golden scales

329 North Wind Rolling White Grass Fold

Xiergen and Zu Zerun had no idea that they sent thousands of troops to attack a village with at most a thousand people. They fought for an hour, but they still couldn't get in! . .

"Wouldn't you change the place if you can't hit the artillery in the east?" Hilgen was furious.

"Master, there are still armored soldiers with spears in that village. Even if there is no cannon, they can't rush up. We need to build some ladders and rush carts." Niu Lu's face was really terrified, sweating profusely.What he didn't dare to say was that the two tiger squatting guns in the village carried them away, even if they attacked from the other side, they still couldn't escape the tiger squatting gun fire.

"Surround and fight on all sides!" Hilgen was furious, and turned to Zu Zerun again: "General Zu, the Han army should work harder. As long as they break through the wall of the village, it will depend on the strength of our Shenjia soldiers!"

——Break through the wall of the village, and there is a group of sheep inside, it depends on your strength?

Zu Zerun was displeased, nodded with a gloomy face, and said, "I'm going to send another 300 people, but I don't believe it won't take down a small village!"

The registered population of Pangjiazhuang is 830 people.This is a standard new-style village on the North China Plain after Jitun merged with the village.The wall of the stockade is made of civil materials, with obvious concave arcs.The houses in the village are planned horizontally and vertically, like a square of tofu.

Although there are only 50 township warriors trained, all strong men can wear armor and hold guns and defend against the wall in front of the enemy.Even women and children, old and weak, helped transport the wounded, boiled water for cooking, and guarded grain, grass, and warehouses.Those half-children, who had learned simple formations in the physical education class of the village school, formed a square formation with excitement at this moment, roaring from time to time to boost their morale.

"Reinforcements are coming!" The man with good eyes quickly spotted the soldiers' dust rising in the south and the Ming red flag fluttering in the wind.

The Vanguard Division of the Second Battalion and the Third Headquarters of the First Guards Division was in place a quarter of an hour ago, sent scouts to find out the enemy's situation, took a short rest, and immediately went into battle.

This vanguard division is a phalanx division, and most of the soldiers are recruits, who set foot on the battlefield for the first time under the leadership of veterans.Tension is unavoidable in this state, but seeing Donglu's troops not forming a formation at all, morale immediately rose.

"Pre-~~" The commander-in-chief raised his voice and gave the order, carrying the rank of major.

The spears were like a forest, and they were raised in a uniform manner.

Niu Lu Ezhen, who was commanding the attack on the village, suddenly felt tense, and quickly ordered the armored soldiers to line up to meet the enemy.

"Prepare!" After the long preparation sound, the upright spears were lowered instantly, and the phalanx spread out in an orderly manner. The sharp spears protruded from the sides of the comrades in front, ready to meet the enemy.

The Donglu armored soldiers rushed towards the slowly advancing phalanx, and they soon saw a group of cavalry circle around the flanks from behind the phalanx.

Just by looking at the horses, you can tell that these cavalry cannot fight against the Manchurian vest soldiers. However, when the captive soldiers feel contemptuous, this cavalry has surpassed its own long spear formation, jumped off its mount, and set up a tiger crouching cannon in front of the formation. .

These specially trained gunners moved swiftly, and in groups of three, they had lined up the five tiger squatting guns almost instantly.After quickly calculating the distance and elevation angle, the tiger squatting cannon fired one after another, and none of the Donglu soldiers who rushed twenty steps survived.

"Tiger! Tiger! Tiger!"

The Ming army rushed forward, and at the moment of meeting the enemy, they defeated the Donglu armored soldiers who had only short soldiers.

Niu Lu Ezhen hurriedly called his men to retreat, and passed in front of the slow-moving spear formation, frightened into a cold sweat.

After the Pioneer Division, the other divisions of the [-]th Headquarters also moved into place one after another, both in quantity and quality, surpassing the offensive Donglu.Because the artillery of the battalion was still on the way, the artillerymen who arrived first entered the city directly and took over the Type [-] artillery used for village defense.Under the manipulation of professional gunners, this artillery showed its power, and the cannons made Donglu's liver tremble.

The first tentative attack launched by Hilgen in the early morning, who knew that after a trial, he was beaten out of his temper, and he insisted on pulling out this overwhelmed village.It turned out that at noon, the Ming army not only came for reinforcements, but also a brigade of reinforcements.

