I am the carpenter king

Chapter 605 Chapter Jing

Emperor Tianqi's tone was very indifferent, as if he was talking about an unimportant matter, but the current minister couldn't sit still.Every minister sitting here is very clear about what the Shibosi represents.This is not just talk, it represents wealth, huge wealth.

However, those who are sitting here are also careless and clear.In the third year of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty, the shipping department was suspended and the sea ban was implemented.During the Yongle period, Zheng He made seven voyages to the West, establishing an overseas trade centered on tribute.But in the Jiajing period, the tributary system had gradually collapsed.

With the unfolding of the Great Geographical Discovery, Europeans began to embark on the ocean road, and many parts of Southeast Asia became colonies.The tribute trade of the Ming Dynasty completely lost its meaning.Every year, fewer and fewer envoys came to pay tribute to the Ming Dynasty. With the reduction of taxes, the Ming Dynasty no longer had the ability to explore the outer seas and build large ships.

During the Jiajing Dynasty, Japanese pirates were rampant, and the entire coastal area suffered great damage.It can be said that the Ming Dynasty had cut off trade communication with overseas countries, and Emperor Longqing, with the assistance of Zhang Juzheng, carried out reforms.Among them is a very important decision, and that is Longqing Kaihai.It's just that Zhang Juzheng just kept his eyes on the land, and Kaihai seemed to be a decoration.

Longqing Kaihai is only limited to Yuegang in Fujian, and other areas are still not allowed to trade.Only one place in Yuegang is allowed to go to sea, and only merchants in Zhangzhou and Quanzhou are allowed to trade. Merchants in other areas are not issued "ship guides" and are not allowed to trade.Moreover, the businessmen in Zhangzhou and Quanzhou also made ridiculous regulations. People from Zhangzhou were only allowed to go to the West, while people from Quanzhou were only allowed to live in the East (the East and West were divided by Brunei), and they were not allowed to trade with Japan.

Such a deformed policy.As a result, the benefits of opening the sea are not very obvious, and the initial tax for a year at most is only 5 taels of silver.In contrast to this is the prosperous maritime trade of the Europeans, the smuggling of the southeast coast is becoming more and more serious, and armed overseas merchants have appeared.In the early stage, it was represented by Li Dan and Yan Siming.However, the later peak was Zheng Zhilong's overseas group.

These maritime groups defend the shipping routes by force, and may make huge profits through smuggling.Daming knew it would perish, and did not taste the benefits of maritime trade.

For Emperor Tianqi, this is an item that must be developed!Daming has arrived at this time.New economic growth points must be found.The land has been exhausted, the mergers are getting more and more serious, and the tax policy is deformed, all of which have reached the brink of explosion.

If it is not resolved, once a catastrophe happens, the world will be full of wars!No matter how many things you do by yourself, it is useless to have a strong army.Although now I have the Longchang account to make money, it has temporarily solved the problem of funds.Part of it was solved by ransacking the house, but this is not a long-term solution!

People's lives have not improved.The land annexation has not changed, except for a powerful army, he has not done much.Resisting the Mongols and Jurchens in the north may be a great feat for people at this time.But Emperor Tianqi knew that he was still far from the powerful empire he wanted to build.

Different from people of this era.Emperor Tianqi felt that land annexation might not be a bad thing.The important thing is not to merge the land, but to let the people who lost the land live and live better. This is the key to solving the problem.As for the deformed tax system, it must be changed, but definitely not now.

Kaihai, strive to develop industry and commerce!The development of industry and commerce is inseparable from expenditure, and it is a fact that the self-cultivating peasant economy does not have much purchasing power.But Haimao.It is definitely a big hole that cannot be filled. No matter how much is produced, it can all be sold at this time.

As for food, Emperor Tianqi also thought about it.High-yield corn and other crops can be promoted.If it doesn't work, it can also be imported through overseas trade. You must know that there is no end to food in many places.This era is different from later generations, there are not so many people!The reason why there is not enough food is because of the merger of the land, because without the land, many people would not be able to live!

Ever since Emperor Tianqi ascended the throne, except for unavoidable things, he has been making arrangements for this matter.At this time, we finally have to take a very important step, that is to open the sea!

The ministers present here naturally cannot understand what Emperor Tianqi is thinking in his heart, and many of them have disapproval on their faces.Many people were lost in thought, and many people wanted to stand up and speak.

"My dear ones, I came here to discuss with you. If you have anything to say, it's okay!" Emperor Tianqi looked at the crowd and said with a smile.

Many people glanced at each other, one stood up, saluted respectfully, and said, "Your Majesty, I have something to say!"

After taking a look at the person who stood up, it was Yuan Keli, Governor of Zhejiang Province!Unlike others, Yuan Keli is very supportive of Haimao.During his tenure as a Tuiguan in Suzhou, Yuan Keli had resolved many cases involving Japanese officials, and he knew how much profit there was.At the same time, Yuan Keli has also been to Ryukyu, so he is very familiar with overseas trade.

