Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 160 Are You Threatening Ben Gong?

Happy people are all alike, but unhappy people are different.

The joy of standing in front of the gate of the Chang'an City Imperial Palace sighed in his heart: wise monarchs are different, but foolish monarchs are all the same.Since Dongfang turned pale, Gao Xing and Zhao Yanshen came to the gate of the Chang'an City Imperial Palace, but until the sun was up at this time, Yu Wenyun hadn't received a verbal order to summon him.

Finally, after counting Yu Wenyun from head to toe in his heart, from the outside to the inside, the eunuch of the East Palace came belatedly and brought Yu Wenyun's will.

After strict inspection, Zhao Yanshen and his party finally arrived at the East Palace where Yu Wenyun lived together with the eunuch who came to pass the order, after nearly half an hour.

The East Palace is the residence of the prince, and it is very luxuriously and noblely decorated.The resplendent and resplendent hall is very solemn, fully revealing the royal style.

When Gao Xing stepped into the main hall of the East Palace where Yu Wenyun used to handle political affairs, and saw Yu Wenyun sitting in a high position, he was very excited. He wished to rush forward to have an intimate contact with him, and greeted him with the wooden fan in his arms. Look at the latter's chrysanthemum.

"Qi State Envoy Zhao Yanshen (Happy) sees His Highness the Crown Prince!" Zhao Yanshen and Gao Xing stood in the center of the hall, bowing to Yu Wenyun.Although Zhao Yanshen was nearly [-] years old, he was full of energy and spirit at this time, and although his expression was respectful, he was neither humble nor overbearing.

"The two envoys are not polite!" Yu Wenyun looked down at Zhao Yanshen and Gao Xing, and raised his hand slightly, his tone was lukewarm, with a hint of arrogance from the bottom of his heart.

"Thank you, Your Royal Highness!" Zhao Yanshen and Gao Xing bowed again and then straightened up, with their backs straight, looking calmly at Yu Wenyun who was sitting in the upper seat, without the slightest fear.

"I don't know why the two envoys are meeting with me today?" Yu Wenyun glanced at Zhao Yanshen and Gao Xing indifferently, picked up a handle of jade ruyi on the table and gently played with it, and asked softly.

"Returning to His Royal Highness, first of all, Zhao Yin (Zhao Yanshen's name) conveys to you His Majesty's greetings and blessings to the emperor of your country, you, and the Great Zhou Kingdom." Zhao Yanshen stepped forward, cupped his hands, and said loudly.

The corner of Yu Wenyun's mouth twitched slightly, and he said calmly: "Thank you, the emperor of your country, I will convey it to the emperor for you!" Obviously, Yu Wenyun didn't take this fake greeting to heart at all, and at the same time he was a little dissatisfied. patient.

"Thank you, Your Highness, the Crown Prince!" Zhao Yan paused, and then continued: "I heard that His Highness, the Crown Prince, will get married in the first month of the twelfth lunar month, so Zhao Yin was specially sent by His Majesty of our country to come to Chang'an all the way from Ye City, just to send the blessings of the State of Qi. It's a pity that the world is changing, and Zhao Yin is very heartbroken about the sudden death of your empress dowager, and I hope His Highness can express his condolences by the way!"

"Your country has a heart!" Yu Wenyun heard that there was a bride price, and his eyes lit up. Unfortunately, he was happy but could not see the slightest sadness about the death of the slave.

"His Royal Highness, what do you think of the Turkic Khanate?" Zhao Yanshen asked solemnly, staring at Yu Wenyun.

"Although the Turkic people are brave and good at fighting, they are unbearably vulgar. They are just a bunch of mobs, so nothing to be afraid of!" Yu Wenyun curled his lips in disdain.

"What His Royal Highness said is true, the Turks are nothing but a country of barbarians, so there is nothing to be afraid of!" Zhao Yan clapped his hands deeply, but suddenly changed the subject, "However, the Turks and barbarians are ambitious, and they want to go south and conquer the great rivers and mountains of the Central Plains. They are in the palm of their hands. They are afraid of your country’s strong military strength, and dare not blatantly invade, but they always buckle up, harass the people outside the pass, and plunder a large amount of materials to develop themselves.”

"Zhao Yin knows that His Majesty the Emperor of your country has great talent and strategy, and he is a master with rare time. He has long wanted to eradicate the Turkic border troubles in one fell swoop, but he has not yet done so, because he is worried that our country will take advantage of it!"

Yu Wenyun stopped what he was doing, listened to Zhao Yanshen's words quietly, and frowned slightly.

Zhao Yanshen continued: "Our country is also suffering from the Turks. They want to eradicate the Turks, but they are worried that your country will take the opportunity to attack. The barbaric Turks are well aware of the current situation of our two countries, so they use the invasion of the border as a bargaining chip to ask for a lot of money. Now it has become a trend that cannot be lost. A few months ago, the Turkic envoys visited our country to ask for relatives. They wanted to form an marriage relationship with our country so as to jointly fight against the powerful Zhou State. After careful consideration, our Majesty agreed to the Turkic request. "

"Zhao Yin, you guys are so courageous. How dare you come to our Dazhou since you have formed an alliance with the Turks?" Yu Wenyun jumped up, staring at Zhao Yanshen with an angry face, and shouted: "Where is the golden melon warrior? Hurry up and join me in the Qi Kingdom!" Traitor!"

With the sound of "Hula La", seven or eight guards rushed out quickly, and rushed towards Gao Xing and Zhao Yanshen like wolves, with the gourd-shaped thing on the head of the pole weapon in their hands gleaming.

"His Royal Highness, calm down, please listen to Zhao Yin's words!" Zhao Yanshen let the golden melon warrior grab him, tried his best to straighten his body, without any panic on his face, and looked at Yu Wenyun calmly and said.

