Kangnam Department Store

After hanging up Lao Xing's phone, Fan Yi hurriedly opened the website of Kangnan Department Store, and sure enough, two important news were released in succession, and the shareholders discussed it enthusiastically.

At 1:[-] p.m., the stock market resumed trading.

The stock price of Kangnan Department Store accelerated its decline, and selling followed suit. Only 30 minutes later, the price limit fell.

Could this be what Lao Xing referred to as "lively"?Fan Yi thought, this bull is too impatient, why did he raise his hands and surrender in just a few minutes?

Looking at the huge amount of selling orders at the first position, Fan Yi was not in a hurry to buy. According to experience, with such a posture, there will definitely be a drop tomorrow, and he will pick up bargains then.

At three o'clock, Kangbai closed on time.There are still more than 500 million sell orders hanging on the limit price position.


In bei jing, in the meeting room of a large public fundraising fund, thick curtains are drawn on the windows, and the projector has just finished playing a short video.The manager of the securities department of Jiaxing Department Store is talking with a manager of a public fund with affection and "benefit".

"You have also seen the trend of Kangbai today. As soon as the news was announced, the stock price fell by the limit. I have said this many times just now. I think, as your public offering fund to invest, of course you don't want to see it. The stock price of the target object has shrunk sharply. As the second largest shareholder of Combat, we are unwilling to see this situation happen. On this point, it should be said that we have a consensus.”

Seeing that the manager of the public offering fund did not respond, the manager of Jiaxing Department Store continued to say: "That's why we specially sent me here to discuss with you. In addition, I also showed you the relevant information and data just now. After all, the small supermarkets that are going to be acquired in the next step are all its affiliated companies, and the benefits are not good. If they are all taken in at once, I dare say that it will only drag down the listed company itself. This is in your interest It is also a great injury."

"Yes, on this point, we also feel the same." The public offering fund manager finally responded.

"Right?!" The manager of Jiaxing Department Store was finally happy that the other party had a positive response.

He further suggested: "So, as long as you agree to support us at the shareholders' meeting, we are willing to cooperate with you to raise the stock price, at least to stabilize the stock price. In this way, as far as we are concerned, we can get more voting rights, As far as you are concerned, the pressure of possible redemption will be reduced a lot. Thus, the common interests of all of us can be ensured.”

"Are you cooperating with us?" The public fund manager asked back, and then laughed and said, "Hahaha, that's out of the question, we are more or less cooperating with you. After all, our position in Kangnan Department Store is not heavy. It's far from the time when we have to go all out, and to be honest, we just want to take a ride."

The manager of Jiaxing Department Store knew that by saying this, he was accepting his proposal just now and at the same time rejecting his request for further cooperation with it.


In an extremely elegant private room of Sihai Restaurant in Taiming City, Pang Yongqiang, Mr. Qin and Xiao Zhang were happily eating shark fin and rice.

The three of them were very happy, especially Xiao Zhang, his face was flushed, and it was hard to hide a bit of morality in his excitement.

"Xiao Zhang, it seems that he has come out of the blue. Today is the first time he has taken the lead alone, and his record is astonishing. Even if the old Duan is here, it is nothing more than that." Teacher Qin said.

"That's right, that's right. Today's one shot is a lower limit. There will be another one tomorrow, and a few more in a row. At that time, when they are all sold out, let's buy the bottom."

Pang Yongqiang gestured in front of his chest in a gesture of grabbing something from the air, and then said: "Such a few moves, won't the stock price be pulled back again? Once you get in and out, you can earn tens of millions for no reason. Xiao Zhang's move The trick of dragging the knife to try to get caught is good! Hahaha." Pang Yongqiang laughed.

"Mr. Pang, you can't set the daily limit in stocks. If you do this, firstly, retail investors will notice, and secondly, the China Securities Regulatory Commission will not agree, and will come to investigate us." Xiao Zhang murmured.

"Then what should we do?" Pang Yongqiang asked with a smile on his head.

