Except for the chirping of some insects, the surrounding area is extremely quiet. The Lion Mountain, which is named after it looks like a lion, does not look majestic at all under the night, but it looks a little disgusting.The faint of heart will not be frightened.

There are a few boulders scattered on one side of the small valley, and a young man sits quietly behind one of the stones, looking at the small flat land in front of him from time to time.The boy had a short crew cut and was wearing a camouflage uniform.There was also a homemade shotgun at his feet.I looked at the watch in my hand under the bright moonlight, it was four o'clock in the morning.Looking at the sky in the distance, there was a slight light, "It's so early in summer, I guess there are no wild boars coming out tonight." He whispered to himself softly.

Suddenly, there was a rustling sound from the mountain, the young man hurriedly lowered his head, hid himself behind the big rock again, and stared straight ahead.My heart moved, "I'm afraid it's a wild boar coming out." The sound of animals stepping on dead branches when they walked in the distance became louder and louder, which was particularly harsh in the quiet valley.However, when the young man heard this voice, he found it so pleasant.As the sound got louder, he also became quieter. He listened carefully to the sound and judged: there are probably 4.5 of them, and there must be a big guy taking the lead.Wild boars usually come out to look for food in groups, but this time it was only a small group, probably a small family.

The sound became quieter, and a group of dark wild boars finally walked out of the forest and walked to the flat ground. The young man took a closer look and saw 5 wild boars, 4 small ones and one big one.The small one weighs about 7.80 catties, and the large one weighs about 0 catties.Humming in their mouths, the group of pigs happily ran towards the flat ground. The big one led a few smaller ones, ran into the flat ground, and arched their mouths vigorously towards the ones on the ground.With the help of moonlight, the boy who was only 20 meters away from the wild boar could clearly see that the tusks of the big wild boar were still shining with a cold light.He picked up the gun, gently withdrew the five shotguns that had been loaded, took out two solid bullets from his pocket, and reloaded the two solid bullets and three shotguns into the magazine.Adjusting his body slightly, he stood gently behind the stone, leaned forward half a step with his left foot, held the handle of the gun in his right hand, put his index finger on the trigger, grabbed the front handguard with his left hand, and stared at the wild boar.

good chance!The big wild boar moved half a meter ahead of the little wild boar.The young man grasped the front handguard with his left hand and pulled it back. With a slight click, the bullet had been loaded. The small sound of loading was a bit crisp except for the sound of insects and the humming of wild boars. They all raised their heads to look in the boy's direction.The boy quickly pulled the trigger, grabbed the front handguard with his left hand and pulled it back, and pulled the trigger. There was another "bang" sound in the middle of not even a second.In the flames, two consecutive solid bullets hit the big wild boar's forehead. Frightened, several small wild boars turned around and ran towards the forest.The big wild boar staggered a few steps, fell to the ground, its limbs twitched slightly, and gradually became motionless.

The young man looked at the sky, and the sky gradually turned white.Glancing at his watch, it was 5 o'clock, and before he knew it, it had been more than an hour.Withdrawing the few remaining bullets in the gun, he turned around and put the gun into the gun bag sewn with camouflage cloth by his grandma, and put it into the bag on his back.Slowly pack up other things like water, mosquito repellent potions and the like.With one hand, he took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, lit one, and took a deep puff.Carrying the backpack, he walked towards the fallen wild boar. "I've been guarding you for three days, and I finally caught you."

The boy's name is Xu Ziling, but this Xu Ziling doesn't have a brother of Marshal Kou, nor does he have a confidante like Shi Xianzi. 19 years old, the only son in the family, just graduated from high school.After finishing volunteering at school, he returned to his hometown in the countryside. There are only grandparents in his hometown. His father, Xu Haoran, is also an only son. When he returned from the army, he started a small business and married his mother, Zhang Lan, who was a teacher.Later, a small or large quarry company was opened in the town until now.

It is said that it is a quarry company, but in fact it is turning big stones into small stones with machines for road construction.In the past few years, most of the rural areas have built cement roads, so the company's business is not bad, earning 200 million a year. I bought a house in the county town 10 years ago, and the whole family moved to the county town. My grandparents lived there for a while and felt that they were not used to living in the city, so they went back to the countryside.So every holiday, Xu Ziling would go back to the countryside to accompany his grandparents.Grandpa and grandma are both old people in their 70s, but they walk like flying, and they always like to grow a la carte.Xu Ziling always told them not to plant. Grandpa always said: "I am used to doing things, and I can't relax when I am old. When I am idle, my body hurts everywhere. I don't know if the vegetables I buy are clean or not. You can eat some." OK."

Whenever he heard such words from his grandfather, Xu Ziling always couldn't laugh or cry.In the end, they could only let them go.Think of it as physical exercise, the elderly may live longer.When she came back this time, grandma told Xu Ziling that the sweet potato fields at home were always overturned by wild boars.Now that the countryside is also rich, few people will go to the mountains, so slowly wild boars, pheasants, etc. gradually increased. In recent years, wild boars have become a disaster, so there is a scene at the beginning of the article.

