Come and go

Lao Shi is leaving.The compilation of tax records of Kangnan Province has been successfully completed as planned, and the quality is quite good. After being reviewed by relevant leaders, it has been reported to the Provincial History and Records Office.

This also means that Fan Yi is about to officially return to the office series, and is no longer a pawn hanging overseas.

Early in the morning, Lao Shi came in and said that he had to go to the bureau leader for something, and then he would come back to pack his personal belongings.Fan Yi has already packed up his own things, and just waiting for an order, he will evacuate from the ninth floor, which is gradually becoming drier and colder with the climate change.

At ten o'clock, Lao Shi strode in angrily, and cursed as soon as he entered the door: "These bastards who eat people and don't shit! They just sit on the stage and pretend to be serious all day long, but in fact they are full of men and women! Every day Shouting about fairness and justice is actually despicable and shameless!"

Fan Yi didn't know who he was scolding, and it was hard to talk to him, so he listened quietly for a while, and seeing that the more he scolded, the worse it sounded, so he asked, "What's the matter? Teacher Shi, the tax record has been successfully completed, and it should be a worthwhile thing to do when you're done." What a happy thing, why are you angry?"

"You're done? I think it's killing donkeys! It's crossing rivers and demolishing bridges! These bastards don't have any good things. Xiao Fan, you have taken the civil service exam. Tell me, is that kind of exam tricky?"

Fan Yi smiled and said, "I'm a small person, how could I know such a thing!"

Lao Shi said loudly: "Huh! **! It's very **! Maybe you don't know, maybe you can't say it, anyway, I know. If you want to let someone in, you should set the registration conditions according to their situation. One, many people will be 'killed'."

Yes, the old one used the word "kill". Fan Yi listened and felt a trace of long-lost cruelty.

"Afterwards, the written test, preliminary review, re-examination, interview, physical examination, every pass, can be tampered with. It can be described as frightening every step of the way!" Lao Shi took a big sip of water and continued.

Fan Yi looked at Lao Shi in bewilderment, wondering why he suddenly talked about the civil service exam before he left today?

I also thought, generally speaking, the civil service examinations I have personally experienced are quite normal and lawful, and there should be no such miscellaneous stuff in it as Lao Shi said.

Lao Shi was getting angry, his thoughts and words were jumping, and he suddenly changed his direction and said: "A few years ago, the children of this surname Wei, Ni, and Cui, all of them thought hard. It’s stuffed in. Especially those with the surname Wei, they can be in any department they want, and they can go to any unit they want. His daughter has only been in the tax system for two years. This year, I heard that our system has introduced sunshine wages. , I ran out of oil and water, and I was transferred to the Provincial Department of Finance immediately. What rules and regulations? What kind of transparent procedures? It's all bullshit! Is there any law in this world? It's such a shit!"

"Oh", Fan Yi sighed in his heart, this time, he finally figured out who he was scolding.

"Oh, Zhang San can take care of him, and Li Si can take care of him. Well, this year, at the beginning of the year, he told me well that he would try his best to take care of my youngest daughter after she graduates next year. In a blink of an eye, I'm being eaten It was exhausted, and there was no use value, so I put up the airs with me, saying that we should take into account fairness and the overall situation, and the civil service examination should be based on strength. By strength? One of their turtle bastards. Can a bunch of brats get in? They don’t take a picture of their urine, thinking I don’t know? Let’s just say that the college entrance examination back then, didn’t they all go through the back door to get into school, and their strength, bah! Their kind of people, their ancestors Check it out in the third generation, apart from bragging and flattering, what kind of strength is there!"

Lao Shi was very excited and angry, but the consequences were not serious.He jumped and scolded for more than an hour, until it was lunch time, and then he reluctantly packed up his personal little things, put the office key on the table, and left silently.

Looking at his back, Fan Yi knew that he would never have this stingy, selfish, harmless, and quite talented old Shi to accompany him in the bureau, and couldn't help it, Fan Yi rushed Looking at Teacher Shi's back, he said, "Mr. Shi, take care of yourself."

Lao Shi waved his hand and entered the elevator without looking back.


Before the end of the year, the entire provincial bureau moved to the new office building of the Provincial State Taxation Bureau at No. 256 Qijing Road.

Each office was allocated to its own office floor, and the entire provincial bureau office was basically distributed on the 16th and 17th floors, and Fan Yi alone was thrown to the 23rd floor on the grounds of insufficient rooms. People are on top.However, this time, thanks to the move to a new house, the bureau finally provided him with a computer, and he could finally access the intranet to view relevant documents and information.

Since the first day he entered the Provincial State Taxation Bureau, Fan Yi has gradually gotten used to this kind of unruly and free life. For him now, it is nothing more than a continuation of his old life.But in his heart, this further strengthened Fan Yi's desire to leave the office and go to the business office.

During this period of time, the stock market was in full swing, with the 2000 and 2500 points even breaking the 12 and 10 points mark. Kangnan Department Store also rushed to around [-] yuan. On the contrary, Yunnan Copper Industry is still worryingly up and down in the box of around [-] yuan. Repeated oscillations make people anxious.

It's just right now, anyway, I'm alone, and I have plenty of time. After studying the taxation business, Fan Yi spent almost all of his time watching the tape.


In the morning, before the stock market opened, Secretary Liu in the office suddenly called and informed him that a group of guests from outside the province were coming in the afternoon. Now it was the end of the year, and everyone had some unfinished business. Pick up at the airport and arrange all the itineraries for the guests during their stay in the province.

