Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 155

"Cheer up!" The blue-clothed youth laughed.

"I don't know how the young master plans to gamble?" Zhang Rong looked at the young man in blue with spring in his eyes, and lightly brushed a strand of messy hair from his temples. The amorous look that was revealed in an instant made the eyes of all the men present radiate wolves. General radiance.

The young man in blue lost his mind again, but he came to his senses in just a moment, and said calmly: "You and I each roll the dice once, whoever has the most points will win, what do you think?"

"I agree." Zhang Rong smiled and nodded.

The smile on the face of the young man in blue was as bright as a flower, and he gestured gracefully: "Boss Zhang is the owner of this place, please invite him first!"

"My son's words are wrong. You have come from a long way, how dare I neglect you, you should invite me first!" Zhang Rong said with a giggle.

"Ladies first, Boss Zhang please first!" The young man in blue smiled gracefully. The smile on his face was like the warm sunshine that could melt ice and snow.

Zhang Rong chuckled and said, "I'm a poor little girl, how can I compete with the young master, you should invite the young master first!"

"Since the two of you are so humble, I think it's better to start together!" Just as the young man in blue wanted to continue practicing Tai Chi, a deep voice sounded from the gamblers onlookers.

Zhang Rong and the young man in blue were stunned at the same time, then turned to look at the eager gamblers around.

When Zhang Rong saw the familiar white figure in the crowd, Zhang Rong's heart trembled slightly, and a trace of panic flashed in her eyes. When she saw that she was happy, her eyes were calm, and she nodded calmly, letting go of her hanging heart. down.

In other words, Gao Wei's favorite concubine Feng Shufei Feng Xiaolian has jade-like skin, smooth and delicate, warm in winter and cool in summer, can keep warm in winter and detoxify in summer, it is really a rare treasure.

Worry about the world's worries first, and enjoy the world's joys later.Gao Wei does not have the great sentiments of Fan Zhongyan, but he is willing to share happiness with others.So Gao Wei put Concubine Feng Shu's jade body on top of the main hall, so that all people in the world can share it with him, of course only those who can afford a thousand gold ticket can do it.

No man likes his woman to flirt with other men, except for perverts like Gao Wei.At first, Zhang Rong's attention was on the young man in blue, and she didn't notice the joy here, so she showed her infinite style to the outside, which was a bit slutty.Therefore, when Zhang Rongfu was happy when he saw it, he felt guilty and fearful, afraid that Xing would despise her for this.

Although Zhang Rong is in the world of mortals, she looks slutty on the surface, but her body is actually pure and pure. Compared with those later generations who look pure on the surface, but are actually male robbers and prostitutes in their bones, isn't it a hundred times better? How can you blame Zhang Rong when you are happy? Woolen cloth?

The smile on Zhang Rong's face suddenly subsided a lot, took a deep breath, and looked at the young man in blue again, but the spring in his eyes disappeared, which made the young man in blue feel confused. I don't know why Zhang Rong suddenly seemed like changed person.

"Boss Zhang, since some friends are waiting impatiently, why don't we start together!" said the young man in blue suppressing the doubts in his heart.

Zhang Rong nodded: "Bring another dice cup!"

Soon, the banker brought a pair of dice cups and three identical dice, and placed them respectfully in front of the young man in blue under Zhang Rong's gesture.

"My lord, in order to show fairness and justice, please test the dice cup and the dice!" Zhang Rongyu flicked her hand lightly, and the dice cup in front of her quickly slid towards the young man in blue, but barely stopped a foot in front of the young man's chest. , the strength is controlled very delicately.

"Boss Zhang has always been honest and trustworthy, and I can trust you!" The young man in blue smiled slightly, without even looking at the dice cup, he flicked the wall of the dice cup vigorously with his fingers, and with a crisp sound, the dice cup flew half an inch away from the table and flew towards Zhang. Rong.

Seeing that the palm-sized dice cup was about to collide with Zhang Rong's full and firm chest, everyone around couldn't help but feel worried, but Zhang Rong snorted softly, and looked at the young man in blue with a smile on his lips.

"Bang!" When the dice cup was half a foot away from Zhang Rong's chest, it suddenly lost its strength and fell straight on the table, making a muffled sound.At this time, the dice cup could barely fall on the edge of the case, not exceeding the slightest.

"Young Master, you are so skillful!" Zhang Rong smiled faintly, and then said, "Let's start!" As she spoke, her slender hands like white jade gently held the dice cup.

"Please!" The young man in blue smiled faintly, said please, also held the dice cup, and then gave a soft drink, almost shaking the dice cup with Zhang Rong.

From the beginning to the present, the words and actions of Zhang Rong and the young man in blue made the audience baffled, but they are happy to know that the two are hiding their wits and fighting constantly.

In this gamble, the person who makes the first move will not only fail to gain the upper hand, but will lose the upper hand and be easily defeated by the enemy.For advanced gamblers, the number of dice can be judged by the sound of the dice falling.The young man in blue possessed profound martial arts and was even better at it, so he easily defeated the previous dealer.

And I was glad to notice clearly that the blue-clothed youth despicably flicked the table with his fingers before, using the vibration of the table to change the final outcome of the dice, so he won repeatedly.

Zhang Rong and the young man in blue threw dice cups to each other, seemingly for the fairness of the game, but in fact they were testing each other's skills.Obviously, compared to the youth in blue, Zhang Rong's performance was a bit inferior.

The dice collided violently in the dice cup, making a crisp "cracking" sound. Both Zhang Rong and the young man in blue were smiling at the corners of their mouths, looking at their opponents calmly, but the dice cup in their hands was flying up and down , The speed is so fast that people can only see a phantom.