Xu Ziling walked to the side of the dead wild boar and kicked it, but the wild boar didn't move, it seemed that it was completely dead.The center of the forehead was still bleeding and foaming, occasionally mixed with blood-stained brains.Holding the cigarette between the index finger and thumb, he flicked it to the ground, lifted his foot wearing jungle combat boots, and stomped it out fiercely.He put his backpack on his back, grabbed the wild boar's hind legs and dragged it towards a road just wide for one person on the edge of the flat ground.The left side of the road is the mountain, and the right side is the long-abandoned terraced fields. Both sides are covered with tall weeds. Fortunately, when we entered the mountain two days ago, we cleared the weeds on both sides, otherwise such a bright sky road will not see.

After walking slowly for about a kilometer, it was already bright at this time, and I came to a flat land, where my grandfather planted sweet potatoes.The land is about 100 meters wide, with mountains on both sides, bent five times, and stretched towards the south.So the villagers call this valley Wuwan Valley.In fact, this flat land turned out to be the innermost part of the valley. The place where Xu Ziling just hunted was only reclaimed on the Lion Mountain in the 6.70s and [-]s, but it has been abandoned for almost ten years. When Xu Ziling came to check it three days ago , obviously saw the "roads" that wild boars walked through in the wild grass. Followed the road and found the flat land in front of the mountain forest, so I chose to hunt in this place where wild boars must pass.

There is a gravel road on the right side of the flat land, which is also the ox cart road built by the older generation when they reclaimed Lion Mountain. It is about four meters long.There is a small stream between the stone road and the mountain. The mountain spring stream winds down the mountain and flows into the village.Through the clear stream, you can also see mountain crabs and small fish foraging in the water.Xu Ziling threw the wild boar that had been dragged down to the ground, walked to the stream, washed his face and hands, and drank a mouthful of mountain spring.After drinking the slightly sweet spring water, I feel refreshed.He took the bag from his back and walked to the small depression at the end of the flat ground, where the pickup that Xu Ziling borrowed from the quarry was parked there. He opened the door, put the bag on the back seat, took out the key and started the car. The pickup, accelerated suddenly, and the pickup rushed out of the depression like a leopard.As soon as the rear of the car came out of the depression, Xu Ziling stepped on the brake quickly, immediately put the reverse gear on with his right hand, and stepped on the accelerator to quickly drive backwards towards the flat ground, within a short distance of tens of meters in the blink of an eye.He didn't even look at the mirror, he stepped on the brake, and there was a "squeak", the old pickup truck without ABS, the tires were tightly locked and slid on the ground for three or four meters, exactly one meter away from the wild boar on the ground. Hold still.

Xu Ziling got out of the car, opened the back door of the pickup truck, bent down, and grabbed the back leg of the wild boar with one hand, and the front leg with the other hand. He didn't see how the wild boar exerted more than [-] kilograms of force was firmly caught by him. When it was in the hand.He grabbed the wild boar and put it in the trunk, closed the door, turned around and got into the car.I started the car and saw that it was still early, so I slowly drove home.

The pickup truck wobbled out of the valley. The entrance of the valley was the concrete road leading to the neighboring village that had been repaired a few years ago. After getting on the cement road, the car finally stopped wobbling. Five minutes later, Xu Ziling returned home, a small two-story building with a yard of about 5 square meters in front, and parked the car in the yard.The grandfather who heard the sound of the car came out of the house, "Ziling, how are you? Did you stay by last night? Hurry up and have breakfast. Your grandma is making it. It will be ready soon."

"Grandpa, it's time. I didn't come out until after 4 o'clock this morning, so I came out a little late." Xu Ziling replied.

"Really? Let me see." Xu Ziling opened the rear door.

"Well, it's not bad. It's estimated to be about two hundred catties." Grandpa looked at the pig's head, "The marksmanship is getting better and better. It hits the forehead. It seems that I haven't forgotten what I taught you."

Grandpa was a veteran of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. After returning from the army, he returned to Dashan to become an old hunter.When Xu Ziling was eleven or twelve years old, every time he came back to his hometown during the winter and summer vacations, his grandfather always took him to hunt.It wasn't until the past two years that Xu Ziling went hunting alone every time his grandfather got older.It's just that this is the first time I have encountered a wild animal like a wild boar.

"Hey..." Xu Ziling laughed a few times with a simple and honest look. "Grandpa, I will never forget what you taught me."

"Okay, put the things away, go wash up, go to have breakfast, and send the wild boar to your uncle later, this wild boar is thick and not very tasty."

"Well, okay." In the house of an old hunter, these wild animals can always be eaten. When Xu Ziling was young, his grandfather could always hunt them down every now and then.So until now, the whole family doesn't like to eat wild pork very much.

Close the compartment door, take the backpack out of the car, and put it in the room.He took off his camouflage uniform and changed into casual clothes.Went to the yard to wash up.Walking into the living room, grandma was coming out of the kitchen with two bowls of porridge.


"Hey, I heard from your grandpa, did you make it to today? My little grandson is very good." Grandma said with a smile.

"This is what my grandfather taught me when I was a child." Xu Ziling replied with a smile.

"Okay, okay. You all hurry up and have breakfast." Grandpa sat at the dining table and gave the order.

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