Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 162 Tang Guogong

Rise and fall wait for the morning and evening, the world is like duckweed.Prosperity is hard to defend, and Chitai will eventually level off.Where is the wealth now?Empty things write Danqing.There is no music in a glass of wine, but there is sound in string songs!Yu Ben, the son of the royal family, drifted into the captive court.Once success or failure is seen, the embrace is suddenly vertical and horizontal.This has been the case since ancient times, and I am not the only one who applied for the name.Only the song of Mingjun hurts the love of distant marriage.

This poem is written by Qianjin Yuwen lamenting her tragic fate and yearning for the people in her hometown.

Yu Wenyun is a typical stupid king, who doesn't understand military affairs, but prefers power and enjoys fun more.In history, as soon as the Turkic Tabo Khan asked for marriage, Yu Wenyun impatiently agreed to his request, and Yu Wenqian unfortunately became a victim of political marriage.

However, Bo Khan's fate was not good, and before he could enjoy Yuwen Qianjin's delicate body, he died and passed away.It's a pity that Yuwen Qianjin didn't have time to rejoice, his Bo Khan's son Sha Boluo Khan proposed marriage to the Northern Zhou Dynasty again, and the poor Yuwen Qianjin had to shed tears to bid farewell to his parents and marry Turkic.

The misfortune of Yuwen Qianjin was far more than that. Not long after she married Turkic, the Northern Zhou Dynasty was replaced by the Sui Dynasty. Yuwenzhao was killed by nine clans because of treason charges, and Yuwen's royal family was almost beheaded.The Yuwen Clan of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, which was originally glorious, collapsed almost overnight.

The country was ruined and the family was destroyed, and Yuwen Qianjin's hatred for Yang Jian can be imagined.However, Qianjin Yuwen tried her best, even endured the humiliation and stole her life, recognized the thief as her father, and was canonized by Yang Jian as Princess Dayi of the Sui Dynasty, but she ended in failure in the end.Not only was the identity of the princess eliminated by Yang Jian, but Yuwenqianjin died in the hands of her second husband, Dulan Khan (Turkic customs, sons can inherit their father's concubine, and Dulan is the son of Sabolo).

I originally married Yuwenqianjin and married Turkic far away, but now it is Zhao Jing, but she is about to become my wife. Has history taken a completely different path?How will I treat this suffering woman?There was a sigh of relief in my heart.

"Inspector Gao, Inspector Gao?" Zhao Yan was deeply embarrassed by the conditions proposed by Yu Wenyun.This matter was life and death for Gao Xing, Zhao Yanshen did not dare to make a decision alone, so he turned his questioning gaze to Gao Xing, but the latter stared blankly at the ground for some reason, with no expression on his face.

"Ah, Your Majesty, why are you calling me?" Gao Xing came to his senses, and asked Zhao Yanshen in a low voice with an apologetic smile.

"Master Happy, would you like to stay for the sake of the relationship between our two countries?" Zhao Yanshen was about to speak, but Yu Wenyun got a little impatient.

Gao Xing was startled at first, then frowned, and looked at Zhao Yanshen suspiciously. The latter also frowned, looked at him hesitantly, and said Yu Wenyun's request in a low voice.

"I am willing!" Happy to think for a short time, when he said these three words decisively and resolutely, everyone was a little stunned, especially Zhao Yanshen, who hesitated to speak, with a worried expression on his face.

"Good, good, good!" Yu Wenyun said three "good" words in a row, and he didn't know whether he was delighted because of the promotion of the relationship between Qizhou and Zhou, or satisfied because he was happy to stay in Chang'an.

Yu Wenyun looked at Xing Xing with a friendly smile on his face, this was the first time Xing Xing saw such an amiable smile on his face.When things are abnormal, there are demons, and I am happy that there is no reason for a sudden, and a trace of ominous premonition emerges in my heart.