"We have to stop and stop, go in and out, and then slowly accumulate money. Only by doing this can people not notice it. Speaking of it, Mr. Pang, it makes me feel funny Yes, Jiaxing Department Store is still joining in the fun and issued a statement this afternoon. In this way, better, it can only completely disrupt the situation, help us suppress the stock price, scare away those retail investors, and finally make it easier for us to eat cheap goods. "

"Hahaha, I want it, I insist on it. I don't care about this matter, you can figure it out!" Pang Yongqiang laughed heartily.


The next day, due to the intervention of the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the company's voluntary application, Kangnan Department Store was suspended for one day.

On another trading day, after the resumption of trading in Kangnan Department Store, the stock price rebounded slightly, but the volume shrank sharply, less than one-third of the day before the suspension.

On the day of the resumption of trading, for the whole day, Fan Yi waited and watched patiently, and did not make a move.

On the second day, Kangnan Department Store fell in Yin, and on the third day, it still fell in Yin.In the following five consecutive trading days, Kangnan Department Store continued to fall continuously, falling to 5.64 yuan in one breath, with a total decline of more than 15% in a short period of time.

Fan Yi began to buy in batches when the stock price fell below 5.7 yuan.


On this day, Xiao Zhang said to the three cao traders: "Okay, listen carefully. Today, let's make another limit down at the end, and start building positions in batches from tomorrow. However, the daily purchase volume should not be too large. , you have to take your time, but you must also pay attention to one thing, you must rush to get back all the chips that were previously sold before the day of Kangbai's shareholding registration."

The three cao traders went to prepare separately with relaxed faces.

Sure enough, 10 minutes before the market closed in the morning, Kangnan Department Store obediently sealed the lower limit.

In the afternoon, the trading volume was extremely thin, and the selling orders increased slightly. At the most, the selling orders at the limit position reached more than 600 million shares.

Looking at the price close to 5 yuan and the huge amount of sell orders on the board, Fan Yi thought to himself, what the hell is Pang Yongqiang doing?Shouldn't you release the news by yourself and let your stock price fluctuate?With such a thing, how could his acquisition plan be passed at the shareholders meeting?

No, Pang Yongqiang would never do such a kind deed of being bullied and not fighting back!He will definitely fight back. This time, I will wait here and have to ask you to carry the sedan chair for me.

At 2:50, just as Fan Yi, who was sitting in front of the computer, had already started to fall asleep, a bill appeared on Combat's board.

10 shares, 15 shares, 25 shares, the huge amount of cover orders melted quickly like ice cream in the sun, and soon, after selling one position, there were only more than 100 million shares left.

Fan Yiteng sat up abruptly, and without hesitation threw out all the remaining chips in his hand, and placed an order to buy at a price that was one cent higher than the limit price.

With a buy order of more than 200 million shares suddenly thrown out, the price limit was opened, and the stock price soared like a rocket.

Kangbai's market quickly became a red market. At this time, the short side woke up like a dream, and the selling price poured out like a mountain, and the stock price turned green again.


Xiao Zhang sat quietly at the desk. Although the room was air-conditioned, the back of a snow-white shirt was already wet with sweat.

"Manager Zhang, look quickly, someone is sweeping the goods again." A young Cao pointed at the computer screen and said.

Xiao Zhang was silent, he was thinking hard, did he do too many flips?Or take another gamble and continue to short?

However, how can the stock price that has been obtained with great difficulty be so cheap for others?Besides, if all the way and they just grab the "goods" in such a muddle-headed manner, push up the stock price, and then want to buy back the original goods, not to mention whether this is possible, just from the calculation of winning or losing, then It's not a big deal.

He gritted his teeth and ordered, "I'll give him as much as they want! 100 million shares, sell order, ready."


In the last one or two minutes, the market became a performance time for the bulls and the bears to fight fiercely around yesterday's closing price. Big orders came out frequently, leaving Fan Yi stunned.I thought to myself, when I want to have such strength, how amazing it will be!

