Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 158

Gao Xing stopped, turned around, looked at the person in front of him, and for some reason, a trace of inexplicable strangeness floated in his heart.

In the Romance of the Gods, Shen Gongbao, Jiang Ziya's fellow apprentice, loved to say "Fellow Daoists, please stay." This sentence won many opportunities for the Shang Dynasty, but it also ruined the lives of many Jiejiao disciples.

The one who stopped me was a Taoist priest, about forty years old, tall and tall, with broad shoulders.Although he was dressed in a blue taoist robe that already had a dusty atmosphere, but he was filled with a warm and spring-like atmosphere, which made people feel close to him.The Taoist priest has a handsome face, very fair skin, long beard fluttering under his jaw, which complements the floating dust in his hand, and looks like a fairy.

Seeing him, I was delighted at first, but frowned the next moment.When a Taoist priest blocks the way, chance is a tragedy, especially when the Taoist priest in front of him is the most famous super master Yuan Tiangang in history.

"Why, Mr. Gao is busy with his affairs, don't tell me he doesn't remember the poor way?" Yuan Tiangang said with a feigned displeasure as he gently stroked his long beard with one hand.

"Yuan Daochang misunderstood. You are a master of Taoism. It has always been hard to find the fairy trail. I don't want to make the kid happy to meet in Chang'an City. I am too surprised. I will look at Daochang Haihan for the rudeness!" Happy clasped his fists Salute, with a sincere and apologetic smile on his face.

"Mr. Gao has won the award. The poor are just a countryman, how dare he call himself a fairy?" Yuan Tiangang smiled modestly, but he seemed to be taking advantage of it in a happy way.

"Yuan Daochang, you know astronomy at the top, geography at the bottom, and numerology and metaphysics. You are really a heavenly man!" Who doesn't like to hear beautiful words when people carry people in bridal sedan chairs.After a pause, he continued happily, "Since we left Xuyi, the boy has missed the Taoist priest very much, but he didn't want the Taoist priest to come to Chang'an City!"

"Idle and wild cranes in the poor way, like to trek across mountains and rivers, and make their homes all over the world. Last night, I counted that today I will meet an old man, and I saw the young master." Yuan Tiangang smiled gently, and his breath became warmer, obviously satisfied with the happy flattery.

"Oh? The Taoist master has supernatural powers!" He raised his eyebrows happily, and after a word of praise, he continued: "The boy sees that the Taoist priest is full of wind and dust, and it seems to be caused by the exhaustion of the journey. Why don't you let the boy be the host, and ask the Taoist priest to go to the restaurant How about having a meal of wine and food, as a Daoist priest?"

"My lord, you're being polite. It's better to obey orders than to be respectful!" Yuan Tiangang nodded with a smile.

"Please, Daoist!" Happy smiled and bent down to make a gesture of please, and then led the way first.

Although it's only been a few days since I was happy to come to Chang'an, but he has a superb memory, and due to the work in his previous life, the general distribution of Chang'an City has already been imprinted in his mind, so I am happy to take Yuan Tiangang to Chang'an City with ease. In front of a rather wealthy restaurant.

"Xiao Er, let's have a table of good food and drink!" The waiter in the restaurant wanted to prevent the disheveled happy from entering, but the disgust on his face immediately turned into flattering joy when he saw a gold cake in Gao Xing's hand. Nodding and bowing, Gao Xing and Yuan Tiangang were led to sit down at a table near the window.

Before the establishment of Quanzhen Sect in the Jin Dynasty, Taoism had not been clearly divided into monasticism and non-monasticism.Gao Xing didn't ask Yuan Tiangang what he meant, and the latter didn't stop him either.

Soon, the table was filled with steaming food and wine.He waved his hand to let Xiaoer go away, Gao Xing filled up the wine for Yuan Tiangang and himself, then raised his hands flat, and said sincerely: "Master, I respect you for the first glass of wine!" After speaking, Xing Xing raised his head and drank the glass The things in it are to show respect.

