Official ladder

Chapter 935 each with their own minds

Seeing the four security guards following behind Fan Dayu with only thunder and no rain, they seemed a little bluffing. If they didn't pay attention, they thought they were the idle followers behind Fan Dayu, and the onlookers couldn't help laughing.

The four security guards couldn't help but realize that they were security guards defending state organs, and following the two of them was like someone else's bodyguards!

Security guards are men, men are males, and males are more or less bloody, as you can see from the animal world. In order to compete for mating rights, males will rush forward to fight even if they know they are no match for their opponents, even if they lose their armor in the end. Fled into the wilderness without giving up my rights.

The four security guards are men, somewhat bloody, so of course they don't want to be bodyguards for their opponents like this. The four of them looked at each other, raised their batons and roared at the same time!pounce on.

The consequences can be imagined.

Throwing aside the four security batons, they fell to the ground and rolled around, shouting away.

With such a big commotion, the tax collection bureau and the traffic department inside the gate were alarmed.

The Bureau of Auditing is not responsible for capping. They are there to wait for the drivers. All the leaders and staff are dressed in yellow military uniforms. A large group of people rushed out of the Bureau of Auditing. It is hard to tell whether they are government officials or people. Junior soldiers.

The traffic department also knew that mobs had broken in, and the atmosphere in the office building suddenly became tense, and someone rushed out of the office building to stop them.

Qi Hao and Fan Dayu strode to the yard of the office building of the Communications Department.

Director Xie sat in the office, looking calm. He heard the report that someone broke into the gate of the traffic hall, and immediately instructed the person who broke into the traffic hall to find the highway construction headquarters.I didn't expect that person to break in, and the security guards from the provincial department and the tax collection bureau couldn't stop him. Director Xie was still a little gloating in his heart.The person who desperately rushed in must have a lot of anger in his heart. This is all caused by the construction of the expressway. When things get serious, he, Qi Hao, is the one to watch. Therefore, Director Xie didn't call anyone to call the police. He was doing it secretly. Protect the legal rights of petitioners and see how they deal with it.

Director Qiu of the Office of the Transportation Department broke into Director Xie's office: "It's not good. Director Xie, he's here!"

Director Xie stared at Director Qiu, and sat on the Diaoyutai with an expression on his face: "What's wrong. People are desperately petitioning, so coming here may not be a good thing!"

Only then did Director Qiu realize that he hadn't explained the matter clearly, and he said, "Qi Hao broke in!"

"What!" Director Xie stood up suddenly, Qi Hao told him on the phone that the party school was over before reporting to the provincial department.It shouldn't be.He asked, "Did you see the wrong person?"

Qi Hao's administrative level is not high, and he has been working in the county before. It is reasonable to say that people in the provincial capital should not know each other, but Qi Hao is different. He is the son-in-law of the governor, and anyone who wants to get involved in the system You have to use Fa'er to get to know Qi Hao, and getting to know Qi Hao has many benefits.So the director of the provincial office knew Qi Hao, and several deputy departments at home also knew Qi Hao.Director Qiu of the office is a hardcore Director Xie, and the report has come!

"No, Director Xie, it should be him!" Director Qiu was full of panic.

"Look and see!" Director Xie couldn't sit still, and the organization sent a deputy director. Logically speaking, he shouldn't pay so much attention to it, but this deputy director is the governor's son-in-law, so he can't ignore it. Besides, the deputy director Give yourself a holiday.

Director Xie walked out of the office and looked down, and he really saw Qi Hao walking towards the gate of the office building with his head held high. He knew Fan Dayu who was following behind, and his son suffered a lot from him.

Director Xie hurriedly ran down the stairs, the paralyzed security guard, who is not easy to stop, how can he stop the governor's son-in-law, he is so blind!

"Oh, director Qi is here, welcome!" Director Xie greeted Qi Hao with an exaggerated smile, and he stretched out his hands and ran forward, bowing all the way, giving the subordinates the same joy and enthusiasm as seeing their superiors.

Following Qi Hao, Fan Dayu, a group of yellow people behind him, and a crowd of people watching the trouble behind him froze for an instant. There was such a big commotion. It turned out that it was the deputy director of the Transportation Department, Qi, who came, but it was not welcome. Such a welcome, let people break into the gate of the traffic department, what the hell is Director Xie doing, people don't understand!

Seeing so many people in the dam, Director Qiu seemed to be threatened by terrorists from the Transportation Department, so he shouted loudly: "It's okay, it's okay, everyone dispersed, it's a complete misunderstanding!"

Of course, people will not leave in such a obedient manner, they will see how the two directors deal with it.Unexpectedly, the meeting was too old-fashioned. In front of the office building of the Communications Department, Director Xie and Deputy Director Qi shook hands warmly. Director Xie politely extended his hand and welcomed Deputy Director Qi in!

Qi Hao just walked into the traffic hall.

The people didn't see the further development of the situation, and they dispersed one by one in resentment.

The six security guards who were knocked to the ground by Fan Yuyu got up early, and they were not hurt. However, the six were very concerned about whether they caught the person who beat them. They were beaten. Please accompany them, pay for the hospitalization period, and pay for mental damage. According to the usual practice, there are many benefits waiting for them after this tossing!The last time someone beat up a security guard, the traffic department was negotiating, and the total cost was [-] yuan.

