golden scales

330 North Wind Rolling White Grass Fold

When Wang Jiakang's tall figure appeared on the battlefield, the horses under his crotch looked too petite. .He was the Chief Qian of the [-]th Headquarters of the [-]nd Battalion of the [-]st Division.Speaking of which, he is also one of the "capable" generals that Xiao Mo considers, but since he was transferred to the general of the Eastern Palace Department, his army has always been out of the battle!

All eyes were on Xiao Mo, She An, and Liu Si's line. In comparison, the other troops of the First Battalion were like going to the battlefield and going through the motions.Later, everyone envied the expansion of the first battalion into a division, but the other officers of the first battalion had misery.

All the elite veterans were added to the new [-]st Battalion, and the Tank Division, which will never be withdrawn.These vacancies can only be filled by former auxiliary soldiers and recruits.Those recruits who have been trained for more than two months are not bad, as for those auxiliary soldiers... Wang Jiakang doesn't want to say anything anymore.

Fortunately, the transformation of the spear formation is very simple. It is nothing more than the three basic formations of breakthrough, defense, and march, and there are three states of superiority, disadvantage, and balance. In total, there are nine transformations, which are simpler than the mandarin duck formation. Much more.Even so, it is very dangerous to use the former auxiliary soldiers to fight. Many people can't even remember the meaning of each drum.

Looking at the Zhenghuang Banner soldiers lined up opposite him, Wang Jiakang drew out his saber: "Left Wing Pioneer Division, beat the drums and march!"

The heavy drum sounded quickly and gradually accelerated.The step drum controls the speed of the phalanx, ensuring that everyone moves at the same pace.The phalanx with the bureau as the unit was activated one after another, trying to ensure that they were in a line.The mandarin duck formations are interspersed between the phalanx formations. They are now regarded as "killers", and they are the real battlefield slaughterers in tactical theory.

The right-wing division in the east also soon heard the sound of the drum beat, and the commander was the commander of his division, who also served as the deputy commander-in-chief.Now there are more and more deputy officers, but there are still a lot of vacancies due to strict promotion regulations.

Wang Jiakang didn't worry about the right wing, he put all his energy on the enemy opposite him.The captive soldiers also began to march with drums, but compared to the neatly paced Ming army, they were like a gang of mobs.

——Even left and right feet are messed up.

Wang Jiakang picked up the binoculars and saw that these captive soldiers were holding long blunderbusses in their hands.He sighed: long-range attack is really the shortcoming of Donggong.

Fortunately, there are guns.

The cavalry artillerymen passed through the middle of the phalanx, dismounted, set up their cannons, and lit the fire in one go.

The smoke formed by the firing of gunpowder rose between the phalanxes, and the air was suddenly filled with the smell of sulfur and nitrate.

The shooting distance is one hundred steps. At this distance, the tiger squatting cannon can only kill unarmored enemy soldiers.And because it has just entered its effective range, there are only three or five Donglu fallen on the opposite side.

The main purpose of firing at this distance is to destroy the Donglu formation.

Sure enough, the first row of captive soldiers stopped, and the entire array began to shake unsteadily.Finally, they stopped advancing, began to charge, and prepared to launch. .

——Firing guns from a hundred paces away... teasing me!

Wang Jiakang was disdainful in his heart, and ordered: "Slow down ~ go!"

The drums slowed down quickly, almost at a third of their original speed.All the soldiers adjusted their pace in accordance with the beat of the drums, and the rustling sound of marching resumed in just a short moment.

The Han army flag on the opposite side finally loaded the ammunition. Looking at the red tassel forest in front of him, his calf had already started to twitch.

A Manchurian soldier rode on a horse, running before the formation, brandishing his broadsword, and roaring loudly: "Wait until they get close before releasing them! Kill those who release them!"

The Ming army slowed down, as if teasing the captive soldiers, walking in three steps.


The artillery, who had noticed the shape of the battlefield a long time ago, fired a shell at the general flag of the Han army with the yellow flag with the village defense Hongyi artillery.

Although the shell missed the flagpole, it also opened a gap in front of the Donglu formation, and seven or eight bird gun soldiers fell to the ground in pieces.

Boom boom boom!

The tiger squatting cannon fired again, stimulating the tense nerves of the Donglu soldiers.


Finally someone couldn't bear it anymore and pulled the trigger.

clap clap clap!

There was a chaotic sound, and finally all the gunmen of the Donglu Bird handed over their bullets.

