Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 163 Unexpectedly

The boy was thirteen or fourteen years old, handsome in appearance, with a friendly smile on the corner of his mouth, giving people a kind feeling.The young man was wearing a luxurious white voluminous Confucian shirt, which made his figure a bit thin, but his eyes were piercing, shining with wisdom, and the unique temperament on his body showed his extraordinary background.

Behind the boy were two burly men, walking steadily and powerfully, obviously they were not ordinary thugs.

Jian Xing looked at him, the boy in white smiled gently and nodded.

The corner of Gao Xing's mouth curled up, nodded with the same smile, turned around and stepped into the Dasheng Casino, but in his heart he admired: What a handsome young man, but who is here?

Gao Xing walked around Dasheng Casino with his hands behind his back. Although he didn't see Zhang Rong, he was not disappointed. After all, as a woman, Zhang Rong was not only the boss behind the scenes, but also the leader of the Moon Worship Sect. Busy, with a high status, it is impossible to stay in this big win casino all the time.

Just as Gao Xing glanced around, thinking about what he should play, a shocking cry suddenly erupted from a place not far from him.The voices of the gamblers were full of excitement and astonishment, and the shouts were loud, attracting the attention of countless gamblers.

Gao Xing smiled and walked towards the gambling table.The gaming table had long been surrounded by dozens of gamblers of various colors, and it took some effort for Xing Xing to reach the forefront.The gambler who originally wanted to get angry because of Gao Xing's rudeness, but when he met Gao Xing's indifferent and deep eyes, he obediently closed his mouth and got out of the way.

This is a game of dice. There are six people sitting around the gaming table. The dealer is a fat man with a big belly. bright.At this time, his breathing was a little disordered and heavy, and he looked anxious.

The gaming table is rectangular, and there are two people sitting on each side. They are different in height, fat, and thin, but they all have two things in common, that is, they are gorgeously dressed, and they are rich men with a lot of money. Moreover, the four of them also have the expressions of dealers. Ugly, with a faint red light in his anxious eyes.

Sitting opposite the banker was the young man that Xing Xing had met before Gao Xing entered the door. Compared to the others, he was smiling, very calm and calm.In front of him, various copper coins and gold cakes had piled up like a hill.

According to the expressions of everyone and the comparison of wealth on the table, it is obvious that the boy in white is the biggest winner.

The dealer took a deep breath, held the dice cup in front of him solemnly with both hands, and then began to shake it, the speed was slow and fast, and the movement seemed very stiff. Obviously, he was extremely nervous at this time.


Finally, the dealer shook the dice cup for half a cup of tea, and finally landed on the table amidst the dissatisfied complaints from the surrounding gamblers.

The fat man wiped the bead of sweat on his forehead with his sleeve, and then said: "Everyone, hurry up and place your bets, buy and leave, buy and leave! Damn it, I don't believe you can still guess right this time!" Fat Zhuang Zhuang said, looking at the boy in white unconvinced, his eyes were round and fixed.

However, after a few breaths, the gamblers around were very strange, no one placed a bet, and everyone turned their attention to the boy in white.The other four people sitting at the gaming table also looked at each other in blank dismay, hesitating for a moment.

"Damn it, are you going to place a bet or not? Let's see what other people do? If you don't want to place a bet, leave me alone. If you grandsons want to follow others to win money again, I won't admit it!" Seeing the gamblers around, the banker Immediately, anger welled up, and he roared cursingly.

In fact, this is really not his fault. Although he has a lot of food left in his family, he has lost five games in a row, and the loss of ten thousand copper coins still makes him heartbroken.What's even more hateful is that the boys around here saw that the white-clothed boy didn't have a sure hit and bet with him, which made him very annoyed.

The young man in white chuckled, without being angry, he gently picked up three gold cakes, and in the astonished and envious eyes of everyone, he casually threw them on the table with the word "small".

