Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 156 Shameless

Chapter 150 Six Shameless

"The treacherous family?" Zhang Rong looked happily at him suspiciously.

"The Sima family started from Sima Yi, who is not a treacherous and cunning generation?" Gao Xing curled his lips, and then said: "Compared with Zhuge Liang, who is a genius, Sima Yi is more treacherous and cunning. Otherwise, what about the Sima family?" Can usurp Cao Wei's country!"

Suspicious Cao Cao did not fully trust Sima Yi from the beginning to the end, but Sima Yi was very good at protecting himself, and gained Cao Pi's trust through various means. Base.

No matter how unfaithful and unfilial the Sima clan was, they had unified the whole country after all and ended the troubled times, which was a good thing for the people of the world.However, the good times didn't last long. Sima's debauchery, treachery and shamelessness led to the Rebellion of the Eight Kings in the last years of the Western Jin Dynasty. An unprecedented civil strife caused the land of China to be full of wars again, and the national power declined greatly. It created favorable conditions for the northern nomads to invade the south. condition.

Even after the fall of the Western Jin Dynasty, Langya King Sima Rui went south to establish the Eastern Jin Dynasty in Jiankang City, but he still failed to learn the lesson of the fall of the Western Jin Dynasty.The clan only knew about fighting for power and profit, and the ruler was licentious and did not bring good news to the people, so history eventually destroyed it.

Zhang Rong naturally knew about the events after the Three Kingdoms period. She didn't say anything, but just nodded and poured a cup of hot tea for her happiness.

Thank you happily, let Zhang Rong sit on the bed together, and asked: "Tell me about Sima Fu!"

Zhang Rong nodded and said: "Although the Jin Dynasty has been destroyed for more than a hundred years, the Sima family has never given up on restoring the Jin Dynasty and re-establishing the glory of our ancestors." Zhang Rong paused and continued: "Since Liu Song, and later The former Xiao Qi, Xiao Liang, and the current Chen regime have always been wary of the Sima clan. But after all, the Sima clan was once the lord of a country, and the power is extremely huge. Although it is no longer brilliant now, it still has a huge influence Over the past 100 years, the Sima family has instigated many rebellions, large and small, but they were all crushed and disintegrated by those in power in the end."

"So, Sima Fu came to Dasheng Gambling House just for you, Rong'er, in order to use the power of the Moon Worship Sect to make trouble?" Gao Xing asked, taking a sip of tea.

Zhang Rong nodded to confirm, sighed happily and said: "Sima Fu is so cunning that he forced Rong'er to bet against him. No matter whether he wins or loses, he took advantage of it! You are the Lord of Worshiping the Moon. The hope of the country will be greater!"

Zhang Rong's heart tightened, she looked worriedly and said happily, "Husband, I'm sorry!"

Gao Xing chuckled, put his hand on Zhang Rong's plump shoulders, stroked lightly and said, "Rong'er, will you marry Sima Fu?"

Zhang Rong's body trembled again, and she looked at Happy with flustered eyes, not knowing why he asked this question, and for a while she didn't know how to answer.

Compared with the animal world, human society with high intelligence and spirituality is too complicated.Many times, the development of things will not be determined by personal will. Under various complex emotions and constraints, time will push you unconsciously to a direction that may have been destined.

When Gao Xing asked this question, Zhang Rong froze for a moment, not knowing how to answer it.It is true that she is the leader of the Moon Worship Sect, but she does not have absolute control over her own destiny.She likes to be happy, and she can sacrifice her pure and pure body for happiness, but in the face of the mission and responsibility entrusted by the organization, she may only be like Zhao Jing to marry someone she doesn't like, and become a weight in the competition for interests and political wrestling .

Looking at Zhang Rong's bright face, there was a trace of exhaustion, confusion and struggle in the eyes, and a trace of bitterness surged up in the happy heart, and I couldn't help feeling sorry for it, "Rong'er, have you been tired after all these years?"

Zhang Rong was shaken all over, and leaned softly on the head of the bed, with deep exhaustion on her face, and sighed: "For the ideals of the ancestors, for the grace of the master's upbringing, I dare not slack off!"

Zhang Rong's eyes were full of loneliness and helplessness.A woman, who devotes her youthful years to the organization, carries a heavy burden, disguises herself with a mask, and struggles in this cannibalistic world. How much courage and perseverance does this require?

"Is it worth it?" Gao Xing asked softly.

Zhang Rong raised her head, looked at the happy with a little distracted, silently chewed the word "is it worth it", and closed her eyes weakly.

Ever since she knew about Zhang Rong's miserable life experience and her mission to revive the Moon Worship Sect, Gao Xing has been full of love and affection for this seemingly strong and dissolute woman who is actually weak and innocent.

In his previous life, he was happy to run on the tip of the knife, and he was used to seeing all kinds of darkness in the pursuit of human interests, so he understood Zhang Rong's helplessness towards his own destiny.Gao Xing, who is extremely sensitive to emotions, finds that whenever she gets along with Zhang Rong, under her smiling face, she can't hide the faint fear and helplessness.

At this time, looking at Zhang Rong who looked tired, lonely and helpless, he couldn't help being happy and a little distressed, and suddenly a little excited in his heart.Gao Xing flicked his right hand lightly, and the teacup in his hand drew a parabola and landed on the table in the room without making a sound.Gao Xing stretched out his arms, held Zhang Rong in his arms, put his chin on the top of Zhang Rong's head, sniffed the rich and fragrant breath on her body, and said domineeringly: "Listen, you can only be happy with me in this life." woman, do you understand?"