Yu Wenyun went on to say: "Envoy Zhao, three days later, I will send an envoy to Yecheng of your country to ask for employment, sign an agreement with the emperor of your country, and at the same time carefully discuss the matter of attacking the Turks together."

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is so wise, this is the blessing of the people of the world!" Zhao Yan praised deeply, the smile on his face penetrated into the folds of his skin.Yu Wenyun smiled and said nothing, his face was full of color, his eyes flicked to happiness from time to time, flashing an imperceptible schadenfreude.

After Zhao Yanshen bid farewell to Yu Wenyun, he and Gao Xing walked out of the East Palace together until they entered the Yecheng Pavilion. Zhao Yanshen didn't say a word all the way, and his face became more and more sad.

"Gao Cishi, why did you agree to stay so hastily? Don't you know that Chang'an City is like a dragon's lake and a tiger's den, and if you are not careful, you will be decapitated?" Zhao Yanshen closed the door tightly, and looked at it with his hands behind his back. The joy in front of him whispered in a worried and heavy voice.

"Thank you, King, for your concern. You are not a dull person, how can you not know the power of it?" Gao Xing glanced at Zhao Yanshen gratefully, and then said with deep helplessness on his face: "But Xing Xing has no choice but to choose to stay. !"

Zhao Yan was shocked all over, and then fell silent.After a long time, he sighed, and said softly: "Gao Cishi, thank you for your hard work. From now on, you must be extremely careful. Don't worry, after returning to Yecheng, this king will definitely mediate for you to the end, so that the people of the world will not be disturbed." Heartbroken!" After speaking, Zhao Yanshen's eyes suddenly burst out with brilliance, and his whole body exuded a powerful aura, and his words were sonorous, revealing the determination in his heart.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Gao Xing bowed and saluted, looking at Zhao Yanshen sincerely.

Zhao Yanshen nodded lightly, took a deep look at Xing Xing, and then waved his hands wearily.Gao Xing smiled slightly, bid farewell and left knowingly, and Zhao Yanshen's sigh full of loneliness and exhaustion came from his ear.

Gao Xing returned to the house with a calm face, without the slightest worry or anger.In his opinion, staying in Chang'an might be better than staying in Yecheng.

If happiness is Gao Wei's biggest bargaining chip to check and balance Gao Changgong, then Gao Changgong and Zheng Shi are also the main factors for Gao Wei to retreat step by step and wrong himself.Gao Xing couldn't refuse Yu Wenyun's offer.In this age of feudal and hierarchical dictatorship, even if the emperor farts, sometimes it is more useful than thousands of troops.

Although Gao Changgong made it a condition to withdraw from the royal family tree, he made progress by retreating.Staying away from Gaowei's sight, he even used the "Longevity Formula" under happy design to save his life.However, Gao Wei's suspicion of Gao Changgong never disappeared, and even increased with the defeat of Chen Guo's Northern Expedition.

Gao Wei is not Gao Huan, he does not have a strong aggressiveness, he is afraid of war, and all he wants is to enjoy himself in time.If it is a heroic figure like Gao Huan, the marriage is just a cover, used to appease the enemy, and can be torn up at will, so it is not a serious problem to be happy to return even if it fails.

However, in the era when Gao Wei was in power, as long as he was happy to refuse, and the mission returned without success, under the instigation of someone with a heart, Gao Changgong, who had always been missed by Gao Wei, would be doomed.

Now, although Gao Xing stays alone in Chang'an, he stays away from Gao Wei, which also reduces Gao Changgong's pressure.In history, Gao Changgong willingly drank poisonous wine to die, apart from his inner loyalty to Gao's ancestors, Da Qi Jiangshan, he should also do it for his reputation and for his descendants.

Although Gao Wei is fatuous, he has hundreds of thousands of soldiers left behind by Gao Huan to defend Yecheng. As long as they are there, it will not be easy for anyone who wants to rebel.Although Gao Wei is always weak when dealing with the enemy, but when facing his own people, he is very firm, persistent and ruthless.