"Bang, bang!"

Two muffled sounds sounded almost at the same time, Zhang Rong and the young man in blue stopped their movements, and the two identical dice cups landed quietly on the table.

"My lord, please open the cup!" Zhang Rong looked at the young man in blue with a smile and made a gesture of invitation.

"Boss Zhang, please!" The young man in blue also smiled and made a gesture of invitation.

"The concubine counts to three times, let's drive together!" Zhang Rong knew that he couldn't trust the young man in blue, and he also suspected that he was playing tricks, so he said.

Just when Zhang Rong was about to count, she saw a young man in white staggered into Zhang Rong's body. Fortunately, the strength was not strong, but the sudden change still made Zhang Rong exclaim in a low voice.

"Squeeze your hair!" The boy in white straightened up from Zhang Rong's soft chest, looked angrily at the back, and immediately attracted everyone's attention.

The white-clothed boy was just happy. At this moment, he was furious, pointing at a middle-aged fat man in gorgeous clothes behind him with a blushing face.The fat man had a big belly, and his ten stubby fingers were covered with emeralds, agates and gold ornaments, he looked like an upstart rich man.

Everyone was stunned, although they didn't know the specific meaning of Gao Xing's words, but seeing the angry look in his eyes, and the posture of the fat rich man approaching Zhang Rong infinitely, they understood it in their hearts, and couldn't help casting contemptuous gazes at the fat man.

This fat man is really despicable and shameless, it is really audacious to take the opportunity to belittle Boss Zhang.

Who is Zhang Rong, the owner of the Dasheng Gambling Shop, with a hand and eye, that is to say, she has someone on top, and the backstage is very strong.Rumor has it that she is the confinement of a certain prince in the court, and the Dasheng Gambling House is the property of that prince's dead man. Few people in Chang'an City dare to disrespect Zhang Rong, let alone make trouble in Dasheng Gambling House.

"Everyone, please be careful!" To everyone's surprise, Zhang Rong didn't show an angry expression except for a touch of embarrassment on her face. She just glanced at the rich man and said softly. Then he withdrew his gaze and continued to stare at the blue-clothed youth.

The young man in blue frowned and looked at Xing Xing without saying a word, but for some reason, a sense of ominousness suddenly surged in his heart.

"Young Master, let's continue!" Zhang Rong said with a smile, and began to count: "One, two, three!"

"Shua!" The two dice cups were unveiled at the same time, and all the spectators stretched their necks to look at it together, but at the same time let out an incredible exclamation.

In front of Zhang Rong, the three dice were all six points, a total of eighteen points.And the dice in front of the blue-clothed youth had become four, two sixes, one dice was broken, showing a one point, but the other half only showed a white face to people.

The face of the young man in blue suddenly changed drastically, the confident smile on his face disappeared in an instant, the pupils of his eyes contracted violently, and he looked at Gao Xing coldly, but Gao Xing stared obsessively at Zhang Rong's white jade-like face, facing the blue-clothed The young man's knife-like gaze is inexhaustible.

"My lord, the concubine has won by luck!" Zhang Rong smiled happily, her flowers trembling wildly, causing the onlookers to gulp down their saliva.

The young man in blue took a deep breath, and a smile appeared on his face again, "Boss Zhang's skills are superb, I admire him, I will definitely visit again tomorrow, and I'm leaving!" After saying that, the young man in blue stood up, bowed his hands and saluted, and squeezed He drove out of the crowd, ignoring the mountain of coins on the table.

Zhang Rong breathed a sigh of relief, then stood up, glanced calmly at everyone around her and said, "I'm very sorry for disturbing everyone's pleasure!"

"Boss Zhang, you're being polite!" Everyone said one after another, but their eyes still scanned Zhang Rong's plump and attractive figure with fiery eyes.

"Young master, please come here with me!" Zhang Rong smiled at everyone, then said something to Gao Xing in a low voice and walked out.

A look of surprise appeared on Gao Xing's face, and he followed Zhang Rong's pace and walked out, looking very excited.

The gamblers watching looked at Zhang Rong's twisting willow waist and buttocks, and while they couldn't help swallowing, they also cast sympathetic and envious eyes on Gao Xing.Maybe tomorrow there will be another unknown corpse in the moat outside Chang'an City. Everyone shook their heads and sighed, but they didn't care about happiness anymore. Instead, they continued to gather around the gambling table and continue to make a fortune for nothing.

Gao Xing followed Zhang Rong out of a side door of Dasheng Casino and entered a wide and quiet courtyard, blocking out all the noisy sounds.

Zhang Rong brought Gao Xing into a spacious room, and after locking the door, looked at Xing Xing with some fear and called softly, "Husband."

Gao Xing smiled, and gently tucked a strand of hair from Zhang Rong's ear behind her ear, and said, "I didn't expect Rong'er to be the owner of Dasheng Casino, and she also has excellent gambling skills." !"

"My husband, don't make fun of my concubine. If it wasn't for my husband's help today, my concubine would be defeated!" Zhang Rong saw that there was no dissatisfaction in Xing Xing, and the big stone in her heart fell to the ground. She looked at Xing Xing with affection and said.

"Who is that young man? He's good at it!" Smiled happily, then sat on the bed not far behind him, and asked softly while intoxicated by the familiar fragrance in the air.

Seeing Gao Xing sniffing her breath intoxicatedly, Zhang Rong felt joyful and ashamed at the same time, with an intoxicating blush on her face, she lightly opened her teeth and said, "His name is Sima Fu, and he is from the Eastern Jin Dynasty royal family. A descendant of Sima."

"The orphan of the Sima family, that family known for its treachery?" He looked at Zhang Rong happily and in surprise.

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