Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 161

December [-]th was originally the wedding day of the prince and concubine of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, but it was canceled because of the sudden death of the queen mother.

Waiting is a kind of boring torment. After being idle for a few days in the Yecheng Pavilion, I was finally summoned by Yu Wenyun on the eighth day of December.

Gao Xing tidied himself up and walked hand in hand with Zhao Yanshen again, following the eunuchs of the East Palace towards the palace.The sun overhead is bright and mild, and the breeze is less icy. Such good weather is rare in winter, and maybe the sky is showing that I am happy that this trip will be a great success.

Yu Wenyun was still dressed in black and sat on the high platform, his face still had his signature arrogance, and the smile at the corner of his mouth made people look very alienated, but he was quite uncomfortable in his heart.

Under the high platform, besides the court ladies and eunuchs standing there, there were two more middle-aged people.The person on the left is a middle-aged man in his mid-thirties, with a hulking back, tall and strong, his square face is full of fortitude and wind and frost, and he is not angry and majestic.He was wearing a simple linen shirt, and underneath was a set of dark armor, so glad that he could clearly feel the strong smell of blood on his body.Obviously, this is a battle-tested veteran.

The one on the right is also a middle-aged man, but his figure is a bit thin, his face is handsome, he has a black beard under his jaw, and he has a faint smile on his face. Although the black Confucian shirt is covered with a piece of linen, but But he couldn't hide the peaceful and refined temperament on his body.

Gao Xing and Zhao Yanshen entered the hall, which immediately attracted their attention.The general's eyes were very sharp and seductive, while the eyes of the Confucian-looking man were much gentler, but the eyes looking at Xing Xing had a sense of scrutiny.

Zhao Yanshen and Gao Xing walked slowly to the center of the hall and saluted respectfully.Yu Wenyun said "no courtesy" to signal the two to get up, coughed, and attracted everyone's attention.

Gao Xing looked at Yu Wenyun quietly, with a touch of respect and expectation in his eyes, completely inconsistent with the contempt and helplessness in his heart, a veritable duplicity.

Yu Wenyun twitched the corner of his mouth lightly, revealing a barely visible smile and said: "You two envoys, the former Japanese Palace has reported your intention to come to the emperor, and the emperor decided yesterday to agree to your request!"

Zhao Yanshen had just breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, but he heard Yu Wenyun say: "But—" Gao Xing's heart tightened, his brows frowned slightly, and he thought to himself: Nothing will happen again!

Xing Xing and Zhao Yanshen were worried, while Yu Wenyun said, "But my father also proposed two conditions, I hope you Qi Guo can seriously consider them."

"His Royal Highness, please speak. Zhao Yin will listen with all ears. As long as it does not violate the interests of our country, I will definitely consider it seriously!" Zhao Yanshe said, looking at Yu Wenyun intently, trying to calm himself down.

"There are rumors that in July this year, the heavenly general in Xuyi City will be auspicious. It is said that there is a tortoise carrying a golden Buddha and presenting a treasure. It is said that the treasure is a precious classic on one side. The body attains Taoism and becomes immortal, and lives the same life as heaven and earth from now on, immortal, right?" Yu Wenyun bowed his body, his eyes locked tightly on Zhao Yanshen, and his voice was very low and solemn.

Zhao Yan was taken aback for a moment, his heart sank, and he looked at Gao Xing, and couldn't help frowning deeply, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Envoy Zhao, since your country wishes to fight against the Turks together, please show your sincerity and don't be perfunctory!" Yu Wenyun stood up and came to the stage with his hands behind his back, condescending Looking at Zhao Yanshen intently, his eyes were full of warnings.

Zhao Yan pondered for a while, his face was hesitant, finally he sighed lightly, and said: "What His Royal Highness said is that His Majesty of our country has indeed obtained such a treasure, but Zhao Yin doesn't know at all whether he can live forever or not." Knowing that Yu Wenyun could not be prevaricated, Zhao Yanshen had no choice but to tell the truth.

