golden scales

120 The Man Wins the Bet Under the Horse's Hoof

Liu Laosi felt the rope and counted the number of military judges passing by.He heard that military judges have now expanded their manpower, and the chiefs of various ministries recommend meticulously trained and resolute soldiers to join them. Officially they are called military police, but in private everyone still calls them "military judges". It means an officer.

Most of these military judges wearing arm bands with the word "Xian" are military police.

Liu Laosi thought to himself.Just as he was thinking, the person in front suddenly walked slower.

The team walking in front of Liu Laosi raised a hand sideways to signal Liu Laosi behind him to slow down.Liu Laosi took another two steps forward slowly, and stopped, and there were also slight noises after stopping from behind.No one knew where they were going, let alone why they had to stop, but months of disciplinary training made them firmly obey orders.

Soon someone came down from the middle of the two teams and stuffed dry food into the hands of the soldiers on both sides.Liu Laosi tried his best to open his eyes wide, and through the faint blue-purple sky light, he saw clearly that the man was a civilian husband in the camp.

While distributing dry food, the man said dryly, "Eat it while it's hot." Before the voice drifted two steps away, the man had already moved forward and left.

Liu Laosi lightly squeezed the pancakes given to him. It was already cold, but fortunately it hadn't hardened yet, but he didn't know where the "hotness" of "eat it while it's hot" was.He took off the coconut scoop on the belt, removed the plug, took a big bite of the biscuits, and poured a mouthful of cold water.The cold food and cold water refreshed him, and the three points of drowsiness he had felt during the journey disappeared immediately.

After resting on the spot for a while, the darkest moment before dawn finally passed, the sky gradually changed from thick black to purple, and then revealed a white light like the belly of a dead fish.Yelu had already wetted her clothes and pants, but when the sun came out, she realized that there were clouds of thick white mist between the sky and the earth.

——With such a thick fog, no one can see even if a fire is made to cook.

Liu Laosi was still a little worried about the cold food of "eat it while it's hot", and he groaned in his heart.

In this thick fog, the team in front quickly moved again, and finally had to leave again.


"All bureaus should be in place." She An stood in front of the chief tent, with dewdrops hanging on the fish scale armor on her body, and it rustled to the ground with a light shake.

He has stood outside since he ordered the night march, holding the binoculars given by the elders of the clan, trying hard to see the east direction of his troops.However, the dark night completely swallowed up the traces of the army's actions, which made him feel a little relieved in spite of disappointment—his family members couldn't see it, let alone the enemy army.

"Boss, marching at night is still a bit risky." The training officer asked in a low voice.

"I've come this far, what's the point of saying that." She An forcefully pushed back.

At first glance, the trainer looks like a military supervisor, but in fact he has very little power.Just like the story of the donkey in Guizhou, the chief officers of each team were in awe of these "supervisors" at the beginning, but after a long time, they found that these people were just eunuchs with a reputation of eunuchs and had no power as a powerful official. As a subordinate, he is not as cautious as he was at first.

Seeing that the chief officer was unhappy, the trainer quickly apologized, "That's what a humble job says. The general uses his troops like a god, so there must be nothing wrong with him."

She An frowned: "I'm just making a decision, and this specific plan is also the idea of ​​the staff." People must stick together in a dangerous environment.The staff system provides these officers who have never fought a battle the opportunity to form a group and use brainstorming to make up for their lack of experience.

Both the training officer and the military judge will attend the military meeting, but they will not express their opinions.Seeing that She An was not very talkative today, the eunuch didn't say much, but just looked at the opposite hillside.

That hillside was facing the flank of the intruder's camp, if the two armies were fighting in full swing, if a surprise soldier came down from the hill and tore apart the intruder's camp from the side, the intruder would surely collapse.

Not only the burglars, but She An never believed that in such a pincer attack there would be capable soldiers who could hold their ground.The problem is that there is also a stockade of a hundred people set up by intruders on this small hill, and it will never be given up to the officers and soldiers in vain.The only way is to send troops around the back of the hill at night. When the army is attacking the enemy's camp head-on, the strange soldiers on the mountain will rush out, first pull out the enemy's small camp, and then kill the whole team from the mountain.

If the situation is unfavorable, this move can turn things around.If the battle goes well, this move can defeat the intruder faster, and even directly cross the enemy camp to cut off the intruder's retreat.

Although some staff members suggested that this tactic should not be the task of the vanguard.The mission of our department is only to fight the enemy, find out the truth, and provide the army with combat power data for deduction.Otherwise, who would believe that one guard of the East Palace can beat ten intruders?As the prince has always said, mastering information is the key to victory. The current battle is precisely to obtain enough information, not simply win.

As the chief military officer, She An, as long as he nodded and signed the military order, no one in the Fifth Division could disobey him.The opinions of the staff are only opinions after all, and cannot replace the role of the chief officer.It is even more difficult for these clerks and staff officers who were born in the army to understand She An's desire for this battle.

Only by winning this battle with dignity, can Pioneer Division truly deserve its name, and no one will speak strange things behind its back!

——It’s just three hundred against one thousand, so there’s nothing to be afraid of!

