Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 167 Attack the whole city

Gao Xing and Yang Lihua shot towards the distance like shells fired from their chambers. The strong wind brought by their rapid movement made their clothes rattle, and Yang Lihua could hardly open his eyes with the strong wind blowing on his face.

"Bang!" Gao Xing landed on both feet, already 20 meters away.His figure was only slightly stagnant, and then he rushed forward like a gust of wind.

"Let the arrows, let the arrows go!" Qiang Shang woke up in a daze, and a leader immediately roared angrily.

"Swish, swish," arrows shot towards Gao Xing again.

Gao Xing chuckled, and his body that was moving straight ahead suddenly slid out sideways, passing most of the arrows, while the sporadic arrows that were shot at him fell to the ground one after another under the slap of the steel knife in his hand.

Although the joyful cruelty and ruthlessness made the soldiers of Zhou fear, but the repeated failure of the crossbowmen also made them feel aggrieved.At this time, the joy was completely exposed in front of the archers, and the anger and passion in their hearts were suddenly ignited, and each of them was as excited as if they had been injected with chicken blood, and they kept drawing their bows and releasing arrows.The dense rain of arrows was like locusts crossing the border, accompanied by the shrill scream of "swish swish" that trembled in the air, making one's scalp tingle.

Happiness is fast and slow, left and right, making it impossible for people to capture his real running track.He can always avoid most of the arrows with a strange direction of travel, and even the arrows that come close to him occasionally are swept aside by him, leaving behind a "cracking" sound like rain hitting plantains.

"Throw it at will!" Seeing Gao Xing's figure erratic, moving freely in the arrow rain, and about to run out of the range of the bow and arrow, the previous little boss suddenly came to his senses.

I was happy to hear it from afar, but I couldn't help feeling bitter in my heart.

The reason why he was able to easily walk through the rain of arrows without being injured was because the crossbowmen aimed first and then shot, so they were happy to be able to easily judge and even control the direction of the arrows.Therefore, Gao Xing can use methods such as superhuman speed and abrupt disguise to make effective dodge.

But at this time, the crossbowman formed a covering, throwing without a clear direction, which undoubtedly crippled most of Gao Xing's dodging methods. The pressure in his heart suddenly increased, and the steel knife in his right hand swung more and more quickly.

"Ding Ding Dang Dang", the crisp sound of metal and iron clashing together, the speed of happy running inevitably slowed down.

"Puff" two muffled sounds, followed by a muffled snort of joy. In order to protect Yang Lihua in his arms, his left shoulder was already hit, and two sharp feathered arrows pierced fiercely into the muscles of his shoulder blade.

Gao Xing frowned, shouted suddenly, increased his speed sharply, and finally rushed out of the range of the bow and arrow. The feathered arrow behind him fell to the ground feebly, covering the relatively wide alley.

Gao Xing ignored the pain from his shoulders, gritted his teeth, and ran out of the alley like a gust of wind, holding Yang Lihua in his arms, before the people on the street noticed it.

"Arrogance, extreme arrogance!" In the main hall of Chang'an East Palace, Yu Wenyun paced back and forth with his hands behind his back.His handsome face was as deep as iron, distorted and deformed, his eyes were blood red, and the angry flames in his pupils were burning fiercely, making him look extremely terrifying.Yu Wenyun's chest rose and fell violently, and the sound of his heavy breathing was dull and loud like a bellows.

"It's a shame and a shame, it's too deceitful!" The anger in Yu Wenyun's chest could no longer be restrained, he flew up and put his foot on the incense burner in the hall.


"Clang!", the bronze incense burner that weighed more than a hundred catties fell down in response, the loud sound made the maids and eunuchs serving in the hall tremble, their heads were lowered and they did not dare to move, they were as silent as cicadas.

Yu Wenyun's smashing was out of control. As long as he smashed everything in the hall, he "Ding Ling Bang Bang" smashed it into a mess. Fang Yuwenyun's anger burned on himself.

Outside the main hall, the Golden Melon Warrior in charge of guarding stood up straight, looking straight ahead with a calm face, but turned a deaf ear to the movement in the main hall.

From birth to now, Yu Wenyun has never felt angry and ashamed like today.

Winter morning is really an excellent time to sleep in. Yu Wenyun was lying in the arms of the maid and fell asleep smelling the tangy milk fragrance, but Yu Wenxian, Duke of Qi, came to visit suddenly.Yu Wenyun felt impatient for a while, and wanted Yu Wenxian to wait outside the palace, but the two news brought by Yu Wenxian made him unable to sleep anymore, so he ran straight from the bed, put on his clothes hastily, and came to the palace. hall.

Yang Lihua, Yu Wenyun's unmarried concubine, was actually overthrown by a lowly kid.But that kid was so slippery, and now he even ran away without a trace with the princess.

Yu Wenyun was shocked at first, then angry, and the unparalleled shame hit his heart, making him want to tear everything in this hall to pieces, destroying the world.

Yang Lihua is just a noble and beautiful woman, and she doesn't have much affection for Yu Wenyun. With his status and status, as long as he asks for such a woman, he can have as many as he wants.But he, Yu Wenyun, is the crown prince. He is the future king of a country in the Northern Zhou Dynasty. He was actually put on a super green hat. How could he endure such a shame and humiliation.

