Official memorabilia

Chapter 21 Now, I'm going to make a move

Now, I'm going to shoot

In the morning, Fan Yi concentrated all his energy and typed all the manuscripts that Lao Shi handed over to him before he got off work yesterday into the computer within two hours.

Not to mention, the things written by Lao Shi are well organized and fluent, without unnecessary slobbering. Fan Yi basically completed the entire input work in one go.The entire history of taxation in Kangnan Province was presented to Fan Yi one by one through Lao Shixing's flowing words.

For more than a year, Fan Yi's main work was nothing more than helping Lao Shi run to the provincial library and provincial archives bureau, or go to relevant ministries and commissions in the province and city to look up the materials Lao Shi needed.At most, I sometimes accompany Lao Shi to the city and county bureaus below. On the one hand, I conduct some field research on some unclear issues, and on the other hand, I take the opportunity to go out to relax and have a rest.

Generally speaking, such a life is relaxed and comfortable.

What's even more rare is that with such a lot of time, Fan Yi took the opportunity to find a lot of books and materials on taxation, bite the bullet and read them bravely, regardless of whether he can read or not, at least he has the quantity accumulation.After more than a year of hard work, I feel that, no matter what, I can be regarded as a layman who has become a first-time tax collector. At least, at least now, it is rare that I don’t understand what others say.

After typing, Fan Yi discovered that Lao Shi had already slipped away again.

Fan Yi stood up and did some simple activities. He grabbed a professional book and was about to take the time to read a few more pages when the phone on Lao Shi's desk rang.

When Fan Yi picked up the phone, it was the office secretary who called and told Fan Yi to attend a report meeting organized by the provincial government to promote the development of private enterprises in the province in the afternoon.

Secretary Hou specifically explained that the meeting was presided over by Vice Governor Wang, who was required to wear uniforms, and that they would go there by car in the courtyard at 2 p.m., and that they should not be late. A total of ten comrades from the bureau had gone, so as not to affect the whole event.

Fan Yi put down the phone helplessly, thinking that being idle is a bit bad, and whenever there is such a chore as making up the number of people, the first thing that comes to mind is you.It seems that after compiling the tax records, you have to change your mentality as soon as possible and devote yourself to the hot work as soon as possible.However, when he thought of Deputy Director Ni's repulsive and disgusting face, Fan Yi's heart ached.


In the afternoon, a group of ten people from the provincial bureau arrived at the venue on time.

This is a large auditorium, filled with participants from various units.

At [-]:[-], the leaders on the rostrum entered the arena one by one. Someone took the lead in standing up and applauding, and everyone stood up and applauded accordingly.

After sitting down again, the host began to introduce the leaders and distinguished guests sitting on the rostrum one by one. It turned out that a deputy governor of Province Z led the team, plus several officials from Zhejiang Province and private entrepreneurs.Vice Governor Wang did not preside over the meeting, but spoke first on behalf of the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government Fu, and expressed a sincere and warm welcome to the comrades in Province Z. Pass on the development of the treasure.

After that, there were lengthy speeches and speeches by government officials at all levels, which lasted for a full two hours.

Finally entered the speech stage of entrepreneurs in province Z. Seven entrepreneurs made impassioned speeches at the meeting. To pass the time, Fan Yi originally brought a book to read, but he was always forced to applaud along with everyone , very uncomfortable.

Seeing that the time was approaching six o'clock, all the participants began to pack their belongings with great experience, waiting for the announcement that the meeting was adjourned.

Most of the journalists who were busy taking pictures and videotaping before had already left in advance and went back to write their manuscripts.

In the end, the host unexpectedly announced: "Finally, we invite Mr. Pang Yongqiang, a representative of private enterprises in our province, to speak."

There was a buzzing sound in the venue, some people complained, some cursed, some questioned, and what was rare was that some people applauded sparsely.

Pang Yongqiang, dressed in formal attire, walked towards the speech seat in high spirits. He first thanked the provincial party committee and the provincial government for giving him such an opportunity to learn from leaders and peers in advanced areas in other provinces, and then began to introduce the development of Pangda Group in recent years.

Everyone below looked at the thick stack of speeches in his hand from a distance, and they were so angry that they dared not speak.

Fan Yi's place is another scene.

Ever since the host pronounced Pang Yongqiang's name, every cell in his body immediately became active, and he sat up straight, pricking up his ears and listening carefully, for fear of missing a word.

