Official ladder

Chapter 936 Disrupting the Traffic Department

Director Qiu knew that Fan Dayu was low-level, but he knew that he was the son-in-law of the governor.

Fan Dayu said, "You were beaten by me, weren't you?"

The security guard was stunned, and actually took the responsibility for causing trouble. A security guard pointed at Fan Dayu: "It's you, kick us!"

Fan Dayu asked, "How do you know I kicked you?"

A security guard said, "Your body still hurts, this is proof!"

Fan Dayu smiled and said, "Pain can also be used as evidence?"

A security guard looked sideways at Fan Dayu: "If I kick you, you will know what evidence is!"

Fan Dayu took a step forward: "Okay, kick, I really don't know that pain is evidence!"

The security guards had suffered from Fan Heavy Rain, knew that the heavy rain was severe, and were afraid of suffering further losses, so they retreated collectively.

A security guard said: "Director Qiu, you saw it, he still wants to beat people up!"

Fan Dayu smiled and said: "I kicked you, the man dared to admit it, now Director Xie wants to ask you to question, as long as you want to tell the truth why you want to stop us from entering the traffic hall, how much medical expenses do you want?" I will give it all!"

A security guard said: "One word from a gentleman, four horses are hard to chase!"

Fan Dayu said: "OK!"

Men in Huaxia country who can't do anything can be security guards to earn a living, so don't think that security guards are smart, and things will be exposed when they see things. Director Qiu knows it well, but he wants to be wise and protect himself. Involuntarily, he made eye contact with the security guard.Security guards are not as quick-witted as Director Qiu, so no one understands.

Director Qiu came in front of Director Xie and Qi Hao with six security guards who were screaming, and Director Xie knew something bad was going to happen when he saw the expressions on the security guards.

Director Xie's face sank.Just about to drink security, Qi Hao said: "Director Xie, should I ask them first!"

Director Xie hated Director Qiu, so he could only say, "Ask, Director Qi!"

Director Xie deliberately emphasized "Director Qi" in order to remind the security guard that this little brother is the director.

But who is the security guard?They are security guards, they look like Dongdong, how can they understand Director Xie's deep meaning.In their eyes, Director Xie is the biggest official in the world, anyone should bow their heads in front of Director Xie, and now they only need to lock up the beating person.Money can run into your own pocket.

Qi Hao asked Yan Yuese gently: "Have you been beaten?"

The six people said in a mess.Got beaten!He also pointed at Fan Dayu, who was beaten by your people!

Qi Hao said: "Since you can walk here, you shouldn't get hurt anywhere!"

Master Six said, he hurt his internal organs and vomited blood!While talking, someone clutched their chest and complained of pain, someone pressed their stomach and complained of pain, the reception room became lively.

Qi Hao pointed to the heavy rain.Question: "I was walking inside and didn't see him beating you. Did he run inside the gate to beat you?"

The six people were in a daze, saying that it was obviously illogical to say that they were beaten in the gate post. A security guard pointed at Fan Dayu: "We suspect that your door is going to cause trouble in the traffic hall, and we told you not to go in. If you don't listen, we will stop you. He Just hit us!"

Qi Hao said: "Oh, he beat you all alone?"

Qiqi, the security guard, said, "He's the only one!"

Qi Hao asked: "Did no one beat you?"

The security guards all affirmed: "There is no one else!"

Qi Hao said: "Six people can't beat one person. Director Xie entrusted you with such an important job. You waved batons and let unarmed people break into the gate. Don't you ask yourself what you are doing for food? "

The six security guards looked at each other in blank dismay, yes, six of them hit one of them, and they didn't even have a chance to make a move, so they were ashamed to mention it.The six security guards lowered their heads at the same time, with a look of shame on their faces. Although the security guards are a bit stupid, they are still human, and they know some honor and shame.

A security guard reacted quickly: "Director Xie taught us not to fight back when scolded or beaten!"

"Director Xie taught you to remember, but Director Xie told you to guard the gate but failed!" Qi Hao suddenly asked, "Why don't you let us enter the traffic hall?"

"You guys are going to make trouble in the traffic hall!" A security guard replied quickly.

"Why are we making trouble at the traffic hall?" Qi Hao asked.

"The construction of highways in the province hurts your interests. Instead of going to the highway construction headquarters to make trouble, you come to the traffic department to make trouble. Director Qiu said it, and Director Xie said it. Some people go to the traffic department to make trouble, and the gate guard directly arrests them. Get them out and tell them to go to the headquarters!" A security guard not only answered quickly, but also acted confidently.

Qi Hao turned to thank the director: "Thank you, director, what's going on!"

The matter has been exposed, Director Xie's face was livid, and he slapped the table fiercely: "Who told you these words, I think you are too courageous, you dare to stop the people from reporting the problem, and don't let me go down, wait Just accept it!"

