Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 157: Beauty is really a disaster?

"Good boy, you're so cunning!" Sima Fu yelled happily when he saw him. Although he looked embarrassed, he was always able to dodge his own attack narrowly, which made Sima Fu feel more anxious and angry. stand up.

"You barbarian, how dare you commit crimes in broad daylight! Help, help!" Gao Xing stepped back in a disorderly manner, his arms flapping outwards quickly. The repeated attacks were all blocked.

Sima Fu was distraught when he heard that, although he was surprised at the speed at which he was waving his arms, he put in a little more force in his hands, he just wanted to teach him a lesson before others came, a brat who repeatedly ruined his own good deeds, and didn't know what to do.

"Bang!" Finally, Gao Xing couldn't dodge in time, and Sima Fu's right palm hit Gao Xing's right shoulder.Gao Xing let out a muffled snort, and fell into the air, landing three meters away.

Seeing that Gao Xing had been hit, Sima Fu chuckled, rubbed his body, and threw himself on Gao Xing, kicking Gao Xing's forehead with almost all his strength with his left foot, without giving him the slightest chance to breathe.

Sima Fu's kick was full of imposing aura and murderous intent, it was enough to split stones, if he kicked Xing Xing's head, he would definitely end up bleeding, even more likely to die.

"Damn, it's so dark to strike!" Feeling the sharp wind and murderous aura coming from his forehead, Gao Xing ignored the pain caused by his back hitting the ground, cursed secretly, and rolled his body to the side as hard as he could. The strands of hair almost brushed Sima Fu's soles, but they just avoided this powerful killing move.

"Hey!" Sima Fushi kicked in the air, under the action of inertia, his center of gravity moved forward, and his legs were spread apart, revealing a large hole.

"Eat grandpa's move!"

The direction of Gao Xing's rolling was Sima Fu's arms, so when Sima Fu's kick fell in the air, his lower body appeared in front of Gao Xing.Those who give up the opportunity are shameful. Sima Fu's ruthlessness and hotness made Gao Xing very annoyed. When the opportunity came, he jumped up from the ground suddenly by rolling, and his right fist came out like a poisonous snake. It hit Sima Fu's lower dantian hard.

"Ah!" Sima Fu cried out in pain, a colic in his stomach, he couldn't bear the main force and fell back, but Gao Xing quickly got up and ran to the outside of the alley, shouting loudly while running: "Help me!" Ah, murder, murder!"

"Don't go, little thief!" Sima Fu opened his eyes wide with anger, and wanted to step up to catch up, but the pain in his abdomen made him unable to move for a while, and a fine layer of sweat appeared on his forehead.Sima Fu gritted his teeth, but he could only watch Gao Xing run out of the alley, the anger in his heart couldn't be added.At the same time, there was a cold sweat on his back, if he was happy that the punch was a little shorter, Sima Fu might have lost his children and grandchildren.

Seeing that Sima Fu didn't come after him, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, he stopped shouting immediately, and ran out of the alley quickly before slowing down, frowning and rubbing his still aching shoulder, with a sneer on his lips.

Although facing the enemy head-on, he would not be afraid of Sima Fu when he was happy, but he was afraid that Sima Fu would recognize him from his moves, so he pretended to be stupid when he was happy.He yelled and irritated Sima Fu and disturbed his figure, and Sima Fu always looked down on the thin and happy, so Sima Fu said happily.The punch he received in the lower abdomen was definitely much stronger than the punch he hit on Gao Xing's shoulder. However, from the beginning to the end, although Sima Fu realized that he underestimated the enemy and hated Gao Xing's treachery, he ignored that Xing Xing possessed unique skills and extraordinary skills. .

Since Sima Fu wants to restore the country, he is the biggest enemy of joy.Gao Xing deliberately lured him to a secluded place, firstly to see Sima Fu, and secondly to explore the enemy's power.

Leaving the alley happily, he frowned and smiled at many ordinary people who had heard the sound, and ignored their strange eyes, only thinking about how to avoid the sight of everyone, and followed Sima Fushi sneakily , but a familiar and pleasant voice came from behind: "Hey, Mr. Gao, is that you?"

Gao Xing paused, turned his head to look, and saw a beautiful and attractive girl Tingting walking out of the crowd, standing five meters away, looking at her eyes with a touch of surprise besides doubts.But this girl had a relationship with Gao Xing in Fuying Temple, Yang Lihua, the eldest daughter of Yang Jian.

"Ah, I hope it's Ms. Yang. It's a pleasure to meet you!" Gao Xing hurriedly bowed his hands, with a gentle smile on his face.

"Master Gao, you are so polite!" Yang Lihua returned the gift gracefully, looked at Gao Xing's dirty white clothes in surprise, and asked hesitantly: "Master Gao, what are you..."

Mr. Gao looked down, only to realize that he couldn't find a single white color all over his body, he couldn't help but smiled awkwardly and said, "I was walking in a hurry before, but I stumbled and fell to the ground, that's why..." Happy It's not finished, but the meaning is already obvious.

Yang Lihua did not laugh at Gao Xing's mistake, but asked worriedly: "Has Mr. Gao ever been injured, why don't Lihua take you to see the doctor!"

"Thank you, Ms. Yang, for your concern. I am not injured." said happily and gratefully.

"That's good, Mr. Gao, you have to be careful when you walk!" Yang Lihua said in a gentle voice, scratching her head and laughing when she was happy.

Suddenly, Yang Lihua seemed to remember something, frowned and asked, "Master Gao, Lihua heard a cry for help coming out here, do you know what happened?"

