Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 168 How Can You Destroy Lightly?

Thinking that I am a dignified lady, the concubine hand-picked by the emperor, but she was happy to take possession of her pristine body for no apparent reason, so that now she loses her face and is more likely to bring endless disasters to the entire Yang family. Yang Lihua's anger and hatred towards Gao Xing surged like a tide.

No matter how mild-tempered a woman is, she can't bear this kind of thing to happen, even in the open age of later generations.

Only blood can wash away one's shame, and only happy death can wash away one's filth.

Yang Lihua looked around, and found that this place was a small scripture library, except for a few rows of old bookcases, the rest were just dusty scriptures, without any sharp weapon to kill.

Yang Lihua's eyes lit up when she turned her attention to Gao Xing again.She gritted her teeth, slowly stretched out her white and tender palm, grabbed a feather arrow on Gao Xing's back, and suddenly pulled it upwards.

There was a soft "poof", Gao Xing trembled all over, and at the same time as a muffled grunt, a blood arrow shot out along the arrowhead, splashing on Yang Lihua's face.

Yang Lihua let the blood slide down her cheeks to her neck, her beautiful eyes were burning with anger.With a low cry, she raised the feather arrow high with both hands, and with a low sound in her mouth, she poked at Happy's neck.

Glad he didn't dodge, he no longer had the strength to dodge.

In the previous battle, Gao Xing exploded with all his strength, and was hit by an arrow in the end.In order to prevent Zhou Jun from finding his whereabouts based on the bloodstains, Gao Xing has been using Changsheng Zhenqi to control the flow of blood at the wound.When I came to Fuying Temple, I was so happy that I almost exhausted all my energy.

Xing Xing's arrow hit the shoulder blade, so it wasn't fatal.However, what he didn't expect was that Yang Lihua suddenly pulled the arrow out of the flesh for revenge, which was extremely dangerous.As we all know, there are grooves or barbs on the arrows, and pulling out the arrows abruptly will not only cause great pain to the injured, but also increase the wound surface and cause excessive blood loss, which will even cause people to lose their lives.

The huge pain made Gao Xing sweat profusely, and the rapid loss of blood made Gao Xing feel dizzy in the brain.

Gao Xing looked at Yang Lihua quietly, without the slightest fear or blame in his eyes, but with endless loneliness and regrets.

After all, he was the one who defiled her body, and it was only natural for her to take her own life.However, all of this is someone else's conspiracy from the beginning to the end. I am really unwilling to die aggrieved. I have not yet achieved my king's hegemony!

Gao Xing gritted his teeth suddenly, let out a low growl, squeezed out the last bit of strength in his body and flashed to the side, "Ding", the arrow in Yang Lihua's hand brushed Gao Xing's neck and nailed it to the ground. It was a narrow escape.

"Wait, ho, ho—" Seeing that Yang Lihua was about to raise an arrow to stab again, Gao Xing hurriedly stopped him, his face was covered with sweat, and his breathing was abnormally heavy.

"What else do you have to say?" Yang Lihua asked with staring eyes.

"Believe me, all of this is a conspiracy, a conspiracy to put me to death!" Gao Xing swallowed a mouthful of spit, tried her best to calm down, looked at Yang Lihua sincerely, and said quickly.

"You are the concubine of the Northern Zhou Dynasty. Anyone who dares to disrespect you can only die. I am glad that although I don't say that I am more intelligent than Zhuge, I will never do something that will kill myself." Happy paused, and then said: "Although I was a little drunk last night, but my mind was very clear. However, last night I felt hallucinations again and again, and my desire was unstoppable like a river breaking through a bank. Now that I think about it carefully, someone must have stunned you, and then kidnapped you to my room, and I Because of a moment of negligence, he was poisoned by others, and eventually caused a disaster."

After finishing speaking in one breath, I was so happy that I couldn't help panting violently again, and the sweat on my forehead wet a small piece of the ground.And the blood from the wound almost soaked his entire back. Such a shocking scene made Yang Lihua frowned slightly, and a trace of unbearable flashed in his eyes.

Yang Lihua pursed her lips tightly in her hands, her face was cloudy and uncertain, her eyes were fixed on the happy eyes, what caught her eyes was the strong and handsome face, the happy eyes were extremely clear and deep, revealing endless sincerity, There is also a hint of guilt.

"Crack", the arrow fell to the ground weakly, Yang Lihua looked at Xing Xing with a little confusion and asked, "What's your plan next?"

When waking up in the morning, Yang Lihua suddenly found that the environment she was in was no longer the boudoir she was familiar with.Moreover, she was lying intimately in the arms of a naked man, which made her extremely ashamed and indignant.When she sat up straight in a panic, the tearing pain in her lower body and the bright blood on the bed sheet clearly told her that she lost her virginity.

This was a news that shocked her so much that she couldn't accept it, and it was a fact that made her extremely panic.It was even more difficult for her to accept it. What was very disappointing was that the person who captured her and took her body in despicable ways was actually that handsome man whom she had a good impression of.

When Lv Sande surrounded the Yecheng Pavilion, Yang Lihua quickly suppressed the pain, grievance, anger and other emotions in her heart, and let Gao Xing make two choices, either kill her or take her away.As a child of a wealthy family, the education she received since she was a child told her that she must always put the family's interests and face first.

