Official ladder

Chapter 987

Director Xie saw Qi Hao stop talking, and said, "Director Qi, should you be more specific about the construction of the expressway?

Qi Hao glanced at Director Xie, turned around and said to everyone: "I have explained clearly the three major issues at the beginning of expressway construction. I understand, I won’t be shivering here anymore! The three major things in the preliminary work of the expressway I mentioned just now are like the three major steps in a basketball game. As long as these three steps are steady and steady, the first shot of the expressway will be fired. Yes! As for the specific work, the Communications Department is busy up and down right now, so I don’t think I’ll talk about it here. After the meeting, Director Xie can ask the leaders and comrades to understand, or go to work to learn about it!”

Director Xie couldn’t understand what Qi Hao said. The entire transportation department was busy with expressway construction work, and he didn’t understand the situation. Isn’t this a big joke? out sneezing.

As a leader, what is he most afraid of? The subordinates he leads are busy with the work that everyone recognizes, but he loses control of the subordinates and has nothing to do. Director Xie is now in such a situation.

Sorrow unstoppably arose in the heart of Director Xie. As the director, there is nothing greater than this. He knew that the whole hall was busy with the construction of the expressway, but their busyness was not due to his arrangement, Bu Shu, his Instructions, but from a deputy director at the bottom of the ranking.

Director Xie sat in the office, no one reported to him, no one asked for instructions.Even his confidantes turned a blind eye to him, and what he encountered was collective ignorance.Even Deputy Director Zheng, who he was going to promote this time to be the director of the office.They are also deliberately avoiding the abnormal situation in the traffic department.

Director Xie looked at the people in the conference room, and he was convinced that even Deputy Director Zheng was doing the expressway work behind his back. Deputy Director Zheng didn't do anything, it was just to earn performance in front of Qi Hao.

Director Xie knew all this that he was not kept in the dark, but was excluded by the crowd, making Brother Yi a complete outsider.There is nothing more sad than this!

Director Xie was not thinking about the meeting, but the meeting was going on normally.

"Everyone is working on the expressway quietly, working hard to rejuvenate the country. This is really the truth!" Deputy Director Wu said cheerfully, "Xie Director, it's getting late, everyone is in a hurry to call Director Hua, member Qiu What about the wedding banquet. Shall we discuss the third topic?"

Director Xie stared blankly at Deputy Director Wu.It is imperative to replace Director Qiu. Beforehand, he researched this matter with Deputy Secretary Zhou of the party group. Deputy Secretary Zhou did not express his position.Later, Director Xie asked Deputy Director Wu for his opinion, but Deputy Director Wu did not express his opinion, and Director Xie also took Deputy Director Wu's refusal to express his position as a tacit consent.He also sought the opinions of several others, and they did not comment.He takes their opinion as acquiescence.Director Xie didn't seek Qi Hao's opinion, he wanted to make Qi Hao's surprise attack on this matter.Let Qi Hao know that he is the secretary of the party group and director of the department, and it is easy to win the middle level.However, the situation of the meeting was not optimistic. Now that Deputy Director Wu suddenly brought up this matter, he actually pushed Director Xie off the cliff, and made Director Xie have to face this matter.

At the beginning of the meeting, Director Qiu entered the meeting room with the documents. After Deputy Director Wu announced the appointment documents of Huagong and Director Qiu, Director Xie understood that he had lost the ability to control the Communications Department. A brother who lost his ability to control wanted to It was basically impossible for his proposal to succeed. At that time, he decided in his heart to postpone the personnel proposal indefinitely. Unexpectedly, Deputy Director Wu brought this matter up.

Director Xie was about to say that the agenda of the meeting was over, and the meeting was adjourned!

Deputy Director Wu rushed to the front to speak, and Deputy Director Wu said: "Before the meeting, Director Xie approached me, Secretary Zhou, and according to Director Xie, he also approached some other comrades. He thought that Comrade Qiu Wen's office director There are big problems in the work, such as disobedience to the leadership arrangement, finding no one in the office, doing things that are not in line with the job, and causing problems such as misunderstandings between leaders and comrades. Therefore, Director Qiu is not suitable for further work. Assuming the position of office director, and submitting it to the party group and administrative joint meeting to discuss removing the office director, and assigning a position suitable for Qiu Wen, Director Xie, is that so?"

Director Xie was stunned by Deputy Director Wu's question. This is not asking, it is simply killing people. He is forced to say that he should be killed after being killed, just like a person sentenced to death who has to plead guilty even if he loses his life. .

Director Xie's mind was spinning quickly, so he would not let this matter continue in the meeting, so he said: "Director Wu, considering..."

"Secretary Zhou," Deputy Director Wu interrupted Director Xie, "Director Xie attaches great importance to personnel work, so you should talk about it!"

