macro picture of events

Chapter 2 The looming cause and effect

() Mitsuki Haiyuan was completely stunned.

Although he hadn't reached the age when he really started to have heterosexual consciousness, when he saw that girl, his thinking still seemed to be forcibly stopped suddenly.

Because, the little figure sitting on the edge of the roof, with a thick book on his knees, swinging his legs back and forth from time to time, is so cute.

How can there be such a girl...

Anyone who has seen her with their own eyes will probably be so emotional.

No one can describe their perception of her, which has completely surpassed the realm of what words and words can express.If I have to describe it, I can only say this: If there is anything close to perfection in this world, then the perfect sample is here.

At Hai Yuan's age, of course he still couldn't say such a thing.So his reaction can only be to stand there in a daze.

In fact, Haiyuan should be somewhat hostile towards this girl, because his father has plans to adopt this girl.The feeling that family love seems to be taken away by others can never be called good, and Hai Yuan naturally doesn't have any good feelings for girls.

Haiyuan had seen pictures of the girl, and although he felt that the girl was unbelievably beautiful at the time, he definitely didn't have the soul-shaking feeling when he saw a real person like this now.This feeling was so strong that Haiyuan completely forgot the original hostility.

The girl seems to have a completely unexplainable attraction, which has always deeply affected Haiyuan.

So he just stared blankly at her flipping through the books for a long, long time.

He didn't even realize for a moment that the girl's sitting position was extremely dangerous, and she might fall from the roof at any time.When he finally remembered this, even he himself didn't know how long it had passed.

Hai Yuan, who wanted to remind her, walked forward, but was stunned again when he came behind her.

For some reason, the girl suddenly raised her head.Under the gaze of her beautiful eyes like amethyst, Hai Yuan once again seemed to be fascinated and forgot everything.

Those eyes are so beautiful that they seem to be staring at the deepest mystery of the universe, so deep that they almost seem to suck people in.

"What are you looking at?"

Kaihara asked involuntarily.

"who are you?"

And the girl also spoke at the same time.

What kind of sound is this? Could it be that someone gently plucked the strings?

The girl seemed to have misunderstood what Unabara said, and she lifted the book up to reveal the cover.

The title of the book is "Extensions to the General Theory of Relativity".Surprisingly, it turned out to be a physics book that didn't match her age at all.

As a child who grew up in Academy City, Unabara naturally has no idea about this one of the two major scientific giants of the twentieth century.But it is also natural that it is impossible for Unabara to have any understanding of the theory other than a few concepts.

However, judging from the girl's demeanor, it is obvious that the girl fully understands this theory.On the cognitive level, the distance between the two is too far away.This fact inexplicably made Hai Yuan a little unhappy.

"Hmph...pretentious guy."

As soon as he said this sentence, Haiyuan regretted it, regretted it thoroughly.He didn't know what he did, his brain seemed to be short-circuited suddenly.

The girl tilted her head cutely, probably for some unknown reason.Immediately afterwards, she closed the book and jumped directly from the roof.

This action of hers made Haiyuan yell out in fright.But soon, the falling speed of the girl's body became slower and slower.The acceleration of gravity was reversed on her body, and she stepped onto the ground naturally, as if she had already gotten used to all this, and even turned her head to look at Hai Yuan, whose face was bluish.

Probably, Hai Yuan's still worried expression was so funny that the girl even laughed out loud.

Her smile was unimaginably beautiful, but it also made Hai Yuan so embarrassed that he didn't know what to do.Finally, the volunteers from the nursing home showed up in time and called the girl away, which saved Haiyuan from further embarrassment.

However, before leaving with the volunteers, the girl seemed to realize something.She didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, she turned around again and looked at Unabara on the roof.

The eyes met this time, and for some reason, both of them kept their eyes on each other for a long time.

It was as if at this moment, I felt the thread of fate passing through the two.


"What's your impression of Tiaoyue? Mr. Haiyuan."

"It should be said to be very good. should I put it? Mr. Director, you have encountered such things quite often. Have you ever seen similar things?"

"No, I don't think I've ever seen it. It seems that although there are indeed quite unacceptable emotions, Mr. Kaiyuan, you seem to have made up your mind?"

