() Lanhui Office (2)

As soon as Fan Yi got home and changed his clothes, Lao Xing called and said that the car was already downstairs.Lao Xing picks up people by car, and never honks to remind others that he has arrived. He always uses his mobile phone. According to him, this is called civilization.

Fan Yi hung up the uniform he had just changed out of, walked out of his rented room, went downstairs and got into Lao Xing's car.

Lao Xing said: "Xiao Fan, why do you still live here? You should also think about buying a house yourself. You have so much money, why don't you keep it for children?"

Fan Yi thought for a while, and decided not to tell Lao Xing that he had already bought a house in his dream home on the side of the new office building for the time being.So he said: "Isn't this going to the countryside? Going to tomorrow, I made a lot of money, and I also bought a villa in your community. Now, it seems that I can only live here first."


Lao Xing drove the car, and the car drove out of the urban area. Fan Yi felt that the direction was going straight to Xishan.

At the foot of the West Mountain, the car did not go up the mountain, so Lao Xing turned and drove along the lake.Fan Yi was very curious and asked about the destination of the trip several times along the way, but Lao Xing just didn't say anything, and only replied, "I'll tell you when we get there."

When Lao Xing's car made the last turn and got on an antique arch bridge, Fan Yi's heart jumped wildly, "No!"

It really is Lanhui (club).

Lao Xing stopped the car, and a security guard trotted out the door to salute Lao Xing. Lao Xing put down the car window and handed over a small card. The security guard took it respectfully and touched lightly on the access control. Slowly slide the sides apart.

The security guard politely handed back Lao Xing's card, saluted again, and made a gesture of going straight with both hands in front of his chest, imitating Jing Jing. Lao Xing stepped on the accelerator, and the red BMW slid briskly into it.

From the rearview mirror, Fan Yi saw that the heavy iron door was slowly closing again, and the security guard took out the walkie-talkie and said something.

Naturally, there are other secrets in the Exchange.

Artificial lakes, small bridges and flowing water, and shaded trees, of course, are the most varied varieties of orchids, which is why the Huisuo got its name.

The villas are hidden among all kinds of green vegetation, and it is impossible to see the situation inside the houses from the outside.

Lao Xing drove the car directly in front of Villa No. [-], the garage door opened slowly and automatically, the car was parked in the garage, the garage door was closed, and there was no trace of the car passing by.

Just after getting out of the car, at the door leading to the inner room, a welcoming lady greeted sweetly after bowing: "Hello, gentlemen, please come with me from here."

Entering the living room on the first floor, its splendor and splendor far surpassed the layout of five-star hotels in the city.

Looking out from the floor-to-ceiling glass windows, due to the slightly higher terrain of Building No. [-], the field of vision is extremely wide, and the entire scenery in front of you can be seen at a glance.In the exquisite artificial lake in front of the house, there are actually a few white swans cruising freely, and a few green peacocks are strolling in the lawn by the lake, fighting with their tails, as if they have really entered a fairyland on earth.

Lao Xing walked up to Fan Yi and further explained: "Look, there are actually people in many rooms across the street, but you can't see them. Do you know why?"

Fan Yi tried his best to look into the two buildings outside, but he couldn't see anyone, but because of the unexpected experience just now, he realized some different auras here, so he didn't dare to guess randomly, but just shook his head wittily.

Sure enough, Lao Xing said: "It's glass. Look." Lao Xing tapped the glass in front of him lightly with his hand and said, "Every piece of glass here is specially customized. It is transparent from the inside to the outside; It’s not enough to look in from the outside.”

Fan Yi suddenly realized that he was very grateful for his modesty just now.

The two of them had just sat down when another waitress came and knelt down to put on comfortable slippers for the two of them.

After the young lady left with the leather shoes they had exchanged for, Fan Yi said, "Damn, Lao Xing, why are the young ladies here so beautiful? Where did you find them?"

Lao Xing lit a cigarette, smiled and said, "The beautiful ones are yet to come."

Fan Yi was greatly moved, and said: "Old Xing, to be honest, I wanted to go in here several times before, but it's a pity that the security guards didn't let me."

Lao Xing almost choked on the smoke, laughed, and said, "Visit? You can think of it. This is a private exchange, how can outsiders be allowed to visit? If anyone can come in and visit at will, then who else Will you come here for fun?"

Fan Yi pretended to be anxious and said: "Old Xing, tell me quickly, this place is too fucking evil, what can you do here?"

Lao Xing was not in a hurry, he smoked slowly and said, "Don't be impatient, you will know later."

At this time, the welcoming lady came over and said softly, "Sir, dinner is ready and can be served."

When he came to the restaurant, Lao Xing asked, "After staying in the countryside for a year, can you drink some wine now?"

Fan Yi nodded and said: "I don't drink much, it's only half a bowl." Lao Xing smiled and said: "You are the only one who drinks and drinks." With a wave of his hand, he said to Miss Yingbin: "Take my savings Bring up a bottle of wine."

There were already five or six exquisite cold dishes on the table, and Fan Yi randomly picked some up and chewed them in his mouth. These shredded cucumbers and potatoes, which seemed to be the same as the outside, tasted quite different.

Fan Yi looked up at Lao Xing, said "hmm" and said, "Don't tell me, the food here is not bad."

Lao Xing said with a smile: "You know? You are scolding people, what do you mean by 'not bad'! The chefs of every building here are registered in the city."

Fan Yi asked in surprise: "You mean, every building here has a chef?"

Lao Xing nodded and said, "That is."

The wine came, it was wine.

Another beautiful waiter was replaced and poured wine into the crystal goblet for the two of them. Fan Yi raised the glass and shook it lightly and said: "Grape wine luminous glass." Lao Xing raised the glass and said: "For your sake Come back and have a drink."

The two of them took a gulp, and Fan Yi smacked his lips and said, "It's okay."

Lao Xing did not explain this time.This wine is actually a good wine that he bought for 2000 euros a bottle when he was traveling in Europe. There are a total of four bottles stored here. Lao Xing could only smile wryly for such an incomprehensible master who wanted to talk about drinking.Said: "If it's okay, drink more."

Miss lost no time to follow up for the two of them.

Feeling the luxury here, Fan Yi looked at Lao Xing suddenly and said, "Lao Xing, isn't your wine also some kind of expensive wine?"

Lao Xing thought to himself, did he realize the taste until now?My silly brother!But he said: "I don't know, it's a gift from a friend. I like it, so let's drink it up and enjoy it."

Fan Yi seemed to have eaten every dish since then, but the taste here is very different, indescribably refreshing.

The way of serving dishes is also special. Each dish is only served in front of your eyes for a while, and then you take it down and divide it into small plates for each person. After eating for a long time, the table is still very clean and refreshing.

When preparing the sixth course, Lao Xing introduced: "This is the main course for today. We are going to take a little risk today and eat fugu."

(Everyone, I will stop updating for one day every week. I will not notify you in the future. Forgive me.)

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