Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 166 The Crazy One Knife

Facing Zhou Jun who was rushing up like a wolf like a tiger, he was happy and unafraid. On the contrary, he felt the blood in his body start to boil, and the unparalleled power brought by the circulation of Changsheng Zhenqi was constantly stirring in his limbs and bones.The momentum on Gao Xing's body continued to rise, and the thick, substantial murderous aura spread around his body, causing the soldiers of the Northern Zhou Dynasty who were charging forward to stagnate involuntarily, and their movements appeared stagnant.

"Kill!" At this moment, the aura of joy climbed to the climax, he suddenly roared, and his body shot out, carrying an unparalleled evil spirit and rushing towards the soldiers of the Northern Zhou Dynasty.




Before everyone could react, a soldier of the Northern Zhou Dynasty was happily punched on the jaw in a face-to-face meeting.Accompanied by a crisp bone cracking sound, the figure of this soldier flew into the air like a cannonball, and smashed into the Zhou army's camp guarded several meters away.In the air, the blood sprayed from his mouth shone magnificently, complementing his painful screams.

"Bang bang bang!" The sounds of fist and fist clashes sounded one after another, accompanied by the wailing and falling figures of Zhou soldiers' soldiers.

The joy of rushing into Zhou's army is like a downhill tiger rushing into a flock of sheep. It is majestic and majestic, and there is no general under it.His figure hardly stops at all. To outsiders, it is just a white shadow flickering constantly, but around this white shadow, there are always bewitching and bright red flowers floating out.

When Xing Xing's figure stopped, none of the first batch of soldiers who rushed towards him was standing, and they fell to the ground one by one in disarray.Those who were unlucky died without a sound, while those who were lucky had broken bones and wailed endlessly.The splashed blood stained the ground red, and it was shocking under the sunlight. The scene was extremely miserable.

General Lu stared blankly at the subordinates lying at his feet, his spine felt chills.A total of 25 soldiers were defeated by Xing Xing in less than three breaths, like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves, but they didn't even touch Xing Xing's clothes.

Looking at the joy standing three meters away, dressed in white clothes Shengxue, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and those cold and heartless eyes, General Lu's heart was not only terrified, but more shocking.Who would have thought that the young man who looked delicate, handsome, and unrestrained and unrestrained, would possess such terrifying skills, and what was even more frightening was his ruthless and decisive attacks, and his disregard for life.

"Xiao Xing, do you still want to fight stubbornly? Do you know that your actions will provoke a war between the two countries?" General Lu swallowed his saliva, mustered up the courage to look directly at Xing Xing and scolded.

"Hmph, it's Zhou Guo who is aggressive. If you want to trouble Gao, just let him come over. Why make so many excuses?" Gao Xing looked at General Lu coldly, with disdain on his face.

"Since that's the case, let's see the real chapter under our hands!" General Lu stared happily, and swung his sword forward suddenly.

"I want to try your strength!" Gao Xingmi said, squinting at General Lu.

"Hey, Zhu Zi is arrogant!" General Lu jumped into a rage, roaring and waving the sharp sword in his hand, rushing towards Gao Xing.

"Block the car with the mantis arm!" Gao Xing shouted, and moved his foot lightly. The next moment, he suddenly appeared in front of General Lu, and his left hand casually held General Lu's sword-holding right hand.

"Hey!" General Lu mustered all the strength in his body, his face was flushed with suffocation, but Xing Xing's left hand was like an iron tongs, which made him unable to break free, and the shining sword could only hang a foot above Xing Xing's shoulder. Not moving at all.

"Go!" Gao Xing said lightly, and his right palm seemed to be slowly but surely sticking to General Lu's left chest.After a muffled sound, General Lu's body was thrown into the air like a kite with a broken string.

"Pfft!" General Lu fell at the feet of the soldiers, and suddenly sprayed out blood mist, staining the battle armor on his chest red.