Yu Wenyun was particularly angry at Lu Sande, who was in charge of the security of the Yecheng Pavilion. After Lu Sande knew that the crown princess had been robbed and raped by Gao Xing, his first thought was not to report himself, but to make meritorious deeds, and to arrest Gao Xing without authorization. With Yang Lihua running away.

"Idiot, idiot!" The anger in Yu Wenyun's chest not only did not ease in the slightest, but intensified, and his blood-red eyes, like a wounded beast, began to sweep fiercely at the palace guard standing beside him.

"Damn it, you all should die!" Yu Wenyun rushed to the nearest eunuch.

"Your Highness, spare your life, Your Highness, spare your life." The little eunuch fell to his knees with a plop, begging Yu Wenyun with a plop, his whole body trembling.

"Forgive me? Damn it, damn it! Bang!" Yu Wenyun looked down at the little eunuch, his eyes full of madness, he kicked the little eunuch to the ground, and then pounced on him like a hungry wolf, Scratching claws and biting teeth, punching and kicking.

The little eunuch wailed miserably but didn't dare to resist. Accompanied by the muffled sound of "puff puff", the little eunuch kept begging: "Your Highness, please forgive me, Your Highness... please forgive me..."

When the little eunuch couldn't make any more pleading sounds, Yu Wenyun finally stopped his movements. At this time, the little eunuch's body was already covered in blood and flesh, with a lot of air and less air, obviously dead.

"Yu Wenxian, block all the gates of Chang'an, mobilize [-] forbidden troops, and search every corner of Chang'an City carefully for me, even if I dig three feet, I must find the whereabouts of the happy dog ​​thief for me. In addition, order the generals of the Zhu Kingdoms to gather troops and horses, and be ready to attack at all times!" Yu Wenxian shouted sharply while looking at Yu Wenxian with red eyes.

"Yes!" Yu Wenxian answered with a bowed head and left. Although he didn't approve of Yu Wenyun's reckless actions, he also knew that Yu Wenyun, who was full of anger and madness, was beyond anyone's control. blocked.

After Yu Wenyun left the East Palace, he began to mobilize the imperial guards. While posting public notices, the whole city searched happily.At the same time, Yu Wenxian also sent his confidants to report the changes in Chang'an City to Yu Wenyong, asking him to make a decision, and only he can prevent the crazy Yu Wenyun from making wrong decisions.As soon as Yu Wenxian received the news, he had already blocked the city gate of Chang'an. He believed that he could not escape even if he had wings.

"Have you heard that the Crown Princess disappeared last night!"

"It's not just missing, the princess was raped by the envoy of Qi!"

"These are Qi people who would do such shameless deeds. They deliberately humiliated my Great Zhou Kingdom like this. It is really unbearable!"

"Thousands of Qi people are really shameless!"

"Damn it, the Holy Majesty, let's send troops, rush into Yecheng, and wash away the shame for His Highness the Crown Prince!"

"Kill all the men in the Qi Kingdom, take all their women away, and see how rampant he is!"

"Kill, kill, kill!"


The incident of Crown Princess Yang Lihua being raped by Gao Xing quickly spread in the city of Chang'an. One stone caused a thousand waves, and the people in Chang'an went crazy. He rushed to the military camp in the city, intending to join the army to attack Qi.

Running all the way from Yecheng Pavilion, Gao Xing took Yang Lihua for half a quarter of an hour to climb over the wall and enter Fuying Temple, avoiding all the monks on the road, and finally found a very secluded pavilion.When the door was closed, Gao Xing couldn't hold it any longer, and fell to the ground with a "plop". Yang Lihua was pressed under her body, frowned in pain, and let out a soft cry.

"You, are you okay?" Gao Xing looked at Yang Lihua with gentle eyes, and asked with concern in a hoarse voice.At the same time, Gao Xing propped up his body vigorously, but a sharp pain came from his left shoulder, making him weak all over and unable to use any strength.

His brows were trembling with joy, his handsome fair face was already a little pale, his lips were chapped, without the slightest trace of blood, and there were even bean-sized beads of sweat on his forehead, "crackling" on Yang Lihua's pretty face , and finally flowed to the corner of her mouth, bitter and salty.

Yang Lihua glanced at Gao Xing expressionlessly, snorted coldly, supported Xing Xing's chest with both hands, shrunk and finally crawled out from under Xing Xing. "Bang", as soon as Yang Lihua let go, Gao Xing's body fell to the ground, the wound was affected, Xing Xing couldn't help but groaned, and the corners of his eyebrows trembled violently.

Yang Lihua sat up straight, her eyes narrowed suddenly, a look of surprise and unbearable flashed across her cold face, but it was fleeting.Two feathered arrows pierced Gao Xing's back deeply, and Yin Hong's blood flowed from the wound, and his clothes were already soaked in blood.

"You were injured, it's fine, this is the retribution you deserve, hahaha..." Yang Lihua suddenly burst into a smile, and resentment appeared in his eyes again, as well as a touch of gloating joy.

"Hehe, do you want revenge?" Gao Xing twitched the corner of his mouth and said with some difficulty.

"What do you think?" Yang Lihua said viciously, her beautiful eyes were full of unresolved hatred.

"Then you do it!" There was a trace of helplessness in his happy eyes, he closed his eyes gently, and a gentle smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"What are you laughing at?" Yang Lihua was startled and asked in confusion.

"I'm thinking, Yu Wenyun must be very angry now, his princess has been defiled, defiled by me, ahem, hehe..." Happy said in a hoarse voice, pulling the corners of his mouth.

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