golden scales

119 The Man Wins the Bet Under the Horse's Hoof

In the dense fog in the early morning, the tents outside Ruyang City were as quiet as ever, even the lights were no more than yesterday, and there was no sign that a war was imminent.In this tranquility, there is an undercurrent lurking.The officers in the big red jackets were pushing the sleeping captain from camp to camp, repeating in a low voice: "The whole team."

The captains who were awakened only recognized the star badge on the officer's shoulder, turned over and stood up, quickly put on their clothes, and then patted the comrades around them one by one, repeating: "The whole team!"

Since ancient times, in order to prevent their own soldiers from making noise, the sneak attacking party has to hold a piece of wood the length of chopsticks.Although the Donggong Guard Battalion has strict drills, it cannot guarantee that no accident will happen to every soldier. Biting something in the mouth can prevent unintentional exclamations, and it can also relieve a certain amount of psychological pressure.For professional soldiers 400 years later, night battles are high-end military operations, not to mention in this era of "blindfolding".

Especially tonight, the sky is gloomy, there is only a mass of thick ink between the sky and the earth, only scattered lights like will-o'-the-wisps, which are the bright posts of the camps of both sides.As for the ambush soldiers on the way, they absolutely don't like such things as light.

"Wake up! Wake up, fourth child! The whole team!" The captain patted heavily on the thick black flesh, and his palms were slightly numb from the waves of flesh.

Liu Laosi kicked his legs, his head was still a little dazed, he held his breath and said, "Wake up, wake up!" Before he finished speaking, a cold wooden sign was stuffed into his mouth. A soldier's badge hanging around his neck.In addition to the soldier's name, age, physical appearance, and serial number, there is also a "blood type" that was hastily engraved on it recently, which seems to be a new thing made by Qingshan Doctor under the guidance of His Royal Highness.

Liu Laosi was shocked, and finally remembered the meaning of the whole team.Emergency assembly at night in the battalion was his weakness, but it was only because his hands and feet were slow and he slept soundly. However, he was not worried about the whole team, because the standard of this assessment was "quiet and silent", not simply quick reaction.

——Is the trainer messing around again?

Liu Laosi has a famous brand in his mouth, and gradually adapts to the darkness before dawn.He glanced at his comrades-in-arms around him, and they all put on their clothes quietly.At this time, we can see the importance of the training officer repeatedly asking everyone to fold the clothes, which greatly avoids the situation of not being able to find the clothes.

He put on his clothes at his fastest speed, but he still fell on the tail of the whole team.Those comrades who woke up later than him had already put on their fat jackets, and filed out one by one, taking their weapons from the weapon rack at the entrance of the camp.Liu Laosi soon discovered that it was not because the training officer was just tossing around, because the fire soldiers of the team had already brought the burden.

In the baskets at both ends of the shoulder pole, there are equipment belonging to Liu Laosi, including leather armor, chain armor and cotton armor from the inside to the outside.There are only two people in the whole team who have such special treatment, and that is the rattan card player and the buckler player.

As the rattan card player at the front of the queue, he must be strong and strong, and use a square rattan card as high as a person to cover his comrades behind him, so that the spearman can assassinate the spearman and shield soldier on the opposite side from the gap.Of course, I haven't heard of any rogues using mandarin duck formations, so the opposite is often directly facing pikemen, or refugees with sticks in their hands - purely using these poor people with lifeless lives as pawns to disrupt the enemy's formation, Don't care about their life or death.

"Fourth brother, this time we are really going to fight!" The round shield players of the same team were wearing cotton clothes, not armor.

The rattan player and the round shield player are the Great Wall of Human Flesh in field battles, and they must be able to stand firmly and stop them.Like the heavy infantry in the Song Dynasty, they also had to wear full body armor, with a layer of cowhide light armor on the inside, and then a layer of chain mail made of refined iron.Chain mail can effectively defend against arrows and sharp thorns, but it is somewhat weak against machetes and blunt attacks, so cotton armor should be put on the outside.

The cotton armor of the Ming army is decorated with iron plates inside the cotton coat.It is said to be cotton armor, but it is actually iron armor, which is used to defend against attacks by knives, axes, and even hammers.This cotton armor is really soft on the outside and strong on the inside, with high defensive power and extra warmth, which is preferred by the Eastern Captives and North Korea.On the contrary, there are not many people in the Qi family army from the south who like cotton armor, and ordinary soldiers often only wear chain mail to fight.