"Dear leaders and guests, in the past few years, we can say that with the care and support of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, we have achieved a little success. However, we deeply know that in the sea of ​​market economy Sailing, opportunities and risks, are like two countercurrents with diametrically opposite directions. If you master it well, you can go smoothly, but if you don’t control it properly, you will be overwhelmed. If you sail against the current, you will retreat if you don’t advance. Everyone knows it, so..."

At this time, Pang Yongqiang seemed a little excited, put away the manuscript, looked ahead with piercing eyes, and said: "The country, province, and city all have five-year plans, and our huge people also have to make a five-year or even ten-year plan." As you know, we only have one listed company under our banner now, and our business is a little bit single, just doing high-end department stores. From next year, no, from this year onwards, we will make good use of this platform. The first step is to consider At present, several supermarkets with good profits in seven or eight cities in our province have been integrated in, stepping up to the next level and seeking development. I would like to take this opportunity to report to you in advance, and the work is progressing smoothly! Try to use three or five In a few years, we, Pangda, will create a mature commercial chain retail network..."

Fan Yi's heart skipped a beat.Because Fan Yi is actually very familiar with the listed company that Pang Yongqiang mentioned.

This is a commercial enterprise mainly engaged in high-end department stores in Kangnan Province. Its performance can't be said to be good, but it's not bad either. Of course, the outstanding performance does not arouse the general interest of investors.Therefore, the stock price fluctuates between 6 and 8 yuan for a long time.But because its major shareholder is Pang Yongqiang's huge group, Fan Yi always pays attention to it.

But today, Pang Yongqiang suddenly broke the news that he was planning to integrate other companies into a listed company on such an occasion, which frequently surprised Fan Yi.He didn't know if this was a violation of the relevant regulations of the Securities Regulatory Commission, but he knew that in this way, the stock price of Kangnan Department Store would definitely react on the market from tomorrow.

Pang Yongqiang was impulsively off the manuscript, and soon returned to the speech, but Fan Yi could no longer listen to a word. He only hoped that the bastard would finish reading soon and the meeting would end soon. His heart had already flown to the study, thinking only Hurry up and look up relevant information on the Internet.


As soon as the meeting was over, Fan Yi didn't feel like eating dinner, so he turned on the computer and called up the trend chart of Kangnan Department Store.

Today's closing price is 6.65 yuan, basically still in the bottom area of ​​the big box, and the trading volume is also normal.But what about tomorrow?When this blockbuster hits the stock market this afternoon, will its stock price choose to break through upwards?Or will you choose to turn around and go down?Judging from his intuition, Fan Yi believed in the former more.

Then I opened the f10 database and carefully checked various financial indicators. The performance of the first three quarters of this year was also very stable, with only a slight increase.There has been no major change in the shareholder structure. Pang Da Group still occupies the position of the largest shareholder with a 21.46% share, and Pang Yongqiang is still the chairman.The second largest shareholder is a company called Shenzhen Jiaxing Department Store Development Co., Ltd., accounting for 13.96%. Further down, there are some small companies with no more than 2% and two funds each accounting for about 3%. Then there are some natural people.Overall, the equity of Kangnan Department Store is relatively dispersed, and the top ten shareholders together account for less than 50%.

In order to understand the media's attitude and opinions on Pang Yongqiang's speech in the afternoon, Fan Yi went online to browse the financial news and real-time reviews of major portal websites.

Could it be that I am too sensitive?Fan Yi asked himself.

While thinking about this question over and over again, Fan Yi opened up his own stock pool, and all the funds are now invested in the copper industry in Province Y.

For a while, the Copper Industry in Province Y has been consolidating around 10 yuan for nearly two months. From the book, Fan Yi's average cost of building a warehouse is only about 4 yuan, and now it can be said that he has made a lot of money.But judging from the trend at this stage, Fan Yi believes that the copper industry in province y should have a choice of breakthrough direction in the near future, is it up?or down?Fan Yi thinks that the probability of going up is higher. Taking a step back, even if he breaks down, with such a low cost, he will lose a little profit at most if he calmly ships at that time, so in his heart, Fan Yi still prefers to persevere.

So, if you want to use Kangnan Department Store, where will the funds come from?Fan Yi was hesitating.

However, Pang Yongqiang was so crazy today, he decided the future development direction and prospects of a listed company casually, which made Fan Yi surprised, but it was equivalent to giving himself a lot of things to do in advance theme.

Pang Yongqiang's move, should he accept it or not?

