I am the carpenter king

Chapter 604 Conclusion

Standing respectfully on the side, Chen Hong waited for Emperor Tianqi's order. Without Emperor Tianqi's nod, there was naturally no way to accomplish this matter.

Looking back at Chen Hong, Emperor Tianqi's eyes narrowed slightly, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he said with a smile: "Chen Hong, who gave you this idea? Or who told you, I Is there no one around to serve you?" After speaking, Emperor Tianqi ignored Chen Hong, turned around and left.

Standing in the same place in a daze, Chen Hong suddenly felt a cold wind on his neck, and a gust of breeze blew by, Chen Hong shivered violently.The expression on his face also became very ugly, and his eyes became sharper.Seeing the disappearing figure of Emperor Tianqi, Chen Hong breathed a sigh of relief.

The emperor came to Nanjing to suppress the rebellion. If a beautiful woman is selected at this time, what will the outside world say?I'm afraid it will be concocted into another Sui Yang Emperor!Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty went to Yangzhou to see Qionghua, so the emperor probably went to Jiangnan to find women.Now there are rumors that Emperor Tianqi is cruel and heartless, if you add lust, I am afraid that the name of this faint king will be settled.

Public opinion in this era is very monotonous. Who controls public opinion?In the hands of scholars!Ordinary people don't understand anything, and regard the words of scholars as the truth.If Mr. Zhao from the private school at the head of the village said something, ten out of ten people in the whole village would believe it.Why did Mr. Zhao say it so swearingly, because it was said by Zhang Juren in the county.Where did Zhang Juren get the news? It was from the provincial capital.

If it is passed on like this, I am afraid that if it reaches ordinary people, they will not be able to hear the truth of the matter.As the saying goes, three people become tigers, so many people may not necessarily become anything.

At this time, Chen Hong broke out in a cold sweat, and when he told the emperor about this proposal, the emperor already understood that the person who came up with this idea had evil intentions.But the emperor had a false trust in himself.I didn't believe it was my own idea, so I had what I just said.

After thinking about it, Chen Hong sighed helplessly, he had no way to investigate this matter himself!As long as he insisted that it was for the sake of the emperor, he had no choice but to admit that he was dumb.But it won't be the first time.It definitely won't be the second time, the next time I want to admit myself, I'm afraid it won't be so easy.

Time slowly arrived in mid-October, and the entire Nanjing city was almost restored. The businessmen were selling, and the entire Nanjing city was once again prosperous.But all the officials are waiting, waiting for the outcome of the case.The entire Ming Dynasty's official circles are paying attention, many people are not concerned about how the emperor will deal with these people, but are concerned about the vacancy of these official positions.

But Emperor Tianqi didn't care much.The three provinces and six ministries in Nanjing are in name only, and this system must be preserved.Now that the distance between the north and the south is too far, and the exchange of news remains unchanged, there is a need for the existence of the three provinces and six ministries in Nanjing.However, there are many things that are unclear. Daming's officials and people have adapted to this management method, and they can't move for the time being.

After getting dressed under Chen Hong's service, Emperor Tianqi was ready to go to the morning court, and the trial of the case was almost over.Get to know the case as soon as possible.Emperor Tianqi has other things to arrange.After all, I came to Nanjing not just for the rebellion case.I still have a big move to play.If you play this chess well, you will lay the foundation for your future actions.

"Your Majesty, the governors of the seven southern provinces have arrived, and they are also waiting for the morning court." Chen Hong was only responsible for passing the news to Emperor Tianqi, as for other matters, he should not ask, nor could he ask.

Slowly nodded.Emperor Tianqi said in a deep voice: "I have nothing to say to them in the morning court. After the morning court, you bring them to the back, and I have something to say to them."

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Chen Hong nodded with a serious face.He knew that Emperor Tianqi must have something important to cook in such a big battle.

"Play early if there is something to do, and leave the court if there is nothing to do!" In Chen Hong's shout, Emperor Tianqi's second early court in Nanjing began.

His eyes swept across the faces of the ministers, and Emperor Tianqi's eyes fell on Guan Yingzhen.This time the case was presided over by him. In fact, there was no need for a trial. Just punish the crime directly.The task assigned to them by Emperor Tianqi is also very simple, that is to sentence these people.

"Qizou Emperor, I have concluded the rebellion case, and now I am delivering an order to the Emperor!" Guan Yingzhen also knew that Emperor Tianqi was waiting for him to speak, so he hurried out and said respectfully.

Nodding his head slowly, Emperor Tianqi said with a smile: "I am very relieved of Aiqing's work, and she did not live up to my expectations. Now that I have mentioned it, Aiqing will tell you the result!"

