Official ladder

Chapter 956 Director Xie's Body Was Nailed

"Grandma, don't let go, it hurts!" Qi Hao cried and begged.

Lin Xiaoxia scolded: "It's so happy to take care of the beauty and deal with the old lady. I don't want to confess to the old lady!"

Qi Hao covered his ears with his hands: "You twisted my ears and asked me to confess!"

Lin Xiaoxia let go: "Tell me, isn't it comfortable to hug a beauty?"

Qi Hao's ear hurts very much, he protects his ear with his hands: "Ouch, let me see if it's sprained, ouch!"

"It deserves it!" Lin Xiaoxia chuckled, took away Qihao's ear-protecting hand, and took a closer look, "It's not hurt, just a little red, you, you can't hold on to the pain, it must be shameful to be caught by the enemy traitor!"

"Why are you so ruthless!" Qi Hao covered his ears with his hands again.

Lin Xiaoxia looked at Lin Xiaoxia with a smile, and stretched out her hand: "I want to divert the conversation, do I want to hurt my ears again!"

"A gentleman uses his mouth but not his hands!"

"To deal with bad guys, you have to use both your mouth and your hands!" Lin Xiaoxia said with a chuckle.

Qi Hao acted like a fool and said, "Didn't I hug you first last night?"

"I know, hug me first because I'm afraid I'll watch you hug them!"

Qi Hao said righteously: "Anyway, you are my wife, I will hug you first!"

Lin Xiaoxia said angrily, "Why don't you call Xiaohai and Dayu to hug them!"

"Didn't Heavy Rain want to hug Xueyan?"

"Where's Xiaohai, isn't there no one to hug Xiaohai?"

Qi Hao became dumb for a while, and said, "Xiao Hai is drunk!"

Lin Xiaoxia said angrily: "Xiaohai is not drunk, but hiding! She is not Xiaohai's woman. Xiaohai doesn't care!"

Qi Hao resentfully said: "At home, if I don't hug her, whoever will hug her!"

Lin Xiaoxia was stunned for a moment: "You are the only one who will find a reason!"

"Isn't it?" Qi Haojin countered. "You invited the guests, you ordered the wine, the people lay down, and I won't clean up the things you caused. Do you want them to sleep in the restaurant all night?"

Lin Xiaoxia couldn't help laughing: "You're still a good person!"

Qi Hao looked at Lin Xiaoxia and laughed, with a flattering expression.

Lin Xiaoxia leaned close to Qi Hao's body, and gently stroked Qi Hao's face with her hand.Ask softly: "What's it like to hold them in your arms?"

Qi Hao pretended to be nervous and shook his head quickly: "It's not tasteful."

"Is it really tasteless?"

"No taste?"

"Lie!" Lin Xiaoxia shouted.

Qi Hao's body trembled instinctively: "Seek truth from facts."

"Why do you panic when you go to bed?"

Qi Hao chuckled and salivated, "I miss you!"

"You are with them..." Lin Xiaoxia whimpered, "Let me suffer from you!"

"It's not a disadvantage. I love you!" Seeing an opportunity, Qi Hao hurriedly coaxed Lin Xiaoxia.

"No, no!" Lin Xiaoxia threw herself into Qi Hao's arms, and Xiaofen beat Qi Hao's chest with her fists, "You provoked them. Come back and bully me. No, no, you are bad, you are bad!"

Qi Hao took advantage of the situation and coaxed Lin Xiaoxia, and the two had a scene.

When it was almost time, Lin Xiaoxia pushed Qihao away: "Don't go yet, Uncle Gu is waiting for you!"

Qi Hao quickly gave Lin Xiaoxia a stage scholar gift, thank you lady!He ran out the door happily.

There are no adults in the family, even if it is the governor's family, the two young people are tossing about.

Qi Hao went straight to the office of Vice Governor Gu of the provincial government.Today, Vice Governor Gu is going to the headquarters to see the renovation situation.

When Qi Hao left, Secretary Li caught him: "Governor Gu asked Director Qi if he came just now!"

Qi Hao smiled and said, "It's late, Secretary Li. I'm sorry!"

Of course, Secretary Li knew the relationship between Qi Hao and Vice Governor Gu, so he spoke casually: "I'm fine here, Director Qi wants to say sorry, go talk to Governor Gu."

Qi Hao was about to enter the office when Vice Governor Gu came out, saw Qi Hao and said, "Come on, let's go!"

Qi Hao greeted Governor Gu, and followed Vice Governor Gu to the parking lot.

The car went straight to the traffic hall and stopped in front of the conference building. Secretary Li jumped out of the car from the passenger seat and opened the rear door. Vice Governor Gu got out of the car, followed by Qi Hao.

Director Xie has focused on the conference building for the past two days. He stood behind the curtain of the office window and watched the decoration of the conference building.

Director Qiu was very busy, running around the conference building on the third floor and the ground floor for a while, it seemed that he was determined to follow Qihao.The people around him would defect if they said they would defect, which Director Xie did not expect. Anyway, Director Qiu was also promoted by him. Dogs know that they will be loyal to their masters all their lives.

The conference building is part of my one-acre three-point land, and my own one-acre three-point land is as inviolable as my own woman, but the current situation is that I dare not say anything because of others tormenting me, Director Xie hides behind the curtain, Seeing the conference building where the workers are working in full swing, they gritted their teeth with hatred.

