Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 159 Zhang Rong, Why Are You Here?

"Quack", there was no answer except for two low-pitched chirps like night owls, but she was happy but did not relax at all.The muscles all over his body tensed instantly, and the longevity qi in his body quickly spread all over his body.The next moment, the happy body floated up from the bed lightly, and came to the door with a slight swing.

Gao Xing tore open the door, but suddenly turned to the side, a sharp wind brushed Gao Xing's chest, blowing away the hair on his temples.

"Huh?" There was a soft hey, and a person wrapped in black appeared at the door, the only eyes that were exposed were full of surprise.

According to common sense, the first thing people do is to go out and explore.Gao Xing was very vigilant because of his profession, and he was afraid of being attacked by the enemy when he went out rashly, so he quickly dodged after opening the door, and sure enough, he avoided the iron fist of the uninvited guest.

"Who are you?" Gao Xing looked at the person in front of him vigilantly and asked in a low voice, his eyes were very cold.

"Want to know? Then follow me!" The man in black laughed lowly, stepped back suddenly, put his feet on the ground, and suddenly raised his body and landed on the roof, and the voice came down lightly.

Gao Xing hesitated for a moment, snorted coldly, and his body was like a ray of breeze. The man in black who followed him went up to the roof, and the door closed automatically with only a slight sound.

The man in black was very agile and knew the terrain of Chang'an like the palm of his hand. He easily avoided the night patrolling soldiers and came to a secluded open space with joy.

"Good feet!" The man in black's voice was a little hoarse, anticipating that China was gloomy, making Gao Xing frown.

"You're not bad!" Gao Xing stood five meters in front of the man in black, his eyes were calm and ruthless, "Your Excellency, tell me your purpose!"

"Are you happy, the only son of Xuyi Marquis Zheng Changgong?" the man in black asked without answering.

"Tell me your purpose, or don't blame me for being ruthless!" Gao Xing narrowed his eyes and said coldly.

"Young man, you should be patient!" The man in black said jokingly, his tone suddenly repeated, and he said coldly: "What's the relationship between you and Zhang Rong, and what secrets do you have between you? "

"Huh?" Gao Xing raised his brows. Although he wondered why the man in black asked such a question, Gao Xing still looked at the man in black sternly and said, "What does it have to do with you? Rat, my patience is limited!"

"Arrogant boy, take the move!" The man in black yelled angrily, stomped his feet on the ground, and his body shot out like an arrow from the string, and the surging murderous aura overwhelmingly pressed on Gao Xing.

"Good time!" I was happy and unafraid, and even had some excitement and joy in my heart.He had been in a bad mood recently, but the man in black still wanted to find happiness, so he just let his happiness vent.

Attacking is the best counterattack.While the man in black was moving, Gao Xing also rushed towards the man in black.

"Bang!" Gao Xing punched the man in black, and the violent collision caused a violent roar in the air.Under the force of action and reaction, both Gao Xing and the man in black retreated backwards, Gao Xing retreated three steps, but the man in black retreated five steps.

The man in black wasn't obviously hostile, and naturally he wouldn't show mercy when he was happy, so he didn't mean to test it at all, and he used [-]% of his skills when he made a move.The man in black was a little underestimating the enemy, and suffered a small loss as soon as he touched him, and his blood surged.

"The strength is not small, come again!" The man in black's eyes was even more murderous, he scolded in a low voice, waved his hand, turned around and rushed towards Gao Xing again.Gao Xing was also not to be outdone, and rushed towards the man in black while waving his fists, his eyes were as cold as a knife, but the corners of his mouth curled into a curved arc, with a pitiful smile.

Knowing that Gao Xing is extraordinary, the man in black did not fight against Xing Xing.Seeing that his fist was about to make close contact with Gao Xing's right fist again, the man in black let out a low cry, his fist suddenly loosened into a claw shape, he tilted upwards slightly, and then grabbed Gao Xing's neck artery.

Gao Xing snorted coldly, raised his left hand abruptly to block the claws of the man in black, and at the same time increased his strength with his right fist and struck the man in black's chin more quickly.The man in black gave a sinister smile, his left hand stood upright like a knife, and slashed across an arc towards the elbow joint of Gao Xing's left arm. deducted.

Glad that it was inconvenient to attack with his right fist, he quickly kicked the man in black's left armpit with his right leg.Once hit there, the left arm of the man in black will lose its fighting power in a short time.

The man in black had no choice but to quickly withdraw his right claw and hit Gao Xing's right leg, while his left hand still slashed at Gao Xing's right arm.At the same time, his right leg also kicked Gao Xing's weak left side, and the harsh wind made Gao Xing's clothes stick tightly to his body.

As a last resort, Gao Xing had no choice but to retract his right fist and buckle his left arm downwards, aiming at the right ankle of the man in black.At the same time, the happy right leg quickly retracted, and the left foot flew up at the same time to kick the outside of the man in black's right leg off the ground.

"Hey!" The man in black growled, stepped back, out of the way of Gao Xing's attack, and then jumped forward suddenly, his limbs danced vigorously, and he couldn't leave Gao Xing's main acupuncture points all over his body.His fists, palms and claws are constantly changing, and the angles are tricky and sharp. Cooperating with his full murderous aura, the offensive is like a violent storm, like mercury pouring down on Gao Xing.

Happy's move comes from countless life-and-death contests, no matter the strength or angle of the attack, it is enough to kill with one blow.Facing the enemy, Gao Xing never thinks about the so-called martial arts, so Gao Xing uses moves such as digging out his heart to the black tiger, monkey picking peaches, or piercing his eyes and picking his nose very skillfully.

