Official ladder

Chapter 988 Some people are happy and some are sad

Knowing that Director Xie is playing tricks, trying to slip, no one speaks, and the rabbit is in a hurry to bite, even Deputy Director Jiang, Deputy Director Wu, Huagong, or Director Qiu did not speak, and the collective was silent.

The reason why Qi Hao pointed out the matter of office decoration was to knock Director Xie down and tell him to be sensible and know some things well, so don't think that everyone is blind.Qi Hao also didn't want to take people to sacrifice flags before the expressway project was fully launched. This would cause unnecessary panic. If someone like Director Xie is in the traffic department, if he has something to do, it will definitely affect some people. The instability of the unit is not conducive to work carried out.

"Voting!" Seeing that Deputy Director Wu and Deputy Secretary Zhou remained calm after throwing the bomb, and that the meeting was always procrastinating, Director Xie had no choice but to preside over it himself, "agreed to remove Comrade Qiu Wen from the office Please raise your hand!"

No one raised their hands, not even Director Xie, the proposer. Deputy Director Jiang laughed.

"If you disagree with removing Comrade Qiu Wen's office director, please raise your hand!"

They all raised their hands, even Director Xie, who proposed to remove Qiu Wen from his position, also raised his hand.

Deputy Director Jiang still smiled.

Director Xie said: "Those who abstain, please raise your hands!"

Someone laughed and said, "They all agree to Director Qiu's continued tenure, who would abstain!"

"This is a procedure!" Director Xie said helplessly, "It was decided at the meeting that Comrade Qiu Wen will continue to be the director of the office!"

Qiu Wen looked at everyone with a very touched expression, his eyes were red, and he said emotionally: "Thank you all the leaders for trusting me, let me continue to be the office director, and check myself back. I did many things wrong before, and what did I do wrong? , I know it in my heart. The leaders have also seen it, and Qiu Wen assures everyone to change their ways and start a new life..."

"Reform and start a new life, Director Qiu has been promoted, and it's not a crime!" Someone interrupted Qiu Wen's words and joked.

Director Qiu didn't pick up the topic, and continued with a smile: "Listen to Director Qi, the construction of the expressway will be rolled out soon, and the cement road surface hardening project must also be carried out according to Director Qi's opinion. This will make the work of the office even busier. Yes, therefore, I propose as a new party member of the Department of Communications. Comrade Wu Yang is the deputy director of the office! Comrade Wu Yang works at home and works as the mayor of Yuquan Town. What is the concept of Yuquan Town’s economy? The total industrial and agricultural output value of a county. Such a mayor is more than enough to serve as the deputy director of the General Office of the Communications Department!"

Director Qiu stopped talking.Glancing at Director Xie, I also have the right to speak now, Director Xie, you just accept the trick!

At this time Director Xie's heart was extremely gloomy, Qi Hao clicked on the office decoration, these things are things that can't be investigated, if the organization is serious, the truth will be leaked, and now he can only keep the fundamentals by being an honest person.Only by keeping the root can we get out of the predicament.

It doesn't mean Director Xie is not smart, after meeting Qi Hao.First grasp a ninja character, and then counterattack at the right time. Once the counterattack is blocked, immediately retreat and wait for the opportunity. It is the same this time.

Director Xie hummed twice and nodded: "Director Qiu's suggestion is very good. One is to meet the needs of the current work, and the other is to use the comrades from the lowest level in a timely manner to inject fresh blood into the middle-level leaders of the Communications Department. Everyone votes!"

Wu Yang, Director Xie first entered the Transportation Department and refused to do it, but now he agrees to be the deputy director of the office. What a big change!

Humans are actually just sponges. If you don’t wring it, it just looks like that. If you wring it, water will come out. If you wring it hard, all kinds of water will come out.

Director Xie is a typical sponge.

After the meeting was over, all the comrades present went to Wangjiang Hotel.

Director Xie didn't want to go, but he really had to. What is involuntary, the situation of Director Xie is truly involuntary.

Wangjiang Hotel is the counterpart reception hotel of the Communications Department. Since Director Xie and his son made trouble in the hotel, although Director Xie did not dare to cancel the counterpart reception hotel, he never stepped into the gate of Wangjiang Hotel. It was a big loss, and the son is still inside.But he was about to be released after serving his sentence. Xie Ting hated Li Xueyan's family to the bone, but there was no way to retaliate. As long as there was a way to retaliate, he would have the heart to kill Li Xueyan's family!

Hearing Director Qiu say that all the leaders of the Communications Department are coming, of course Boss Li has made sufficient preparations. Now that Qi Hao is in the Communications Department, he is not afraid of anything, but businessmen put courtesy first, and the leaders of the Communications Department hold private entertainment, and he only charges the cost Fees, smiling faces do not earn a penny.

After that time, Boss Li has never met Director Xie. When he saw Director Xie, Boss Li was very enthusiastic. Boss Li still had the same humble smile, and stretched out his hand: "Congratulations, Director Xie is very talented and generous. The pavilion is round, and the face is flushed and auspicious, and the governor's seat is waiting for Director Xie to take it!"

