Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 169

Filial piety is the beginning of filial piety when the body and skin are taken care of by parents, not daring to harm them; it is the end of filial piety to stand up and practice the way, to make a name for later generations, so as to show off one's parents.

Many people know this sentence. For thousands of years, countless people have interpreted it literally, thinking that children should cherish their bodies, hair and skin, which is filial piety to their parents.However, if it is understood literally, does it feel a bit far-fetched and absurd?

There were many punishments in ancient times that were very cruel. Hands and feet were frequently cut off, which caused huge damage to the body. The ancients even used words such as punishment that were more taboo when speaking.It is what parents want to see that children behave themselves, follow moral laws, and can do some glorious deeds.But breaking the law and going to the outside world is undoubtedly a manifestation of unfilial piety.

This is the principle that "the body and skin are received by parents, and should not be lightly destroyed." It warns people to clean up their bodies, abide by moral laws, and not do things that shame their ancestors.When Zeng Zi was about to die, he asked his students to look at his hands and feet, mainly to warn his disciples to be careful and not to step into the door of torture.

Yang Lihua's performance was happy, but it was clear after a moment of surprise. His hands kept moving, and he quickly cut his flowing long hair with a steel knife, and said lightly: "According to what you said, your body has been damaged by disease. , is it also a manifestation of unfilial piety? Everyone will die, isn't it a big unfilial piety?"

Yang Lihua was dumbfounded, speechless for a while, she could only stare blankly at Gao Xing's spine-length hair falling messily on the ground like fallen leaves.

"The city of Chang'an is probably boiling now, and the official documents of sea arrests have been plastered all over the city. Soldiers are looking for us everywhere!" Gao Xing sighed and said, "Now I am seriously injured and cannot move, so I can only temporarily Hiding in this Fuying Temple to avoid being chased by the officers and soldiers. It’s a pity that Gao’s appearance is so outstanding, how can he dare to show his face? No way, this time he will be a monk!” Gao Xing said, with a helpless and self-deprecating look on his face smile.

Yang Lihua opened her mouth and nodded silently.

What Gao Xing said is true, although the technology is not developed at this time, it is not very difficult to hide a person in the huge Chang'an City.But I am happy to take revenge on the one hand, and to embark on the road of fighting for world hegemony, so I can't just live in Chang'an all the time!

After a short time, there was no grass on Gao Xing's head, and what Yang Lihua presented in front of her was a shiny bald head.Facing the reflection of the blade, Gao Xing took a look at his new look and showed a quite satisfied smile.Although it was the first time for him to shave his own head, the craftsmanship was still good, not much better than the fat monk Huilun's shiny bald head.

Gao Xing stood up, shook off the crumbs of hair on his body, stretched his arms and stretched his waist, but he didn't want to touch the wound on his back, making him frown involuntarily.

"Be careful, your injury is still not healed!" Yang Lihua said with concern, she struggled to stand up from the ground, but she didn't want to eat all day and night, sleep poorly, at this moment suddenly felt dark in front of her eyes, her feet were soft, and her body was involuntarily He rushed forward, and let out a soft cry involuntarily.

Gao Xing stepped forward and came to Yang Lihua, stretched his arms and hugged her in his arms, and said softly: "Be careful!"

The man's breath mixed with the smell of blood and sweat penetrated into Yang Lihua's nose, causing her breath to become disordered and her heartbeat to speed up for no reason. She was so happy that even she couldn't explain it clearly.

Women are always wonderful creatures.For a man who possesses his first time, no matter how they are, the feelings in their hearts are always so strange and complicated, which makes people elusive.

Yang Lihua struggled to stand upright from Gao Xing's arms, stepped back slightly, glanced quickly, and said in a low voice, "Thank you, what's your plan next?"

"You haven't had a drop of water in a day, how are you doing now?" asked Yang Lihua happily and concernedly.

Without Yang Lihua's answer, a "gurgling" sound sounded, coupled with her chapped lips, she clearly gave Gao Xing the answer.

"I'm sorry for making you suffer!" Said Yang Lihua happily and apologetically, facing this woman who was unintentionally hurt by him, he felt very guilty all the time.

Yang Lihua shook her head lightly, her face returned to coolness, and said lightly: "It's okay, I just hope you can find out the real culprit as soon as possible, and give me an explanation!"

