Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 164 The Scream That Pierced the Sky

"A pot of wine among the flowers, drinking alone without a blind date, toasting to invite the bright moon, the shadows become three people, hehehe..." Looking at the moon shadow in the sky that is sometimes bright and sometimes blurred, he chanted in a low voice, and his laughter was a little sad bitter.Under the bright moon, he stood alone, and his shadow was stretched very long.

It is true that he is the Laughing Buddha who laughs proudly at the world. Even though he is the noble Duke of Huaiyang County and governor of Yingzhou, he has tens of thousands of elite Xuyi soldiers. However, all this cannot change the fact that Gao Xing is a lonely person.

It is difficult to walk alone, and it is difficult to live alone.Life without friends to share is dull, and life without friends is equally gloomy.

In his previous life, because of his profession and the monstrous hatred in his heart, coupled with being deceived several times, Gao Xing has been playing the role of a lone ranger until his revenge, and he began to get tired of the kind of life that lives in darkness and kills endlessly. life so far.

Wang Yan can be said to be Gao Xing's first friend after time travel. Although Xing Xing's purpose was not simple when they first met, as time went by, Xing Xing had already recognized Wang Yan in his heart.However, the world is tricky, and in a blink of an eye, Wang Yan went north, happily westward, thousands of miles away, and I don't know how long it will be until we meet again.

Xiao Yu, this wise and refined young man, treats people with courtesy, and occasionally is a little cunning, which makes Gao Xing very fond of him.The unique demeanor on him attracted Gao Xing's attention, so Gao Xing took the initiative to interact with him.

The relationship between people is always very strange. Even if some people meet every day, they may still be strangers.Although it was just the first meeting some days, it was like old friends at first sight, and they were very close.Gao Xing and Xiao Yu belonged to the latter group. Although they only met for the first time, they cherished each other and soon became as close as old friends.

In the vast history, how many heroes have turned into bright stars, and even with the passage of time, their brilliance is still dazzling.

Maybe you don't know who Xiao Yu is, but you will definitely not be at a loss for the names Qin Qiong and Cheng Yaojin.These three are the 24 heroes of Li Shimin Lingyan Pavilion, Xiao Yu ranked ninth, but Qin Qiong only got the last place.

Xiao Yu is a descendant of the former Liang Dynasty, the son of Xiao Kui, the current emperor of Later Liang (it is said to be an emperor, but in fact it can only be regarded as a country within a country, without much sovereignty, almost like a prince).Xiao Yu is very talented. Historically, he was very good at managing internal affairs, and he was a persistent person who would not easily change his decisions.

Xiao Yu was born a few years earlier than in history, but he was happy about it but didn't take it seriously.Today's history has long deviated from the original track, just get used to it.

A thousand cups of wine is less than a bosom friend.I was happy for a while, and the depression for many days was swept away, so I didn't use my longevity zhenqi to relieve the hangover, so I drank until I was so happy.Although I am happy that my mind is very clear at this time, but my body is a little fluttering, and my body is swaying like a willow in the wind, walking towards the Yecheng Pavilion, but his mood is sometimes depressed and sometimes excited, which is very complicated.

"Click", suddenly, there was a soft sound behind him.Although he was happy and a little drunk, but after more than ten years of life and death, his vigilance had already become a conditioned reflex of his body.Gao Xing stopped suddenly and looked back quickly.

The bright moonlight illuminated the street finely, only a small area at the corner was very dark.A small tabby cat jumped down from the wall, and ran across the road at high speed with its tail up.Seeing Gao Xing looking at it, the cat couldn't help baring its teeth, and a bright and cold light shone in those yellow pupils.

He shook his head with a happy smile, watched the cat go away, and then walked forward again.

When the happy figure disappeared at the corner of the street, a graceful and plump figure stepped out from the shadow of the corner, but she was a woman of peerless beauty.Under the bright moonlight, her snow-greasy skin shone with a faint luster, coupled with the spring love between her brows, the holiness was full of charm, but who would it be if it wasn't the charming Zhang Rong?

"Come out!" Zhang Rong stared straight at a shadow not far away, her voice was still very pleasant even though it was a little cold.Under the moonlight, her bright pink face was covered with a layer of frost, and her sexy rosy lips were tightly pressed.

No one responded, and the street was eerily quiet.

"Shang Peng, do you need me to invite you out?" Zhang Rong raised her brows, her voice turned colder, and anyone could hear the anger in her heart.

"Papa" footsteps sounded, and a person came out of the dark place where Zhang Rong's eyes were locked.This person is about thirty years old, with an ordinary Chinese character face, a beard on his lips, a slightly dark complexion, and a Tsing Yi, everything is very ordinary.But his eyes are very sharp and energetic, showing his extraordinary.

"Master!" Shang Peng, a man in Tsing Yi, stood three meters in front of Zhang Rong and bowed to salute.

"Why are you following me?" Zhang Rong asked lightly.

"The subordinates are worried about the safety of the leader!" Shang Peng replied with his head bowed.

"Is that really the case?" Without waiting for Shang Peng to answer, Zhang Rong suddenly said in a deep voice: "Raise your head and look into my eyes!"

Shang Peng suddenly raised his head to look at Zhang Rong. When he met Zhang Rong's beautiful bright eyes full of scrutiny, a trace of obsession flashed in his eyes, and he suddenly looked away with a panic for no reason.

