbei had modified for her.

When she returned to the living room and saw Guo Zhenbei who was still asleep, she couldn't help grinning and frowning again.

"This guy looks big and thick, but what if he is narrow-minded. What if he gets angry and doesn't take me away, oops..."

Fix the plastic cutting board to the wall casually, it is estimated that it will be used as a target.Back to the kitchen again, and then there was a messy sound.The plate fell to the ground and shattered, and the burnt oil slammed on the stove and caught fire.In the messy voice, Yang Yanzi, who used the pot cover as a shield, escaped from the kitchen, and then "killed" back against the fire in the kitchen.

After a long battle, there were three servings of food on the table.The same is the simplest milk, fried eggs and bread.Yang Yanzi, who had some black oil marks on her face, looked at the three servings of food. Among them, the fried egg and milk with the best "quality" were put aside, and she swallowed her saliva while looking at the second serving.

"Forget it, leave it to this bad guy, the last share..."

Seeing the poor, thoroughly fried egg in front of her, Yang Yanzi stretched her neck and gritted her teeth.

"Oh, this is the end of the world. A great man once said that waste is shameful. I am not a shameful person..."

Frowning, she put the mushy fried egg into her mouth, and the next moment Stefanie Yang screamed.

"So bitter!"

Suffering from chatterbox, Yang Yanzi rushed into the bathroom.

I have to say that this night was really wonderful and lively!


"Vertical and horizontal first release, please support the genuine reading and the author's creation" does not laugh


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