Under the panic of all the soldiers, General Lu finally stood up holding his chest, but at this moment he was very embarrassed, his beard and hair were disheveled, and his face was like gold paper.The blood from the quarrel was like Xiao Yu's, continuously dripping onto the ground.

"Ahem, crossbowman, kill without mercy!" General Lu leaned softly in the arms of the soldiers behind him, looked at the joy with hatred, and shouted in a hoarse voice.

"Bang!" When the word "bow" came out of General Lu's mouth, Gao Xing understood his intention.Happy without any hesitation, his body moved suddenly, rushing into the house like an arrow from Li Xuan.His body was still in the air, and with a slight movement of his happy feet, the door was closed. He threw Yang Lihua to the ground, and quickly rolled forward while holding her in the latter's exclamation.

"Papa...", just as the happy body left, arrows as dense as locusts fell overwhelmingly, completely submerging a large area at the door.Some powerful arrows pierced through the door and nailed hard to the place where Yang Lihua was standing before.

"Hugh is going to leave, be happy, kill!" Seeing that he was about to run away, General Lu was shocked, suppressing the boredom in his chest, and roared angrily.

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh", the howling sound from the arrow piercing through the air made Yang Lihua's scalp tingle, but when she looked carefully, she couldn't find any trace of fear or worry on her happy face.

His happy eyes were calm, and there was a faint smile at the corner of his mouth.With one arm around Yang Lihua's neck and the other around her waist, he tightly protected her and quickly rolled towards the wall facing the door, leaving behind all the fierce arrows.

"Bang!" Yang Lihua's body trembled instinctively, the rolling figure froze, and then rolled forward at a faster speed.Through Gao Xing's shoulders, Yang Lihua clearly saw that when Xing Xing was three feet away from the wall, he suddenly let go of his right hand around her waist, like a giant hammer, and smashed it behind her with great force. on the wall.

"Bang, click!"

Amidst the dust, Yang Lihua saw that Gao Xing had a big hole in the hardwood wall, and the next moment, the two of them smashed through the wall and rolled to the back of the house.Gao Xing hugged Yang Lihua and suddenly jumped up from the ground, and ran forward quickly.

"Stop the thief, kill him!"

There were nearly [-] soldiers who followed General Lu to arrest Gao Xing, and while Xing Xing was talking to General Lu, the entire Yecheng Pavilion had already been surrounded.Among them were more than [-] crossbowmen, who seized the commanding heights, drew their bows and set their arrows, and were always on guard against being happy to escape.Seeing Xing Xing break through the wall at this time, all the Northern Zhou soldiers couldn't help shouting loudly.

Accompanied by the trembling sound of the bowstring of "Boom Boom Boom", arrows like locusts shot towards Gao Xing's head and face like rain.

"Hey!" Gao Xing yelled softly, leaping forward like a wild horse that had run wild, causing all the arrows to "swish" and fly over the top of the head, and "puff puff" to plunge into the soil behind him. Among them, his afterimage was frantically torn apart.

Gao Xing poured his whole body's true energy into his feet, and his whole body was erratic like a wisp of blue smoke. Every time it flickered, his body would jump seven or eight meters away.

After the crossbowman fired a volley, Gao Xing had already arrived in front of the pawns who were in charge of rounding up. The crossbowman on the wall was afraid of hurting the friendly troops, so they completely lost their effect when they threw rats.

"Xing Xing, let's go, kill!" The movement in the backyard has already alarmed General Lu, dragging his seriously injured body, waving his sword, and leading more than a thousand soldiers to rush towards Xing Xing like a tide.

There was an attack in front and pursuers behind, but he was happy but not afraid, looked down at Yang Lihua in his arms and said, "Close your eyes!"

