weapons expert

Chapter 580 A Different Demonstration

The live ammunition exercise is just an aircraft in the military field. Based on the fact that there are not many qualified aircraft, there are only a few types of fighter jets, so today's display is only half a day. Compared with helicopters, fighter jets roar in the air and then roar away. Yes, the time for each model will not be very long.

Although I have complete information on the f-22, it didn't hang any bombs when I scanned it. When I saw it demonstrating the accuracy and power of the aim-1, aim-9 air-to-air missiles, jdam and other ground-to-ground missiles, Xu Ziling I was still shocked, and had to admit that this American thing is really powerful.

However, his shock was only for a moment, and it belonged to the kind that was forgotten afterwards. With the lions around, it would be a matter of time before they surpassed them. There was no need to envy other people's things.

After the f-22 is a new type of Russian fighter, and it is also the "opponent" of Xu Ziling and the others in this major refit of the domestic air force. It is precisely because of this that Xu Ziling has a detailed understanding of this model Yes, from the heart, compared with the "Flying Eagle", this model is really not comparable, so after learning about it, he didn't take it too seriously. The domestic really wants to choose this model instead of the "Flying Eagle" ", then he will only be disappointed with this country, because such a result cannot be changed by doing too many things.

Fortunately, things aren't that bad!

After quickly demonstrating several fighters, it was soon the turn of the helicopter, and in the helicopter, their "Fierce Dragon" was arranged to take the lead.

Appearing again, "Fierce Dragon" is extremely arrogant, coming from the Dubai International Airport Exhibition Center, near the practice field, two pilots control the helicopter to fly at a high speed at a height of less than ten meters, although it is located in the desert, the terrain is quite It is flat, but it does not mean it is absolute. Some sand dunes are as high as more than ten meters. If the pilot is negligent when flying at such an ultra-low altitude and high speed, it will definitely end in a crash.When the people in the practice field saw such a flying posture, everyone's faces were very exciting.

According to Xu Ziling's thinking, their "Fierce Dragon" does not pay attention to the power of their weapons, but focuses on demonstrating its "automation". They didn't change their flying posture, and they always flew towards the intended target like that.

The helicopter flew close, and the spectators saw another shocking thing through the binoculars: on the short wings of the "Fierce Dragon", there were hanging points on each side up and down.

So far, they have never seen a weapon that can be mounted on the top and bottom of the short wing at the same time. Looking at the model and related materials before, they still have this function, and they still have some doubts, but now it seems that this is true. To solve the launch load of these various weapons?

Of course, more people didn't care about his technical problems, but thought that compared with other helicopters, "Fierce Dragon" had double the number of weapons. If it were to fight positional warfare, two helicopters would have been needed. Wouldn't it be enough to dispatch one?

In some scenarios, this means that the combat power has doubled?

At this time, they obviously didn't have much time to think about this kind of thing, because the helicopter will soon fly to the predetermined attack range. What makes them strange is that the helicopter still has not changed its flight attitude, no Any trace of aggressive gesture, what is this for?

Soon, their questions were answered.

The first thing to show is the aerial cannon. The target is two artificial targets 200 meters apart on the same horizontal line. According to the general helicopter, when attacking, it will choose two targets as a straight line to attack, but "Fierce Dragon" did not do this at all. , but before entering the attack range, I adjusted the course slightly and chose to rush in frontally. After entering the attack range, everyone did not see the attack posture of the helicopter diving, but heard a "bang", A target on the left fell in response, and less than five seconds later, there was another "bang", and the target on the right side of the helicopter was hit again.


How can this be?How can this be?Seeing such a situation, everyone was thinking like this in their hearts.

Without diving into these attack postures, two targets were hit within five seconds, and the helicopter has only one cannon on it. What does this mean?Looking at the distance, this shows that the cannon can at least achieve an automatic attack within 120 degrees horizontally!

What's even more frightening is that the helicopter only used one shell for each target. What does this mean?

In such a high-speed flight state, it can automatically lock the target, calculate the trajectory and hit the target with 100% accuracy. When did the military factories of the Chinese Dynasty have such advanced technology?For a moment, everyone was shocked.

If such automation technology is applied to other weapons, what kind of situation will it be like!

At this moment, some people who were still a little casual about "Fierce Dragon" finally paid attention to it at this time.

These people thought this way, but Xu Ziling and the others didn't know, and Zhang Xianyang and the others didn't know either. They only cared about their own affairs. The drill continued, and the next thing was to fight against the ground and the air.

