weapons expert

Chapter 579 The Live Ammunition Drill Begins

Chinese people like to refer to the signing of the memorandum of intent to purchase as an order. The military factory has signed many such agreements in the past two days, and people from the northern military industry are helping. Of course, such things cannot be hidden from Wu Zhonghui, Pu Yi When they met, he congratulated Xu Ziling repeatedly.

For such an agreement, Xu Ziling is really not too happy. In his opinion, there is no deposit, but the intention to purchase is written on the document. This really doesn't mean much. When signing these documents, he Nie Yunjie did not show up, but he did some research afterward. Out of the ten documents, out of the eighty orders, it would be good if there were thirty. However, for Wu Zhonghui's enthusiasm Of course, he wouldn't say that he didn't care about such things, because if he said that, he was really suspected of pretending to be 13.

What's more, the Xiaolong with a base price of 4000 million US dollars and the transport aircraft with a base price of 3000 million can have [-] orders. Good" to describe it.

In the final analysis, the people from the northern military industry really played a very important role in signing these agreements so quickly within a few days. People who have participated in the air show, but for most of them who are exposed to this kind of thing for the first time, it is inevitable that they are not thoughtful. It is the people from the northern military industry who help them, so that the military factory can do these things well.

With such a foundation, after a meal, the guests and the host enjoyed themselves. Afterwards, Xu Ziling knew that the consumption reached a hundred thousand this time, and he didn't feel any heartache.

The flight show can show the maneuverability of the aircraft very well, but for the military representatives and arms dealers of various countries, the most important thing is the live ammunition drill, because an armed aircraft has the best maneuverability, but if the combat effectiveness is not very good, it is really It doesn't have much meaning, is it used to escape when it is used on the battlefield?

Of course, its maneuverability is to a certain extent absolutely its combat effectiveness. If its maneuverability is not enough, don’t expect its combat effectiveness to be so high. On the first day of the flight show, Red Star only dispatched one of their "Fierce Dragon" planes. ", this is the only manufacturer that participated in the performance with one aircraft in the entire air show. Compared with other manufacturers with more than three aircraft formations, although the number is somewhat small, it is the first heavy-duty armed helicopter in the mysterious eastern country, which is better than the "Apache "It's even more outstanding. With these names, the tolerance of the public has obviously been brought to the extreme. I have never heard anyone say that they are too stingy and only use a helicopter to perform.

Laymen watch the fun, but experts naturally watch the way. In addition to professionals, there are also military enthusiasts at the air show. These people can naturally judge the maneuverability of this aircraft from the performance. Li Zhihua and Zhang Xianyang were trained by Lao Wang. In addition, Lao Wang specially found an old classmate who was engaged in professional aerobatic performances to teach them a few lessons. In more than a month, he had mastered the "Fierce Dragon" to the extreme. During the flight performance, The two were really coquettish.

When he appeared on the field, he was flying at ultra-low altitude, then at high altitude, various rolls and somersaults that could only be done on fixed-wing aircraft, and finally there was a somersault that only "Apache" could do. Fly, after a performance, in addition to the regular stunts, the two of them also performed the most difficult maneuvers that all helicopters can do today, and some of them are actions that current helicopters have never been able to do. , which aroused countless screams from the audience, and the media and the Internet even gave the "Fierce Dragon" the reputation of being the most maneuverable helicopter in the world.

In such a situation, in the eyes of professionals, they naturally looked forward to the next live ammunition drill, and when Nie Yunjie and the Aiguo people came back after eating, Xu Ziling learned from him that since the air show ended, there have been more Several countries that came into contact with them made him very happy.

The next day is the live ammunition drill, which is also the last day of the air show. The drill is in an uninhabited desert nearly [-] kilometers south of Dubai, so everyone got up early on this day, and Xu Ziling even arrived early in the morning. Exhibition Center.

Helicopters flew over from China and passed through several countries, so the live ammunition they brought was boxed and not directly mounted on the plane. After arriving in Dubai, all the live ammunition was collected by the organizer for safekeeping. It will not be re-issued until today. For safety, the missiles and cannon ammunition are stored in high-strength alloy safes. Among the group, only Xu Ziling has the password. Xu Ziling opened it when he got his things back from the organizer. He unpacked the box and directed the staff to load the ammunition into it.

It wasn't until all this was done that he sat in the car and headed to the drill site.