The Manchurian vest cursed angrily, swung a knife and hacked to death the Han flag soldier who shot first, and shouted: "Reload quickly! Reload quickly!"

Wang Jiakang could vaguely hear the roar of the Manchurian. He raised his saber high and pointed at a 45-degree angle: "Hurry up~go!"

The sound of the drums changed from the heavy and dull sound before, and encouraged the soldiers to rush forward with high-pitched and high-frequency sounds.

In the Ming army, a well-trained flintlock gunner could fire three or four shots in one minute, but the bird gunners who were born as slaves like Donglu could complete one reload within one minute. Very good.And they didn't have any physical training at all. At the beginning, Huang Taiji's criterion for choosing a gunslinger was: those who were too weak to use bows and arrows.

It is purely a team generated by waste utilization.

On the battlefields of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, such blunderbusses had only one function: to fire the blunderbuss from a distance, and the Ming army bludgeoners would release the blunderbuss, and then retreat, allowing the armored soldiers to rush up and defeat the Ming army who were loading ammunition.This tactic has been tried and tested against the Ming army. I really don't know which side is more idiot.

Moreover, the average ignition rate of bird guns is only 50.00%, and about half of the bird guns will fail to ignite.In addition, these Donglu soldiers did not use a fixed amount of gunpowder, and many people were afraid of bombing, so they deliberately reduced the amount of gunpowder.If they will be hit by stray bullets like this, then they are really unlucky.

Fortunately, there is no such unlucky person in this team.

Moreover, a solid helmet and breastplate will reduce the chance of such bad luck even lower.

Watching the Ming army walking fast, the Manchurian soldiers finally ordered the musketeers to get out of the way so that the armored soldiers and Ba Yala behind could charge to meet the enemy.

These unlucky musketeers were almost thrown out of formation by their own people from behind, and hurriedly backed away, watching the elite armored soldiers with big swords rushing towards the phalanx of spears.

Wang Jiakang's understanding of the formation is somewhat different from other generals.

He insisted that the phalanx was man-made terrain.Like a hill where the flesh is assembled, the formation of the attacking side is forced to collapse with long spears, so that the formation of mandarin ducks, tiger squatting guns, and flintlock guns between the phalanxes can defeat it.Therefore, after failing to obtain enough flintlock guns, he could only gather several tiger squatting guns, and established a cavalry artillery force based on Qi Jiguang's establishment when he was in Jizhen.

Judging from the current effect, this combination is still very effective.

The Manchurian armored soldiers quickly ran into the formation of pikemen.

"Stick!" the flag captains of each platoon shouted loudly.

"Tiger!" The soldiers shouted loudly, stabbing their spears.

They have to practice this simple movement no less than a thousand times every day, and sometimes because someone in the team makes a mistake, they are punished for additional practice.It has almost become the instinct of the body, stabbing out without any thought at all.

Those Ba Yala brandished their long knives and forcibly squeezed in through the gun forest, breaking a small gap.The Ming army behind quickly found the target, and three or four long spears stabbed out again, piercing through the armor, stabbing him to the ground, and then instinctively pulled out the long spears.

The gap that was just opened was quickly filled by the soldiers behind, and the entire phalanx was like an iron wall, which could not be crossed.

Zu Zerun saw Ba Yala's destruction with his own eyes, and his heart ached as if someone had twisted it.As the most elite of the Qing soldiers, every Ba Yala is the common treasure of the Manchus—even though he is only a bannerman of the Han army.He stabilized the line with his Ghoshha, and ordered the troops in front to shrink back.

"This kind of phalanx is like a tortoise with thorns, why bother with him!" Zu Zerun scolded, "Let the vest soldiers put on light arrows and shoot at the two corners in front of the phalanx! kill them!"

Manchurians are hunters in the mountains and forests, and their own riding and shooting skills are only good compared with the Ming army.Following Zu Zerun's order, these cavalry soldiers held small cavalry bows and light arrows, pierced obliquely from the two front corners of the phalanx, and then circled back to the formation.

In this way, the phalanx is like a slowly moving target, and there is no way to deal with these cavalry who are wandering outside the range of the spears.

"Send the order, and the formations of all parties will move closer." Wang Jiakang quickly came up with a countermeasure, reducing the distance between the phalanxes and reducing the space for the cavalry to turn.

However, this method of treating the symptoms but not the root cause was quickly cracked by Donglu.The cavalry launched a burst of fire from both sides of the entire division, and even the infantry soldiers who had no horses stood in the distance with their infantry bows and fired rapidly.

More and more people fell in the phalanx. (To be continued.)

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