After asking about the basic situation of the visitors, Fan Yi knew that they were a group of guests from the neighboring province, and they were all from the office system.

But this time, only one chief staff member came to the provincial bureau office, which was regarded as an embellishment. The team was led by an office director from the municipal bureau below, and four directors from the county bureau under his jurisdiction were also brought along. Come to Kangnan to study and study together, in fact, it is to come out to relax.

Because the specific contact number for coming to visit and inspect was directly called by the office director of the provincial bureau over there to Deputy Director Ni.So this time, Deputy Director Ni was very attentive and ordered to arrange a reception.

After Secretary Liu explained the details, he kindly reminded: "Fan Yi, you have never done reception before, it is best to communicate with the logistics service center first, so as not to cause trouble."

In the afternoon, a group of six visitors from other provinces were taken to the designated hotel by Fan Yi. The six visitors were purebred men.During dinner, Deputy Director Ni hurried over to offer two glasses of wine, and left in a hurry.Before leaving, he said seriously to Fan Yi: "These are our honored guests, you must greet them well and make arrangements, and you must never be as free and careless as you were when you were with Lao Shi! Don't lose it." The face of our provincial bureau!" In one sentence, Fan Yi almost couldn't breathe.

The guests are quite friendly.After carefully asking about the situation, they plan to stay in Taiming City for two days, and then go to the following two cities famous for their scenery throughout the country for another three to five days, and then return.

Based on the time and schedule, New Year's Day in 2007 would have to be spent in Kangnan Province. No wonder no one in the bureau was willing to come forward to take on this job.

Fortunately, in order to deprive Fan Yi of this "public funded tour" opportunity, Deputy Director Ni did not agree to Fan Yi's full accompany, and only asked him to be responsible for arranging the itinerary of the guests in Taiming City.

Fan Yi accompanied the guests around Taiming City for two days, and then sent them to the plane. They will stay in the city until New Year's Day before returning to Taiming.

Meanwhile, Fan Yi had already made a phone call to his subordinates, arranged the itinerary, and only waited for him to go to the airport to pick them up on New Year's Day.The guests were very grateful to Fan Yi. After all, on New Year's Day in 2007, Fan Yi would not be able to rest because of their schedule.

On the afternoon of New Year's Day, the guests came back as scheduled.

As soon as they met, everyone shook hands cordially as if they were old friends, and exclaimed loudly, Kang Nan is so beautiful, and the time is so short!During the dinner, the atmosphere was unprecedentedly lively. Except for Fan Yi, the others drank a lot of wine.

When the banquet was over, the team leader quietly stopped Fan Yi, and when the others walked away, the team leader smiled and said: "Brother Fan, we have worked hard for you this time. If you have a chance, you are welcome to come and walk with us." Of course, it is best to come alone, I will accompany you personally, and I will definitely make you happy."

Fan Yi smiled and expressed his thanks, and said some kind words.

After the two chatted a few more irrelevant words, the team leader asked in a low voice: "Brother Xiao Fan, we really want to thank you for coming this time. Everyone had a great time and was very happy this time. Very satisfied. Especially today, look, everyone is drunk, but... just, just, I feel like I haven’t had enough fun, I want to go out and change places to continue happy, but unfortunately this is not a place where people live Familiar, brother Fan, can you take us to find a place, let's have fun together."

Fan Yi scratched his head and said, "Is that so? Where do you want to go?"

The team leader saw that there was something going on, and quickly expressed his opinion: "Just find a place where you can drink and sing. The environment must be the best, and the lady must also be the best! Don't worry, we will handle all the expenses. You just bring We can just go. But there is one thing, it must be safe!" He said and laughed.

Fan Yi immediately understood what was going on. It's just that he basically didn't go out to play all these years, so he couldn't think of a suitable place for a while, so he said, "Then wait a minute, I'll ask."

The team leader said, "Okay, no hurry, no hurry."

Fan Yi took out his mobile phone, and the first thing he thought of was Sun Tao. On second thought, his social experience and his own were just a matter of fifty steps and one hundred steps, so he probably couldn't tell the difference.Yes, Zhang Shun, this kid has been fooling around outside all day, so he definitely didn't run away.

It's a pity that when I called, the call went through, but no one answered, even after calling several times, it was the same.

Fan Yi was in a bit of trouble, and the leader anxiously cast a questioning look.

Yes, there is one more person, this kid should also know about it.

Fan Yi called He Guobing and lived up to expectations. He Guobing told him relaxedly: "The best nightclub in Taiming City at present, Qionglou Yuyu should be considered one."

"Is it expensive to spend there?" Fan Yi asked.

"'Is it expensive'? Dude, just remove the word 'what'! It is a famous gold selling cave. The minimum consumption for a small room is 5000, for a medium package it is 8000, and for a large package it costs tens of thousands. In a private room, except for gifts In addition to a small amount of drinks, other drinks, fruit plates, and snacks are charged separately. The price is at least 3 to 5 times more expensive than outside. In addition, buddy, you have never been, let me tell you... ..."

While talking with Guobing, he came to Jing, and continued: "What I just said is just a starting price. In addition, in each private room, there must be at least one princess, that is, the waiter, and the tip is always 200; Fairy, oh, it’s Miss, it’s calculated on the head, 500 per person, that’s just to sit with you, sing and dance, if you want to come…”

Fan Yi interrupted him and said, "It's not as serious as you think, and it's too exaggerated. We're just going to drink and sing."

"Cut", He Guobing said disdainfully, "Let's see, I'm from here. Hahaha."

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