golden scales

Chapter 45 Unexpected Career Cheng Youzhao

"Meicun, who is the East Palace talking to?" In the reception room in the attached hall of the attendant's room, the fourth-rank official in Yunyan's mended uniform asked Wu Weiye in a low voice.

Wu Weiye was called an entertainer, but he was actually a recommendation, so although his rank was lower than others, he became the chief seat.Hearing that his boss spoke to him so politely in the past, Wu Weiye suddenly felt that it was not too unacceptable to work in the attendant's room.

"I heard that he is a Gong student seeking to see him." Wu Weiye also pretended to be familiar with him and said that he was not polite to him.

"Gongsheng..." The fourth-rank official had a lot of meaning.He came earlier than the tribute student, and it was his turn to enter the audience, but the prince ordered him to enter the audience as soon as the man's name card was passed in. He thought he was a famous Confucian, but who knew he was a tribute student.

What is Gongsheng?

Among the prefecture, prefecture, and county students who have excellent grades and conduct, they can be promoted to the Imperial College of the Imperial Academy, known as Gongsheng.It means to contribute talents to the emperor.

To put it bluntly, it's just a juren.

A small Juren may be a great figure in the local area, but in the inner city of the capital, among the officials all over the street, which one is not from the two ranks?

"I don't know where the famous Confucian is?" The official asked inquiringly, worried that he would accidentally offend a certain hermit in the field.

"I'll go and have a look." Wu Weiye cupped his hands and went back to the office to check the name of the name, but it was a very strange name.He returned to the living room, hesitantly said: "Shui Xin, have you heard of Yu Chang?"

"Yu Chang?"

"A metaphor," Wu Weiye said with an accent, "a metaphor for a metaphor."

Shui Xin shook her head: "This surname is rare, if you've heard of it, you won't forget it."

"Yu Chang, whose name is Jiayan." Wu Weiye said: "He is from Nanchang, Jiangxi, and he is already 58."

There is a saying in the examination hall, "Thirty old Mingjing, fifty young Jinshi", but that is already the old Huangli.Most of the famous officials since the founding of the Ming Dynasty were Jinshi before the age of 30, and their rankings were extremely high.Thinking about the imperial examination, which is a competitive sport that is heavy on physical strength and mental strength, it may not really be able to bear it when you are older.

Not to mention, Wu Weiye himself is a 22-year-old Jinshi, and he is No. 2 in the first place.Compared with him, the 58-year-old Gong Sheng is indeed worthless.

However, it was this worthless person who was warmly received by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

Every Emperor Yanjing has a way to express his enthusiasm. For example, Emperor Jiajing's willingness to grant a seat shows that he likes this official, and Emperor Wanli's willingness to come out to meet him also shows his favor.When Emperor Chongzhen came, he liked to meet his ministers on the platform, and treated his favorite ministers like family members.

The prince's habits are more prominent.He would humbly call these people by nicknames, which were not good enough.Then keep them together for snacks, sweets, and even dinner without any barriers.

Tian Cunshan saw that the crown prince came down to welcome Yu Chang, opened his mouth and said "Xichang Gong", and immediately understood: this poor man in old clothes must be a capable person.

The prince's definition of "ability" is different from that of ordinary people.Most of the "skills" he wants are not the ability to speak, write and read, but the "skills" that can really do things.Otherwise, for a well-educated and talented man like Shuzi Wu, the prince not only never called him by his name, he didn't even call him by his name, and he never had a good face.

That's still the prince's teacher!

Yu Chang wandered through the gates of power and eunuchs, received indifference and praise, but never enjoyed such treatment.His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of the Ming Dynasty actually stepped down to greet him, what kind of courtesy is this!

"Student Yu Chang, pay homage to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince." Yu Chang saw that the visitor had no beard, and because the boa robe and the dragon robe did look alike, he was afraid of making a mistake and committing a serious crime.Until he confirmed that the bright red casual clothes were indeed the Sun Moon Golden Dragon, he quickly bowed down.

"Excuse me, sir." Zhu Cihong had already stepped forward to support Yu Chang's arm, and lifted the skinny old man up with all his might, preventing him from kneeling down.