Director Xie led Qi Hao into the reception room.

Director Qiu was busy making tea for Qi Hao, and said tremblingly: "I'm sorry, I surprised Director Qi!"

Qi Hao corrected: "Deputy Director!"

Deputy Director Qiu was stunned, looked at Qi Hao and laughed, but didn't speak.

Qi Hao turned to thank the Director: "Director Xie, don't tell me, I was shocked just as Director Qiu said, and now my legs and calves are shaking!"

Director Xie looked at Director Qiu with an unknowing expression and asked in surprise, "What's going on?"

Director Qiu thought to himself, Director Xie doesn't want to be like this, he said with a bitter face: "The gate guard doesn't seem to know Director Qi!"

Qi Hao stared at Director Qiu, and Director Qiu changed his words, Deputy Director Qi.

Qi Hao asked Director Xie: "People who don't know the gate guards are not allowed to enter, why didn't Director Xie tell me earlier?"

Director Xie turned his face to Director Qiu: "I haven't heard of the gate guards, and people I don't know are not allowed to enter?"

Director Qiu said: "Except for special circumstances, generally you can enter whether you recognize it or not!"

"Then I'm in a special situation." Qi Hao looked at Director Xie and Director Qiu with a surprised expression, "No wonder the security guard stared at me like a thief when I entered the door. So I was in a special situation!"

Director Xie hurriedly said: "No, no, Director Qi is the leader of the Transportation Department. It is normal to come in through the gate. How can it be a special situation!"

Qi Hao was puzzled: "But the security guard obviously doesn't want to see me, what's going on?"

Director Xie looked at Director Qiu: "Has this happened before?"

Director Qiu said: "As far as I know, this has never happened before."

Qi Hao thought about his expression and said: "It is estimated that there should be little-known secrets."

Fan Dayu answered: "Director Qi, when we entered the gate, the gatekeepers in front of us didn't call, the gateposts of the people walking alongside us didn't call, and the gateposts of the people walking behind us didn't call, so let's call Director Qi!"

"Really, did you see clearly?" Qi Hao asked seriously.

Fan Dayu said: "See clearly, Director Qi."

Qi Hao looked at Director Xie: "Director Xie, I felt strange. If I had to say that I walked into the gate of the traffic hall without making a sound, I didn't expect to be beaten by six security guards with batons. If it weren't for the security guards It’s not as good as people, Da Yu and I are probably lying in the hospital at this moment, there must be a reason for this matter after deliberation!”

Director Xie is now an eagle looking up at the sky with its flying claws. His only solution is to ask Director Qiu: "Director Qiu, you are in charge of logistics. What's going on?"

Director Qiu made a bitter face: "I don't know, why did it become like this?"

Qi Hao said: "Call the security guard over and ask, don't you know?"

Director Xie had no way out, he gave Director Qiu a wink and shouted: "Don't call the security guards to ask, if they do evil by virtue of their posts, they must be dealt with seriously!"

Director Qiu naturally understood Director Xie's meaning, said yes again and again, and exited Director Xie's office.

Qi Hao said to Fan Dayu: "Heavy Rain, follow Director Qiu, they beat you with batons, and you are not polite, see if they are hurt anywhere, call them if they are not hurt!"

Fan Dayu said yes and followed Director Qiu.

Director Qiu secretly complained when he saw Fan Yu coming, but what can he do? He knew that if the inside story was revealed, Director Xie would definitely blame himself. He is 35 years old and has a bright future, but this happened to him If you don't make it right, your bright future will be ruined.

Director Qiu and Fan Dayu went to the gate one after the other, and the six security guards were indeed there.

The security guards are discussing hotly, the security guards are very smart, they were beaten today, no matter whether they win or lose, honor or disgrace does not matter to the security guards, they need to use the traffic department's influence, rely on the beaters, and get as much as possible Compensation is also a good way to share the fruits of reform with the public servants of the people and live a well-off society together.

The security guards know the real power unit of the Traffic Department. Anyone who walks to the Traffic Department feels like a dwarf. Don't look at the person who hit someone just now. He lost his temper when he saw Director Xie. The six people are discussing the matter of compensation. Everyone's opinion is final. Unification, the caliber must be consistent, so as to obtain greater benefits.

Seeing Director Qiu coming with the beating people from afar, the six people looked at each other and cried out.

Director Qiu walked over, and someone said, "Director Qiu, you want to make the decision for us. The terrorists came to beat us. We were beaten like this. We can't work. Director Qiu, we strongly demand that the terrorists be severely punished." !"

Qiu Ta Ma is a terrorist, a thing with eyes but no eyes, and he deserves to be killed. Director Qiu was about to curse, but Fan Dayu snorted, and Director Qiu fell silent.

Director Qiu is the director of the office, and he is the best at observing facial expressions. Qi Hao's being blocked from entering the traffic hall seems to be an accidental incident, but Qi Hao and Director Xie have a feud, and every heavy rain should have a purpose, and it is the best policy to protect yourself. (To be continued..)

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