Official ladder

Chapter 986 Confrontation

The party group of the Communications Department and the administrative joint meeting unexpectedly pulled out Secretary Zhuge and Vice Governor Gu, and the meeting became lively.

"The meeting can't go on!" Director Xie turned his eyes to Qi Hao, trying to divert the conflict.

Qi Hao smiled, and said with a relaxed expression: "The construction of highways and the hardening of road surfaces are much more difficult than today's meeting, and we must continue. I personally think that the meeting can continue!"

Qi Hao couldn't understand what he meant. Isn't it about the party group and the administrative joint meeting?

Director Xie certainly meant something when he said that the meeting could not go on. Before Qi Hao came to the traffic department, the meeting went smoothly. When Qi Hao came, everything went bumpy. He wanted everyone to pay attention. Qi Hao is from the traffic department. The root cause of the instability, but he couldn't explain clearly, Qi Hao is the governor's son-in-law, so he can only lead people up to let everyone understand.

With Qi Hao's easy words, Director Xie's tricks were invisible. Director Xie had no choice but to continue the meeting.

After Director Xie announced the continuation of the meeting, he talked about the hardening work of the pavement. Finally, he said that he hoped that everyone would fulfill their duties, strive to complete the work step by step, and strive to complete the pavement hardening project in the province within three years according to the decision of the provincial ruling party and the provincial government!

Qi Hao looked at Director Xie, and said in a very targeted tone: "The road surface hardening project is a rigid task issued by the provincial ruling party and the provincial government. It cannot be discussed in general, and the work must be implemented. This issue must be raised by Director Xie." Enough attention!"

These words obviously meant a lesson, Director Xie was very upset.I know it is a hard task, and I pay enough attention to it. What qualifications do you have to dictate.He said, "Director Qi seems to have something to say?"

Qi Hao said with a cold expression: "Based on the analysis of everyone's speeches, advancing the road hardening work involves money. If this problem cannot be solved, the project will not be launched on time. Can't get rid of it for a long time!"

Sow discord, openly sow discord.Director Xie's stomach suddenly burst into flames, but he suppressed it again and lost his temper with the governor's son-in-law.Unless he became the head of the department in vain.Director Xie asked with a cold face, "Why did Director Qi say that?"

Qi Hao said: "Deliberations fail to make a decision, everyone is responsible for delaying work."

Director Xie asked: "What does Director Qi mean?"

Qi Hao said: "As far as I know, the road surface hardening work has been discussed for many years, and now it has finally been decided. That is to say, this work has been put into practice from being put on the agenda. Now that it is put into practice, it is not just As for the question discussed, just now Director Xie talked about the road surface hardening work, but he only stopped at the discussion and did not come up with any implementation plan. Therefore, the comrades present have to worry about whether the road surface hardening project can be launched. It is undeniable The hardening of the road surface is a popular project for the benefit of the province and the people to promote economic development, but it has missed the best investment period. Therefore, the problem of financing is very serious. Think about it, why the bank questioned it, and why did it report the question in writing to Secretary Zhuge, Governor Gu, in fact, the bank has actually denied the road hardening project. The project that the bank is not optimistic about, can the finance be optimistic about? As social financing, there are still people willing to waste money? The severe situation of road hardening work is in the In front of us, I think Director Xie must address the issue of what to do if the road hardening project cannot be started on schedule at this meeting!"

Qi Hao's words ended on Director Xie's acupoints, Director Xie was speechless for a moment.

Deputy Director Jiang came in and added: "Director Qi means that the rope cannot be tied to a branch. There must be at least several plans for the hardening of the road surface, just like the publicity work for highway construction. If it is tied to a person, That's tantamount to keeping the job there forever!"

Director Xie was on fire, completely on fire, he turned his eyes to Deputy Director Jiang, "You!"

"What's wrong with me?" Deputy Director Jiang was not afraid, "I'm just making a metaphor, isn't it like this? You thank the director for putting down the burden of publicity work on the expressway, wouldn't you take the burden of hardening the road?"

Deputy Director Jiang's words directly pointed at Director Xie's weakness. Only then did Director Xie realize that he couldn't get angry today. The reason for his anger was to burn people, but his fire couldn't burn people.

Qi Hao said: "If Director Xie is sure to start the project at that time, please ask Director Xie to make a decision on the start time of the project. I believe that the comrades present will raise their hands in agreement. The project cannot be started by then, and the comrades present will not follow Director Xie. Take responsibility! On the contrary, Director Xie formulates a set of plans, and other comrades can also be responsible for these plans. At that time, other comrades cannot complete the plan according to the time set by the plan, and Director Xie will not have to bear the responsibility!"

"I agree with Director Qi's opinion!" Hua Gong spoke, "The pavement hardening of the provincial highway should have been implemented a few years ago. It has been demonstrated several times, and the provincial government has decided several times, but every time it is shelved for one reason or another. Now The expressway, which is dozens of times larger than the road surface hardening project, is about to start construction, but the road surface hardening project has not yet started, comrades, this is either due to the incompetence of the Department of Transportation, or a problem with the working ability of some leading comrades!"