"How long do you want to lie to me?" Zhang Rong sternly shouted, her pink face was full of anger, and a powerful aura suddenly burst out from her body and pressed down on Shang Peng.

Caught off guard, Shang Peng felt his breathing stagnate and his chest felt tight. He couldn't help but groaned and took a step back. His face suddenly turned a little pale, especially under the moonlight.

"I don't know what the leader said?" Shang Peng circulated his true energy around his body, and finally resisted Zhang Rong's powerful aura. He tried his best to calm down his disordered breathing and flustered mood before he asked.

"Shang Peng, both martial arts and talents are the best in my worship of the moon. That's why I trust you to take care of most of Chang'an's industry. Over the years, you have done a good job. But recently Why did you start to slack off? Have you forgotten the ideals of my teaching, the teachings and blood of my ancestors?" Zhang Rong sighed, looked at Shang Peng with some disappointment and said, her tone softened a lot.

"The subordinates never dare to forget their mission for a moment!" Shang Peng said loudly, his tone was very firm.

"Then how did you get hurt, but why did you lie to me?" Zhang Rong watched Shang Peng closely, not letting go of a slight change in his expression.

Shang Peng lowered his head and did not speak.

"Shang Peng, you were hurt by Mr. Happy! Why did you follow him?" Zhang Rong took a step forward and asked coldly.

Shocked, Shang Peng suddenly raised his head and looked at Zhang Rong in amazement, shocked that Zhang Rong knew about it.

Shang Peng took a deep breath, lowered his head silently, and remained silent.

"This time I will forgive you for the time being. If you dare to attack him again and it will be bad for him, don't blame me for being ruthless!" Zhang Rong didn't continue to ask, but sternly reprimanded, the coldness on her face seemed to be able to make him feel better. The air was frozen, and the momentum of his body suddenly rose, and Shang Peng was so oppressed that he took two steps back again.

"Yes!" Luckily, Zhang Rong's aura could only be released as soon as it was released, otherwise Shang Peng's body, which was originally seriously injured by Gao Xing, would definitely be worse.He bowed his head and respectfully answered yes.

Zhang Rong glanced in the direction where Xing Xing was leaving, then snorted coldly and moved lightly with lotus steps, her graceful figure turned into a breeze, and a few flashes disappeared on the street.

"Rong'er, how could you do this? Don't you know that the elders will know the consequences of this matter?" Shang Peng looked at the direction where Zhang Rong was leaving and asked softly, his voice was full of desolation and disappointment, and there was a strong He was worried, but his eyes were full of inexplicable tenderness.

"Happy, I will never let you go and let you take away what belongs to me, never!" When Shang Peng turned his eyes towards the direction of the Yecheng Pavilion, the tenderness in his eyes quickly disappeared, leaving only the monstrous Resentment and jealousy.Shang Peng did not follow Zhang Rong's instructions and continued to run towards the Yecheng Pavilion.

"Lord Inspector, you are back!" After Xing Xing returned to the Yecheng Pavilion, Xiao San quickly stepped forward to hold him by the arm.

"Well, Xiao San, hehe, go down and rest, I don't need to serve you!" Gao Xing waved his hand, breathing heavily on alcohol.

Xiao San not only didn't feel disgusted by the pungent smell of alcohol, on the contrary he showed a joyful smile, but unfortunately he didn't see it at this time.

"Lord Inspector, please go this way!" After a lot of effort, Xiao San finally helped Xing Xing, whose body was a little weak, into the room, and gently placed him on the bed.

"Huh? Why is there a scent in the room?" Gao Xing asked a little strangely with his mouth open.There was a special fragrance coming from the nose, although it was not very strong, it smelled very good, and people couldn't help sniffing a few more times.

"Return to Mr. Inspector, the villain has lighted incense to help you dispel the smell of alcohol in the room." Xiao San poured a cup of warm tea and carefully fed it into Happy's mouth.

"Thank you, let's go back!" Gao Xing closed his eyes lightly, with a gentle smile on his face, and waved his hands weakly.

After Xiao San took off the shoes and socks for Gao Xing, he said goodbye softly, then left lightly, and closed the door for Xing Xing.

"Well, it's really hot!" Feeling the heat gradually rising from his body, Gao Xing murmured subconsciously, and began to take off his clothes subconsciously with both hands.Soon, Gao Xing was left with nothing but his close-fitting underwear.

"Hey, Rong'er, why are you here? Is this a hallucination after being drunk?" Zhang Rong's voice and smile suddenly appeared in her mind, especially her pair of soul-stirring eyes, full of youthful love, making me happy to miss , his body became hotter and hotter, and he felt parched for a while.

"Huh? Rong'er, are you really here? Hehe, I haven't seen you for a few days, how are you?" Feeling the warm touch of Zhang Rong's warm and smooth little hands touching the skin on the face, he said happily with a light smile.As he said that, Gao Xing stretched his arms to embrace him, and his hot body slipped into his embrace.

Gao Xing lowered her head slightly, and Zhang Rong's red lips fell between Gao Xing's lips, and the warm and sweet feeling was transmitted directly to her heart.

"Wow", the beauty groaned softly, and the soft and rippling voice made Gao Xing's mind resound, and the next moment, his mind was blank, only the endless tenderness and longing for Zhang Rong remained.


A sharp scream resounded through the sky, piercing the sky of Chang'an City along with the dawn, awakening the dreams of countless people.

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