Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 165 Surrender the Crown Princess

When a woman's super-high-decibel scream sounded beside her, the sleeping joy suddenly woke up.When he saw the person next to him clearly, the shock in Gao Xing's heart was so great that he was speechless and couldn't say a word for a long time. He just stared blankly at the person close at hand, his mind went blank.

Sitting happily next to her was a girl who was thirteen or fourteen years old, but she was very beautiful with bright eyes and bright teeth, a jade face and vermilion lips.Her naked upper body was completely exposed to the air, and her jet-black hair was scattered over her shoulders, which further matched the jade-like skin on her neck. The faint red marks were delicate and conspicuous. One grip, but very strong, full of youthful vitality.

The girl's face was pale, and she looked at happy with dull eyes, her face was full of unbelievable shock and confusion.


"Lord Inspector, what's wrong with you?"

The happy door was violently knocked open, and the loyal servant Xiao San rushed in from outside, but his words of concern were faster than his actions.

"Ah, get out, get out!" The girl woke up first, pulled up the quilt to cover her naked body, and screamed in panic.

Xiao San suddenly stopped in his tracks, looked at the clothes scattered on the floor and the screaming girl with shock, his eyes widened, his mouth opened wide and he couldn't speak.

"Xiao San, go out and close the door!" Gao Xing had already woken up at this time, he looked at Xiao San and shouted in a deep voice.

"What happened?" Before the joyful voice fell, a majestic voice came from outside the door, and then a general in armor appeared at the door, followed by dozens of soldiers holding sharp weapons, The whole body is chilled.

"Damn it!" Gao Xing cursed in a low voice, and the next moment his body was floating in the air and fell to the ground, passing by like a gust of wind, leaving only a phantom for everyone.When everything disappeared, Gao Xing was fully dressed and appeared in front of Xiao San, looking at him with a gloomy expression.

Before Xiao San could react, he was so happy that he made a bold move. With just a light flick, Xiao San flew out like a piece of rag.Happy to look at Xiao San without even looking at him, he quickly ran out of the house and closed the door at the same time. With a "bang", Xiao San's body fell to the corner of the wall and lost his life, and the door of the room happened to be locked at the same time, separating the messy room from the outside world.

"Master Gao, what's the matter?" The general was about to enter the happy room, but suddenly felt a gust of wind blowing towards his face, he took a step back alertly, and at the same time pulled out the belt around his waist with a "clang". Jian, but the next moment he found that Xing Xing suddenly appeared in front of him, and he couldn't help asking in surprise and concern.

A trace of fright flashed across Gao Xing's face, and then a trace of embarrassment appeared, and he said in a low voice: "General Lao Lu is worried, Gao Xing just woke up from a nightmare, so I cried out in surprise and disturbed you all, I am really sorry!"

"Mr. Gao, are you alright? I seem to have heard the woman's cry just now!" The general put the sword in its sheath, looked at Xing Xing with concern and confusion and said.

Gao Xing shook his head and said with a smile: "Thank you, General Lu, for your concern. Because I was too scared, my voice was a bit shrill like a female voice, which made the General laugh!" Gao Xing said, wiping his forehead with his sleeve.

Under the morning light, the fine beads of sweat on Gao Xing's forehead were very bright and clear. General Lu nodded and said, "Mr. Gao, it's good that you have nothing to do. If you have time, you can go to Fuying Temple to worship the Bodhisattva. The Buddhist temple can be peaceful and peaceful. Wash away the filth and bad luck on your body!"

"Thank you, General, for reminding me!" Gao Xing clasped his fists and saluted very politely.

The general surnamed Lu nodded back and said: "Since this is the case, I will take my leave. If Mr. Gao has something to do, you can report it to me!"

"Definitely, definitely!" Gao Xing said with a smile on his face.

I don't know why, General Lu always felt that something was wrong, but seeing that Gao Xing was fine, he didn't want to get to the bottom of it. He just glanced suspiciously at the closed door, waved his hand and led his soldiers away quickly.

After the general surnamed Lu left, Gao Xing breathed a sigh of relief.He quickly flashed into the house, locked the door before turning around.

The girl hugged the quilt tightly, huddled in a corner of the bed, bit her lips lightly, tears from the corners of her eyes trickled down, and fell on the quilt like broken beads.Her face became paler, her eyes were full of heartbreaking grief and disappointment, and more of them were fear, worry and anger.The appearance is very sad and mournful, which makes people feel sad and pity.

"Yang, Ms. Yang, you, why are you here?" Gao Xing felt a little dry, and his voice was hoarse and jerky.

"Don't you know? Why did you do this? Why, why——huh..." The girl's emotions became agitated in an instant, and she roared crazily, and then he couldn't help but burst into pain.Her voice was extremely hoarse, and her tone was full of endless sadness and disappointment, as well as the strong resentment.

Gao Xing was startled, and rushed forward to cover the girl's mouth with her hand to prevent her voice from alarming others again.The girl struggled violently, but she was just a thin woman. Even though she was emotionally excited and explosive, she couldn't resist the huge force of joy. In the end, she could only give up struggling and sobbed loudly.