Zhang Rong shook her body, raised her head to look at Gao Xing's firm and bright eyes, tears welled up from the corners of her eyes, her lips trembled and she couldn't speak.

Gao Xing lowered her head, possessed Zhang Rong's red lips domineeringly, sucked all the sweetness and bitterness from her lips into her mouth, and used her domineering gentleness to dissolve the bitterness and grievance in her heart, as well as the The fear of the unknown.

Zhang Rong let out a "wow", her body limply fell into Gao Xing's arms, her face was covered with red clouds, her starry eyes were half-opened, and her breathing became disordered and rapid.

After a long time, I was happy to let go of Zhang Rong. The two looked at each other and gasped violently. Zhang Rong's moist eyes were full of tender attachment.

"I will satisfy you what you want in the future, don't worry!" Gao Xing took a breath, stood up, and said firmly with both hands on Zhang Rong's shoulders.

Zhang Rong was startled, and opened her mouth, wanting to say something but didn't know what to say.

"It's getting late, I should go back!" Gao Xing stood up straight, gently smoothed Zhang Rong's messy hair around her ears again, and was about to say goodbye and leave.

"Husband, be careful of the Poison King's Yin Pond!" Although Zhang Rong felt very reluctant, she didn't say anything to persuade her to stay.

"I know, take care of yourself!" Gao Xing turned and walked out, stopped at the door, and said without looking back: "The "Longevity Formula" is just a cover, don't waste energy on it!" After finishing speaking , happy to open the door and go out.

As soon as Gao Xing went out, he heard a slight noise coming from the corner on the right side. He frowned and looked, but he only saw a faint blue color, but found nothing else.

Gao Xing muttered, looked at the corner of the right wall again, and finally did not investigate, and walked out along the way he came.The gamblers in the gambling house were all blushing, watching the gaming table passionately, how could they care about the joy of going back and forth.

He was happy but didn't know that behind him, there was a pair of eyes of hatred and hatred, ever since he came out of Zhang Rong's boudoir, they had been watching him leave Dasheng Casino.

After coming out of the Dasheng Casino, the joy was a bit dull for a while.Many times, people have to force themselves to do things they don't like or are unwilling to do, maybe it's a responsibility, maybe it's something else, which makes life complicated and changeable, but it also makes life no longer monotonous and more meaningful.

Shaking his head, he was happy to get rid of some negative thoughts in his mind, and then walked towards the Yecheng Pavilion.

After walking down a street, Gao Xing frowned suddenly, he paused, and then walked towards a remote alley not far away.

This alley is a bit narrow, and the surrounding houses block most of the sunlight, making this remote and quiet alley slightly gloomy.

Gao Xing walked to the middle of the alley and stopped, without turning his head, he said: "My friend, if you have anything to say, it's better to make it clear in person!"

"The vigilance is very high!" A deep male voice came from behind Gao Xing, and then the sound of "papa" came from far to near.

Gao Xing turned around, only to see a handsome young man in blue standing three meters in front of him, looking at him coldly with a playful expression on his face.This person is Sima Fu, the blue-clothed young man who was betting against Zhang Rong, but for some reason he follows him all the way.

"I don't know what you can teach me?" Gao Xing looked at Sima Fu quietly, frowning slightly.

"I want to ask you, what is the grudge between you and me, that you spoiled my good deeds twice?" Sima Fu snorted softly, his eyes suddenly burst into sharp eyes, and asked gloomyly.

"What do you mean by that, son?" Gao Xing pretended not to know.

"How courageous! Boy, what is your relationship with Dasheng Gambling House, and why did you help Zhang Rong win the bet?" Sima Fu took two steps forward, with a strong aura coming out of his body to oppress Gao Xing.

"Whether your Excellency has any misunderstanding, I really don't know." Gao Xing looked confused and spread his hands.

"How dare you deny it, look at the trick!" Sima Fu was furious when he saw Gao Xing pretending to be stupid.Like a gust of wind, his body rushed towards Gao Xing, and a straight fist hit Gao Xing's face.

"Hey, you barbarian, do you know who this young master is, how dare you be so rude? Or maybe you see that this young master is handsome and he is loved by Boss Zhang, so you are jealous and hold a grudge, and now you want to ruin this young master's face ?”

Gao Xing talked nonsense, but staggered back two steps in a panic, and coincidentally missed Sima Fu's fist.

"Ah, you shameless person, die!" Sima Fu was suddenly furious.God is sorry to see, although Gao Xing is indeed very handsome, Sima Fu is not jealous because of it.It was because Gao Xing forced Sima Fu and Zhang Rong to roll the dice at the same time at first, and did not take advantage of it. Later, he hit the table, changing Sima Fu's nineteen o'clock into thirteen o'clock, which made him very passive. Sima Fu was very angry.

At this time, Xing Xing even called himself a "barbarian", thinking that he was a member of the noble royal family, how could he be called so, he became furious for a moment, roared again and again, and the attacks in his hands became more and more fierce.

"Come on, kill, kill!" Gao Xing shouted loudly while trying his best to avoid Sima Fu's attack, and the loud and sharp voice spread two streets away.

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