golden scales

Chapter 46 The old cicada hissing the sound of wheels

Before Yu Changren left his residence, the crown prince had already summoned Wu Weiye to draft a memorial to recommend the heroes of the epidemic prevention, mainly to reward silver and silk, but the purpose was only to cover one person's promotion to the imperial doctor of the imperial hospital.

That is Yu Chang.

According to the establishment of Guochao, the imperial physicians of the Taiyuan Hospital are of the eighth grade, and there are ten people in total.However, there have been increases and decreases throughout the dynasties, and this quota is not as strict as other yamen.From the imperial doctor up, there are two court judges and one court envoy.The court verdict is the sixth grade, and the court envoy is the fifth grade.These two levels of official positions belong to officials with the surname of affairs. Of course, Zhu Cihong will not waste a generation of great Chinese doctors in paperwork.

"Don't look resentful," Zhu Cihong suddenly said to Wu Weiye, "Do you think there is no chance of making meritorious service when I am my secretary? In fact, it is human effort, and you have to use your brain more. For example, this time, if you can write so that your father can completely Give me the power of the Supreme Hospital, how can I not reward you?"

Wu Weiye complained in his heart, how could he have any resentment!The minister complains, that is a felony that can be beheaded and ransacked!Prince, how can you say such cruel words so nonchalantly!

"How dare the minister have any resentment!" Wu Weiye said aggrievedly: "The minister is just a little puzzled, why His Highness is so interested in an unknown doctor while leaving the capable minister alone."

"Oh? Who are you talking about capable minister?" Zhu Cihong asked.

"Shao Zhan Shi Yu," Wu Weiye said: "The name is Zhan Gong, and the name is Shui Xin. At that time, people called it 'Confucianism in the World'. I have been waiting outside for a long time."

"Oh, him." Zhu Cihong nodded lightly: "I saw him twice when he was in Zuo Yude before. My impression is so-so. What did he write? He was called Confucianism in the world Didn’t His Majesty Father reuse him?” Considering Emperor Chongzhen’s thirst for talents and his preference for Confucian classics, if there was a “World Confucian School” in the court, he would never turn a blind eye to it.

Back then Liu Zongzhou provoked Longyan's fury, wasn't it also because of his fame as a Confucian that he saved his life?Otherwise who can save him?

"Xiang Shuixin's Confucianism is based on virtue and not writing." Wu Weiye did not forget that his old boss was still sitting and waiting to be summoned, and quickly said: "Your Highness is so negligent, it is not the way for the state to treat Confucian ministers favorably."

The country does treat Confucian ministers favorably.As long as you are admitted as a student, you will be exempted from tax and service, and let you run around the world.Once won the Juren, the whole family will be exempted, change the family, and become a noble gentry.If you are lucky enough to win a Jinshi, it will be even more terrible. There is often a saying among the folks that one generation of Jinshi and three generations of masters can be said to be true.

If the country treats Confucian officials like this, how should Confucian officials treat the country?Originally, there were fixed quotas for tax reduction and exemption for scholars, candidates, and Jinshi. How can any country allow you to pay land without collecting taxes?As a result, after arriving in Hongzhi, none of the family officials were conscious of it, and they evaded taxes with confidence. If they were willing to pay some, it would have given the county magistrate a great deal of face.Under such circumstances, the country was clearly not inferior to the prosperity of the Tang and Song Dynasties, but its tax revenue was less than one-tenth of that of the Tang and Song Dynasties.

And the gap between the rich and the poor among scholars and people was far greater than that of the Song Dynasty.Thinking that the common people in Kaifeng in the Northern Song Dynasty were willing to spend money to buy face wash water, which prodigal son would do that in the Ming Dynasty?

The officials all said that the vassal defeated Daming, as if they were silently contributing to Daming.Although suzerains and vassals are leeches living on the empire, these gentry officials are not inferior to blood-sucking worms.

"In that case, let's meet him." Zhu Cihong said.

He is very clear about his current status and status, and he has not reached the state of doing whatever he wants at all.Only within the rules can it absorb the much-needed nutrients and grow up quickly.Among other things, apart from the big banner of the Tian family, who can form a team of green shirt doctors who can control the epidemic in just ten days?

Although Zhu Cihong made a compromise on the surface, in fact he didn't have the slightest desire to see Xiang Yu.With a secretary like Wu Weiye who can write and has a weak personality, he will never be willing to change or add a troublemaker.It was purely to take care of the face of his subordinates, and it was only a matter of a few minutes anyway.


It's really only a few minutes.

After Xiang Yu came out of the East Palace, he didn't turn his head.The boots under his feet stepped heavily on the bluestone bricks, wishing he could crush them to pieces.The prince's gentle smile is still entrenched in his mind, but under this gentle smile is a coldness that anyone can feel.

From the beginning to the end, the crown prince only said one sentence: "Qing's virtues are excellent, so please be cautious."

Falling into Xiang Yu's ears, this sentence became: "Go for what you should do, stay where it's cool."

He didn't affirm his achievements in Zhan Shi's mansion, he didn't win him over to become a private minister of the East Palace, and he didn't ask himself to preside over the overall situation in the attendant's room!Even Wu Weiye was able to take charge of a subject, yet he was sent away by the crown prince saying "encourage him to be cautious"!The huge contrast made Xiang Yu's head feel as if he had been hit hard with a hammer, and the world was distorted everywhere he looked.

However, the other party is the prince, the eldest son from the middle palace, the foundation of the country.No matter how unworthy he is, it is not something that can be talked about.

Xiang Yu suddenly remembered the rumors in the court recently, and suddenly felt that the prince was not alone.Without the participation of Ge Fu, the censors of the Metropolitan Procuratorate seemed a little too united.