If Yang Lihua appeared naked in front of everyone, it would not only be a great shame to the Yuwen royal family, but also a shame to the Yang family.Death and disappearance may be the best way to maintain the face of the family, and it is also a relief for Yang Lihua, who is full of humiliation.

Yang Lihua is an extremely smart woman, she can clearly feel the sincerity of happiness, she also believes in what she says, and she becomes more and more curious and angry about the villain who kidnapped her at night.

But Yang Lihua is just a weak woman with no power to restrain her. She has lost the cover of her family, and she has been traumatized physically and mentally.

Zeng Jin, she has a good impression of this well-mannered man in white clothes.Whenever she thought that she was going to marry that frivolous dude who didn't know the so-called prince, Yang Lihua felt chills all over her body and felt pity for herself.

However, the fate of people, now that my innocent body is so confusedly possessed by this handsome man, I no longer have to endure Yu Wenyun, is this joy or worry?

For the first time, I realized that Gao Xing's seemingly thin appearance hides such a huge explosive power.He is superb in martial arts and decisive in killing, just like a devil.His eyes are so sincere, so gentle and profound, people can't help but to find out.

"Live!" Gao Xing didn't know the complicated feelings in Yang Lihua's heart, but said three words firmly, and then a trace of desolation appeared on his face, and sighed: "Oh, Master Yuan once reminded me to be careful of the people around me, I couldn't figure it out, and now I understand it, but it's too late!"

Now Gao Xing already understands that last night, Xiao San not only lit incense with aphrodisiac effect in his room, but the tea that he handed to him before he left was also expected!Naihe was happy for a moment, and didn't use his true energy to dissolve the alcohol, and he didn't pay attention to these servants, so that this incident made him very passive, and it was more likely that he would die without a place to bury him.

"Ahem..." Gao Xing frowned, looked at Yang Lihua sincerely and said, "Lihua, put down your hatred for me for now, and help me bandage the wound on my back. As long as I am happy, I will definitely give you an explanation. May I?"

Yang Lihua looked happily for a while, then nodded lightly, and asked, "What should I do?"

"Pull out the other one too, fast!" Gao Xing said.

"This..." Yang Lihua hesitated. She knew very well that another arrow was about to be pulled out, and she would definitely bleed profusely if she was happy. Once she lost too much blood, the only thing waiting for him was death.

"Pull it out, don't worry!" Gao Xing knew Yang Lihua's worry, couldn't help but smiled with difficulty, and looked at Yang Lihua encouragingly.

"Pfft", Yang Lihua grabbed the arrow on Gao Xing's back with trembling hands, closed her eyes, and pulled it out forcefully. After a soft sound, a stream of blood shot on Yang Lihua's face again, staining her black hair.

"Ah!" Yang Lihua opened her eyes, seeing Gao Xing's blood gushing out like a spring, she couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Help me up!" Gao Xing snorted, trembling, with a face like gold paper.

Hearing this, Yang Lihua quickly helped Xing Xing up from the ground, Xing Xing almost exhausted her strength before getting up and sitting cross-legged on the ground.Yang Lihua knelt on Gao Xing's back, and quickly took off Xing Xing's clothes. When she saw the two deep bone wounds on Xing Xing's left shoulder, Yang Lihua was horrified.

Without hesitation, Yang Lihua tore off a corner of the skirt and pressed it to Gao Xing's wound, but it didn't help. The thin cloth was soon soaked in blood, and the warm blood made Yang Li feel anxious, "I can't stop it!" Blood, what to do?"

"It's okay!" Gao Xing twitched the corner of his mouth, took a deep breath, put his right hand in the middle and pointed like a sword, and quickly tapped his chest several times under Yang Lihua's surprised eyes.When Gao Xing stopped moving, his expression was terrified, his whole body seemed to have been washed by water, the ground under his body was completely wet with sweat mixed with blood.

It is also strange to say that Gao Xing just casually wrote down, and the blood gushing from his wound suddenly slowed down.Yang Lihua's eyes widened strangely, and she quickly wrapped her body with a softer cloth for Xing Xing.

Gao Xing's method is to cut off the pulse, which can also be said to be acupuncture. It can control the flow rate of the blood with a special method, which has a miraculous effect on hemostasis, but the time can't last too long.

Gao Xing panted for a while, glanced at Yang Lihua and said, "Thank you, don't bother me!" It can stimulate the potential of the body, and can also heal injuries and restore physical strength.

When Gao Xing opened his eyes again, it was already the next morning.After a full day and night of recovery, I am happy that the wound on my shoulder has stopped bleeding, and my spirit has recovered a bit, but my face is still very pale and looks quite scary.

"Are you awake?" Yang Lihua said softly. Since the beginning of Xingxin's practice, she has been leaning against the corner of the wall, barely moving.Having not eaten or rested for a day, Yang Lihua looked extremely haggard, with dark circles around her eyes, pale face, and very lethargic.

"Thank you!" said happily and gratefully, then sighed, and picked up the steel knife beside him.He kept the knife in his hand when he fell to the ground, and pressed it under his body. Yang Lihua didn't find it, otherwise, Gao Xing would have died long ago.

"What are you doing?" Yang Lihua asked in surprise.

"Shave your head!" Gao Xing spit out two words, ignored Yang Lihua, grabbed a strand of hair around her ear, and cut it off with a "chuss".

Yang Lihua's eyes widened, and she exclaimed incredulously: "What are you doing? How can you treat your parents with your body, hair and skin?"

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