Official ladder

Chapter 934

Qi Hao said: "How many shares he wants is his right, the relationship must be considered, but the principle must be adhered to!"

The phone vibrated, and the phone number belonged to Lin Xiaojiang. Vice Governor Gu made a gesture to Qi Hao.

"Hi Mr. Lin, I'm Jiancheng!" Vice Governor Gu said politely.

Lin Xiaojiang said: "Governor Gu, hello, excuse me!"

"No, no," Vice Governor Gu said hehe, "President Lin supports the construction of the Provincial Expressway. It's a good thing, I can't wait for it!"

Lin Xiaojiang said: "Considering that money is needed for the start-up work in the early stage of the construction of the Cha-Province Expressway, I plan to send part of the money to show the sincerity of the China International Trade Corporation for investment and cooperation!"

Lin Xiaojiang's investment was also aggressive. Vice Governor Gu looked at Qi Hao: "This matter has to be slowed down. Recently, we are working on the establishment of the general headquarters work organization, and foreign investment promotion and project contracting have not yet been transferred. On track!"

"What did Qi Hao do? He doesn't seem to be very proactive in his work. It's not okay to be procrastinating on such a big project!" Lin Xiaojiang opened his mouth and began to teach Qi Hao a lesson, of course he has the qualifications.

Qi Hao grabbed the pen on the desk, wrote a line on the paper and handed it to Vice Governor Gu. After reading it, Vice Governor Gu said: "Like this, Lin always finds time to visit the province. Let's discuss cooperation in detail. It's a matter of investing!"

Lin Xiaojiang said, "Okay, I'll come down in two days."

The phone line was hung up, and Vice Governor Gu said, "I see, he is even more anxious than us."

Qi Hao said in a calm and unhurried manner: "Don't look at him in a hurry now, he won't be in a hurry after we are locked up. This matter has to be put on the sidelines for him. There is no rabbit hitting a tree, so let's watch it, don't worry!"

Vice Governor Gu couldn't help laughing: "'Sit back and wait for the rabbit' is a new use. You have it!"

Qi Hao said: "He came to the procuratorate to contact you, and you just said that there was an emergency down below and you went to deal with it. Let him find me, and I will find my own solution when the time comes!"

Vice Governor Gu said: "Remember, don't offend him!"

Qi Hao thought to himself, it's not a big deal for you to offend him, at most you can serve as the deputy director of the National People's Congress or the vice chairman of the CPPCC.It would be miserable if I offended him. He won't let a girl from the Lin family be my wife. I really don't know if I can still play in the system.He said: "Governor Gu, I'm also afraid of offending him, but what can I do? I didn't handle the investment properly. In the end, we put our necks into the noose and hanged ourselves!"

Vice Governor Gu glared at Qi Hao: "Say more auspicious words!"

Qi Hao smiled and said, "Yes. Governor Gu."

The two of them also studied some other tasks, such as those that should be decided, and those that should be held for a meeting to study and decide. Finally, they talked about the location of the general headquarters.

Qi Hao said: "The headquarters should be located in the Provincial Communications Department!"

Vice Governor Gu was stunned for a moment: "Didn't you say that it will not be located in the Provincial Communications Department?"

Qi Hao thought deeply: "In the past, we mainly considered how to avoid resistance and build expressways, and neglected to play the positive role of the Department of Communications. Besides, if we really set up the headquarters in other places, it would be suspected of rejecting the Department of Communications. Go to the boss and the Ministry of Communications to make a small report that we are here and ours. No one can explain it clearly, so setting the headquarters in the Communications Department makes sense and makes sense.”

Vice Governor Gu thought for a while and asked, "What if they interfere with your work?"

Qi Hao said with a smile: "With Governor Gu in charge, even if they might harm me personally, they dare not harm the expressway construction work!"

Vice Governor Gu understood from Qi Hao's words that Governor Lin supported placing the headquarters in the Communications Department, which would help develop Qi Hao's ability to work, and also blocked some people's tongues, the most brilliant move Yes, if the current situation of the Department of Transportation is changed, it will not be a good thing.

Vice Governor Gu said: "Okay, tomorrow I will go to the Traffic Department with you."

Vice Governor Gu became impatient, Qi Hao said: "Governor Gu, I'll go tomorrow, if they don't agree with you going, maybe you can get unexpected results!"

Deputy Governor Gu thought about it, and it was this reason: "You boy, no wonder Secretary Yang of Sanjiang City is a little scared of you!"

Qi Hao laughed and said, "It's because they have shit on their buttocks, and they're afraid that I'll pull their pants down!"

"You, you!" Vice Governor Gu pointed at Qi Hao and laughed, his face was full of affection.

The next morning, Qihao and Fan Dayu took the bus to the traffic department.

The Provincial Communications Department and the Provincial Highway Inspection Bureau are built in the same compound. There is one building on the other side of the inspection bureau, and three buildings on the side of the Traffic Department. The guest house, the guest house is also the staff canteen of the Transportation Department and the Excise Bureau, and it is also open for food and lodging. Due to the good location, there are quite a lot of people who come to the guest house for food and lodging, and sometimes they have to make an appointment.

Qi Hao and Fan Dayu are young and casually dressed, and their appearance is quite different from the staff of state agencies who enter and exit the gate of the traffic department, and they are not like the car drivers who go to the tax bureau to pay the toll. At around 10:30, there is no one in front of the gate of the traffic hall. How many people, the two looked prominent as they walked through the gate.