"There is such a strange thing in the world!" Yu Wenyun's eyes suddenly burst into a gleam, and he happily and clearly caught a meaning called "greedy possession" from the scorching eyes.

"My father has always liked to collect rare things in the world, so I asked my palace to ask the envoy Zhao to ask if your majesty can part with the treasure and borrow the treasure. Of course, my father is not a barbaric person. Your country can Keep the original and lend the rubbings to the emperor!" Seeing that Zhao Yanshen's brows became more and more wrinkled, and his face became more and more ugly, Yu Wenyun's tone was surprisingly gentle.

Zhao Yan lowered his eyes and remained silent, his face was heavy and his brows were tightly furrowed.

Yu Wenyun said with some displeasure: "Why, is His Majesty the emperor so stingy that he doesn't even want to borrow a copy? With such sincerity, how can you tell me Da Zhou to believe that you are not uniting with the Turks to fight against our country?" Yu Wen Yun couldn't help raising his tone of voice when he talked about it later, it can be said that his voice was very serious.

"His Royal Highness, please calm down!" Zhao Yanshen bowed to persuade, and Yu Wenyun snorted coldly, and looked at Zhao Yanshen coldly with his lips pursed, with the meaning of "if you can't tell why you are here to marry, let's just let it go".

"Ah——" Zhao Yanshen let out a long sigh first, with a look of exhaustion and anger coexisting on his face, he gritted his teeth and said, "Your Highness the Crown Prince didn't know something. A month ago, I don't know which evildoer acted so boldly that he sneaked into the palace in the middle of the night. They set fire to the palace of our empress, and then took advantage of the chaos to steal the treasures that His Majesty had stored in the imperial study. His Majesty was furious, and the whole city of Ye was shaken, and people were panicked. However, the thief suddenly disappeared. Not a single clue."

"Let's not say that Zhao Yin is just a courtier, how dare he decide for the emperor, and now that the treasures are lost, how can our country meet your Highness's request? Also, His Royal Highness, Haihan, please think twice for the sake of the people of the two countries!" Zhao Yanshen Looking at Yu Wenyun sincerely.

"That's really the case?" Yu Wenyun frowned, with an expression of uncertainty.

"It's absolutely true!" Zhao Yanshen looked at Yu Wenyun calmly, without the slightest dodge in his eyes.

"Maybe His Majesty the Emperor of your country has kept a copy!" Yu Wenyun guessed.

Zhao Yan shook his head deeply and said, "This is His Majesty's private matter, Zhao Yin doesn't know about it! But according to Zhao Yin's opinion, your country can send envoys to Yecheng to inquire and discuss this matter with His Majesty the Emperor!"

Yu Wenyun pondered for a while, then sighed unwillingly and said, "I will report this matter to the emperor truthfully." After a pause, Yu Wenyun continued: "Since the first condition is that envoy Zhao cannot make the decision, the second I also hope that you can agree to this condition, otherwise the matter of the union between our two countries will be over!"

Zhao Yan looked at Yu Wenyun quietly, and heaved a sigh of relief.In today's era of misery where life is poor and humble, who doesn't want to live a better life and live a longer life?

Zhao Yanshen was the most powerful person in the Northern Qi Dynasty. Although he knew something about the "Secret of Longevity", he only knew a little bit.Whoever gets the "Secret of Longevity" will regard it as a treasure, how can they give it to others so easily.There is no need to ask for instructions, Zhao Yanshen also knows that Gao Weiduan will not agree to lend.Fortunately, Yu Wenyun didn't get too entangled with this, which made his suspenseful heart drop a little.

Yu Wenyun sat back in his seat, then lightly raised his palm and pointed at the general, saying: "Envoy Zhao, this is my Grand Zhou Qi State Duke, Otsuka Zai (belonging to the Tianguan Mansion, whose position is equivalent to today's Premier of the State Council and Minister of the Palace Department), Zhu State General Yu Wenxian, this one is Zhao Guogong, Grand Sima, Zhu State General Yu Wenzhao."