Yuan Tiangang was not hypocritical, he smiled gently and toasted with Gao Xing, and said softly, "Thank you, Mr. Gao, for your hospitality!"

Gao Xing waved his hand, and said: "It's good that the Taoist priest doesn't dislike it! Gao Xing is now in a foreign country, and I can only entertain you with the poor and cheap food in this mere restaurant. I'm really sorry!" Ashamed look.

In modern society, entertaining guests to eat out may be a class and a trend, but in ancient times, it was a bit abrupt and disrespectful.

Yuan Tiangang waved his hand and said: "Young Master Gao's words are wrong. Looking at the people in the world, there are many people who have no clothes and no food to eat. Compared with them, Pindao can enjoy such fine wine and delicacies with you in this restaurant." , What a blessing that is!"

Yuan Tiangang sighed silently, and then looked happily, those clear eyes suddenly became deeper and brighter, as if they could penetrate people's hearts.Gao Xing, who was sitting opposite him, suddenly felt naked and uncomfortable.

Stared happily, he looked at the bustling crowd outside the window, and said slowly, "What the Taoist priest said is that the wine and meat of the rich family stinks, and the roads are frozen to death. Now this world is a society that cannibalizes people!"

"Has Mr. Gao thought about changing one thing or two?" Yuan Tiangang asked immediately, his voice was very low, but his tone was extremely solemn.

Gao Xing was shocked all over, and stared at Yuan Tiangang with wide eyes. Seeing that the latter had a serious face and burning eyes, he couldn't help but swallowed his saliva, and said with a smile: "The Taoist priest just joked, how can ordinary people like Xing Xing change this situation?" everything?"

The light in Yuan Tiangang's eyes suddenly dissipated, and an inscrutable smile appeared on his face, and he said softly, "I haven't seen you for a few months, Mr. Gao is becoming more and more cautious! Pindao just asked casually, Mr. Gao, don't worry!" After finishing speaking , Yuan Tiangang stopped talking and began to eat the food on the table seriously.

Happy raised his brows lightly, pursed his lips and remained silent.It is true that Yuan Tiangang learned that Gao Xing is one of the five emperor stars according to his physiognomy and astronomical deduction, but Gao Xing still did not directly state that he will participate in the ranks of the world hegemony.In the feudal era, if the monarch made an unfounded guess, there might be millions of floating corpses. Once the happy intention leaked, the result would be absolutely unimaginable.When the time is not ripe, Gao Xing will never reveal the true thoughts in his heart.

Eating without talking and sleeping without talking can not only promote digestion, but also make eating a lot faster.In just a quarter of an hour, Yuan Tiangang cleared half of the food on the table, with a satisfied expression on his face.

"Master Gao, I'm full of wine and food, I'm leaving now!" Yuan Tiangang stood up, cupped his hands to Gao Xing, then turned and left, his steps were very chic.

Surprised by joy, he quickly dropped his chopsticks, took out a gold cake from his sleeve and threw it on the table, then chased Yuan Tiangang out of the restaurant.

"The Taoist priest is so anxious, but what is the important matter? If the boy can do what he can, the Taoist priest will only care about the famous words, and the boy will definitely not shirk!" Yuan Tiangang said happily, half a step behind.

"Thank you, Mr. Gao, for your kindness. What can you do for a poor and idle person?" Yuan Tiangang said with a gentle smile.

Gao Xing frowned, looked around, and saw that no one was paying attention to him, so he asked in a low voice: "The Taoist priest once said that there are five emperor stars in the sky, which symbolize five extraordinary people. I wonder if it has been confirmed that these five people are who?"

"The heavenly secret must not be revealed!" Yuan Tiangang paused, looked at Gao Xing and pondered for a while, and then said slowly.

Xing Xing's expression full of anticipation suddenly froze on his face. Looking at Yuan Tiangang's smiling face, Xing Xing wished he could wipe his mouth with his hands, and threw the dirty handkerchief on Yu Tiangang's face.

"Mr. Gao, I have come here to tell you something important!" Yuan Tiangang's face suddenly became serious.