Because of the struggle, the girl's jade-like body was exposed again, and she was happy to see it, but there was no desire in her heart, only irritability and heartache.He happily gritted his teeth, and gently covered the girl's naked body with the quilt again, then he let go of the girl's right hand, and gently held the girl's shoulders with both hands, looking at her sincerely, with a face on his face Full of guilt, with a bitter smile on the corner of his mouth: "Miss Yang, please calm down first!"

"How can I be calm, how can I be calm? Shameless!" the girl cried through gnashing her teeth. After speaking, she suddenly raised her hand and slammed it on the happy face.


The happy head turned to one side, five red marks appeared on the white face, and a bright bloodshot overflowed from the corner of the mouth.

Gao Xing gently licked the blood at the corner of his mouth, looked at the girl sincerely and said, "Miss Yang, I'm sorry, please believe that this is a conspiracy, a conspiracy against me!"

The burning pain on his face and the salty taste in his mouth were far inferior to the overwhelming anger and helplessness, as well as deep fear and worry in his heart.

Ever since Xing Xing practiced "The Secret of Longevity", the emotion of fear has been far away from him. Even in the face of thousands of troops and hail of bullets, Xing Xing has never been afraid, but at this moment, Xing Xing feels endless fear.This emotion has been entrenched in his heart since he was happy to see the girl's appearance clearly, making him break out in cold sweat.

Before the girl answered, the sound of messy footsteps suddenly came from a distance, and occasionally there was the crisp sound of armor and weapons colliding.Gao Xing's heart moved, he stood up suddenly and listened carefully, the sound of "boom boom boom" was endless.

Gao Xing's face suddenly changed drastically, and his brows were tightly frowned. He knew very well that the sound of "boom boom boom boom" was the sound of the bowstring gradually tightening. Such a dense sound meant that the house was full of archers.

"Master Happy, Your Highness the Crown Prince invites you to go to the East Palace!" Outside the house, the general surnamed Lu went and returned, calling loudly.

"Understood, come here, General Lu!" Gao Xing replied loudly.

"Miss Yang, I'm afraid I'm doomed to be happy today!" Happy sighed bitterly.

"Take me away, or kill me!" The girl wiped away the tears from her face, her eyes were as cold as ice.She quickly got out from under the quilt, completely exposing her exquisite body to the air, and on her pink and snowy thighs, there was still a faint trace of blood that had dried up.

I couldn't help but be stunned, "Why?"

The girl moved her steps, but Xiumei frowned, grunted, and staggered.Seeing that she was about to fall to the ground, Gao Xing quickly embraced her in his arms, and whispered with concern: "Be careful!"

"Help me put on my clothes!" The girl glared happily, the tearing pain in her lower body made her beautiful brows tremble uncontrollably.

Although Gao Xing was puzzled, she also knew that time was running out, so she quickly picked up the clothes on the ground and helped the girl put them on.The touch of the skin made the girl shy for a while, and her face became less pale and more flushed.

"Master Gao, are you ready?" General Lu couldn't help urging him after a while, but he didn't seem happy for a while.

"Yang Lihua, stay behind me and don't move. Even if I die today, I won't hurt you in any way, because you are already my happy woman!" Gao Xing took the girl to the door and stood three meters away, letting the girl stand Behind him, although the tone was flat, but extremely firm, showing infinite domineering.

The girl was shocked, a look of light flashed in her cold eyes, she pursed her lips and said nothing.

Gao Xing took a deep breath, the muscles all over his body tensed up instantly, and the Longevity Qi in his body surged rapidly.

"General Lu," Gao Xing walked out of the room, the smile on his face suddenly froze, and he looked at the army with swords and guns in front of him in surprise, "What are you doing?"

"Xiao Xing, tell me, where did you hide Her Royal Highness the Crown Princess?" General Lu pulled out the sword from his waist and pointed at Xing Xing, staring at Xing Xing with murderous intent and asked.

"What is the meaning of General Lu's words? Gao Xing doesn't know. Is there any misunderstanding!" Gao Xing asked in surprise, frowning.

"Bah, you shameless villain, it was in vain that I, Da Zhou, paid you so much respect, and even married Princess Anping to you, but you are so despicable that you kidnapped Her Highness the Crown Princess! Hurry up and hand over the Crown Princess, And then just grab it!" General Lu's eyes were tearing apart, and his body was filled with murderous aura.

"General Lu, you misunderstood!" Gao Xing tried his best to explain, but General Lu impatiently waved his hand and shouted: "Come on, please take down the thief for me!"

"Yes!" General Lu's soldiers shouted, holding their sharp knives, and rushed towards Xing Xing fiercely.Xing Xing took a rough look, and there were about 30 soldiers who rushed forward, and the weapons in their hands exuded a cold light under the sunlight.

"Who dares to take me!" Gao Xing no longer concealed himself, and roared to the sky, a powerful aura emanated from Gao Xing, gradually rising and strengthening.The happy eyes became cold and deep, without a trace of confusion and gentleness, and there was a sympathetic smile on the corner of his mouth, which looked so evil.

"Happy thief, take your life!" General Lu was terrified, he obviously felt that Gao Xing's slightly thin body suddenly became stronger, just like Yuan stopped Yue Zhi.He swung the sharp sword in his hand suddenly, and rushed towards Gao Xing like a tiger descending a mountain.

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