Could it be that the prince has already communicated with the important officials?

Xiang Yu suddenly felt joy in his mind.However, this joy was suppressed in an instant. Unlike the vassal king, the prince did not have the problem of handing over foreign ministers.An honest and dutiful prince will certainly be liked by the emperor, but if he really wants to communicate with ministers, it does not violate the ancestral etiquette—the princes before Jiajing were not all fuel-efficient lamps.

Zhu Cilang regarded the interview with Xiang Yu as his rest time, and continued to focus on the desk as soon as he turned his head, and began to write the guidelines for the construction of military hospitals and medical schools.Yu Chang is a master figure in Treatise on Febrile Diseases. In the field of traditional Chinese medicine, which is widely known, Zhu Cihong did not expect Yu Chang to accept surgery as a treatment method according to his own thinking.

In terms of technical conditions, today's prescription medicine is obviously far superior to surgery, even "Surgery Authentic" emphasizes the balance between surgery and medicine.However, from the perspective of military doctors, time is the most important thing.

It is also a leg infection. If a great national doctor like Yu Chang can treat it, it may really cure the person, but the cost of consumption is extremely high. It is impossible for every soldier to receive such treatment.

On the contrary, if there are enough manpower familiar with amputation surgery, although the soldier will lose his limbs, the probability of saving his life will be greatly increased.In Zhu Cihong's eyes, disabled soldiers also have great social value, but the role of corpses is very limited.

In the field of medicine, the Ming Dynasty is still leading the world.

There are currently three schools of thought in the mainstream of Western medicine. One is to regard the human body as a machine, imagining that any part with a problem can be replaced.They were called Mechano-Physical Medicine, no doubt a bunch of hysterics in this day and age.

The second is the chemical school of medicine, which was influenced by the formation of the discipline of chemistry.Helmont, for example, believed that life activities were entirely fermentation; Williams said that the source of life activities was a kind of "reiki", which was a kind of body fluid produced by distillation.Even chemistry is still a shadow of alchemy, and these chemistry-based medicines are undoubtedly more like alchemy.

The third category is supernatural vitalism.They attribute the physiological activities of the human body to supernatural forces, such as God.This kind of thinking is undoubtedly a remnant of the Middle Ages, and even ordinary Ming people may not believe it.

The first two schools of medicine became the forerunners of Western medicine in later generations.In fact, it can be said that there is basically no medicine in the West, all they have is physics and chemistry.All medical progress is essentially the progress of physical and chemical tools.

Without the help of technological tools that are almost sci-fi, Western doctors can only do bloodletting and enemas. The real cures are the herbs left to them by the Celts, Gypsies, and Arabs, and there is absolutely nothing to learn from them.

Zhu Cihong is a pragmatist, and it is difficult for him to understand the way of thinking such as "I would rather have the grass of a certain family than the seedlings of another family".He is not a scholar either, and he has no time and leisure to verify whether Chinese medicine is scientific.Since after thousands of years of proven prescriptions, patented medicines, and first aid methods still work, let him continue to work.

Moreover, since the development of traditional Chinese medicine, monographs can be described as overwhelming.Doctors in the Ming Dynasty improved a lot on the basis of their predecessors, and they didn't just follow the example blindly.Starting from Yu Chang, the medical education and treatment system has become more rigorous, standardized and systematic.With a deep root system and healthy sprouts, who can say that Chinese medicine in the future cannot become the mainstream of the world?


"Your Highness?" Liu Ruoyu stood cautiously at the door and reported.

"Say." Zhu Cihong raised his head, put down his pen, and moved his wrist.

"The guards who sent out the police today killed a governor of the General Secretary."

Zhu Cihong curled his lips lightly, and asked, "Governor? Do you want to tell me about this trivial matter? I have issued an order a long time ago, and anyone who does not obey the order will be killed. A junior official of the seventh rank dares to challenge me. If he does not die, he will wait." What?"

"Your Highness," Liu Ruoyu said, "This thief wants to escape privately, and death is not a pity, but after all, he is an official ordered by the court, and he will be executed without guilt. I'm afraid it will be difficult to explain to the emperor."

"Hehehe," Zhu Cihong couldn't help laughing, "You forgot about Yuan Chonghuan?"

Emperor Chongzhen was portrayed by history books as a cowardly, suspicious, mean-spirited character who made his subordinates take the blame.Chen Xinjia's murder last year is an ironclad proof.However, none of the civil servants and historians was willing to take a comprehensive look at Emperor Chongzhen's mental journey.This young literary and artistic youth with a small and fresh mind was initially very daring to take on tasks, assumed responsibilities, and had no doubts about employing people.

Even to the point of knocking out teeth and swallowing them.

For example, Yuan Chonghuan killed Mao Wenlong.

In later generations, people often complained about Governor Mao and blamed Yuan Chonghuan for destroying the country.

In fact, when Emperor Chongzhen received Yuan Chonghuan's confession memorial, he was so angry that he threw the pen, ink, paper and inkstone on the imperial case to the ground and cursed.As a result, because of his trust in Yuan Chonghuan, in order to prevent major turmoil in Liaodong, Chongzhen could only admit it with his nose, and by the way, he took the blame for himself.

Who is Mao Wenlong?That was Chongzhen's first-rank governor who was regarded as a capable general of Gancheng, the commander-in-chief of Pingliao who had the seal of a general and bestowed a sword on Shang Fang.

What is more important, a seventh-rank governor, or a strong vassal?

A foreign minister who is good at killing, and the prince of the East Palace, which is more important?


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