Xiergen and Zu Zerun finally couldn't sit still, and personally led the troops to the front line, but what they saw was that the siege army was defeated and fled, and even the swords of the superintendent team could not stop them.Generally, in such a situation, a charge by the enemy cavalry can seal the victory.

It's a pity that qualified war horses are so rare. The cavalry battalion can only be used as a strategic reserve team, and it is impossible to enter this level of battlefield.

The [-]st Guards Division has only cavalry soldiers, and the horsemen will be trained as gunners and gunners. They will rush to the front of the formation as quickly as possible, and cooperate with the phalanx to attack.

"This village is not in an important place, why is the Ming army so interested?" Zu Zerun couldn't help but said to himself.

Hilgen was also helpless, and the Manchurians had a five-piece siege set: chiseling, storming, siege, using room, and artillery.

The village is well defended, and they don't have siege equipment. Digging the city and storming it are both half the effort and thankless.

If you want to besiege, you must have more people than other people. The so-called art of war: five to attack, ten to encircle.Even if not ten times more, at least three times as many troops.Now the Ming army has at least a thousand reinforcements, and it seems to be increasing. The so-called siege is just a joke.

As for the use of time, let alone, who would put a spy in an inconspicuous village?

"Didn't General Zu come out with artillery?" Hilgen asked.

Zu Zerun was speechless. The Han Army Banner is indeed a heavy fire force, and it can even be said that it was born because of artillery.But who will march with these big guys who can weigh a thousand catties at every turn?Especially today's battles, and even the capture of Anping County, are all for the army to test the truth and leave if it misses a hit. .

"It's better to retreat first and try another place." Zu Zerun said.

"If you can't even take down a small village, what shame will there be for our brave warriors!" Hilgen gritted his teeth and said, "At the moment, only you and I will work together to defeat this Ming army, otherwise how can we fight with the masters?" Confess!"

Zu Zerun thought about the reported casualties of nearly a hundred people. It would be hard to explain if he couldn't even take down a village.

In the hands of Taizu Taizong back then, Zhu Shen died hundreds or thousands of people in the battle, as long as he could win, it would be fine.In the past ten years, the battle has been so smooth that there is almost no resistance from the formation of the Ming army, and gradually he has developed a delicate surname.After entering the customs, the life of the Manchu people seems to be more precious, and if more than a dozen people die, the whole city will cry.

Zu Zerun thought so in his heart, but he didn't say it.He wasn't afraid of Hilgen, but he was afraid of the group of Manchurians who had lost their relatives going crazy.

"General Zu, we have to change the way of attack." Hilgen slowed down and said, "Your Han army has a lot of weapons, so fight with them on the east and west wings. I will personally lead the troops to attack the city from the north."

"There is a river to the north." Zu Zerun reminded.

To the north of Pangjiazhuang is a newly dug canal, which was not used to stop the enemy, but was purely used to divert water from the farmland.However, if this canal is dug wider, it will indeed affect the offense.This is also the reason why the Qing soldiers walked around the north wall and walked from the east.

Hilgen didn't care about this. For the Manchus, the coated Aha was used to do this kind of trench-filling work, and they didn't expect them to kill the enemy and make meritorious service.Even if the village fires, it doesn't matter if some Ahas die.

"We also need to get some people to build some scooters and ladders," Hilgen said. "The ladders don't need to be too long. The wall looks less than two feet."

Zu Zerun ignored him, and suddenly pointed at the Ming army array and said, "They have opened the door."

Sure enough, the gate of the village had been opened, and many people could be seen coming out of it, and soon went in again.But those reinforcements did not move.

"What are they doing? They're eating!" The corners of Hilgen's eyes twitched: "I really don't take my Qing Dynasty seriously! Beat the drums! Enter the army! Those who kill the enemy will be rewarded, and those who retreat without permission will be killed without mercy!"

The village sent people to verify the number and password of the support army, and soon delivered hot dishes and meals.Although the reinforcements ran all the way, they were too big to have dinner before the battle.Hearing the drums of the Donglu war, the vanguard commander calmly asked the auxiliary soldiers and civilian husbands to have dinner first, and the soldiers lined up to meet the enemy.

When the villagers saw that the reinforcements were well-organized and dispatched calmly, their morale immediately became stronger.If it wasn't for the instructor not allowing them to beat the drums to cheer, and messing up the drums in the army, the drums in the village must have been smashed by now. (To be continued.)

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