golden scales

122 The Man Wins the Bet Under the Horse's Hoof

"I will create eighteen generations of your ancestors!" Liu Lao Si, with red eyes, hugged half of the captain's body.

Just 15 minutes ago, everyone was very grateful for God's help, and waited for them to sort out the queue and find a suitable deployment position before releasing the light.

The clouds in the eastern sky turned from blue to green and then to red, everything was a good sign.

The bandit camp exposed to the light of day is only a few meters high with a large wooden fence, and the hasty construction time can be seen from the bark that has not yet dried.There are also sentry towers on the wooden village, which are only not much higher than the wall of the village.Liu Laosi could clearly see the face of the bandit on the sentry tower, as well as his shocked and timid expression.

"Put the tiger squat gun over and blast the door open with solid bullets first." At that time, President Bai ordered: "The third flag team is ready to break the door to fight! The auxiliary team is ready to fire oil tanks!"

The third flag team is the team where Liu Laosi is.

Liu Laosi, as the rattan player of the first team of the third flag team, really stood at the forefront of the battlefield.One step behind him, between the two teams of his team is his captain.The captain held a long knife in one hand and a bamboo whistle in the other, waiting for the command of the captain behind him at any time, and rushed forward.

Liu Laosi took another look at the camp, it was just a thin wooden wall, and thought to himself: Those officers above are really ruthless, how can this kind of wooden fence withstand fire?If you pour kerosene on it, and a little gunpowder, won't it burn to a pile of ashes?But don't burn to the gate of the village, otherwise we won't be able to rush in.

Just as the tiger squatting gun was lifted to the front of the formation, the two gunners began to adjust the angle of the muzzle according to the scale and the distance table.These operations can be done with eyes closed for skilled artillerymen, but for those who have only studied mathematics for three months, it is really difficult.Even though the muzzle angle has been divided into three levels of high and low, it is only a multiple-choice question to choose one of the three, but it is still a bit high-tech for them.

The auxiliary troops prepared the fire oil tank, and the fire oil contained in it was the oil used in the fierce fire oil tank.The fierce fire oil tank has been installed in the army as early as the Northern Song Dynasty, and the fuel is oil.This kind of pitch-black energy was called Shizhi water in the Tang Dynasty, fierce fire oil in the Five Dynasties, and finally named oil by Shen Kuo.

Just like inventing gunpowder, the Chinese alchemists also contributed to the improvement of fierce fire oil. From the initial use of crude oil to certain processing and refining in the Ming Dynasty, the firepower was stronger and the range was also enhanced to a certain extent.However, the fire from the fierce fire oil tank is only five steps away, and the farthest is no more than six steps, and it is inconvenient to carry. Therefore, it is convenient and quick to pack the fierce fire oil in clay pots in surprise attacks, and then launch rockets to ignite it.For temporary wooden wall stockades, it is simply a natural nemesis.

"Fire the gun!"

shouted the officer.


There was a lot of cannonballs!

It's not the tiger crouching and running from the officers and soldiers!

The intruder Muzhai opened a gun window, flames shot out from the black muzzle of the gun, and a black iron bullet flew out amidst the fireworks, hitting the square formation of officers and soldiers heavily.

The solid iron bullet hit the side and rear of the first team hard, but did not hit anyone.However, the real lethality of the artillery is not at the first landing point, but the random lethality after the ricochet is formed.If you fall into a mass of mud, then there will be no threat.It has not rained for two consecutive days. Although it is convenient for the officers and soldiers to attack, it also makes the ground firm and the power of the ricochet increases.

This solid bullet just landed on an exposed stone, and jumped up high with the broken stone foam, blasting the boring palladium hands of the first team into flesh and blood fragments.After killing one person, the kinetic energy of the solid bullet was still full, but it slowed down, and rushed towards the captain who had just turned around from behind.

Just whistling, the captain's body was torn apart by the shells, his eyes widened, as if he wanted to see where the shells were going.

After Liu Laosi's brief horror, great grief surged in his heart.He stepped over and hugged the captain's remnant, preventing him from falling to the ground.

The captain also recovered from the severe pain, as if he was dying, and wanted to look down at his injury in disbelief.Liu Laosi had already watched for him first: the shell shattered his pelvis, took away a large piece of flesh and blood, and even his intestines flowed out.Even if there are gods descending to earth, I'm afraid they won't be able to save the captain.

"Protect, maintain..." The captain took a strong breath, and spit out the last two words: "Formation, type!"

Liu Laosi felt that his nose was punched hard, and the pain was unbearable.His arm sank, and the captain finally got rid of the pain and left the world completely.

The solid bullet took the lives of two more people, as well as a pair of legs that couldn't avoid it, and quickly rolled towards the lower place.In order to avoid this artillery shell, the soldiers instinctively evaded, and the formation was in chaos for a while.

The officer yelled and adjusted the formation, and at the same time he did not forget to order the tiger squatting on his side to fight back.However, the burglars used Fran cannons.This kind of gun was originally a Portuguese naval gun. The whole gun is composed of three parts: the barrel, the belly, and the sub-cannon.When firing the cannon, the gunpowder pellets are first filled into the sub-cannon, and then the sub-cannon is loaded into the belly of the cannon, and the sub-cannon fire door is ignited to shoot.Therefore, the Ming army also called this kind of artillery the mother-child artillery.