Looking at the golden cake, the dealer was startled and sweated profusely, his mouth heaved violently, swallowing and spitting with difficulty.

Seeing this, the surrounding gamblers placed bets one after another, and many of them almost took out more than half of their money.In a blink of an eye, the word "small" was piled up with coins, like a hill.But the side with the word "big" didn't have much chatter, and looked very bleak.

The dealer cursed bitterly, gritted his teeth and opened the dice cup.


"How can it be big?"

"Fuck, my money, my money!"

Unbelievable shouts sounded one after another, and everyone looked at the three quiet dice in the dice cup in astonishment: three, four, five, twelve o'clock, big.

"Hahaha, I won, hahaha!" The banker was taken aback for a moment, then ecstasy appeared on his face, his eyes were shining brightly at the coins on the table, he laughed triumphantly and arrogantly, the expression on his face The fat meat also trembled.

Facing the angry, reproachful, heartbroken eyes and insulting words of the gamblers around, the white-clothed boy was calm and unaware, watching the fat dealer excitedly pulling the money and silver on the table in front of him. .

"Again, now that I'm lucky, I'm going to show you my gambling king skills!" The fat dealer rolled up his sleeves, stood up, held the dice cup in his hands and shook violently, his whole body trembling with fat. Barely regarded as hip waves.

"Bang!" The dice cup landed on the table, and amidst the fat man's shouts of "bet, bet, buy and leave", the gamblers finally chose to believe in themselves and no longer follow the boy in white.The boy in white smiled playfully. He was the last one to bet. To everyone's shock, he bet all the coins in front of him at once.

The sweat that had just dried up on the face of the fat Zhuang Zhuang fell again, his hands trembled uncontrollably, and he looked at the young man in white with searching eyes.

"Please open the cup!" The young man in white waved his hand lightly as a gesture of invitation, and at the same time smiled gently, like a flower blooming in spring.


A shocking cry pierced through the roof of Dasheng Casino and went straight up to nine days.The scream came from the fat dealer. He looked at the dice in the dice cup with a pale face, his eyes were dull and lifeless, his body swayed, and finally collapsed on the ground. It rolled under the table.

The boy in white once again won a complete victory without leaving a penny to the dealer.The gamblers around the winners laugh and laugh, while the losers cry and lament endlessly.

"There is something at home, let's fight tomorrow!" One of the four people sitting at the table stood up and said, he pushed out of the crowd and left in a hurry.

As soon as this person left, the other three also stood up one after another, found an excuse to leave, and the gamblers around who lost money also left one after another.In a blink of an eye, the gambling game that had been watched by at least 40 to [-] people was gone, and there were only two or three kittens left, which was very deserted.

"Brother, how many rounds are you coming to?" The white-clothed boy stood up with a smile on his face, couldn't help but stood up and cupped his fists to invite, with a kind face, not at all proud of winning.

"Okay!" Smiling happily, sitting opposite the young man in white, he took out two gold cakes from his arms and put them on the table, and continued: "Big gambling hurts the body, but small gambling makes you happy. Do you think so?"

"Yes!" The boy in white replied with a smile.

"I have a proposal..." Gao Xing smiled and looked at the boy in white.

"Brother, please speak!"

"I see that Xiongtai is not a gambler. This Dasheng casino is dirty and noisy. Why don't you, Xiongtai, decide whether to win or lose in the next game, and then use the winnings to find a good restaurant for a few drinks Shuijiu, do you think it’s okay?” asked happily with a smile.

"Oh? Good suggestion!" The white-clothed boy clapped his hands in praise, his face full of interest.

Xing Xing smiled and said: "Brother, please!" As he said, Xing Xing handed the dice cup to the boy in white.

The boy in white didn't refuse, picked up the dice cup and shook it casually, and just a few casually buckled the dice cup on the table.

"Three sixes, eighteen o'clock!" The boy in white said happily, with a confident face, before his palm left the dice cup.