"Hey, come here!"

Qi Hao and Fan Dayu dressed as the provincial ruling party and the provincial government all drove straight in, but they didn't expect the gatekeeper to greet them, so they still went straight in.

"Did you hear me, I'm calling you!"

Qihao and Fan Dayu go by themselves, so they don't care about the gatekeeper's call!

There were two security guards on duty at the gate. Seeing the situation, one of the security guards rushed out of the gate with a baton to stop Qi Hao and Fan Dayu from going in.

A security guard dialed the phone and said nervously: "There is a situation!"

The phone said: "They are not allowed to come in, tell them to go to the headquarters!"

The security put down the phone, and rushed towards Qihao and Fan Dayu with batons in hand.

"Stop, if you don't stop, I'm going to take measures!" A security guard shouted loudly.

This drink attracted many people's attention, and also attracted the attention of Qihao and Fan Dayu. Then they turned their gazes away, and saw two security guards carrying batons glaring at themselves.

Fan Dayu asked, "You called us?"

A security guard pointed at Fan Dayu with a baton: "You are paralyzed, so you are not deaf, let me hang your head and walk in, believe it or not, I will beat you!"

The security guard scolded you for being paralyzed, but beat you up in silence, and when the heavy rain suddenly caught fire, he didn't speak, and rushed over with his fists raised.

"Heavy rain," Qi Hao called softly, when the heavy rain stopped, Qi Hao asked the security guard, "What do you want us to do?"

"You asked me, and I asked you again. Be honest, what do you want to do when you go in?" A security guard asked with a vigilant expression.

Qi Hao said, "Is this your business?"

A security guard yelled: "The higher-ups said hello, and the Communications Department will not accept petitioners. If you have anything to do, go to the Highway Construction Headquarters!"

Hey, that's weird, the traffic department pushed the petitioners to the headquarters before the headquarters was listed, and saw the vicious security guards. Didn't this intensify the conflict?Qi Hao looked at the security guards and thought to himself, it seems that the people in the traffic department are very angry.

Qi Hao said kindly: "Can you tell me why the petitioners are called to the highway headquarters!"

"Who are you, I want me to tell you, get out, get out immediately!" A security baton pointed at Qi Hao, forcing Qi Hao to back up, "I know, the highway headquarters messed up something, you guys come here Find the traffic department to make trouble, the traffic department can't control it, go to the headquarters to make trouble!"

Qi Hao looked at Fan Heavy Rain, Fan Heavy Rain nodded, Qi Hao said to the security guard: "We are going to work in the Traffic Department, not to make trouble in the Traffic Department!"

The security guard sneered, and pointed his baton at the two of them: "Look at you, you're thugs, you dare say you're not going in to make trouble! Listen carefully, we will implement proletarian dictatorship against these people for all troubles and disturbances that affect stability and unity!"

"Dictatorship" was a word that was widely used at that time. The dictatorship of the proletariat over all classes, when "dictatorship" had almost faded from people's minds, spit it out from the mouth of the security guard, it seemed somewhat new.

Qi Hao smiled faintly, ignored the security guards, turned around and walked towards the office building of the Traffic Department, not forgetting to say hello: "Heavy rain, let's go!"

"Yes!" Fan Dayu walked in behind Qihao.

"He really dares to make trouble!" The two security guards were stunned for a moment, and rushed forward with batons in their hands.

Fan Dayu walked behind Qi Hao with his head held high, and the two security guards caught up with him, swung their batons and struck Fan Dayu on the head!

There was a conflict in front of the gate of the traffic hall, and naturally there were many spectators. Seeing the security guard hitting someone on the head with a baton, the lady who couldn't stand the shock screamed!

Suddenly, the spectators were stunned, and saw the two security guards curled up, took a few steps back, and fell to the ground!

The spectators didn't pay attention, or didn't see it at all. Why did the two security guards curl up and take a few steps back and fell to the ground? Could it be that the two security guards fell on purpose, but they actually used conspiracy to plot the two of them, and the police appeared on the scene to testify against the two People, the police arrested the two of them.

The reason why the spectators didn't see the real situation was that Fan Yu's attack speed was too fast. He kicked the two of them in a thousandth of an instant, faster than lightning. The baton in the heavy rain's head, how could he notice the kicks of the heavy rain faster than the lightning!

Qihao and Fan Dayu continued to walk forward, because there was a commotion here, many people gathered around to watch the excitement, which alarmed the security guards on Jizheng's side, four security guards ran over, and saw the two security guards on this side fall down After suffering a loss, they were all security guards, and the four of them looked at each other and raised their batons and rushed over.

The four security guards were more vigilant, not as reckless as the two security guards, but waved their batons about two meters away from the heavy rain and told them to stop!He stopped!If we don't stand still, we will take coercive measures!

The salary of the security guards is very low. Although they didn't see how the two security guards suffered, they still knew that the two of them had suffered from the one in front of them, so they didn't dare to approach them. The security guards were very scared. To the bone, if the Bureau of Internal Revenue fired them, they would have nothing to eat.

Seeing the four security guards following behind Fan Dayu, there was only thunder and no rain, which seemed a bit bluffing, and the onlookers couldn't help laughing. (To be continued..)

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