The concept of artillery such as mother and child guns is very similar to the relationship between guns and bullets.Compared with the fixed-powder bullets of later generations: the empty sub-cannon is equivalent to the shell case, and the fire door is equivalent to the primer. When the sub-cannon is filled with gunpowder and projectiles, it has the same function as the bullet, and the belly of the gun is the chamber of the gun. It's like a magnified pistol.

Because of this advanced design idea, the Franc machine gun has a fast rate of fire, fast heat dissipation, and a certain capacity of the sub-cannon—this determines the amount of gunpowder loaded, so there will be no bombing accidents caused by excessive filling.Moreover, the sub-cannon is made of iron, which can bear part of the gunpowder pressure and increase the life of the cannon belly.If there is a crack in a sub-cannon, just replace it, which is really economical compared to casting a cannon.

However, limited to the technical level at that time, the Franc machine gun also had an insurmountable shortcoming: the large gap tolerance between the sub-cannon and the cannon belly caused the leakage of gunpowder gas, so it did not have the long range of the Hongyi cannon.

The Ming army's emphasis on firearms was indeed at the forefront of the world. Not only did it establish the Shenjiying with all firearms when it became the ancestor, but later Qi Jiguang used nearly half of the thermal weapons in his army configuration.Later, Li Rusong aided the DPRK to fight against the Japanese, and also used a large number of firearms to fight, which made Liaozhen's three-eyed blunderbuss and artillery famous in East Asia.

Moreover, the Ming court adopted a policy of learning from firearms, importing less and imitating more.According to Western missionaries, the firearms imitated by the Ming Dynasty have surpassed those of Europe in terms of performance.Moreover, the imitation artillery has a complete range of specifications, from the multi-purpose heavy artillery "Invincible General" with more than a thousand catties, to the large Folang machine with more than a hundred catties, and then to the small Folang machine with tens of catties - which can be carried on the horse and released. Even the soldiers have a few kilograms of "Wansheng Fulang Machine Gun" - equipped with nine sub-guns, which has always been the main force of the army's firearms.

When Zhu Cihong first came into contact with the deployment of the Ming army, he was shocked by these official reports.If the artillery unit of Ming Dynasty is so ahead of the times, how strong is the fighting power of the Peasant Army and Jiannu to create the current situation?But he quickly figured out that when an empire is rotten to the root, anything on paper is just "as it should be."Think about it, even the number of living people has been concealed and impersonated, not to mention dead things like artillery?

Moreover, copper and iron are hard currencies, so melting and recasting is real money!

That is to say, the Donggong Guard Battalion did not use the high-end and high-grade Francophones, but only brought the tiger to squat out to support the facade.Of course, there is a situation where the troops are not well trained enough to be used as large-scale artillery, but the fact that there are no usable Francophones in the warehouse is also an important factor.


The officers and soldiers' tiger-squatting guns finally opened fire and hit the gate of Muzhai.The wooden door only shook in, but did not fall down.It seems that the thieves have been reinforced inside, which has surpassed the attack capability of the tiger crouching cannon.

"Fire-tank!" shouted the officer.

Soldiers with fire oil cans stepped forward one after another, and threw the clay pots out with the standard posture in throwing training.

The clay pots smashed against the wall of the village and broke one after another, splashing a piece of fire oil inside.

The thieves gathered on the sentry tower, drawing their bows and shooting arrows one after another.Those soldiers who rushed into the throwing range were shot and fell to the ground very quickly. Some were only injured and could still struggle to crawl back, while some twitched a few times on the ground and never moved again.

"Rocket! Shoot!"

The rockets wrapped in tarpaulins on the arrows were thrown into the sky, like sparks falling to the place where the fire oil tank was broken before.

As long as one rocket hits the fire, the whole piece of fire oil will be ignited. If the intruder puts out the fire with water, it will only burn more and more vigorously, which cannot be suppressed.


Franz let out another roar.

At the same time, the sound of rumbling war drums came from the foot of the mountain.

The first battle of the Eastern Palace Guards Battalion began with such an unoptimistic start.

For Liu Laosi, this initial battle was even more painful.He hasn't fought the enemy yet, and his body is already stained with blood.This is the captain's blood, it is the noble man who once pulled him from the fire soldier to the rattan player, and the benefactor who allowed him to eat openly.

Flames swept across the sentry tower, and the bows and arrows of the thieves disappeared, but the Fran cannon roared extraordinarily diligently.

The tiger squatted and roared twice, and hit the camp gate accurately, but still failed to open the gate.

The air became scorching hot, and the sound of the guns also made Liu Laosi's ears tinnitus.Looking at the burning camp in front of him, he felt very depressed, and wished he could rush in from the fire, kill with a long knife, and avenge the captain!

Equally irritable was the boss Bai who was ordered to make a surprise attack.

The thieves don't have to worry about time, they have an advantage in strength, as long as they survive, the main force below will be able to spare their hands to support them.

——It is necessary to break through this stockade quickly, and then rush down to join the army and attack the bandits!

"Ants attack the city! Anyone who is not afraid of death will follow me!" Mr. Bai drew out his waist knife and shouted at the top of his voice. (To be continued.)

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