Gao Xing was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Teacher please tell me!"

"Young Master Poor Taoist Temple, your seal is black, and there may be a catastrophe!" Yuan Tiangang said solemnly.

The first feeling of happiness is disbelief, now that I am in Chang'an, far away from Gao Ajunfeng and Gao Wei, how can I be in danger?Could it be that Gao Wei wanted to deal with Gao Changgong again?Happiness couldn't help but worry, he frowned and looked at Yuan Tiangang and asked, "Master Daoist, is it my father..."

"No!" Yuan Tiangang shook his head and vetoed, not to confuse Gao Xing any more, Yuan Tiangang continued: "It's you, son, if you are not careful, you will be in danger of your life!"

"What?" Looking at Yuan Tiangang happily and in amazement, he really couldn't think of any danger he would be in. "I don't know what the boss can teach me?" Gao Xing asked sincerely.Yuan Tiangang's ability is well-known in the history, and he believes it if he is happy. Besides, it is not a bad thing to take precautions early to make the Wannian Ship.

"My lord, be careful of the people around you!" Yuan Tiangang said softly.

"People around me?" The happy brows frowned even tighter, forming a deep "river", and familiar faces appeared in his mind, but he really couldn't find any one that would be bad for him.Gao Xing just wanted to ask more questions, but Yuan Tiangang had already disappeared into the crowd.

Sighing happily and helplessly, he could only suppress his doubts and walked towards the Yecheng Pavilion.

Zhao Yanshen was standing in the yard basking in the sun. Seeing that Xing Xing was messed up and dirty, he couldn't help but asked worriedly: "Inspector Gao, what's wrong with you?"

Gao Xing smiled and said: "King Lao is worried, the subordinates are greedy for the scenery on the roadside for a while, and don't want the soldiers to fall to the ground, that's why they are so embarrassed!"

Zhao Yanshen shook his head with a broken smile and said, "Hurry up and change your clothes and wash them! Then come to my king's house!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Gao Xing replied, and quickly returned to the house. However, after a cup of tea, Xing Xing changed his clothes and cleaned himself up.

"My lord, can my subordinates come in?" Gao Xing tidied up his clothes, then knocked lightly on the door, and pushed open the door after obtaining Zhao Yanshen's approval.Zhao Yanshen stood on the ground with his hands behind his back, his body was somewhat hunched, but he had a faint oppressive aura.Gao Xing closed the door, then walked to stand three meters behind Zhao Yanshen.

Zhao Yanshen turned around and saw that Gao Xing had changed into snow-white clothes and returned to his handsome appearance. He couldn't help showing a smile, "Inspector Gao, the Eastern Wu's Northern Expedition failed, and he will definitely not let it go. Seeing that the spring is about to bloom." , this king is worried that Soochow will send troops to the north again. After careful consideration, this king believes that we should complete your majesty's entrustment as soon as possible and return to China as soon as possible to prepare."

Gao Xing said: "Everything is at the command of the king."

Zhao Yanshen nodded and said: "Although the Empress Dowager of Zhou State is newly mourned, and the monarch of Zhou State is hiding in Yilu, it is not convenient to deal with state affairs for the time being, but the crown prince is still here, so this king has decided to visit the crown prince of Zhou State with you tomorrow morning, and ask him to make a decision on this matter. thing."

"Yes!" Gao Xing replied with a bow.

Gao Xing lay on the bed, staring blankly at the top of his head, thinking about Yuan Tiangang's words in his mind, but after returning from Zhao Yanshen's room to the dark sky, Xing Xing had no clue.He searched all the people around him, but he couldn't find their motives for persecuting him.

"Fuck it, the soldiers will block you, and the water will cover you." Gao Xing finally gave up thinking, said to himself, got up from the bed, and was about to take it easy, but suddenly saw a black shadow flashing in front of the window.

"Who?" Gao Xing shouted, his eyes suddenly sharpened, and he stared at the window tightly.

Although it was the beginning of December and the moonlight was very pale, but Xing Xing was still sure that the black shadow in front of the window was a person.

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