A flash of surprise flashed in the eyes of the boy in white, and then he lifted the dice cup, and sure enough, all three dice were pointing up to six.

"Brother Tai is really good at it!" The boy in white said in admiration, and pushed the dice cup in front of Gao Xing.

Smiling happily and humbly, holding the dice cup with one hand, shaking it a few times before seeing it buckle on the table.

"Three sixes, eighteen o'clock!" The boy in white frowned and said after thinking for a while.

"Ah!" The boy in white let out a low cry, looking at the dice in front of Gao Xing with a shocked face.The three dice are all six points, but they are stacked to form a vertical line.

Gao Xing put the dice cup aside, looked at the boy in white with a smile on his face and said nothing.

"Brother won, really good skill!" The boy in white praised, and at the same time took out two gold cakes and threw them to Gao Xing.Apart from admiration in his happy eyes, there was also deep curiosity.

"Then I will be responsible for the food and drink money!" Jinbing stood up happily and said with a smile.

"Let brother spend money!" The boy in white was not depressed, stood up with a smile, and let his subordinates clean up the money on the table, while he squeezed through the crowd and walked out with joy.

Gao Xing and the young man in white said a few words of modesty, and they went to a restaurant near the Dasheng Casino together, and asked for a good seat by the window, and after ordering the waiter to serve the food, the two of them sat down one after the other after being courteous.

"My lord, Xiao Yu, is from Jiangling. Dare I ask your brother's name?" The boy in white clasped his hands and asked.

"Brother Xiao is polite, I am happy, people from Yecheng." Happy to return the gift.

"Could it be that Brother Gao is the son of the famous Lanling King Gao Changgong? Seeing him now, Brother Gao has extraordinary bearing. It really is a tiger father without dogs!" Xiao Yu looked happy with surprise on his face. The five hundred cavalry of Lanling King broke through the Zhou army. The prestige of the [-] army has already spread.

"Brother Xiao has won the award. He is happy and mediocre. He has accomplished nothing so far. He has tarnished my father's wisdom for nothing. I am ashamed, ashamed!" He waved his hand with a happy smile, and said very humbly: "Brother Xiao, you are magnificent and expensive. It's so angry that it's really a dragon and a phoenix among people!"

"Brother Gao is too modest, I'm just born better than ordinary people!" Xiao Yu said with a smile.

During the polite and modest conversation between the two, the food and wine were presented at a price.On the land of China, wine is the best medium for men to connect with each other.During the exchange of cups and cups, the relationship between Gao Xing and Xiao Yu gradually became familiar, and the two chatted about the local customs and the beautiful scenery of mountains and rivers.

Although Xing Xing has never been to the middle reaches of the Yangtze River in this life, he has traveled almost all over the land of China in his last life. Coupled with the powerful Internet information, he also knows a lot about the customs and customs of the South.Every time Gao Xing said that the time seemed strange at this time, and it would be commonplace in later generations, Xiao Yu was amazed and admired his erudition even more.

And Gao Xing also admired Xiao Yu very much. Although this person is young, he is full of knowledge, has a certain gap in his chest, and always has some unique insights into things.During the conversation, he quoted the classics and talked eloquently, coupled with his elegant and generous temperament, he was quite a bit of a Confucianist.

When it was dark and the waiter announced that the restaurant was going to close, Gao Xing and Xiao Yucai stopped talking, Xing Xing paid for the drink, and they agreed to meet again the next day before saying goodbye to each other and leaving.

"Hey, why are there two moons? Well, it looks like I'm actually drunk, what a miracle!" Seeing the two moons in front of him for a while, then three moons, Gao Xing chuckled and muttered, walking a bit He staggered towards the Yecheng Pavilion.

In today's drink, he ate very happily, so he didn't use his skills to get rid of the alcohol.

However, the fate of Gao Xing, or the fate of the entire Central Plains, has undergone drastic changes because of Xing Xing's idea, which was beyond the expectation of everyone, including Xing Xing.

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