Deputy Secretary Zhou did not speak at first. As the deputy secretary of the party group, his power is embarrassing both externally and internally. Over time, Deputy Secretary Zhou developed the habit of not talking about his own opinions and viewpoints. He tried his best to put his mind at ease and enjoy the level of pleasure that ordinary people can't enjoy at all.

Deputy Director Wu nominated his name, and then Deputy Secretary Zhou realized that whether to speak for this meeting or not for previous meetings is completely two different things.What moved Deputy Secretary Zhou the most was that Director Qi of the Huagong station team was appointed as Deputy Director by the organization. Don't underestimate the hat of Deputy Director, it is very useful at critical moments!Deputy Secretary Zhou also wanted to wear another deputy director's hat.Director Xie seems to be exhausted in the Department of Communications. Qi Hao is not the material to work in the Department of Communications. By then, he will be the deputy secretary and deputy director of the department. Maybe he will further serve as the secretary and director of the department!

"Director Wu is in charge of routine work, and office work is in charge of Director Wu. I assist Secretary Xie in charge of party affairs. Therefore, Secretary Xie exchanged some opinions with me. Generally speaking, Secretary Xie agrees with what Director Wu said just now. I won't repeat it here!" Deputy Secretary Zhou glanced at the participants, and finally stopped on Director Qiu, "Director Xie suggested that Director Qiu be removed from the post, and Deputy Director Zheng be the director of the office!"

The conference room was so quiet that a needle dropped on the ground would be earth-shattering. Deputy Secretary Zhou directly put forward Director Xie’s suggestion, and did not mention topics such as research, discussion, and reaching a consensus to submit to the organization for research, discussion and decision. Secretary Zhou's mouth is indeed a bit different.

Director Xie said with a sullen face: "We are just discussing below, why do you take it seriously?"

Secretary Zhou stared at Director Xie with a shocked expression on his face: "It turns out that what Secretary Xie said in front of me was a woman's ear-whispering, not serious? You are the secretary of the party group and the director of the department, and I didn't treat you like a twitter Woman, I never thought that this is a woman's ear-whispering! Secretary Xie, I have always been serious about what I tell you!"

Director Xie froze in his seat, unable to speak.

Deputy Secretary Zhou looked away from Director Xie and looked at the crowd: "As the deputy secretary of the party group, I have always taken Secretary Xie's words seriously. Now it is his business that Secretary Xie treats his own words like a joke. I have to follow According to the procedure, according to Secretary Xie’s mention of removing Comrade Qiu Wen’s office director in front of me, the party group of the department formally submitted the removal of Comrade Qiu Wen’s office director to the party group and the administrative joint meeting for discussion and decision!”

Deputy Secretary Zhou submitted Qiu Wen's dismissal proposal to the meeting for study and discussion. This is a funny thing. Director Qiu just promoted the members of the party group. Once a member of the party group joins, Qiu Wen will have the right to speak at today's meeting, and he will also have to speak if he disagrees with his removal from the post of office director. The key is that Qiu Wen is sitting here, even if he does not speak, everyone knows that Qiu Wen Wen has Qi Hao's backing, who would support Director Xie's dismissal of Qiu Wen's director.Qiu Wen's appointment as a member of the party group is not only a question of the right to speak, it shows that the organization has taken Qiu Wen into consideration, and maybe the next meeting will announce that he will be the deputy director!

In the system, a person with a backer, a person who is on an upward trend, generally no one takes the initiative to provoke, and it is too late to maintain it!

"I didn't expect that. The party group is already preparing to remove Director Qiu from his post. It sounds like there are a lot of problems!" Qi Hao said, "I just arrived at the Communications Department and I don't know the situation. It took 20 days, and he is a person who can think of a way and can do practical things. Everyone still doesn’t know that when Director Qiu’s renovation project was settled, compared with the decoration of the office of the Communications Department at that time, the materials were good, the project volume was large, the price was high, and the traffic was time-consuming. The hall has been renovated for half a year, but the decoration cost of the headquarters is more than 150 million yuan less than that of the traffic hall, this is not alarmist talk, it is a fact!"

The participants at the meeting asked about it. No one knew that Director Xie personally presided over the decoration of the Office of the Communications Department. The comparison between the two sides came out. The difference was 150 million, which is not a small number.

Let's look at Director Xie again. Director Xie's face is not only embarrassed, but also fearful, because everyone understands that the word "seriousness" is the most feared in the world, and the organization is the most serious. As long as the organization is serious about Director Xie, the gap of 150 million It would be a very scary thing.

We can no longer let people discuss this matter, and we have to shift the target of the people present. Director Xie hurriedly said: "A few comrades have indeed told me about Director Qiu's job adjustment before, and I personally feel that it is a Comrade has been working in a certain position for a long time, and it is inevitable that there will be some problems of this kind, so I also agree to adjust Director Qiu. People move living trees and move them to death. This may be beneficial to Director Qiu. In this way, everyone votes, everyone I’m still waiting to drink the wedding wine from Director Hua and Director Qiu!” (To be continued..)

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