Although She An thought so in her heart, when it came to this number, she was unavoidably a little apprehensive.Originally, he fought more with less, and with his excellent military training, he was able to retreat completely after contact and obtain data on the combat effectiveness of the enemy, which is no longer easy.But he is not willing to do this, he wants to win more with less, make dangerous moves, and fight a beautiful battle of annihilation!

This time, the division of troops not only had to travel overnight, but also captured a small village as quickly as possible. The task was not light.And the remaining two rounds have to undertake the task of main frontal attack, at least to ensure that they can withstand the enemies four times their size before the surprise soldiers appear.

——Sigh, Xiao Mo transferred Zhen Feiyu out, and he was asked to be in charge of responding when the war was imminent... Shouldn't he be returned to the fifth division system!

She An Zeng and Zhen Feiyu were good friends when they were in Jinyiwei, and after entering the Eastern Palace Guard Camp, they were also the same level as Baizong.It's just that later She An took over the position of the fifth division chief, while Zhen Feiyu was still the leader of the hundred games.After arriving in Ruyang, Xiao Mo transferred Zhen Feiyu away, and there were only three soldiers in the Fifth Division.As a result, when the attack was launched this time, Zhen Feiyubu also responded to the Fifth Pioneer Division with a reading attitude, and did not return to the establishment.

Now She An can't wait to break one person into two and use one, how can she not be worried about it.

"In such a thick fog, I'm afraid you can't see the smoke and fire?" the training officer muttered in a low voice, feeling uneasy.He has no military experience, but he also knows that the purpose of the division of troops is a joint attack. Since it is a joint attack, there must be an agreement signal.Generally speaking, setting fire at night and setting smoke during the day is a relatively common method of remote communication, but it is also affected by the weather.

Fortunately, although the fog was heavy, it did not rain for two days.

"We don't use fireworks as a sign." She An's mood suddenly improved, and she turned around and pointed to the big clock in the tent: "We use that."

"Taixi Iron Bell?" The trainer was taken aback for a moment, and then he was surprised: "In general, we have discussed the time with the game on the mountain, and each fights his own?"

She An nodded.

A trace of fear was added to the trainer's astonishment: "How can this black light rush on the road so accurately? Have you forgotten the battle of Saarhu?"

The Battle of Sarhu was a turning point for Ming Jin's strength. After this battle, Daming lost all its advantages in Liaozhen, and Nurhachi finally took advantage of this battle to gain a firm foothold and began to fight against the huge Huang Ming. long war.Although a full 25 years have passed, anyone who has read military books will never forget this painful lesson.

She An squinted at the trainer, and said to herself, "You know Saarhu, so do you know how His Highness the Crown Prince talked about this battle?"

The trainer was taken aback for a moment, then remembered that all the officers in the battalion had accompanied the prince to read military books.Although it is said to accompany the prince to study, it is actually the prince's personal view on the past wars.No matter whether what the prince said is correct or not, as a training officer who was born as an eunuch, if he dares to question the prince, it is absolutely wrong!

"We can win, let's see!" She An said slowly.It not only comforted the trainer, but also comforted himself.


A cannon shot shattered the tranquility of the ordinary morning.

She An raised the binoculars almost as soon as he heard the sound of the cannon, and looked at the hilltop at the predetermined position, and immediately realized that his head was already in a daze: the station sent out did not bring artillery, and all the tiger squats and Franji were left behind. It is used centrally in the department.

And the direction of the gunfire was wrong.

She An turned to the east side of the battlefield and asked at the same time, "What time is it?"

The training officer quickly ran into the big tent, and then ran out quickly, covering his official hat and rushing: "The hour is a quarter past six."

The total attack time is seven o'clock in the morning!

Of the three clocks in the Fifth Division, one was assigned to the Raiders Bureau, one was assigned to the Main Attack Bureau, and the other was assigned to the Big Tent.Check again and again before distribution, and there will never be a full quarter of an hour of error!

"Who's there!" She An couldn't help roaring.

The deployment of the defense lines of various departments flashed through his mind... It was Zhen Feiyu!

"Where is the military judge! Why didn't the military judge chop off his head!" She An was trembling with anger, if she didn't have a sliver of clarity, knowing that binoculars are hard to come by, and gold is hard to come by, she would have hurled herself on the ground to vent her hatred!

The merits of the first battle of the Donggong Guard Battalion were actually robbed by someone alive!

"What to do! What to do now!" The trainer was full of anxiety, and his cheeks were shaking: "How can they be so messy?"

"Wait..." She An was furious to the extreme, but her heart became clear: Xiao Mo asked him to take care of our department, so he was arranged on the flank.Wouldn't he lure all the thieves over with such a move?With his strength in one round, can he eat thousands of people in the enemy camp?Was he acting recklessly, or did Xiao Mo have other arrangements?

She An immediately shook her head and denied this idea: Xiao Mo is the commander-in-chief of this battle, no matter who makes meritorious deeds, it is his credit, why is it necessary to do such a villainous act?Zhen Feiyu was so courageous that he did such a thing, even if he won, he would not get credit for it.Otherwise, everything agreed by the military will be fart. Who will be afraid of military judges in the future?

Taking a step back, Zhen Feiyu's game is still in the fifth division's war game, and he is not an outsider, so what is there to grab? (To be continued.)

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