"Roar——" Gao Xing raised his head to the sky and yelled loudly, his voice was like a bronze bell, shaking the sky and the earth, shaking the tiles on the surrounding roofs trembling slightly, and the soldiers of the Zhou army, who were the first to bear the brunt, were a little dizzy and couldn't hold back his tough as hell. With Si's momentum, he involuntarily stepped back a few steps.Some timid people even slumped on the ground and passed out.

Taking advantage of Zhou Jun's scattered formation, Gao Xing suddenly rushed into Zhou Jun's camp, holding Yang Lihua tightly with his left hand, and snatching a steel knife with his right hand with lightning speed. The soldier fell limply to the ground, warm blood gushed out and sprayed on Yang Lihua's face.

Yang Lihua's eyes froze suddenly, and there was a flash of fear in her eyes, but she didn't scream because of it. Instead, she wrapped her hands tightly around Gao Xing's waist, widened her eyes, and watched Xing Xing's movements without blinking.

The speed of joy was too fast, and the bright sword shadows were connected all over the body, and the water couldn't get in.These ordinary soldiers couldn't grasp the direction of the steel knife in his hand at all, and they could only stare helplessly and fell down limply.For a while, he was as happy as entering the land of no one, killing Zhou Jun soldiers crying for their fathers and mothers, terrified.As the saying goes, cries and shouts fly together, and the shadow of the sword is the same as the shadow of the foot.After consecutive defeats, Zhou Jun's formation was already in disarray, and Gao Xing led Yang Lihua quickly approaching the wall.

"Stop him!" General Lu saw it clearly, and couldn't help being furious. He spat out a mouthful of blood again, and his expression became more and more wilted.

"Kill!" Gao Xing yelled, and suddenly slashed Zhou Jun's forehead with a knife.

"Puchi!" The steel knife made a muffled sound as if it had been cut into tofu, and the soldier's body was split in half by Gao Xing's knife from the middle, and the blood on his chest was sprayed everywhere, and the internal organs and sundries in his abdomen were even worse. Chipping all over the place.The scene was extremely miserable and cruel, Yang Lihua's stomach twitched and she retched uncontrollably.

"Who dares to come to me?" Gao Xing waved the blade of the blade, shaking off the blood stains on it, and glanced at the Zhou soldiers beside him with disdainful eyes.

After this crazy killing, the white clothes on Gao Xing's body were already covered with blood, like a blood man.At this time, he exudes a strong murderous aura, as if he came from the Nine Nether Hells, especially in the end, which makes people terrified.

Zhou Jun's soldiers couldn't stop trembling when they met Shang Gaogao's indifferent and stern eyes, and retreated involuntarily, their eyes full of fear.Especially the madness of that knife made the fear in the hearts of Zhou Jun's soldiers even more extreme.

"Haha..." Gao Xing looked up to the sky and burst out laughing, before the laughter fell, his figure moved again, the speed was still fast, and the methods were still vicious.The soldiers standing in front of him were like paper, they were easily torn to pieces by him, and countless blood flowers bloomed in the air, strange and beautiful.

"Stop him, stop him!" General Lu's eyes were about to burst, he spat out another mouthful of blood, staggered, his running body suddenly fell to the ground, and he passed out.

"The lord is dead, don't retreat yet!" Gao Xing shouted with glaring eyes, majestic, and the Zhou army, who had been shrinking because of fear, was even more unbearable. They lost their last trace of fighting spirit.Gao Xing took the opportunity to muster all the strength in his body, tore up the last encirclement, and rushed to the corner of the wall in a few steps.

Before the crossbowman had time to let go of the bowstring, Gao Xing stomped his feet on the ground suddenly, rose into the air, and jumped straight up the nearly three-meter-high wall with Yang Lihua in his arms.

"Is this still a human?" All the Zhou soldiers were dumbfounded, with such thoughts in their hearts.

"Bang bang bang!" Gao Xing kicked the three crossbowmen off the wall, but he didn't stop at all. As soon as his feet landed on the top of the wall, he suddenly used his strength to rush forward.

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