There were a lot of workers on the renovation site, and it was obvious that they were rushing for time. Director Xie heard that Qiu Wen took over the decoration task of the headquarters, and the decoration project was completed in 20 days.

Director Xie knows that the decoration project is easy to be delayed, and people, money, and things can't keep up with the time. Now the renovation time is so tight that the project cannot be completed in 20 days if there is any mistake, so Director Xie is here. Use your brain to find a way to prevent the project from being completed on schedule.

Didn't Director Qiu find Qi Hao's new backer? He thought that if the decoration of the headquarters couldn't be completed in 20 days, Qiu Wen would lose Qi Hao's trust. He took the opportunity to propose at the party group meeting to remove Qiu Wen as the office director.Director Xie was extremely resentful of the wind blowing the grass on both sides.As for someone who is useless, even Qi Hao would not take him seriously.Then, Qiu Wen, who has lost his position and trust, will fend for himself in the traffic department like a mosquito, a fish and a shrimp, and become a poor thing who will sniff at anyone who sees him.

Director Xie saw Deputy Governor Gu get out of the car, and he opened his eyes wide. It is a big deal for the director of the Department of Communications that the Deputy Governor and Deputy Governor Gu, who is now acting as Governor, came to the Department of Communications. , he had to hurry to greet him, Director Xie turned around and ran away from the window, but he stopped after two steps.

Director Xie was afraid to meet Vice Governor Gu. Although the site of the Communications Department was his own one-acre three-point land, the leader came to his one-acre three-point land to greet him as the owner of the one-acre three-point land, but the problem was that he Now, a nail that doesn't belong to me has been nailed into the three-acre land. Since the nail doesn't belong to me, if I rush to meet it, I may commit a big taboo to Vice Governor Gu.

At the level of the province and department, violating taboos is not a trivial matter. Director Xie froze in his office.

The inspection work of provincial leaders has strict regulations on who to see and who not to see. If Vice Governor Gu did not arrange to meet Director Xie, Director Xie might be asking for trouble if he went to see Vice Governor Gu without authorization, but Vice Governor Gu It was the Traffic Department. The owner of the Traffic Department didn't show up. Seeing that he didn't show up, a group of deputy leaders must think that he was out of favor. How will the out-of-favor director command the Traffic Department in the future?Paralyzed, Director Xie is going crazy, as the director, standing on his own territory, he can't move!

Vice Governor Gu is close at hand, whether to go or not has become a big problem for Director Xie.

Director Xie had no choice but to move his stiff body, go back behind the curtains, peek at the office building, and play it by ear.

Director Xie saw Qi Hao take out his mobile phone from his body, dialed the number, and put the mobile phone on his ear, his own mobile phone rang, could it be that Qi Hao was calling himself, took out his mobile phone to check, it really is!

Director Xie couldn't help being elated.

Annoyed that the leader came to his site and listened to other people's arrangements to see or not see him. He was happy that Vice Governor Gu arranged to meet him when he inspected the work.

Director Xie answered the phone: "Hello, who is it?"

"Hello, who is it?" Obviously knowing that Qi Hao knows that he knows his mobile phone number, the key is that Qi Hao's mobile phone number should be displayed on the screen of his mobile phone, and he said "Hello, who is it?" It's too bloody Pretending to be aggressive, Director Xie has been in the officialdom for so many years, and his pretending to be aggressive is full of flaws in front of Qi Hao. Even Director Xie has to think in his heart that Qi Haotian was born to be his nemesis.Nemesis, shadow, Qi Hao unintentionally became Director Xie's lingering shadow.

"I'm Qi Hao, is Director Xie?" Of course Qi Hao could hear that Director Xie was pretending to be aggressive, so he pretended to be too, Director Xie?No, he used the sunshine voice.

"Oh, Director Qi, hello, how are you?" Director Xie said in surprise.

Qi Hao said: "It's Director Xie like this. Governor Gu temporarily decided to inspect the renovation site of the expressway construction headquarters office. Do you have time? If you have time, please join us!"

Director Xie was extremely upset, Qi Hao was clearly speaking from superiors to subordinates, but there was no other way, he could only suppress his displeasure in his heart, Director Xie said: "If I have time, I'll go right away!"

Director Xie hung up the phone and quickly ran out of the office and went downstairs to the conference building. When he saw Governor Gu, Secretary Li, and Qi Hao, he stretched out his arms and ran over in small steps: "Governor Gu is inspecting work, sorry! fail to meet a guest!"

Running in front of Governor Gu, Vice Governor Gu didn't intend to shake Director Xie's hand, and asked, "Will it affect the meeting if we occupy your conference building?"

"No, no!" Director Xie replied, "The construction of expressways is a major matter of the Provincial Department of Communications. The establishment of the headquarters in the Department of Communications is conducive to the work of the Department of Communications. All the cadres and masses of the Department of Communications support it!"

Deputy Governor Gu said: "The Department of Communications has both the functions of traffic management and traffic construction. The expressway construction headquarters is a temporary leading organization, and the specific work needs to be completed by the Department of Communications. Therefore, the office of the Department of Communications must be located in the headquarters. Under the leadership of the Party Central Committee, we will earnestly perform our functions, give full play to the functions of the Department of Communications, and complete the expressway construction project on time with quality and quantity guaranteed!"

Director Xie hurriedly said: "The Department of Communications must obey the instructions of Governor Gu and do its job well."

Vice Governor Gu turned to Qi Hao and said, "Look at the decoration of the office!" (To be continued...)

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