"Hey, you bastard, you are so shameless!" After only a dozen or so moves, the man in black was driven into a rage by Gao Xing's "low job" attack.

"Huh!" Gao Xing snorted coldly, unmoved, his feet slid quickly, his limbs fluttered like a phantom, and there was a sharp whistle.After more than ten years of life dancing on the tip of a knife, fighting has already become an instinct. Happiness does not need to attack moves, he just needs to find the enemy's weakness, use the least effort, the fastest way to attack, and hit the opponent with the greatest efficiency That's good, it's really like an antelope hanging horns, no trace to be found.

The man in black was getting more and more frightened. On the surface, he looked happy but he was only fifteen or sixteen years old. It was a miracle that he could even fight with him.However, Happiness is not only inferior in martial arts, but also has a strong murderous aura that far surpasses his own. It is as turbulent as a stormy sea, and the cold and stern murderous aura makes the man in black feel awe-inspiring. I became more and more curious.

"Bang!" Although the man in black was already very vigilant, Gao Xing's weird and unique attack method still hit him in the chest, and he staggered and fell backwards.

Taking advantage of your illness will kill you.Gao Xing let out a low growl, and launched a sharp attack on the falling man in black like a maggot attached to the bone.His eyes became colder, and the smile on his lips became more compassionate.

The man in black cried out incessantly, waving his hands rapidly, and tried his best to block Gao Xing's attack, but the dull feeling in his chest and the unstable center of gravity made him unable to do what he wanted. With two consecutive "bumps", the chest of the man in black was once again happy. hit.

"Wow!" The man in black spat out a mouthful of blood, flew up into the air, and landed on the ground far away, making a dull sound.

Gao Xing stopped his movements, stood two meters in front of the man in black, and looked down at the man in black, his eyes were still as cold as knives, and the murderous aura in his eyes made people chill.

"Cough cough", the man in black rubbed his chest with one hand while coughing violently, and then under the faint moonlight, Gao Xing could clearly see that the black cloth he used to cover his face became deep and moist.

The man in black looked at Happy with resentment and fear, gritted his teeth with difficulty and stood up from the ground, but the corners of his eyes twitched violently because of the pain in his chest.He didn't speak, one hand was tightly pressed on the violently rising and falling chest, and the other hand was tightly clenched into a fist, with blue veins protruding from it.

"Tell me your purpose!" The happy voice was very flat, but also very indifferent.

The man in black didn't speak, and took a slight step back, his eyes fixed on Xing Xing, very vigilant.

"Since you don't want to say it, then I'll do it myself!" Gao Xing said as he raised his figure, his right hand clawed towards the face of the man in black.

As soon as the man in black saw his shoulders shaking, he knew that he was going to shoot. However, he was seriously injured at this time, and both his strength and reaction were compromised. Although he tried his best to retreat, he still couldn't Can avoid the right paw of Gao Xing, and the veil is taken off by Xing Xing as soon as his face cools down.

Gao Xing did not pursue, but carefully looked at the unfamiliar face in front of him.This is an ordinary Chinese character face, which is completely incomparable with the handsome joy.The man in black was about thirty years old, with a black beard on his lips, which made his face pale, and there was a trace of bright red blood on the corner of his lips.At this moment, he was looking at Gao Xing angrily.

"I don't know you before, and I'm new here. Why are you so hostile to me when I have no grievances or enmities with you?" Gao Xing threw away the black scarf in his hand, and looked at the man in black suspiciously.

"Pfft!" The man in black wanted to sneer, but he didn't want a sweetness in his throat. The blood that had been suppressed for a long time could no longer be controlled, and suddenly spewed out. If he hadn't been happy to dodge quickly, he might be drenched all over his head and face.

"Hehe, happy, you stole my things, you stole my things!" The man in black smiled miserably and roared angrily, his blood-stained teeth were exposed, and the blood at the corner of his mouth was like beads from a broken thread Sliding down, coupled with his pale face like paper, looked miserable under the moonlight, but his happy heart was peaceful.His eyes were still as cold as ice.

"What do you mean? You are from Yu Wenyun?" Gao Xing frowned, feeling a little puzzled.Although he is the Demon Laughing Buddha, he doesn't like to kill people for no reason, and he doesn't like to bully the weak.

"Zhang Rong, why are you here?" The man in black suddenly looked behind Gao Xing and exclaimed.

I was surprised for a moment, and turned around to look, but there was nothing behind me, and there was no Zhang Rong, who was so beautiful.

"Damn it, I was fooled!" Gao Xing quickly turned around, only to see that the man in black had already retreated quickly.Seeing that Xing Xing was about to chase after him, the man in black shook his hands, and sprinkled a piece of powder with a strange fragrance on Xing Xing.

Surprised, he quickly backed away, while swinging his sleeves, rolling towards the white powder in the air.When the white powder in the air dissipated, the man in black had disappeared.Gritting his teeth happily and resentfully, he quickly ran towards the Yecheng Pavilion without stopping.

Full of doubts, Gao Xing returned to his room in the Yecheng Pavilion and did not practice, but lay down on the bed with his clothes on and fell asleep slowly.

Although he ran away from the man in black in the end, he was happy but didn't care too much about it. How many times he was able to escape from the death line was not due to the worries in his heart, but to his excellent skills.Moreover, the stagnation in my heart for many days was resolved because of this fierce fight, and I was refreshed and slept peacefully.

In the early morning of the next day, after breakfast with Zhao Yanshen, Gao Xing and Zhao Yanshen went to the Chang'an City Palace with gifts from the capital of the Northern Qi Dynasty, formally proposing marriage to the Northern Zhou Dynasty, and easing the increasingly tense situation between the two countries.

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