weapons expert

Chapter 2 Alien Visitor

After breakfast, the sun has come out.

Xu Ziling sat chatting with his grandfather and grandmother under the big tree in the yard.

Grandma said: "Ling Yazi, your mother called last night, saying that your college entrance examination results will be released tomorrow. I want you to go back today."

It should be that the mobile phone was turned off when I went hunting last night. My mother couldn't get through to my phone, so she called the landline at home.Xu Ziling replied while thinking: "Oh, yes."

"Are you sure? I heard from your mother that your first choice and second choice are both in military schools. I heard that military schools have high scores. Three generations of our family have counted on you as a college student. " Grandma said with a little complaint. "I really don't understand, your grandfather, your father, and now you, why do the three generations like to be soldiers?"

"What's wrong with being a soldier? You old woman, what do you know? Ling Yazi, grandpa, I support you."

"I'm sure, I'll pass the exam, don't worry, grandma!" Xu Ziling saw that grandpa was about to get red-necked with grandma like an old child, so he hurried to smooth things over.

Xu Ziling likes to be a soldier. Although he was influenced by his grandfather and father, in fact, he still has a big secret in his heart, which is the biggest reason for him to go to the military academy.

At this time two years ago, Xu Ziling was 17 years old. The school was on summer vacation and he went back to his hometown in the countryside to accompany his grandparents.That night, he went hunting alone as usual.The location that time was a Taoist temple that had been abandoned for an unknown number of years on the halfway up the Lion Mountain. According to my grandfather, when he was young, that Taoist temple had already fallen into disrepair.However, according to my grandfather's predecessors, in the last dynasty, the incense of this Taoist temple was very strong.Those with a radius of hundreds of miles are all famous.It's just that I don't know when and for what reason, the Taoist temple began to slowly fall into disrepair, and finally disappeared.But now, the Taoist temple has been swayed by the wind and rain for many years, and there are only a few ruins and blue bricks on the ground left to show its former glory and the vicissitudes of history.

There was a modified miner's lamp on his head, a machete in his hand, and grandpa's old shotgun on his back.Xu Ziling walked for two hours and finally arrived at the old Taoist temple.From the stone pillars that have not fallen down until now, it can be vaguely seen that this is the former mountain gate of the Taoist temple.Entering the mountain gate is the vestibule of the Taoist temple, an open space of hundreds of square meters paved with green bricks.Long grass grew in the gaps between the green bricks, and there were also a few pine trees that took root and sprouted, as well as a few bushes.The number of rabbits here is the most in this season, because there will always be some nameless grass growing under the bushes at this time, and there is a small mountain spring diverted after a long period of rainwater.Those rabbits like to come here to eat the grass and drink water.

I took a few ropes from the bag I was carrying, and used some relatively large branches in the bushes to make a few covers under the bushes with the method my grandfather taught me, and put them under the bushes.From the bag, he took out a few soybean sprouts that were specially brought to the rabbit and sprinkled them on the cover.Then use the same method to make two covers beside the mountain spring.Looking at the time is still early, those animals will not come out so early. "Go to sleep first, anyway, wild things usually come out more in the second half of the night." Xu Ziling thought to himself, then walked inside the Taoist temple, found a corner that hadn't completely fallen down, and cleaned it a little.Then he took out the snake repellent that grandpa made from herbs and sprinkled it around.Loaded the gun with powder and set it aside.He also took out a small roll of cotton thread and made a warning line with a distance of more than ten meters using some thatch that grew from the ground. superior.In this way, as long as there is any animal approaching, it will inevitably touch the line, so that even if you are asleep, you will wake up. Although it is said that there have never been any other large animals except wild boars in Lion Mountain in recent decades, you still have to be careful. good.I picked up a few large tiles scattered around, and put them in the corner with blue bricks, thus creating a small space of about 2.3 square meters between the corner and the tiles.Xu Ziling picked up the bag and put it on the corner of the wall, sat on the ground with his back against the bag, put the gun in his arms, wrapped the warning thread around his little finger, tightened his clothes, closed his eyes and took a rest .

Although it was hot in June, the night in the forest quickly cooled down.Cool wind blowing from time to time between the ruined walls, Xu Ziling quickly fell asleep amidst the undulating sounds of insects.

Time always flies by quickly, and it will soon pass zero, and the bugs in the forest are still chirping hard.Suddenly, the cordon that was set up was slowly straightened, and the fingers were moved.Xu Ziling, who was sleeping, opened his eyes immediately, and grabbed the shotgun in his arms with both hands.Standing up cautiously, under the moonlight, I looked over the big tiles in front of me, and there was an animal about ten meters ahead. "It's deer." Xu Ziling, who likes to read animal encyclopedias, saw it at a glance.

