macro picture of events

Chapter 3 Confused and Confused Choices

() During this week, Haiyuan came to the nursing home almost every day.And soon, I established a good relationship with most of the children in the nursing home.

His personality is actually very good, and his image is quite easy to be popular.Generally speaking, there are no people who hate him, it's just that he hasn't realized it. <The girl in the skirt is always reluctant to talk to him.

That's not a girl with a bad temper, on the contrary, she is still a very weak type.I just don't understand why, whenever she sees Haiyuan, she runs away from her.

It was only later that Haiyuan found out that she was actually one of the few people in the nursing home who could be called a friend of Qiong Nai.From her point of view, she probably looks like a bad guy who snatches away her friends.

Haiyuan can understand her thoughts very well, after all, he also thought so when he first learned about his father's plan.Although I had planned to apologize, but after all, nothing has happened yet, and there seems to be no reason.And Hai Yuan felt that even if he apologized for such a thing, he couldn't expect to be forgiven by her.

Speaking of father's plan, today is the last day of the agreement.

It is said that time flies the fastest when a person hesitates.Just like rushing homework, because people always have a fluke mentality when hesitating, hoping that the moment of decision can come as slowly as possible.But there is also a saying that, just like an injection, the moment before the needle goes in is the moment when the psychological burden is the greatest, so in fact, when hesitating, the passage of time in the psychological sense will slow down as the psychological burden increases. .

The seven-day waiting time is also the same. It is hard to tell whether it is short or long, at least for Hai Yuan.Quite paradoxically, he hopes that this ending will come as soon as possible, but also has a feeling that he hopes that this moment will never come.

Probably the re-examinees who are waiting for the results to be released have a similar mentality.

But one thing that is absolutely certain is that even Hai Yuan himself is not quite clear about what kind of result he hopes for.

Yes, contradictions.As soon as this feeling appears, it becomes the dominant party.

Looking back at Qiong Nai who was not far away from him, he couldn't help but have some doubts.Why, as the first person involved, can she be so indifferent?

It didn't look like a girl who was facing an important choice for the first time, but rather like a traveler who had already gotten used to parting.Her age should be slightly younger than him.

"Almost, it's almost time."

Hai Yuan probed carefully.

"Ok, I know."

Qiong Nai agreed, but said nothing more.It looks completely watertight.

"Aren't you bothered at all?"

Hai Yuan felt a little unbelievable.Although he was more or less used to the calmness of the girl.

"To be honest, it should be more or less." Qiong Nai closed the book he had been flipping through, "Do you believe in the concept of 'Past Life'?"

This question directly stunned Haiyuan.This is Academy City, a place where there is no room for strange power or chaos.And the appearance that Qiong Nai showed before does not seem to be the type that is keen on such illusory things.

Just listen to her continue:

"If consciousness itself is the product of material accumulation, then thinking should also be some kind of calculation. Then, if the same information is retained and presented in another way, can the same consciousness be reproduced? Can this also be regarded as A kind of reincarnation? If so, what exactly is the human consciousness and soul? How can it be called real and real?"

Hai Yuan found that he couldn't pick up the conversation at all.Although it was different from what he thought, Qiongnai was indeed a little strange today.

"I am here now, but is it really me who is here? No matter what my future is, is it really my reality? Hehe, I really..."

Speaking of which, she was indeed quite confused as she said.And as the day of the decision comes, this confusion becomes more apparent.However, her confusion is clearly not on the same level as Hai Yuan's.

Qiong Nai, who was immersed in his own thoughts for a while before recovering, shook his head.I don't know why, but when Hai Yuan is with her, she can always talk about her troubles in a relatively relaxed manner.Although Hai Yuan was basically in a state of complete incomprehension, but this was not important.Most of the time, she just wants someone to listen to her words.

But this time, Hai Yuan unexpectedly asked a question back.

"I don't quite get it. You're here, it's all real to us, isn't that enough?"

Hai Yuan probably didn't understand the meaning of Qiong Nai's words at all.But his words made Qiong Nai silent for a long time.