Several security guards froze immediately, what happened to Director Xie today, two days ago they were praised for blocking the rioters, but today they cursed.

Director Qiu hurriedly said: "Hurry up and leave, this is our new Director Qi, what are you still doing here, you want to be fired, don't you!"

The six people heard that it was the new director Qi, and they knew that there was trouble, so they rushed to rush.

Qi Hao glanced at Director Xie, and understood in his heart that he would not mention this matter any more.

After such a toss, Director Xie looked embarrassed and flustered, Qi Hao is not his deputy director, other deputy directors he shoots when he wants, presses when he wants, pulls when he wants, everything is played by him. In the palm of his hand, Qi Hao is different. He is the son-in-law of the governor and holds the real power of expressway construction. He can judge the situation for this young master.

"Director Qi, this happened on the first day I came here, which shows that my management is not good." Director Xie looked at Qi Hao with a flattering expression, and then said with an angry expression on his face, "They distorted the leadership's intentions and acted recklessly. If I hadn't met Director Qi, I don't know what big troubles would happen. Director Qiu, why did you recruit such low-quality people as security guards, and fire them tomorrow, the image of the Transportation Department must not be damaged by these scum!"

Director Qiu hurriedly bowed his head and responded, "Yes, Director Xie."

Director Xie wants to fire people, that is Director Xie's business, Qi Hao came here to talk about his own business, he said: "I came here today to report to Director Xie, the expressway construction time is short and the task is heavy, the traffic department He is the real army of highway construction, Director Xie is the strong leader of this real army, I firmly believe that as long as Director Xie steps in, the difficulties encountered in highway construction can be easily solved!"

Director Xie looked at Qi Hao, he somewhat understood the meaning of Qi Hao's words, Qi Hao wanted to pull the team from the Traffic Department out to build the expressway, and if this team was really pulled out, the Traffic Department still had How many people listen to him?

Director Xie has been in the officialdom for so many years, and he still doesn't know the powerful relationship among them. Therefore, at the beginning, he heard that the general headquarters was established, and the headquarters set up an office. Qi Hao was the director of the office. He felt that even if Qi Hao was the deputy director, he would Controlling the power over the expressway, he will not interfere with the affairs of the hall.For this reason, he reported to Secretary Zhuge that the expressway followed the Ministry of Railways to build an independent kingdom. The historical experience and lessons are worth noting. Later, Secretary Zhuge alluded to this aspect in some speeches, but what he did not expect was that Qihao actually Taking the initiative to get involved in the Transportation Department, Director Xie realized that he must be highly vigilant.

To say that Qi Hao planned to set up the general headquarters office in a suitable place in order to facilitate the construction of the expressway at the beginning. With the understanding of the Department of Communications and the deputy directors and chief engineers, he realized that the Department of Communications is not a unit that cannot be penetrated by water or needles. The strength of the provincial transportation system was mobilized to form a joint force. In five years, not only the main expressway, but also the intercity expressway should be built together. Therefore, he made the decision to set up the headquarters in the transportation department.

Director Xie cautiously said: "After the expressway construction is fully launched, the existing highway construction, maintenance, and intercity highways are particularly important. I will give Director Qi a good pass in this regard, so that Director Qi can focus all his energy on the expressway. In terms of road construction, this is more conducive to the development of transportation!"

Qi Hao said: "Secretary Zhuge's speech on what is the main force is very earnest and incisive, no matter how you put it, how can the expressway general headquarters be compared with the traffic department that integrates people, talents, materials, and policies? , the headquarters is the guerrillas, and the transportation department is the main force!"

Director Xie was clear in his heart, the young master came to the Transportation Department to fight for power, he said: "The headquarters is a new thing, and the new thing has a strong vitality!"

Qi Hao looked at Director Xie with strange eyes: "Director Xie, why do I feel that your ideas for Secretary Zhuge are not very unified!"

"No, no, no..." Director Xie trembled as he spoke, "I will completely unify the thoughts of Governor Lin and Secretary Zhuge!"

"That's good!" Qi Hao said happily, "Whether the expressway can be completed as scheduled depends entirely on the implementation of Secretary Zhuge's unified thinking, and Director Xie's unified thinking. The construction of the expressway has taken the lead. As the deputy director, I will definitely Under the leadership of Director Xie, do your best!"

Director Xie said: "Director Qi is very polite!"

Qi Hao wants the transportation system to play a major role in the construction of expressways. The premise is that the transportation system must obey the dispatch and obey the command. If you want to make a difference in the transportation system, Qi Hao realizes that he has to show his prestige, and if he wants to show his prestige, he must make enemies first, so Director Xie was unfortunate enough to be regarded as a enemy.

I was drunk last night, and today's chapter is late, so I'm sorry! (To be continued..)

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