"It's a bit too calm and clear, it really doesn't match her age..."

"Of all the kids we have here, Tsubaki is an extremely special type. I don't think it's going to be a good thing for her to stay here any longer. Unfortunately, we don't have enough, so we have to find someone else." Kaihara You should know, sir, that we have rejected similar requests several times before."

"You are right, Mr. Director. This is indeed the best result."

Unabara Mitsuki, who returned to the director's office, heard such a conversation.Unable to explain why, Mitsuki Haiyuan felt that his father and the director were not talking about the same issue at all.

"Guanggui, where did you go just now?"

The topic suddenly turned to Hai Yuan, and Hai Yuan, who was completely unprepared, was a little overwhelmed by this sudden question.


"Forget it, it doesn't matter."

As a child, he is always more sensitive than outsiders, like Haiyuan at this time, he feels that his father is a little strange for no reason.At least things related to him, his father seldom consider them unimportant.

"Mr. Director, about a week should be enough for the child to make a decision? If she refuses, I won't have any objections."

"Yes, it should be enough. Although I think she should agree, she still has to respect her own choice."

After finishing the last conversation, Haiyuan walked out of the director's room with his father.

"Guanggui, you won't blame me?"

Suddenly, in the absence of outsiders, Hai Yuan's words came out.

"Huh? Why?"

"Because from the beginning to the end, I never asked your opinion as a son. I don't know if you hate it."

"No... I guess I don't dislike her."

Haiyuan's father stopped suddenly and followed behind his father, but Haiyuan bumped into his father's back without thinking.

"You...have seen her just now?"

"Well, it's just a meeting."


The father who didn't know what he was thinking paused for a moment, then moved on.At this time, Haiyuan suddenly had an idea.

"Father, I want to stay here for a while, I don't know if it's okay."


Haiyuan's father was silent for a long time for no reason.

"It won't take long, I just..."

Hai Yuan, who was worried that his father would refuse, quickly tried to explain something, but his father quickly interrupted him.

"Go. But don't take too long today, I have time tomorrow."

Unabara was a little surprised by the overtones heard from his father's words.After recovering, he bowed to his father and ran out at a gallop.

Watching him rushing away, the father never said a word.


Outside the nursing home, Mitsuki Kaihara saw the girl again.Still holding the book, standing on the emerald green lawn.

Summer in Japan is always so changeable.Before he could say a word in the future, the sky suddenly became cloudy.And immediately, the rain poured down.The girl ran up and took Hai Yuan's hand, and the two ran into the small warehouse for storing things together.

Looking at Hein's hair that was disheveled by the rain, the girl smiled softly again.

"Sorry, I didn't answer you just now."

Haiyuan hesitated for a long time, and finally said so.For some reason, his thinking always seems to slow down in front of girls.


The girl was not surprised by this either, she seemed to be happy to accept Unahara's clumsiness.

"Mitsuki Unabara, this is my name."

There was no surprise on the girl's beautiful face, as if she had already guessed it.Facing the boy who might soon become her elder brother, she slowly reached out and took a small leaf from Hai Yuan's hair.

This intimate move made Haiyuan blush, but the girl seemed to be unknown.

"If you can, just call me Qiong Nai."

Subtly using a masculine self-proclaimed name, the girl neither said her full name nor her surname.Perhaps she didn't even realize that in this uncertain time, she had actually made the final choice unintentionally.

Choices are often difficult, aren't they?

Actually, that's not the case.

Many times, the choice does not require much rational thinking.What is difficult is not the choice itself, but the process of thinking about the choice.

In many cases, the purest choice that cannot even be explained is the most correct choice.

It doesn't matter whether it's acceptance or being accepted.

The influence may have always been common to each other.Like gravity, it is always an interaction with each other.While influencing others, you are also being influenced by others.

Having said that, Unabara did not realize this.After all, he is still too young.

There are not too many words, only the sound of raindrops is left in the world.The two were trapped here by the heavy rain, there was no one but each other, and even the world seemed to have only this small eaves left.

Hai Yuan looked at the girl's long hair that was not messed up even though it was wet by the rain, her eyes that looked breathtaking at any time, and everything that belonged to her, and even had a thought of wishing that the rain would last forever The bottom of my heart quietly rose.

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