"Yes, Your Majesty! After the interrogation with the three divisions, the subject has already drawn up the charges. An Xiangbo, Cheng Yi and others disobeyed the superior and intended to rebel. It is an unforgivable crime. According to the law of the Ming Dynasty, the three clans should be punished." The official responded Zhen also knew very well that this matter must be severely punished, and there was no room for negotiation.

All the officials below looked at Guan Yingzhen in amazement, this official scholar is ruthless enough!Why didn't you find out before?Guan Yingzhen was very clear that this time the emperor wanted to beat the power of these people to the end, if only the chief culprit was killed, it would definitely not be able to achieve the purpose of cleansing.

Although Guan Yingzhen felt a little guilty, in his opinion, these people definitely deserved their death.There is no need to condone smuggling and fornicating pirates.

Emperor Tianqi sat on a chair, looked at the ministers below with no expression on his face, and said in a deep voice: "My loves, I don't know what you think, you can tell me!"

"Your Majesty, these people conspired to commit treason, and even sent people to assassinate the Emperor, with the intention of mutiny. It is a heinous crime that cannot be punished. Please punish the three clans, so as to set an example to others!" He saluted Emperor Tianqi respectfully and said solemnly.

Now the ministers once again looked at each other in blank dismay. In fact, many people felt that the crime of killing the three clans was a bit too much.The Ming Dynasty has not had this kind of punishment for many years, but no one will stand up and intercede, because no one in the Ming Dynasty has dared to rebel so blatantly for many years.Of course, those local rebellions are not included, and those only need to be wiped out.

The rebellion of the ruled class is not the same as the rebellion of the ruling class.But this time, no one thought that Wang Lun would stand up.Many people thought that Wang Lun was avenging himself, but Wang Lun himself knew what Emperor Tianqi was thinking.This is just Wang Lun's performance in front of Emperor Tianqi. As for the life and death of those people, it doesn't really matter.

After looking around, seeing that he was not talking, Emperor Tianqi said indifferently: "Since I ascended the throne, I have not dared to slacken the slightest slack. I have done something. If one day I meet the ancestors of the Ming Dynasty, it will be regarded as a reward." explained."

"This time, some people committed rebellion, and my heart aches unceasingly. I feel that I have nothing to do to them. But I am not a person who kills indiscriminately. It is too harsh to punish the three clans. I can't bear it!" Emperor Tianqi sighed softly. He said with a complex tone.

"It's enough to kill one family, don't punish the three clans, let's do it like this! However, I will not tolerate those who commit rebellion. Jin Yiwei will investigate carefully, and punish those who are involved in the rebellion case severely. Omission." After speaking, Emperor Tianqi stood up, turned and walked out.

Many ministers are baffled, but many people understand!Emperor Tianqi did not punish the three clans, not out of kindness, but to show kindness.No matter what the facts are, everyone will praise: Your Majesty is merciful!

However, what many people care about is what Emperor Tianqi said later. Jin Yiwei continued to investigate and deal with it, which means that it is very likely that you will be charged with a crime, which is directly ransacking your home and arresting people.It seems that the emperor wants to use the family members of the criminals. In order to save their lives, these people will probably agree to any conditions.Just guessing it can only be kept in the heart, no one dares to say it, but the awe of Emperor Tianqi has deepened once again.

After returning to the harem, Emperor Tianqi didn't wait long before the ministers outside walked in.Participating in this meeting were not only the governors from all over the country, but also the guarding eunuchs and the eunuchs of the Shibo Department.But no one knows what Emperor Tianqi did to find people like himself here, but at this time, I am afraid there is nothing good.

"I'm looking for you today. There is only one thing. I plan to reopen the Shibo Department! You should all know that since the Jiajing Dynasty, there is only one Shibo Department in Guangdong. Now that the treasury has no money, I think you love it too." Clearly, I am going to reopen the sea trade, what do you think?" Emperor Tianqi glanced over everyone's faces and said expressionlessly.

In fact, there is no political resistance to opening the sea now. Longqing had already laid the foundation for opening the sea.It's just that during the Jiajing period, the coastal Japanese pirates rebelled, and all Shibo Divisions were closed, leaving only one in Guangdong.At present, there is already a navy, how could Emperor Tianqi give up such a profitable business as sea trade.

With the increase of population in the Ming Dynasty, land annexation has become very serious.The privileged class established by Zhu Yuanzhang did not pay taxes, which made Emperor Tianqi scratch his head.If taxation is forced, it is doing the right thing to the whole world.There is a Jinshi in a family, and the whole family does not have to pay taxes.If Emperor Tianqi abolished this prohibition, I am afraid that not only officials would oppose it, but ordinary people would also oppose it.

Now there are many refugees in Ming Dynasty, if they are not controlled, they will definitely become rogues in the end.These landless people are the source of disaster for the entire Ming Dynasty, but in the eyes of Emperor Tianqi, these labor forces liberated from the land are wealth, huge wealth! (to be continued..)

ps: Starting tomorrow, resume updating!

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