golden scales

123 The Man Wins the Bet Under the Horse's Hoof

A group of four auxiliary soldiers picked up the planks and charged upwards.

Of course, this simple wooden stockade does not require real ants to attack the city.As long as you put the pedals on the wooden wall and rush up to the simple gatehouse, half of the task of pulling out the village is completed.

For many athletic Killers, that height doesn't even require a pedal.As long as someone supports them below, they can rush up.

Naturally, the thieves would not easily give up the defense on the gate tower.In this square inch, they have the advantage of being condescending. They only need to stab with a spear or sweep with a big stick. It is not an easy task to rush up.

The bows and arrows shot down from the gate tower were not dense, but Liu Laosi always felt as if his comrades around him always fell in response.He was wearing triple heavy armor, and he felt shot by the arrow several times, as if he had been pushed, but there was no pain at all.With only fifty steps away, he had already dared to face the oncoming flying arrows, calmly raised his rattan shield to block it, and even once used a knife to chop off an arrow that was aimed at the front door.

"The rattan player! Here!" The auxiliary soldier rushing forward shouted at him, and the voice even reached Liu Lao Si's ears smoothly.

Here is a board that has just been erected, and the thief on it is pushing it away with a mallet.

Liu Laosi quickened his pace without hesitation, rushed to the pedal in a few steps, and stepped on it without hesitation.

The bandit archers all turned to this big man who was a head taller than ordinary people, and they could easily shoot at his huge body without even aiming.

The powerful arrows were nailed to the rattan plate, almost causing Liu Laosi to fall on his back almost several times.Countless tactical moves on the training ground are displayed like instinct at this moment.He even had an illusion, as if Min Jiaoxi's profound and inexplicable "strength relief" kung fu is not too difficult to understand, as long as the hands and waist are gently turned to one side.

"Kill!" Mr. Bai's voice burst out from behind Liu Lao Si.

Liu Laosi roared and took a heavy step.He controlled the rattan just right, protecting his body without letting it cover his sight.When practicing this posture, you have to stand four times a day, each time for half an hour, and you have already reached the state where you can easily reach this height.

Arrows flew in, either hitting the rattan shield or the bright helmet on the head.Occasionally, two of them almost took advantage of this small gap to enter, but they were also knocked down by Liu Laosi slightly raising their rattan cards.

——It would be even more perfect if it could protect the sides.

Liu Laosi thought to himself.

In the mandarin duck formation, his side is protected by the round shield.But now, his side was exposed to the bow and arrow.The only thing that can stop the arrows from coming is the four-foot-long knife that is constantly waving in the hand.However, Liu Laosi is not a master of immortals after all, and a few long arrows still hit his armor, sticking hard on it.

Liu Laosi didn't feel the slightest pain, he only had one thought: charge up and kill the enemy!revenge!

There are five more steps!

Every time Liu Laosi takes a step, he needs to take a breath so that the next step will be more solid.He had no doubt that if he took this step on flat ground, he might even break the gold bricks of the Eastern Palace.

Two steps, one arrow!

There is a powerful archer on it.

Liu Laosi took another step and blocked the flying arrows coming towards the door.The strength of this arrow is the same as the one just now, and the angle is as tricky. It must have been shot by the same person.And shooting two arrows in the time it took for him to take two steps, I'm afraid it can be regarded as Lianzhu arrows in the scriptures.

Liu Laosi took another step, and his vision suddenly widened, and he happened to see one of the dozen or so archers drawing an arrow from his quiver, ready to open his bow.

- it's you!

Liu Laosi took a deep breath, his knees were slightly bent, and a spring came from his heels, which made him rush forward.

The battalion commander and gunmen standing in front of the archers were stunned. They didn't expect that this man would suddenly exert force as soon as he entered the attack range of the spear.The long spear he stabbed had not yet reached the peak of its strength, but it had already been blocked by this man.

I saw this strong man in armor who looked like a bear twisted his waist slightly, and the rattan plate in his hand had knocked off three long spears, and then avoided the one in front of him.When he twisted back, the rattan just blocked the sharpness from the other side.

A total of seven guns, some fast and some slow, unexpectedly none of them stabbed him.

"Tiger!" Liu Laosi roared violently, holding the rattan card and rushing forward.

His target is the archer who can shoot straight arrows.

When he rushed to the archer, everyone else was out of his sight, like transparent air.And when his burly body charged past, these spearmen and the sword and shield players who hurriedly added were also dispersed like mist.

At this moment, there was no sound in the world, only my own heartbeat and heavy breathing.

Liu Laosi didn't know whether Mr. Bai behind him was safe or not. He only knew that the archer could not escape.After one after another of collisions, Liu Laosi was still strong and straight on his feet, and rushed in front of the archer.He swung the long knife in his right hand, but was blocked by the archer with his bow.

This is a bow with Kaiyuan.

Standard equipment for officer archers.

Liu Laosi even saw clearly the double thrusters on the archer's waist - bow thrusters and arrow thrusters, which were exactly the same as those used by his comrades in arms.

——What the hell is going on!

