Official ladder

Chapter 957

Director Xie said aside: "After hearing that the headquarters will be located in the Communications Department, I realized that the conference building is most suitable for the headquarters, so I immediately made a decision to take out the conference building and use it according to the needs of the headquarters."

Being a whore, Qi Hao smiled inwardly, and waved to Director Qiu who was busy in the distance. A bitch is a bitch, and he didn't want to give Director Xie face.

Director Qiu immediately ran over in small steps, and Qi Hao introduced to Vice Governor Gu: "Governor Gu, Director Qiu of the Department of Communications Office, he is fully responsible for the decoration!"

Deputy Governor Gu extended his hand to Director Qiu: "How about it, can it be completed in 20 days?"

Director Qiu never thought that Qi Hao would call him over. You know, he, the office director, is not qualified to report to the provincial leaders. He was very excited, looked at Qi Hao gratefully, and said to Vice Governor Gu. : "Governor Gu, Director Qi entrusted me with the task and gave me a death order. I also issued a military order. If I can't complete the decoration task in 20 days, I will be dismissed!"

"Okay!" Vice Governor Gu said happily, "I like comrades like this who dare to work and take responsibility. Show me!"

"Yes, Governor Gu." Director Qiu was so happy that he couldn't find the north. He had been the office director of the Communications Department for so many years, and he had never reported to the provincial leaders, let alone led inspections. Of course, sometimes He also eats with him, but he is at another table, so he doesn't even want to get close to the provincial leader. Director Qi asked him to report to the leader as soon as he came up, and asked him to lead the provincial leader to inspect. Seriously, Governor Gu Once satisfied, it is a major turning point in life to be promoted to the deputy director!He looked at Qi Hao and saw Qi Hao motioning for him to lead the way.Then happily lead the way.

What is bright, leadership trust is bright; what is future, leadership trust is future; what is power.Leadership trust is the driving force!Director Qiu walked in front of the leaders full of energy, which was in stark contrast to Director Xie who followed behind Qi Hao with a gloomy expression.

The conference building of the Transportation Department has three floors. Qi Hao asked for the second and third floors. The third floor has a meeting room and a sand table room on the Chase Province Expressway. From the sand table, you can see the miniature topography of the Chase Province. The expressway line is very clear. .The offices of the Commander, Deputy Commander, and Qi Hao are located on the third floor.There is a reception room on the second floor, and there are various departments under the general command headquarters.

Governor Gu saw a lot of workers, and everyone was busy.Very satisfied, he asked Qi Hao: "Have the comrades transferred to the headquarters contacted the Provincial Personnel Department?"

Qi Hao replied: "We have contacted. According to the progress of Director Qiu's renovation project, if there are no major problems, it can be completed on November 28. Office supplies will enter the site on November 29 and [-]. They will be dispatched on December [-]. Comrades can go to work!"

Minister Gu asked: "Is the planning map out?"

Qi Hao said: "I contacted Jiaotong University yesterday, and it will be approved in a few days!"

Vice-Governor Gu said: "We must attach great importance to planning approval, and we must go to the site again for places that are not clear. Once confirmed, the design drawings cannot be changed without authorization."

Qi Hao said: "Yes, this check must be taken care of, otherwise it will add unexpected expenses to the project."

Governor Gu said: "For such a large project, you have to pay attention to two major problems. One is waste. If you don't pay attention to the large project, hundreds of millions of yuan will be wasted. The second is corruption. Pay special attention to the collusion between government and businessmen to defraud the project contract , and then engage in subcontracting, and the quality of subcontracting is not guaranteed at all.”

Qi Hao said: "As for the company's qualifications, Director Xie is familiar with the situation of the road construction engineering company. I suggest that Director Xie be in charge."

Director Xie thought to himself, I am not responsible for the project, but I am responsible for the qualifications. He said: "The construction of expressways is a new job, and the requirements for the company are naturally different. I don't know much about this aspect."

"Then ask Deputy Director Jiang and Chief Engineer Hua to take charge!" Qi Hao glanced at Director Xie, it's not that I didn't give you a chance, it's because you didn't cherish it.

"Okay," said Vice Governor Gu, "Deputy Director Jiang is the old director of the Department of Communications. He has practical experience. I know a little about Chief Engineer Hua. He graduated from the Civil Engineering Department of Tsinghua University. He was supposed to be assigned to the Department of Construction. At that time, he was engaged in class struggle, saying that he had overseas relations, and he went through several departments before arriving at the Department of Communications. He had unique insights into bridge and highway design, and I suggested him to be the chief engineer of the Department of Communications when I was in the Organization Department!"

Qi Hao looked surprised and said: "Governor Gu knows you two so well?"

Vice Governor Gu looked at Qi Hao and smiled: "I was about to suggest you to use these two people, but you mentioned it first, which means you also understand!"

Director Xie couldn't help being horrified in his heart, and wanted to make a statement himself, but Qi Hao pushed the boat along the way and pushed Deputy Director Jiang and Chief Engineer Hua to the top.These two Director Xie don't understand, the Department of Transportation has the strongest professional ability, and they are not in tune with Director Xie, and have been put on the bench by Director Xie for a long time.