For ground attack, there are rockets and ground anti-tank missiles on the helicopter. Because of the angle of rocket activity, in fact, when the helicopter reaches a certain height, there must be a certain dive angle, so that the rocket can attack. The Dragon has never changed its flight altitude since it entered the field. In such a low-altitude range, the angle of the rocket's activities allows the helicopter to completely avoid diving.

The target of the attack this time is the ground area marked with a white circle. Zhang Xianyang and the two adjusted their course again without changing the speed and altitude. The rockets in the rocket pod emitted white smoke, streaked with flames, and went straight to the target, "Boom boom boom..." There was a burst of explosion sound, and the white marked area on the ground was completely blown up, and the yellow sand flew everywhere .

There was still no attack posture in this attack, but people with good eyes discovered a situation from the binoculars this time: before the helicopter attacked, the rocket pod on the short wing pylon automatically adjusted the shooting angle.

Although I saw the helicopter adjust its course before, it can be guessed that the rocket pod can only be adjusted up and down, not horizontally, but with such ability, everyone here knows that this is already beyond the reach of other helicopters.Think about the previous media reports, saying that the "Fierce Dragon" of the eastern power will replace the "Apache" as the future hegemony of the mid- and low-altitude, and the country that the Americans have never been very cold is laughing in their hearts. What their allies think in their hearts, only they and God know.

The next demonstration will be even easier. Although the anti-tank missile is not a special missile for the domestic version of "Fierce Dragon", Xu Ziling made a small modification before going abroad. It is a few kilometers, even within [-] kilometers, the error will not exceed [-] centimeters.

With the cooperation of Zhang Xianyang and Zhang Xianyang, the ground marks with red letters on a white background, one missile at one target, absolutely no misses.

As for the air-to-air missile, the target is the target drone flying in the air. Speaking of this, Xu Ziling really admires the organizer for making money. Manufacturers like them who participate in live-fire drills must have demonstrations of air-to-air missiles, which means they The target drone must be used, but the organizer has a clear regulation, saying that for the sake of safety, the target drone can only be provided by them, and the manufacturer is not allowed to bring it by itself, and the charge is three times the market price. This includes environmental protection costs after the event and so on.

This made Xu Ziling couldn't help complaining, Nima is a desert base, some shit environmental protection, can the wreckage of this thing pollute the sand?

Of course, he can only talk about this kind of feeling with his own people. It is impossible to say it outside, and it is impossible to raise objections to the organizer, because it will make everyone laugh. A dignified military factory will lack this two dollars?

Therefore, he would never go out and lose face, but it's okay to vent his unhappiness in front of his own people.

For the air-to-air missile demonstration, the organizer releases the target drone, and the helicopter chooses the distance to attack. "Fierce Dragon" is equipped with a modified TY short-range air-to-air missile this time. The TY missile was originally a special missile developed for helicopters in China, and it is also the world's first helicopter-specific missile. Domestic experts naturally made a lot of Kung fu, and then modified by Xu Ziling, in the short-range air-to-air missile, it is the top existence.

In order to show its range, etc., when the target aircraft took off, the helicopter did not choose to attack immediately, but waited for it to fly ten kilometers away before choosing to attack.

Different from the demonstrations of other models, Xu Ziling deliberately increased the difficulty in order to demonstrate the superiority of the "Fierce Dragon" fire control radar. He asked Nie Yunjie to negotiate with the organizers and asked them to dispatch multiple target drones during the "Fierce Dragon" demonstration. Their task is to hit multiple target drones sequentially in a short period of time.

Hitting multiple target drones reflects the accuracy of the missiles, and shooting them down in order reflects the target selectivity of the fire control system. Xu Ziling is obviously very confident about this difficulty, and Zhang Xianyang and the others are equally confident. Very confident.

The five target drones were marked with Nos. [-], [-], [-], [-], and [-] respectively, and they all reached ten kilometers away. The helicopter immediately locked the targets in order, and then pressed the launch button.

The missiles on the lower hanging points of the short wings quickly flew out in sequence. Five missiles with five white lines flew towards their respective targets at a speed of Mach [-] from the air. The same target drone, the five missiles did not misjudge, and each went straight to the target it locked.

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom" "Boom" "Boom" Soon, five groups of flames burst into the air, and after a long time, five faint explosion sounds entered everyone's ears.

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