Seeing that it was Yuan Keli, Emperor Tianqi nodded with a smile, and said, "Aiqing has something to say, but it's okay to say it!" When Yuan Keli was promoted to the governor of Zhejiang Province, Emperor Tianqi was already playing this card.

The governor of Zhejiang, the governor of Zhejiang, Fujian and Jiangnan, this position is definitely the front line of maritime trade!However, Yuan Keli is not the No. 1 choice for Emperor Tianqi to start maritime trade. The No. 1 choice is Xu Guangqi!Xu Guangqi's experience and qualifications, he is the most suitable person.

However, Xu Guangqi presided over it, so there must be good people to cooperate, and the person who cooperated was Yuan Keli.

"Your Majesty, it is very necessary to restart the Maritime Shipping Department and develop maritime trade. Your Majesty is wise! However, the situation overseas is complicated now, and there are many pirates, including Japanese pirates. If you want to open the sea, you need a long-term plan, and you must not rush to open the sea. What's more, opening the sea is a gradual process, and you can't use your brains!" Although Yuan Keli agreed with Kaihai, he was still a little worried.This is not a small matter, it is good if it is done well, but if it is not done well, it will be troublesome!

Slightly taken aback, he didn't expect Yuan Keli to say such a remark, Emperor Tianqi nodded slowly.Speaking of it, I seem to be a little anxious!But I didn't think about opening the sea right now, so I said with a smile: "I brought all my loves here, of course not because I want to open the sea now. If you have no objection, then I will continue to talk!"

There was no expression on the faces of the people present. Emperor Tianqi was too strong, and only a few people knew the character of brainstorming.Many ministers just know that once the Emperor Tianqi decides, there is no possibility of changing it.

"After you go back, do a local survey. Whether it's porcelain or silk, as long as it is an industry that can be used for maritime trade, write a booklet. What is the annual output and what are the influencing factors? It must be detailed and not overlooked! "Emperor Tianqi glanced across everyone's faces, and said with a serious face.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty!" Everyone quickly stood up, saluted respectfully, and said in unison.

Slowly nodded, Emperor Tianqi glanced at the crowd expressionlessly, and said at once: "Whoever can't do this well, I'm afraid this official can't be done well either! I don't need you to exaggerate, you must do it! Accurate. Anyone who dares to deceive the superior and the inferior shall be punished as the crime of deceiving the emperor!"

After arranging the matter, and talking about other things, Emperor Tianqi put all these people back.If the news about Haimao spreads, there will definitely be reactions, so don't be too quiet!

Things in Nanjing seem to have come to an end, and I should go back to Beijing!Standing at the gate of the palace in Nanjing, Emperor Tianqi had a serious expression on his face.Looking back at Chen Hong, Emperor Tianqi said in a deep voice: "Chen Hong, if I return to Beijing now, can I still take the boat?"

"Back to the emperor, the canal is not closed yet, the emperor can go back by boat. But in half a month, I'm afraid I won't be able to go back! If the emperor is in a hurry to go back, he can still take a boat. If the river is closed in some places, the emperor can also Go by land instead!" Chen Hong had already known it in his heart, so naturally he would not be asked by Emperor Tianqi.

Nodding his head, Emperor Tianqi thought for a moment, and said with a smile: "Let someone prepare for it! I want to go back to Beijing, and I still have to go back to the capital for the New Year! An order was passed to Sun Chuanting to let him stay in Nanjing to continue the reform of the military system. He is the governor of the five armies. Let Wei Guogong pack up and go back to Beijing with me. In addition, he sent an order to Beijing to let people clean up one of my Huangzhuang and give it to Wei Guogong."

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Chen Hong wrote down the things one by one. Since the Emperor is going back to Beijing, he must hurry up to prepare.It's going to be cold winter soon, and we can still go back to celebrate the New Year.

Hearing the news that Emperor Tianqi was leaving, the whole city of Nanjing breathed a sigh of relief.Although Prince Fu and Fang Shihong are still at large, Emperor Tianqi is useless here.

Three days later, when everything was ready, Emperor Tianqi got up and returned to the capital.On this day, the Nanjing Wharf was full of soldiers. It can be said that every ten steps one post, five steps one sentry.The news that Emperor Tianqi was going to open the sea had already spread, but before there was any new news, Emperor Tianqi was going to return to Beijing.

For Emperor Tianqi, there are still many things to do after the new year, and he can't delay too long in Nanjing.The Guozijian and Guowujian should have been completed, and it will be time to enroll students next year.This is a big event, and it cannot be delayed at all.

Emperor Tianqi of the Martial Arts Academy was also worried, the sooner the research there made a big breakthrough, the sooner his ideas could be implemented.Although he had not been away for a long time, Emperor Tianqi's mood can be described as returning home like an arrow.The matter in Nanjing came to an end, ushering in a golden age of the Ming Dynasty, a long-awaited period for Emperor Tianqi.

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