Liu Laosi missed the slash, and the expected bloodbath did not happen, which made him feel an evil fire in his heart.

"Go to hell!" Liu Laosi turned around and pulled out the knife, and the rattan plate in his left hand twisted and hit him hard.

This time the archer couldn't resist, his not-so-slender figure was blown into the air and fell down the gate.

A loud noise suddenly exploded in Liu Laosi's ear, and the voice that disappeared just now rushed in, almost bursting his head.Before he could react, he was hit hard on the back, causing his internal organs to twitch and vibrate, and he almost vomited out.

"Go to hell!" Liu Laosi cursed, turned around and smashed down with the rattan card.

It was the face of a young man with a dirty face. .

A pair of black pupils, blue eye whites, clearly written panic.

Liu Laosi stared at the eyes that were attacking him from behind, and smashed the rattan card in his hand with greater force.


The rattan plate slammed heavily on the boy's face, and the boy fell on his back in response, as if his entire face had been smashed in.

Liu Laosi let out a mouthful of turbid air, most of the evil fire in his heart went away, as if he had crushed a pustule, feeling refreshed and refreshed!

"At three o'clock, Tiger! Tiger! Tiger!"

Boss Bai, who rushed up following Liu Laosi, stepped on the twitching boy's chest, breaking several of his ribs.Mr. Bai didn't even lower his head, and stabbed the bandits surrounding him with the saber in his hand.

Liu Laosi rushed towards the direction of President Bai's instructions. What surprised him was that he didn't bump into anyone this time.Everyone avoided him for three feet, making him feel like he was stuck in a ball of cotton wool, unable to focus.

"Form formation!" Mr. Bai yelled loudly, pointing the long knife in his hand at Old Fourth Liu.

The soldiers who rushed up from behind chased after them, calmly formed a mandarin duck formation in the space opened up by Liu Laosi, and assassinated with the sound of the call, in a uniform manner.

As the formation stabilized, the thieves on the gate tower were cut off like leeks.More steps were erected, followed by more officers and soldiers in strict formation.

"Withdraw the ladder, don't let them come down!"

Someone among the thieves shouted.

The people below didn't care about their own people above the gate, and removed the temporary ladder as quickly as possible, and at the same time prepared fire oil, intending to use their own methods to treat them.More thieves gathered behind the sheep and horse wall and began to line up.

Mr. Bai looked down, and his heart was mostly cold.The intruders even built a low wall in the stockade as a second defense.With only three or five steps between the two walls, it was impossible for officers and soldiers to form an array.And among other things, he couldn't jump off the gate tower that was more than ten feet high!

Seeing that the formation of bandits gradually became stricter, and the numbers were no less than their own, even if they managed to defeat them, where would I find the strength to go down the mountain and join forces with the army?

Hearing the drums and horns contending from the bottom of the mountain, it seemed that the two armies had already engaged in battle, and the battle situation had fallen into a sticky situation.But my own army was trapped here...

"Tiger! Tiger! Tiger!"

The repeated shouts of violence overwhelmed all the voices on the battlefield, and every word "tiger" ended with the sound of bones breaking.

Liu Lao Si smashed the heads of the three people in front of him with the big stick he picked up.

Those three people watched their own and their companions' heads being crushed, but they couldn't arouse the slightest resistance.


Liu Laosi yelled again, making the armor on his body rattle like a companion's music.

Mr. Bai looked at the direction where Liu Lao Si was charging in puzzlement. There were no bandits there...Suddenly, his pupils shrank, and he saw a huge figure flying into the air, and jumped out The gate tower shrunk into a ball in the air, and hit the bandit soldiers arrayed behind the sheep and horse wall like a cannonball.


Mr. Bai completely forgot his duty, rushed forward, stopped on the edge of the jump, and watched with his own eyes the man who was as strong as a bear smashed into the bandits.

The thieves had already raised their spears, like a forest of guns.

Liu Laosi's rattan shield protected his vitals, but he still had a bloody hole in his leg.The huge force when it landed broke the barrel of the gun, so that the tip of the gun was inserted horizontally on Liu Laosi's leg.

When Liu Laosi landed on a bandit soldier, he could clearly hear the cracking sound of bones breaking.When he was about to stand up while supporting the "cushion", the blood sprayed from the man's mouth splashed into Liu Laosi's eyes.

Liu Laosi closed his eyes hard, and got up all over. Suddenly, he felt his right leg was weak, and he couldn't make any effort at all, so he almost fell down.When he opened his eyes again, he saw the broken gun stuck in his leg, and knew that he couldn't go.Fortunately, the rattan card and the big stick were not lost, even if they stood still, they were not afraid of them!

"Come on! Donkey Yue's ****!" Liu Laosi roared.

As if there was substance, the sound shook the bandits around and stood still for a while, not daring to step forward.

"Kill him!" someone yelled.

The thieves finally seemed to have found their backbone, and they rushed towards Liu Lao Si with howls.

Liu Laosi gritted his back molars, let out a strange laugh from his throat, and waved his rattan card at the bandit who was rushing to the front. (To be continued.)

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