In the Eastern Palace Guards Battalion, except for the rattan card players and the round shield players who wore triple armor, the other soldiers also wore mail armor or cotton armor depending on the weather conditions. As for the fire soldiers in the team, they only wore a collar of leather armor.

Considering that the shield bearer has to charge forward and bear the initial sharp attack, the weight of the triple armor is really not light, so the firemen usually carry the march, and only wear the full set when they are going to fight.

Liu Laosi stretched out his palm as big as a cattail fan, held up his bright helmet, gently stroked the tassels and colored flags on the bright helmet, and said in a low voice: "We eat meat and food, isn't this the day we've been waiting for!"

"Yes!" The round shield player can be regarded as the deputy of the rattan card player. Not only do the two have to practice with the team, but they also usually have separate joint training, and the relationship is very deep.The mandarin duck formation focuses on the upright and strange changes, and cooperates with each other to support each other. The two teams in the same team must cooperate tacitly, which mainly falls on the two "city walls" at the front.

"The whole team!" The suppressed voice and anger interrupted the conversation between the two. It was the captain of the team.

Behind the captain, a pair of cold eyes fixed on Liu Lao Si, who was a passing military judge.

Liu Laosi looked at the white-backed black "Xian" cloth hoop on the military judge's arm, and felt terrified for no reason. He quickly put his name tag in his mouth and stood up.As soon as he stood still, the whole team had its own position, and soon formed a queue according to the requirements of the law.

The captain waited for the military judge to leave, stepped forward and kicked Laosi Liu hard, covered his mouth with one hand, and cursed in a low voice: "Donkey bastard! If you are willing to die, he will be willing to chop! If you dare to violate military discipline, be careful! head!"

Liu Laosi lowered his head, but Captain Ren scolded him a few words.Speaking of which, although the captain is not polite to people, especially for the soldiers who were born as trackers, he always thinks that the miners are the best soldiers, but the training officer said that Liu Laosi is not suitable to be a rattan player. The captain went to talk for a long time before pushing him from the fire soldier to the rattan player.

Rattan players have one more egg per day than other soldiers, and there is no limit to dry food until they are full.For only Liu Laosi, this is far more important than any other treatment.As the saying goes, "Half a child, eat me to death", Liu Laosi didn't have enough food for the first time until he became a rattan player, and it was the first time he didn't wake up hungry in the middle of the night.From this point alone, he was full of gratitude to the captain, and he would never resist beating or scolding.

The captain just cursed secretly, he himself is only a sergeant chief, not an officer, if he is heard by a military judge, he will be killed in front of the battle to maintain military discipline.He looked up at the dark sky, only the distant fire could prove that he was not blind.

--How long we have to wait?

The captain couldn't help beating the drums in his heart. He had never conducted such a sneak attack drill at night before, and it was a bit uncertain.

Since it was a surprise attack, neither the lights nor the military drums could be used, so how could the orders be passed on?The captain was puzzled.Although His Royal Highness the Crown Prince came from the Taiwei Star, do those military officers who are from the bottom line really know how to fight?This is different from private fights in the countryside!

"Pull the rope and follow." A low voice came from the front.

Before the captain could clearly see the face of the visitor, someone grabbed his hand and pressed it on a long hemp rope.Only then did he discover that the man's tall back was originally carrying a coil of rope, and he was touching the side to the back, pulling out a "rope path".With the guidance of the rope, the captain felt relieved immediately, and asked vaguely, "Leave now?"

"Shh, follow the front." The man simply replied and continued to walk back.

The mandarin duck formation is a vertical formation, and the soldiers have long been accustomed to marching in line.The team on the outside moved forward in an orderly manner under the rules of the hemp rope, and the team on the inside only needed to identify the people around them.Two such ropes have been pulled up on the originally narrow official road, allowing three teams to advance at the same time.Every fifty steps, a military judge held a rope and stared at the soldiers like wooden stakes, which not only ensured the height of the rope, but also ensured that no one dared to speak secretly. (To be continued.)

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