Director Xie saw that things were not going well, so he wanted to speak. He wanted to say that although he didn't know much about the situation, for the sake of expressway construction, he could get familiar with the situation in a short time and do a good job of checking the project bidding company. He just opened his mouth , no sound yet.

"Director Qiu," Qi Hao had already issued instructions, "Go and invite Director Jiang and President Hua, and say Governor Gu is here."

"Yes!" Director Qiu saw the current situation clearly. Don't look at Director Xie's bragging in front of them, what kind of relationship the provincial leaders gave him, it turned out that the sun was setting and the days were not long. go.

When Shu Xiaohai came, seeing Vice Governor Gu, Qi Hao, and Director Xie were there, he stopped and was about to turn around and leave.

"Xiao Hai is here?" Qi Hao greeted.

Shu Xiaohai was having a hard time leaving, Vice Governor Gu turned around and saw Shu Xiaohai, and greeted him: "We met at home, yes?"

Shu Xiaohai replied shyly, "Yes, Governor Gu."

Governor Gu asked, "Did you come to see the office?"

"Yes, Governor Gu." Shu Xiaohai looked a little shy.

Governor Gu said: "The expressway construction time is short and the task is heavy. It doesn't leave us any time to argue, nor does it leave us any time to stop work and solve problems. When things happen, you can solve them quickly. The burden of you, the branch director Heavy!"

Shu Xiaohai was wearing casual clothes. Director Xie didn't know who he was. Seeing that he was under 30 years old, he thought he was a subcontractor of the engineering team. He heard Governor Gu say that he was the branch director. Then he realized that this person should He is the chief of the public security division of the headquarters.

Shu Xiaohai stood at attention and saluted: "Governor Gu, don't worry, I will be dedicated to my duties and maintain the normal progress of highway construction!"

Vice Governor Gu looked at Shu Xiaohai and nodded: "Qin Li has reported?"

Qi Hao said, "Reported."

Vice Governor Gu turned back to Director Xie and said: "In order to complete the expressway construction on time with quality and quantity guaranteed, the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection at the headquarters set up a highway construction inspection office, and the headquarters set up the Provincial Public Security Bureau Expressway Construction Public Security Bureau. If you engage in prostitution and want to break the law and commit crimes, you will never be relentless!"

Director Xie hurriedly nodded and said, "That's it!"

Director Qiu led Deputy Director Jiang, and Chief Engineer Hua came in a hurry. The two greeted Deputy Governor Gu from afar, and they knew each other before.

Vice Governor Gu shook hands with the two, pointed to Qi Hao and asked them, "Do you know each other?"

It's not easy for the two to lie in front of Vice Governor Gu. They laughed and said that they met through the window of the office and had never spoken.

Vice Governor Gu said: "Today is considered to be an acquaintance."

When Qi Hao shook hands with the two, he said, "We should meet, but I'm still studying at the party school and haven't reported to the traffic department yet, so it's hard to meet you two."

Governor Gu said: "Qihao has never talked to you, but he knows you two well, and knows that you two are top experts in the traffic department!"

Deputy Director Jiang said with a smile: "What kind of top expert in business, just dawdling."

Chief Engineer Hua said: "My credit to the Transportation Department is that I broke a few chairs!"

The two laughed wantonly, regardless of Director Xie's face turning blue and red.

Deputy Governor Gu looked at Deputy Director Jiang and said, "It's too late to fool around now."

Deputy Director Jiang said: "I'll retire next year, and I won't be able to live my life if I don't want to."

Qi Hao said: "Director Jiang, retirement is a policy requirement, but expressway construction is a special case. I have an idea. Now you are in charge of the routine work of the expressway. After retirement, if you are healthy, you can continue to work until the expressway is completed. After the expressway is built, if you want, you can participate in operation management, you are a talent, I don't want you to be idle!"

Deputy Director Jiang looked at Qi Hao with some disbelief: "I heard that the people who work with you admire you, but I still think you are too young!"

"He has no hair on his mouth and can't do things well, Director Jiang doesn't seem to believe it?" Qi Hao laughed.

"Yes." Deputy Director Jiang nodded solemnly.

Qi Hao said, "Then you might as well try."

"You might as well give it a try." Deputy Director Jiang looked at Deputy Governor Gu and said solemnly, "Then I will try, but there is a request. For such a large project, I want to choose a deputy."

"Yes!" Qi Hao shook hands with Director Jiang without thinking.

Vice Governor Gu said: "Remember, you are the executive."

Deputy Director Jiang looked at Deputy Governor Gu: "Please rest assured Governor Gu, I already have a hunch and I am convinced of this young man."

Qi Hao turned his head and said to Chief Engineer Hua: "President Hua, you are responsible for the contracting, quality supervision, and acceptance of the project!"

Mr. Hua was stunned. Director Xie has always had the final say on these tasks. Although it is Qi Hao now, the current officials are all virtuous and must fight for power. He asked: "Does Director Qi want to Treat me as a display?"

Qi Hao said: "If I want to use Mr. Hua as a display, there is no need to start with Mr. Hua's graduation thesis."

"What, you investigated me?" Mr. Hua looked surprised. He didn't expect that the young man in front of him valued him so much.

Qi Hao said: "More than 300 kilometers of highways, tens of billions of investment, Mr. Hua thinks Qi Hao can find anyone at will?" (To be continued...)

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