Happy and unafraid, he stood quietly, not even looking at the gourd warrior who restrained him.

"I'd like to see what you have to say!" Yu Wenyun lightly waved his hand, causing Warrior Jingua to let go of Zhao Yanshen and Gao Xing, and sat down again, looking at Zhao Yanshen with a stern and proud expression, with murderous intent in his eyes. jumping.

"His Royal Highness, the Turkic barbarians are ambitious and have never stopped their desire to occupy the Central Plains. This time, they are friendly with our country in the hope that our two countries will compete with each other. They will reap the benefits of the fisherman. Your Majesty has a clear insight into the dangers of the Turks. Use your heart to show that you are ignorant and obedient, so that you will be paralyzed. At the same time, His Majesty the Emperor hopes that your two countries can suspend their swords and fight against the Turks together, so as to completely eradicate the northern border trouble!" Zhao Yan said after taking a deep breath.

Yu Wenyun snorted coldly and said, "Qi State has been fighting with our Great Zhou for decades, and has accumulated grievances for a long time. How can we form an alliance?" Yu Wenyun looked at Zhao Yanshen condescendingly, and said with disdain: "Now, our Great Zhou is rich and strong. There are millions of soldiers, and the mere Turkic is nothing more than a disease, so why be afraid of it?"

"Your Highness the Crown Prince's words are wrong. Although the Turkic barbarians are a rabble, they are numerous and powerful, occupying the vast bitter cold grassland. Even if your country can destroy them, they will not be able to drive them all to extinction. In a few years, they will Like weeds, it will multiply again and grow step by step, so that the border of your country will never rest in peace!"

Zhao Yanshen paused for a while, and then a strong aura surged from his body, he looked at Yu Wenyun and said in a deep voice, "Besides, as long as I, Daqi, exists for a day, your country will not be able to attack the Turks freely!"

Yu Wenyun's eyes were fixed, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he said darkly: "Are you threatening me? I have a strong army in Zhou Dynasty, how can I be afraid of Qi State?" Yu Wenyun put his hands on the table and leaned forward slightly. There was a killing intent in his eyes.

"Don't dare! Zhao Yin is just stating a fact, and I hope His Royal Highness will seriously consider it! Your country is strong, but my Daqi is not weak either. Once your two countries go to war, how many soldiers will die in other places, and how many people will die?" How much material wasted?" Zhao Yanshen looked at Yu Wenyun calmly, sighed suddenly, and said with a sad face: "His Royal Highness, our two countries originally came from the same source, but the war has continued for decades, causing countless Li people The common people are in dire straits, countless families have been destroyed, and a lot of national power has been wasted, this is really not a blessing in the world!"

Yu Wenyun sat up straight, with a sneer on his face, and said bluntly: "Qi State has married the Turks, and now you plan to form an alliance with my Dazhou, how does this palace know that you are not a plan to slow down the army, Mingli and my Dazhou It was repaired, but in fact, it was colluding with the Turks and plotting something wrong?"

"His Royal Highness's concerns are not unreasonable. In order to express his sincerity, His Majesty the Emperor of our country specially sent the royal family members to propose marriage to your country, so as to deepen the relationship between your country and our country!" Zhao Yanshen said with a slight smile.

"Is that him?" Yu Wenyun asked happily, his eyes flickering coldly.Yesterday, although Xing Xing's clothes were quite dirty, Yu Wenyun recognized Xing Xing at a glance. After all, it is rare to see a man prettier than a woman.Thinking of his crown princess smiling like a flower at Gao Xing, Yu Wenyun felt jealous and resentful.

"Exactly!" Zhao Yanshen replied.

Yu Wenyun looked at Xing Xing closely, without saying a word, with an uncertain expression on his face.Gao Xing stood quietly, with his eyes slightly lowered, hiding the disdain and contempt in his eyes, and letting Yu Wenyun's hostile eyes sweep back and forth.

After a long time, Yu Wenyun retracted his gaze, and regained his former arrogance and calmness, and said indifferently: "Envoy Zhao, I have written down what you said, and I will report it to my father. Ask him to make a decision." After speaking, Yu Wenyun covered his mouth with his sleeve and yawned.

"Thank you, Your Highness the Crown Prince!" Zhao Yanshen hurriedly bowed and saluted, smiling all over his face, "If His Highness the Crown Prince is fine, Zhao Yin will leave now and wait for His Highness's good news in the inn!"

Yu Wenyun waved his hand lightly, and Zhao Yanshen bowed again, first took a few steps back, and then turned around and walked out of the hall.Happiness was like a shadow from beginning to end, following Zhao Yanshen's movements without opening his mouth to say a word.

Seeing the happy figure disappearing outside the door, Yu Wenyun had a sneer on his face, and there was a hint of complacency in his eyes besides the faint surprise.

As soon as he left the palace, Zhao Yanshen's straight back suddenly bowed down, his face was covered with deep fatigue, his eyes became cloudy again, and there was faint sweat on his forehead.He also faltered a little, and if he hadn't been happy to support him, he would almost have fallen to the ground.

"Your Majesty, pay attention to your steps!" Gao Xing said with concern while supporting Zhao Yanshen's arm.

Yu Wenyun is Gao Wei II, both of whom are very difficult to serve.Now in the Northern Zhou Dynasty, Zhao Yanshen and Gao Xing are alone, and if they are not careful, they may be decapitated.As the head of the envoy, Zhao Yanshen not only wants to promote the friendship between the two countries, but also prevent Qi from losing its due demeanor and dignity.This fifteen-hour meeting had almost exhausted Zhao Yanshen's physical strength, and now that his body was already exhausted, it was even more difficult to move with his old body.

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