"There is only one type of people in the world, and I dare not be worshiped by them." Zhu Cihong said with a smile: "It is Mr. Xichang who has no calculations and immeasurable merit. From the perspective of the world, I should be the one who worships you."

It is true that Yu Chang has a small reputation as a doctor, but in all fairness, his reputation is not as great as that of God.Even in the capital, he is not considered a famous doctor.The reason why he posted to meet the prince was because he saw the group of "Qingshan doctors" with his own eyes.

The medical skills of these Qingshan doctors are not very high, and some of them even know nothing about basic medical principles, but they dare to rush to the forefront of the epidemic and are decisive and quick.Although I haven't heard of anyone cured by them, it is obviously due to their credit that the plague was contained in the capital.

Casting his gaze behind these green-shirted doctors, the figure of the prince can be seen everywhere.

"Epidemic Prevention" was written by the prince himself; the soldiers controlling the epidemic area are the guards of the East Palace; the ones who disinfect the epidemic area, quarantine area, and isolation area are the military doctors of the guard camp of the East Palace... All these things have drawn people's attention to the prince.

"His Royal Highness is superb in medicine, thought-provoking, and saves the people of Li people with his benevolent and ingenious skills. The students are not talented, and I would like to follow them." Yu Chang bowed.

Zhu Cilang smiled and led Yu Chang into the study, and ordered tea to be served.He is not willing to intervene in the life trajectory of historical figures in advance. With the power of the crown prince, it is likely to change the life trajectory of historical figures.For example, this Yu Chang Yu Jiayan was regarded as one of the three major national doctors in the early Qing Dynasty.

However, this person has a violent temper and doesn't save face for others, so his interpersonal relationship is very bad.Until the Qing soldiers entered the customs, Yu Jiayan shaved off his family, honed his heart and surname in the temple, and finally became a generation of masters, creating a real school-style medical education.

It can be seen from this that Yu Chang's achievements are clearly divided into two parts.The former is a medical skill, which has already been accomplished, and will not change because of Zhu Cihong's appearance.The latter is personality, which is the treasure that was finally tempered by the oppression of the subjugated country and the influence of the Qingdeng Ancient Buddha.

Now that Yu Chang has personally come to serve Zhu Cihong, with the support of the prince Bole, he will definitely achieve greater achievements and help more people.However, his own achievements and contributions in history may not be repeated.

Facing Yu Chang, Zhu Cihong felt his touch on history for the first time.

"Mr.'s medical skills are something I admire very much." Zhu Cihong said: "But what I admire more is Mr.'s medical ethics."

"Students don't dare to be ashamed." Yu Chang's heart was pounding when he heard this, but he only spoke modestly.

"Sir, don't be self-effacing." Zhu Cihong said: "I have read Mr.'s books, and I especially agree with Mr.'s writing standards for medical records."

Yu Chang's medical record standard puts the most emphasis on the careful and comprehensive collection of symptoms, including not only the relevant information, but also natural conditions such as weather and geography.It includes not only the manifestations of various diseases, but also the cause of the disease, the development and changes of the disease, the records of medication, and even the time of predicting the effect of the drug.

Anyone who thinks that Chinese medicine is just a placebo, witchcraft, and unpredictable, as long as they have read Yu Chang's medical records, will feel that this is a medical report with hard work and heart.As for the technical content, it is more due to the limitations of the times, rather than being too harsh.

Zhu Cihong said: "I have the heart to save the Li people, but there are very few people I can rely on. Since Mr. and I have a like-minded heart, I will treat Yi Yin with business, and Mr. Jiang will be respected by Mr. Zhou."

"Don't dare to obey!" Yu Chang hurriedly stood up and bowed to the end.

Zhu Cihong chased after him and returned the ceremony.

Zhu Cihong will never be stingy with his etiquette for those who are unlikely to be suspected of taking power.Does the real dragon son of the Tian family still need "rituals" to show his dignity?No matter how humble he acted, no one dared to really regard him as a small Confucian, they would only say that he was a corporal of courtesy and virtuousness.


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