Now that Gao Changgong is in Huaizhou, he has a solid base, he can attack in advance, and defend in retreat. With his high prestige, the chance of success is very high.Now that there is no constraint of happiness, Gao Wei will never dare to oppress Gao Changgong unscrupulously, which is very happy to see.

Three days was but a flick of a finger. On December [-]th, under the protection of Er Zhu Mingfeng, Zhao Yanshen bid farewell to Yu Wenyun together with Tang Guogong Li Yan, the envoy representing the Northern Zhou Dynasty, and embarked on a journey to Yecheng.

When he learned that the envoy to Qi State was Li Yan, Gao Xing was very shocked.This is not because Li Zong is Tang Guogong, one of the generals of the Eight Great Pillars of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, and a high-ranking dignitary, but because Li Zong has a very good son, Li Yuan.

Who is Li Yuan?If you say you don't know, it's okay, then Li Shimin should know!If you don't already know, well...

Li Yuan is the fourth son of Li Yan, the founder of the prosperous Tang Dynasty. Although his ability has a lot to do with his sons Li Jiancheng and Li Shimin, it is also his ability to give birth to Niu 13's son, isn't it?

Li Zong was a fat middle-aged man with a smile on his lips all the time. Although he didn't have the aggressive and decisive attitude of Yu Wenxian, he was very calm and approachable.

When Gao Xing knew about Li Yan, he endured all kinds of patience before restraining his urge to pounce on Li Yuan and find out about Li Shimin.Although Gao Xing's goal is to step on all these great powers, the strong history still makes Alexander happy, and he is also very curious about these celebrities.

"Xiao San, you guys go back to the Yecheng Pavilion first, I will walk around the city by myself!" Standing outside the Yecheng Pavilion, he happily turned around and said to the four young men dressed as servants who followed him step by step.

"Lord Inspector, Lord Yiyang King, I must protect you, the villain, and you must not be slack in the slightest!" Xiao San said respectfully, frowning slightly, a little embarrassed.Xiao San's appearance is very ordinary, slightly fat, and looks very simple and honest, giving people a good impression.

Zhao Yanshen left Chang'an under the escort of Er Zhu Mingfeng, and deliberately left behind twenty dexterous and sturdy servants to take care of Happy's daily life, and Xiao San was the leader.

After Zhao Yanshen and Er Zhu Mingfeng left, only Happy was the only person in the huge Yecheng Pavilion, and it seemed very empty, so Happy stayed for less than half an hour before wanting to go out for a stroll.Happiness is not Gao Ajunfeng, he needs servants to support the scene, as a thug, he likes to walk alone, and besides having someone following him, it is a bit in the way when doing things.

"Don't worry, this city of Chang'an is very safe. I am the son-in-law of the state of Zhou. Who dares to provoke me? You stay in the hall, or I will punish you!" Gao Xing waved his hand impatiently, With a rather displeased look on his face, he stared at Xiao San and the others and said.

Xiao San still wanted to say something, but he was happy but turned around gorgeously and strode away, leaving him with a gorgeous back.

Gao Xing walked aimlessly for a while, and suddenly missed Zhang Rong. I wonder if she is still in Chang'an, and where did Sima Fu go?Happily thinking about it, he headed towards Dasheng Casino.

Huang and gambling will always be the best in the profiteering industry, and it is almost impossible to cut off, unless one day human beings no longer have the thought of getting something for nothing, no self-motivation, or all human men lose their capital, then these two Things may be forbidden.

When Gao Xing came to the entrance of the Dasheng Casino, the excited screams of the gamblers hit his eardrums like dense drumbeats. Although it felt a little noisy, it seemed to have a strange power that made him The gambler factor in people becomes active.

Gao Xing was about to step into the casino, when suddenly he saw handsome young men in white clothes walking towards Dasheng Casino.

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