"Zhao Yin has met Qi Guogong and Zhao Guogong, and he has heard about the two great names for a long time. Today, seeing them is really extraordinary!" Zhao Yanshen hurriedly saluted Yu Wenxian and Yu Wenzhao, with friendly smiles on his face.

"King Yiyang is being polite!" Yu Wenxian cupped his fists and nodded to Zhao Yanshen, with a hint of hostility in his eyes.

Yu Wenzhao's attitude was much gentler. While returning the gift politely, he said softly: "Prince Yiyang is polite, Yu Wenzhao is polite here!"

While happily saluting with Zhao Yanshen, his eyes secretly looked at Yu Wenxian and Yu Wenzhao, with a hint of admiration in his heart, but more regret.

Yu Wenxian, courtesy name Bihetu, was the fifth son of Yu Wentai, the prince of the Northern Zhou Dynasty. He and Yu Wenyong were brothers and grew up together.He was smart and eager to learn since he was a child, he has an open-minded temperament and is good at planning, he knows people and makes good use of them, and he is quite skilled in comforting and controlling his subordinates.In addition, he was brave in battle and often took the lead, so he was deeply loved by the soldiers.In the war between the Northern Zhou Dynasty and the Northern Qi Dynasty, his contributions were outstanding.

For the courtiers of the feudal dynasty, the greatest tragedy is that they have great intelligence and outstanding military exploits, especially when they meet a faint monarch, the tragedy will become a tragedy.

Yu Wenxian was just a martyr in the feudal era. He was loyal to the emperor and patriotic all his life, and made great contributions to the Northern Zhou Dynasty. However, after Yu Wenyong died, he was brutally beheaded by Yu Wenyun. Including several sons, Yu Wenxian's family had almost no stay alive.

The reason why Yang Jian was able to usurp the regime of the Northern Zhou Dynasty was due to Yu Wenyun's short life and high prestige, and the sudden death of Yu Wenxian, who held the military power tightly, also accounted for a large part of the reason.

Yuwen Zhao, the word Dou Yutu.This person is just like his attire, but he is a well-educated man, who has a close relationship with Yu Xin, a literati at that time. He writes well and has a refined temperament.

The fate of Yuwenzhao was also tragic. Yang Jian had served as a minister of the auxiliary state before Zhou Zhou. At that time, his power was not stable, and he was very kind to the princes of the Yuwen family.However, when he was in power and no one could shake him, Yu Wenzhao met his murderous hand, and his descendants would not be saved.

Gao Xing clearly remembers that Yuwenzhao has a daughter named Yuwenqianjin. Her tragic experience and fate often make people sigh, sympathize but feel helpless.

What does Yu Wenyun mean by introducing these two people?

Just as Gao Xing was thinking about it, Yu Wenyun said again: "Envoy Zhao, Zhao Guogong has a daughter named Qianjin, who is eleven years old, and has now been conferred the title of Princess Anping by her father. how?"

Zhao Yan thought for a moment, and replied: "Everything is strictly in accordance with the wishes of His Majesty the Emperor of your country. I hope that our two countries can unite and fight against foreign aggression together in the future!"

Yu Wenyun gave a light grunt and continued: "But Father thinks that Anping is too young to travel far, so he wants to invite Mr. Gao Xing to live in Chang'an for a while and learn more about our country's culture, so as to deepen the relationship between the two countries. , and then marry Anping!"

"This..." Zhao Yanshen hesitated and frowned.Apparently, Bei Zhou still didn't trust Bei Qi. It sounded like he wanted to let Gao Xing live for a while to bond with each other, but in fact he stayed as a hostage.Once the Northern Zhou and Northern Qi broke their faces, that joy would inevitably become the thing that the Northern Zhou paid homage to the battle flag.

Happily at this time, he couldn't take care of Yu Wenyun's request, and his mind was full of stories about Yu Wen's daughter.

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