"Why do we have roe deer in our place? Aren't roe deer only found in the north?" Xu Ziling thought to himself.

I suddenly remembered that when I was chatting with my grandfather during the day, my grandfather mentioned that someone in the next village raised roe deer to produce incense and sold them. It seemed that several of them ran away because they were left unattended half a year ago.

"It must be the roe deer that escaped from the village next door. The roe deer raised artificially have all been cut and have lost their ability to reproduce. Let's beat them." Xu Ziling thought to himself.

With a gun in hand, he raised the tiles in front and aimed at the deer about ten meters ahead.The trigger was pulled, and with a bang, the deer fell down.But within two seconds, the deer got up again and quickly ran into the Taoist temple.It turned out that the shotgun that Xu Ziling used was the soil gun that his grandfather had been using for a long time. He usually used it to shoot pheasants and rabbits.Once it is time to shoot big wild animals, gunpowder and solid bullets must be added. This time Xu Ziling only wanted to hunt a few rabbits, so he loaded small steel ball shotguns.It is certain that the deer will not be killed in one hit.However, at a distance of about ten meters, the power of the small steel ball is also great. It is estimated that the deer was also seriously injured and could not run very far.

Before he had time to think about it, Xu Ziling put the gun against the wall, picked up the machete, and chased into the Taoist temple under the moonlight.After chasing dozens of meters, we came to the innermost part of the Taoist temple. It seems that this place used to be a lodging room.Beyond here is the mountain forest behind the Taoist temple. I saw the deer running in the direction of the forest, and it was only a few meters away. I was still seven or eight meters away from the deer, not to mention that there was a fallen wall in between.It must be impossible to catch up. If it runs into the mountains and forests, where the firewood is so deep, it will be difficult to find it. Xu Ziling immediately became anxious.

Without even thinking about it, Xu Ziling stopped suddenly, stood on the spot and jumped up suddenly, and threw the machete in his hand at the deer who ran up the slope and was about to enter the forest.Throwing out the knife, his strength was exhausted, and Xu Ziling's feet fell heavily on the ground. Unexpectedly, there was a sudden change at this time.Where the feet landed, the ground paved with blue bricks collapsed at once, and a black hole appeared.

The body fell down together with the broken bricks, Xu Ziling felt blank for a moment, his right hand reflexively grabbed the ground at the entrance of the cave, but he did not expect that the loose blue bricks around the entrance of the cave would follow along with him due to the strong inertia generated when the body fell down. As the person fell down, the body that was falling straight down also fell head-up and back-down because of the momentary traction when the hand grabbed the ground.In the darkness, I only felt a shock on my back, and then there was a "click" like something breaking, and Xu Ziling passed out.After several consecutive "clicks", his body finally landed on the ground. If Xu Ziling is awake now, he will find that the place under the hole turned out to be a small house with a row of wooden shelves on one side of the house. In the middle of the wooden shelf.The frame has been decayed for a long time, and the upper layers of wooden boards just buffered the force of the body falling down.Look at the ground is four or five meters away from the entrance of the cave. If it falls directly, people will definitely be seriously injured.

After being cushioned by several layers of wooden boards, when Xu Ziling fell to the last board before the ground, there was not much impact force. When the last board broke and hit the ground, it rebounded, causing his body to turn 180 degrees. The direction of speed turned into lying on the ground with all fours facing the ground, and the hand that was scratched by the blue brick because it grabbed the ground when it fell just now also slammed down on a dull stone about the size of a fist.

At this time, a strange scene happened, the blood that flowed from his hand was instantly absorbed by the black stone under the palm of his hand, and slowly the stone showed a slight light, as more and more blood flowed from Xu Ziling's hand Absorbed by the stone, the light becomes more and more intense.

Suddenly, a mechanical voice appeared in the void.

"Discover dna..... bind dna..."

"System self-check... The weapon database is missing... The network subsystem is damaged... The medical subsystem is partially damaged... The simulation optimization system is intact..."

"The host is slightly injured... activate the medical subsystem..." At this time, Xu Ziling's hand was wrapped in a soft light, and the wound on his hand healed quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye. Ten seconds later, his hand Except for some blood scabs and dust, it was the same as before it was injured.Not a single trace of minor scars.

"The treatment is over."

"Vector found on the host... Transfer vector..."

"Warning... Insufficient energy! Warning... Insufficient energy! Going to a dormant state... Please recharge the host as soon as possible." The ray of light moved out from the stone and passed Xu Ziling's right hand, When shifting to the electronic watch on his left hand, a hurried voice sounded.

After a beep, the small room fell silent.Return to silence.

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