Director Xie cursed in his heart, sit on your heels, my bad luck starts with you, you don't want to rely on Qi Hao for complacency, one day I will throw your Wangjiang Hotel over the mountain!

Director Xie laughed and said, "The business is getting better and better, my brother congratulates you!"

Boss Li was very happy: "Thank you for the support of the director, you are here today, thank you Jiyan, thank you Jiyan!"

Fuck your auspicious words, I will only ignore you!Director Xie hummed and turned away.

Boss Li He still doesn't know that Director Xie is scolding himself in his heart, so just scold him, I will greet you with a smile, and make you mad, he said: "Come here later to thank Director Xie for drinking, I have a lot to say to Director Xie Let's talk!"

Director Xie said hehe and raised his hand, see you later.Seeing Boss Li was like seeing a fly, disgusting, and the smiling face he put on was uglier than crying, but he couldn't see it.

When the banquet started, Hua Gong and Director Qiu were very excited. They toasted everyone's wine next to each other, and seemed to let go.

In contrast, Director Xie was full of worries. He was the helm of the ship in the Traffic Department in name, but since the day Qi Hao was in the Traffic Department, the boy's hand has been stretched out to the helm.If Qi Hao wanted to turn the rudder to the left, he had to play left; if Qi Hao wanted to turn the rudder to the right, he could only play right.The Traffic Department has no actual control over the ship itself, and the only way he can do it now is to endure it, and he doesn't know how long he will endure this situation!

Director Xie glanced at Qi Hao, Qi Hao was sitting on the table proudly, the halo on his head seemed to be shining, and everyone was convinced in front of him.Compared to himself, he was alone, Director Xie sighed secretly, what a day when he was taken over by the deputy!

Director Xie had a hard time, but Hua Gong and Director Qiu were very excited, especially Director Qiu, he did not avoid Director Xie's side when toasting Qihao, and said loudly: "Director Qi, you saved me, if you want Not you, I rest in this life!"

Qi Hao said: "I didn't save you, it was you who proved your ability with practical actions, won the support of your comrades with practical actions, and of course, it was you who took control of your own destiny with practical actions!"

"I suddenly discovered that I am still the same person I used to be. Since I joined Director Qi, I am not thinking about doing things like I used to, but thinking about coaxing the trust of the leaders. To be honest, I don't want to coax the trust of the leaders. I want to do something!" When Director Qiu spoke, he glanced at Director Xie who was sitting next to him.

Qi Hao said: "Then you do things, do practical things, good things, things that the people need to do, and things that the organization calls. Prove yourself by doing things, and the organization will not treat you badly!"

"Thank you Director Qi!" Director Qiu was drunk, "Director Qi is Qiu Wen's guide, and Qiu Wen will follow Director Qi for the rest of his life!"

Qihao thought to himself, you'd better not follow me, your name is Qiu Wen, Qiu Wen means little ruffian, you have a bad reputation, you should be your own Qiu Wen!Thinking so in my heart, I still said: "It looks like you've drunk too much!"

Director Qiu said: "I have said before that I will get drunk once in my life, and this time I will choose tonight!"

"Okay, since I decided to get drunk for a while, I don't care if I give you an extra drink!" Qi Hao raised his glass to respect Director Qiu, "I respect you, Director Qiu!"

"How can Director Qi pay respects? I respect Director Qi, I respect, I respect!" Qiu Wen picked up his glass in a flattered look, clinked glasses with Qi Hao, and drank it down with his face up, with a very bold expression.

Director Qiu was very active at the table, and he was always toasting people, but the respect came and went, but he didn't respect the director, as long as he was in front of the director, he would jump the wheel.Director Qiu pretended to be drunk, but Director Xie looked very embarrassed. Whenever he saw Qiu Wen's toast approaching him, his expression became tense and embarrassed.But what can we do? Director Xie has to endure Director Qiu's torment. What does it mean to face the reality? This is to face the reality. Some realities cannot be avoided.

The table was full of people, and Boss Li also came. Boss Li said that the guests at this table did not earn a penny. He said that the traffic hall is a family for the Wangjiang Hotel, and the traffic hall treats guests, so he can’t earn a penny. Penny.When Boss Li was toasting, Director Qiu pulled Boss Li to sit next to him, and asked Boss Li to call Fan Dayu.The heavy rain came, toasted everyone a glass of wine and left, saying that there was still a place to socialize.Fan Dayu is Boss Li's son-in-law and Qi Hao's confidant, so he respects Fan Dayu very much.

The people at the table were very happy, who cares about Director Xie, when someone found out, Director Xie left quietly at some point.

Qi Hao could feel Director Xie's mood. He sat here and was suffering every minute and every second in his heart, and it was no ordinary torture. Just thinking about it, Director Xie, who was used to dominating others, suddenly became He couldn't even control himself, his heart felt as if it was being roasted on top of a raging fire at this moment, the roasting was dripping with oil and blood, and the pain pierced through his heart and bones and thousands of arrows pierced his heart.

Qi Hao looked at the people at the table. These people are the elites of the Transportation Department. As long as they are united and follow the ideas and work steps he has formulated, the completion of the highway and road surface hardening tasks should not be a problem. What he is worried about now is Not these people, but the biggest problems that engineering can have. (To be continued..)

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