In the end, the share price of Kangnan Department Store closed with a slight drop of 0.87%.


Soon, the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of Kangnan Department Store was held as scheduled.

Before the meeting, several things happened.

First, "Kangnan Daily" published an article written by reporter Yang Xiaoni, "Reviewing Kangbai's Reorganization".The article carefully introduces and analyzes the targets that Combat intends to acquire this time with detailed data, pointing out sharply that these supermarkets are actually affiliated enterprises of Pang Da, and the benefits are not as good as the publicity claims.The acquisition motion initiated by the largest shareholder seems to have ulterior motives and so on.

It is said that behind this article, Jiaxing Department Store provided a lot of evidence.

Second, after Fan Yi confirmed that he could not take leave to attend the general meeting of Combat shareholders, he formally entrusted his voting rights through the securities company to Jiaxing Department Store, the agent for the interests of small and medium shareholders, who immediately sent a letter Acknowledgment and thanks.

Third, Mr. Duan finally came back from Europe.Facing the shares in Kangnan Department Store that had been dumped wantonly in his account, Mr. Duan ordered him to ignore the cost and just focus on food.But in the end, before the equity registration date, apart from further pushing the stock price higher than 8 yuan, all he could do was to restore the shares held by all non-public accounts to about [-]% of the previous level.

Several things happened during and after the general meeting of shareholders.

One, the acquisition proposal proposed by the largest shareholder Pangda Group, was widely opposed and resisted by small and medium-sized investors headed by the second largest shareholder, and finally failed with 34.5% of shareholders' support and 35.4% of shareholders' opposition.

Second, in the subsequent board meeting held by Kangnan Department Store, Pang Yongqiang lost the chairmanship and was replaced by a director recommended by Jiaxing Department Store.

Thirdly, Xiao Zhang had one of his front teeth knocked out by Pang Yongqiang with an ashtray.

Afterwards, Mr. Duan personally found the best dentist in the city to install a denture for him, and then told him: "Forget about these unpleasant things as soon as possible, after all, you caused too much trouble this time. Besides, With such a high salary, if you really want to leave, where can you find it?"

After the teeth were fixed, Mr. Duan patted Xiao Zhang on the back and said, "Xiao Zhang, don't you usually read Mr. Peter Lynch's books? Why did you forget a sentence he said?"

Xiao Zhang looked at Mr. Duan blankly.

Mr. Duan sighed and said: "I remember, Mr. Peter Lynch said, 'Success is one thing, but the most important thing is, don't let people think that failure is caused by your fault.' You have to think carefully. Think about it, is Papa short of money now? What is Papa short of now? You dare to come up with random ideas without thinking through these problems, and the result you have now is actually not the worst."

This time, Pang Yongqiang really endured his anger towards Xiao Zhang because of Mr. Duan's face.

Fourth, Fan Yi passed the authorization vote and really experienced the feeling of being a turned serf and being the master of the house.And the ending was so perfect that Pang Yongqiang was forced to resign as the chairman of Kangbai, which was far beyond his expectations.This should be regarded as hiding in the dark and digging hard at Pang Yongqiang with a hoe. This kind of sensual feeling behind the back is really cool!

All of a sudden, Fan Yi completely forgot Lao Xing's reminder at the beginning, so he turned speculation into investment, and even became obsessed with Kangnan Department Store and refused to come out for a long time.

Fifth, Yang Xiaoni wrote two articles with diametrically opposite views around Kang Bai's internal strife.Of course, the materials were provided by Pang Da and Jia Xing respectively. Unfortunately, now, who cares about these things, she is the only one who is being teased and abused.

This incident once became a laughing stock in the industry.Some people say that she is also worthy of writing some market and lace news, such as the last time I wrote the article about the "ghost sword" of the little policeman Yongdou, and I can still read it; Secretary-General, she should have dismissed get out of class long ago.

Yang Xiaoni vowed that she would never write similar articles in the future if she did not have reliable information from her first-hand investigation.

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