Yes, I have checked almost all the current information, and Kangnan Department Store has not released any information related to the adjustment of the main business. Now such an announcement, this will be explosive news!Should I take some action?After more than ten years of forbearance, is it time to fight back?

After thinking about it, Fan Yi felt that the news in the afternoon gave him a suitable excuse, an excuse to enter Kangnan Department Store, and an excuse to get closer to his opponent.

After careful calculation, Fan Yi finally decided that he still had to withdraw part of the funds from the Copper Industry in Province Y, and choose the opportunity to enter Kangnan Department Store.After all, didn't the great man say so?Strong fortresses are conquered from the inside. If you don't participate, you will have absolutely no chance.

After making up his mind, Fan Yi spent a lot of thought on the amount of investment.Too little, and you can neither gain a sense of participation for yourself, nor do you do any harm to your opponent; too much, after all, this is just a speculation, which is quite contrary to my principle of not listening to news for many years to operate stocks.This time, the reason why they violated the "principle" was entirely because the target of this speculation was Kangnan Department Store, which was entirely out of the face of the huge.However, there is one thing that Fan Yi is quite clear about. Now, it is far from the time to fight hand-to-hand and desperately with Pang Da.

After a long time of repeated weighing, Fan Yi wrote down a number in a notepad: 300.

Everything starts with this 300 million yuan.

Looking at the time, it was already 10 o'clock in the evening before he knew it. Fan Yi still felt uneasy. This was the first time in many years that he decided to speculate. say.

So Fan Yi dialed a number.

"Hi, Xiao Fan."

"Old Xing, what are you doing?"

"What can I do! I'm watching the market and doing my homework." Lao Xing said while pinching his temple.

"Old Xing, I have some news for you. Have you heard of the private enterprise development report meeting organized by the province this afternoon?"

"I know, Xiao Wang also went to our office. What's the matter?"

"Do you know if there's any big announcement at the meeting?"

"That kind of broken meeting, the whole thing is just a formality, what special news can there be?"

"That's right. The huge Pang Yongqiang announced at the meeting that Kangnan Department Store, which he holds, is going to acquire and integrate several supermarkets in some cities and cities in our province, and is going to build a 'United Fleet'."

"Oh?" Lao Xing thought for a while and said, "Is there such a thing? It can't be the supermarkets run by Pang Da Group in the city below."

"Yeah! It's right in one word." Fan Yi is willing to talk to a smart person like Lao Xing, what a pleasure!

"Well, those few supermarkets, some of them, I also visited when I was on a business trip, and they were not warm. Why do you suddenly say that they are integrated now? Has Kangnan Department Store sent a message?"

"No, at least not so far." Fan Yi refreshed the webpage, looked at it and said.

"I think this is a bit mysterious. Is this just his personal opinion? Is it the opinion of the major shareholders? Or the opinion of the board of directors? It's hard to say now."

"Yes, Lao Xing, you are right. This is how I see it. You help me as a staff officer. He, Pang Yongqiang, said it publicly this afternoon in front of the provincial leaders and guests from our province and other provinces. He must not dare to say it. Lies. Moreover, he is the controlling shareholder. Under our current system, if he says so, the Board of Directors of Kangnan Department Store will basically do so. I think now should be an opportunity, so I am going to It’s shot. As for the accuracy of the news, the news is often the most attractive when it’s in the dark. When it’s all understood and made public, it’s not interesting. Is this the reason, Lao Xing ?”

"Xiao Fan, how much money are you going to invest?"

"No more than 300 million."

"Well, I think so, there can't be more. Isn't your boy's Copper Industry in Province Y going well? I just took a closer look at it. The future is still quite promising. Why do you hear that now? Exchange shares at the slightest rumor? Is there some other news that you haven't told me?"

"Old Xing, to be honest, there is no more news. It's just that there are some purely personal reasons. Don't ask about the specifics. I don't want to talk about these things now, and I will talk about them later. I just think, Now my heart is a little empty and unreliable, so I want to talk to you."

"Do you think I'm a heart doctor?" Lao Xing scolded with a smile: "However, I feel that if the news is all right, this time should be a chance for speculation, but I can remind you, regardless of loss or gain, fast in and fast out, There is a saying? Don’t be infatuated with brother, brother is just a legend.”

Fan Yi smiled and said, "You know, I've always been quite rational. Just this time, I want to go with my feelings. Now, I'm going to make a move!"

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