"perhaps you're right……"

Finally, the girl replied lightly.

No one could tell if she really thought so, not even herself.

------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------

In the car heading to the nursing home, there are also two parties who are discussing.

"Speaking of it, Hai Yuan. I've always been puzzled, why on earth did you make such a decision?"

In the back seat, the Russian man asked.

"Honestly, Oleg Dimitri, it was not my idea." (Note: The name of Qiong Nai's teacher was Oleg Dmitrievich Kurkov. Here It is the name of the father with the abbreviation of the name as the address to show respect and kindness, which is equivalent to the honorific in the Ri language.)

The man who answered was slightly younger than him, and his formal attire even made it difficult to understand whether he was going to attend any formal occasion.

"Wait a minute, are you saying that you don't actually have this idea?"

"Calm down, Oleg Dimitri. I know you attach great importance to this student of yours, but please listen to me first." The man pressed his forehead, "I have to admit honestly, this matter has started from the beginning. In the end, the pusher was not me, but my father."


"Unfortunately, I have nothing to say about my father's plans, because I don't know myself."

"So, what did the chairman order? You can always tell me? If it doesn't satisfy me, I will intervene."

"'Treat her as if you were your own daughter, no matter what you think about it.' Oleg Dimitri, don't know if that answer satisfies you?"

"Really, what exactly is the chairman thinking?"

Kurkov sighed as if giving up.

"If possible, I want to know the answer more than you. It is impossible to say that there is no doubt."

"You are really direct..."

"We are all involved, and I don't think there is any need to hide it. And if I'm not wrong, the first person who introduced the child to you should be the dean of your Tokiwadai. But don't tell me, at that time You are different from me now. Although you are just multiple students, I may inexplicably have multiple daughters."

"So far, I have only had this student...I said Haiyuan, I would like to ask you a question. Excluding these doubts that we can't explain, what do you think now? Regarding my student."

"No matter what happens, she seems to be used to it. She has no shortcomings at all, and she doesn't look like a child who can really exist in reality. Even her appearance, that girl doesn't seem like Ri herself, and of course she doesn't look like you in the West. People. She seems to reproduce the aesthetics of all people in the world in the most suitable way after the most scientific calculations. There is not even a defect of the type of "Balzac's hand". You think that is reality Is it possible to appear in it?" (Note: After Rodin finished Balzac's sculpture, his students praised: "Master, these hands are too perfect." After Rodin pondered, he resolutely picked up an ax and chopped off the sculpture's hands Broken, saying: "The hands are too perfect. It has a life of its own and no longer belongs to the whole of the sculpture.")

"Did you mean it? You should know that I'm not asking you how you feel about her. "

"...I can't tell. There are many mysteries in that girl, and she seems to have her own thoughts."

"Hey, Unabara. Did you mention 'Balzac's hand' just now?"

"what happened?"

"I don't know much about this, but if you look at most people as a whole, the child is the hands."


"That child is very worrying, although maybe it's just me. Haiyuan, I personally hope that you can let go of those doubts. And to be honest, I don't feel at ease with anyone except you. You shouldn't hate her of?"

"No. It's only after meeting that child that I feel like I can't hate her at all."

"Where's Guanggui's child?"

"It's not disgusting. Moreover, it seems that the two of them are still getting along well."

"Then there's nothing to hesitate at all, is there? No matter what happens, it has nothing to do with her. Just take it as my request."

The man smiled wryly.At any time, I seem powerless to compete with this Russian.This has been the case since college days.

No, maybe this time it's different.Because from the very beginning, I didn't have any idea to refute him.If you say you have hesitated, it may be true.But the intention of refusing has never been since I saw that girl with my own eyes.

(I always feel that the girl is like the kind of character that can only appear in mythology. Such a girl may want to become my daughter, and some feel that this world is too unreal.)

"However, that depends on her own decision. After all, this child is too special..."

Not sure if he was answering or just talking to himself, the man whispered.

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