Shaking his head happily, he said, "Miss, did you hear me wrong, but I didn't hear it!"

"Could it be that Lihua got it wrong?" Yang Lihua murmured to herself, and gave Xing Xing a strange look. Earlier, she clearly saw Xing Xing walking out of the alley in a hurry, but now the alley was empty.

"Since there is nothing to do here, Lihua will leave!" Yang Lihua smiled gently and was about to leave, but there was a sound of chaotic footsteps behind her.

Gao Xing and Yang Lihua looked around, and saw a handsome young man in a black costume striding towards here under the guard of dozens of men.The young man is imposing, but his face is arrogant and cold, and he is not happy with the gentle and approachable temperament.This young man is happy to know that he is the current prince of Northern Zhou Dynasty, Yu Wenyun who is as stupid as Gao Wei.

Guarding the young man were dozens of burly men, who tightly propped up their tight-fitting Hu suits, with steel knives on their waists. They walked steadily, with the faint sound of the wind, exuding a fierce aura.As they walked, they scanned everything around fiercely and vigilantly, blocking everything that wanted to approach the master.

The aura of keeping strangers away from these people caused the surrounding crowd to disperse to both sides in fear, making way for them.

Gao Xing focused his eyes and narrowed his eyes slightly. From these guards, he smelled a faint smell of blood and that uncontrollable murderous aura.Obviously, these dozens of people are elite soldiers who have been on the battlefield and killed people, and none of them are easy to deal with, otherwise they would not be able to take on the responsibility of protecting Yu Wenyun's safety.

"Minister Yang Lihua has met His Royal Highness the Prince!" Yang Lihua hastily saluted Yu Wenyun respectfully.

"Glad to meet Your Highness!" Although Gao Xing dismissed Yu Wenyun very much, he still saluted according to the envoy's etiquette.

When the people around heard this, they immediately knelt down and saluted Yu Wenyun, lowering their heads and not daring to look at him.

Yu Wenyun smiled very complacently, ignored the joy directly, and walked quickly to Yang Lihua, gently supported Yang Lihua's arm with both hands, and said with a smile: "My concubine, please forgive me!"

Yu Wenyun's eyes scanned Yang Lihua's body like a scanner. Although he had seen it more than once, Yang Lihua's beauty attracted him deeply.However, what made Yu Wenyun very angry was that the empress dowager reprimanded the slave for not dying for fun and insisting on dying before his wedding, so that he could not enjoy this beautiful woman as soon as possible.

Yang Lihua stood up, gently broke free from Yu Wenyun's hands, took a step back to distance herself from him, frowned slightly, and said nonchalantly: "The daughter of the people is not yet married to His Highness, so I can't be called His Majesty by that name!"

"What's the point of my concubine, you and I have a long-standing marriage contract, so it's only natural for me to call you that!" Seeing Yang Lihua's slight resistance, Yu Wenyun couldn't help but feel a little displeased, and looked down at Yang Lihua.

"Rites cannot be broken. Your Highness is the heir apparent of my Great Zhou Dynasty. You should set an example for the common people in the world, so that they all follow the etiquette and obey the enlightenment!" Yang Lihua looked at Yu Wenyun neither humble nor overbearing.

Yu Wenyun's face froze. Yang Lihua's preaching and repulsion made his face a little ugly, but he couldn't refute it. At this time, Lao Tzu Yu Wenyong was in a bad mood because of the death of the queen mother, and he couldn't provoke him to punish him for trivial matters.Yu Wenyun suppressed the anger in his heart, and said lightly: "What Miss Yang said is true, I have recorded it!"

"Your Highness is wise!" Yang Lihua praised flatly, but only she knew how much of it she praised.

Yu Wenyun snorted coldly, turned around and left with a flick of his robe sleeves, his eyes were cold and resentful.In the past, when Yu Wenyong was in charge of the imperial palace, he was very strict with Yu Wenyun. Now that the queen mother passed away, Yu Wenyong moved to Yilu, and he alone decided on military and state affairs. It was hard for him to find some free time to have fun on the street.

Inadvertently seeing his own princess, Yu Wenyun's heart was very hot, and he wanted to get in touch with her, but he didn't want this woman to be lukewarm to him as always, and faintly repulsed.This really made His Royal Highness the Crown Prince unhappy, but he had to suppress the anger in his heart.

You woman, sooner or later you will be my servant, what can you do then?

Yu Wenyun sneered and looked back, but he didn't want to see Yang Lihua smiling at a scruffy boy.

Yu Wenyun's face was so gloomy that he could drip water, but he didn't turn around to question Yang Lihua, but just let out a cold snort, and walked forward faster, thinking about how to ravage Gao Xing and Yang Lihua, a pair of dogs.

At this time, due to the integration of multiple ethnic groups, the social atmosphere is still relatively open, and the so-called three obediences and four virtues of women and some rules and regulations are far from being as strict and conservative as the later Song Dynasty, so it is not too much for Yang Lihua to talk to Gao Xing.

The appearance of Yu Wenyun obviously made Yang Lihua not very interested. After she said goodbye to Gao Xing, she left in a hurry with a few servants.

Looking at the direction of Yu Wenyun's departure, Gao Xing sighed helplessly. How could he not feel Yu Wenyun's cold and murderous eyes, but who can blame this? Could it be that the confidante is really a disaster?

Shaking his head happily, he casually patted the dust off his body and then walked towards the Yecheng Pavilion.

"My lord, please stop!" Just as Gao Xing was tens of meters away from the Yecheng Pavilion, a familiar and gentle voice behind him made him stop.

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