Deputy Director Wu said: "I agree with Huagong's opinion. If it hadn't been for Director Qi's strong advocacy for the construction of highways in the whole province to cause shocks throughout the country, the current highways in the province can only be ranked last in the country. Individual comrades must Reflection, I can no longer play with road construction as a toy in my hands. A decision should be made at today's meeting. The plan proposed by Director Xie will not work. Director Qi, Director Jiang, Director Hua, and Director Zheng It may not be possible to wait for the plan proposed by comrades!"

Director Xie saw that Qi Hao took the lead in staring at the project in his hands. This is power, profit, power and altruism and he is willing to give up easily. Director Xie said: "The formation of a plan is not something that can be done just by talking. Argumentation, finally forming a plan, this matter will not be discussed today, and we will discuss it at the next meeting!"

After Director Qiu walked into the venue and announced that he was a member of the party group, he still exercised the right of his office director to record, and recorded very seriously.Such a situation appeared in the venue, two people were taking minutes of the meeting.

Qi Hao asked: "Director Qiu, did you record clearly what Director Xie said just now?"

Director Qiu said: "The record is clear, Director Qi."

Qi Hao instructed: "Read the original words to Director Xie, please confirm with Director Xie!"

"Yes, Director Qi." Director Qiu picked up the notebook, "'The formation of a plan is not something that can be done just by talking about it. It needs to go through repeated investigations and demonstrations to finally form a plan. This matter will not be discussed today, and we will discuss it in the next meeting. !'Director Qi, these are the original words of Director Xie!"

Qi Hao turned to Director Xie: "Director Xie, are you sure?"

Director Xie was stunned for a moment, then said with a serious face, "Deputy Director Qi, what do you mean?"

"Director Xie Zheng!" Qi Hao added a letter in front of the director, "This is a meeting, the party group of the Transportation Department, and the administrative joint meeting. Every comrade must bear the corresponding responsibility for speaking. Every comrade has the right to one vote. I suspect that Director Xie Zheng has evasion, procrastination, refusal, or inability to do the road hardening work, so I will use the method you confirmed so that the deputy secretary of the party group, members of the party group, deputy directors, engineers, and inspectors present here When the project cannot be started at the due date, Director Xie should be held accountable collectively!"

Director Xie froze, and blurted out: "Deputy Director Qi, force the palace!"

Qi Hao said: "That's what you think. I want to ensure that the pavement hardening project starts as scheduled and complete the road hardening target task assigned by the provincial ruling party and the provincial government!"

Director Xie's face was as dark as the bottom of the pot: "What if I don't agree?"

Qi Hao looked at Deputy Secretary Zhou of the party group: "Deputy Secretary Zhou, can I propose a vote and have the right to vote?"

Deputy Secretary Zhou looked at Qi Hao and said solemnly: "Yes, Director Qi, you have the right to put forward proposals and vote on them, and you have the right to have one vote!"

"Director Xie!" Qi Hao said righteously and sternly, "If you treat the work of hardening the road as a trifling matter, or your power, then I will propose a vote!"

Director Xie has no way out, Qi Hao is not an ordinary deputy director, he will do what he says, and it will be bad for him if this matter really escalates.Director Xie looked at the two or three people who usually followed him, they all drooped their heads and were also dumb.Qi Hao is in the right place now, there are backgrounds above, people below, the right time, location, and harmony are all taken, he has to bow his head and pass this level, and then figure out how to deal with it.

Director Xie had no way out, and was forced to say helplessly: "If my plan cannot be activated when it expires, you can adopt the plans of your comrades!"

Qi Hao thought about it, and this was the only way to go, he couldn't be unreasonable, he asked Director Qiu: "Director Qiu, have you recorded Director Xie's words?"

Director Qiu said: "Remember it, Director Qi."

Qi Hao turned to thank Director: "Director Xie, do you need to ask Director Qiu to confirm?"

Director Xie felt that he had been ravaged repeatedly. He really wanted to fight back like a man, but he considered that the consequences of counterattack would be even worse, so he had to suppress the unbearable idea of ​​counterattack. But for the last bit of dignity of the first brother of the Traffic Department, Still staring at Director Qiu bitterly: "No need, Qiu Wen is a great talent!"

The meeting ends with the first agenda item.

Director Xie looked at Qi Hao: "Director Qi, please talk about the work on the expressway!"

Qi Hao said: "The expressway will hold a financing meeting at the headquarters tomorrow. Please attend at that time. On December [-], the first phase of the expressway construction project contract award meeting will be held at the headquarters. Everyone here is invited to attend. January On the [-]th, the expressway foundation laying ceremony and start-up project will be held in Shuangqing City and Sanjiang City at the same time, and everyone present here is invited to participate!"

Director Xie saw Qi Hao stop talking, and said: "Director Qi, can you be more specific about the construction of the expressway, and the Department of Transportation can cooperate with the work." (To be continued...)

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