The place is a ground shooting range of the Dubai Air Force. It is directly accessible by the highway. When the car leaves the urban area, it is yellow. This makes them who have been staying in the city for the past few days finally realize that Dubai is a city in the desert. , After half an hour's journey, a group of people arrived at the ground.

The place is guarded by the army. After inspection, everyone entered inside. The biennial Dubai Airshow will have live ammunition drills every time, and the venue will be chosen here every time. It has been held many times. Here The base has also established complete related facilities, such as runways suitable for various aircraft take-off and landing, trapezoidal auditoriums and so on.

No matter the manufacturers or the visitors, the seats are all arranged by the organizers, maybe because of the excellent performance of the military factory in the past few days, when Xu Ziling and the others found their seats, they found that they were arranged in the front row, logically speaking Well, the positions in the front row are generally those more important exhibitors, such as Martin, Boeing, etc., it is impossible to have the positions of Xu Ziling and others who are exhibitors for the first time, which makes everyone a little "flattered".

After preparing for each other, the live ammunition drill officially started, and the fighter jets were of course the first to come.Speaking of fighter jets, it is worth mentioning that at this air show, Martin once again let the f-22 participate in the exhibition. Unlike the previous publicity, this time the f-22 was actually released by the US government from export restrictions, so in live ammunition During the exercise, f-22 also participated.

The year before last, at the Paris Air Show, Xu Ziling got the f-22 plan, so this time he did not go to it many times in one fell swoop. What made him a little disappointed was that this time the air show still failed. Saw traces of f-35.

Comparing the two models, it is difficult to say who is stronger and who is weaker. The f-22 focuses on mid-range and long-range air control, while the f-35 focuses on mid-range and short-range. The stealth performance may not be as good as the f-22, but in terms of close combat, the f-35 The -22 is a little bit stronger, and it is mainly positioned as a carrier-based model, and it is not much comparable to the f-[-] land-based fighter.

Xu Ziling believes that the "Flying Eagle" c-type carrier-based aircraft will never lose to the f-35 in terms of various performances, but after all, it is born out of the f-22. In terms of positioning, they still have a starting point. The problem is, if they can get the f-35, he believes that the optimized solution will definitely be better than the current "Flying Eagle" c-type, but unfortunately, the Americans hide the f-35 like a treasure. He will not participate in any air show, so he really has no way to start.

Not every manufacturer will participate in live ammunition drills, because most of the manufacturers are not brand new models, they have participated in the exhibition before, and have already had such links as live ammunition drills, so those who participated in this drill today , It is the f-22 that has never been shown in front of the public, or a brand new model like the "Fierce Dragon".

These things were arranged by the organizer long ago, and of course there are special cases, like the J-10 of Northern Military Industry, which was arranged by the country directly with the organizer before the launch.Speaking of J-10, this is also a topic of concern at this air show. As we all know, J-10 is the main combat aircraft in China. Like the F-22 of the Americans, it has always been prohibited from exporting. This time, an export model was also taken out, which surprised many people.

Combined with the sudden emergence of the "Red Star" military industry, and then thinking of the F-22 of the Americans, everyone is guessing countless, wondering if there is any "stories that have to be told" in it, which made the two countries of the United States and China A big country that has never dealt with it very much has come up with these.

Of course, more speculations are still directed at the Celestial Dynasty. In the eyes of many people, this country has armed helicopters like "Fierce Dragon", and the j-10 has completely relaxed export restrictions. Does that mean they have A more advanced fighter?Therefore, these days, China has become the hottest topic at this year’s Dubai Air Show. No matter in the exhibition hall or online newspapers, you can always see or hear the opinions expressed by some “professional” people.

Of course Xu Ziling knew about this kind of thing. Looking at some comments on the Internet and newspapers, he couldn’t help but laugh. He didn’t know whether it was a “coincidence” or not, but he was absolutely sure that their participation in the exhibition He definitely didn't think about these things, but no matter whether it was criticism or praise, he felt that it must be beneficial to the reputation of the military factory, so he didn't let the military factory make any remarks, but just kept being honest. really doing their thing.

Some things, the more serious you are, the more troublesome it will be. Besides, in the country, as long as a company with a special nature such as a military factory produces something good, Chinese people will only think how advanced their country’s technology is. There will only be a proud attitude, but for some countries and arms companies in those countries, seeing the rise of others is not a good thing. The more famous you are, the more he may dislike you, so here For this kind of thing, as long as it does not exceed a certain range, letting go is the best way to deal with it.

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