"Don't worry, I'm happy to keep my word!" Gao Xing nodded firmly, then smiled gently: "Sit down and have a rest, I'll go out and find some food!" After speaking, Gao Xing walked to the door.

Gao Xing first opened the door a little, and cautiously looked outside, and found no one was paying attention to him, Gao Xing stepped out of the room.Happiness didn't stop at all, he paused with his feet, jumped up nearly one meter in the air, then lightly tapped his right foot on the supporting column by the door, and raised his body one meter higher again. When the force of the upward rush disappeared, Happy hands grasped the eaves.

Gao Xing quickly clasped his hands on the eaves, his arms suddenly exerted strength, and after a soft cry, Gao Xing's body rushed to the roof, making a slight noise.

"Huh—" Gao Xing lay down behind the corner of the eaves, his face turned pale for a while, fine beads of sweat appeared on his forehead, and his breathing was disordered and heavy.

This is only a room about five meters high. In the past, Gao Xing could jump to the roof almost effortlessly, but this time it made him feel a bit tired, especially the tearing pain from his back. No need to look, Gao Xing also knew that the wound had burst open, and the oozing blood once again soaked his clothes that could not be distinguished for a long time.

He lost a lot of blood yesterday, and he didn't eat a grain of rice. Although he has been practicing the "Longevity Formula", the true energy in his body has recovered to less than three layers at this time, and his body still feels weak for a while.It is inevitable that the action will be a little sluggish, and there is still no cloud and wind in the past.

Gao Xing touched the sweat on his forehead, licked his chapped lips, and his eyes were cold.He was glad that he was not a good man and a believer. He suffered such a big loss this time, was chased by Zhou Jun and fled everywhere, and was seriously injured because of this, and almost returned to his hometown. This is really a shame and a great shame.

Xing Xing will never let it go, although he still doesn't know who framed him at this time, but he can also speculate about it.He is happy with this person and has no hatred or anger. In his opinion, it is a waste of emotion to have resentment towards a dying person.

This is confidence, but also strength.Although Yuan Tiangang and Monk Zhixuan were happy and couldn't see through it, they had little chance of winning against them.But if Gao Xing wants to kill them, the chances are not small.He is an agent, a killer, a dancer who walks in the dark night, on the tip of a knife, and killing is his specialty.

It was early in the morning, and the sky was still a little gloomy. The monks of Fuying Temple had already gone to do morning classes. There were faint clear bells and Sanskrit chanting sounds, making the whole temple peaceful and quiet.Although this place is secluded, Gao Xing has to be very careful.The so-called stand tall, see far.At this time, he was on a high ground, condescending, so he naturally had a general understanding of the things in the temple.

Gao Xing breathed evenly on the roof, fixed his eyes, then kicked his feet suddenly, with a crisp "pop", Gao Xing snorted softly, his body had already jumped out quickly, arched his waist, and under the cover of the eaves, he quickly Run towards a place where monks live.The crisp sound was caused by the broken tiles under Gao Xing's feet. How could Gao Xing make such a sound when he was not injured?

Gao Xing took a deep breath in his chest, followed the previously explored path, climbed over the wall and crossed the house, and after a short time, he sneaked into a courtyard where monks lived.Gao Xing hid behind a bush of flowers in the corner, his chest heaved violently, his pale face turned red from the strenuous exercise, and his whole body was dripping with sweat.

Gao Xing breathed evenly again, dexterously ran to a room, listened attentively, and after confirming that there was no one in the room, he quickly dodged in and closed the door at the same time. Although his movements were a bit slow, they still exceeded the speed of ordinary people .

Xing Xing didn't care about how many beds there were in this room, let alone how the decoration was. With a glance, he found what he wanted.

When Xing Xing left the room, the blood-stained clothes on his body disappeared and was replaced by a slightly starched monk's robe, which was a little loose on him.Gao Xing looked around and found that no one was paying attention to him, then gently closed the door and left the yard.Although Happy's footsteps are fast, they are very steady, without the slightest feeling of guilty conscience.

Why not come?Did he just abandon himself and run away?He shouldn't be such a person, could it be that he was discovered and taken away by the court?No, he is so strong in martial arts, and he is not afraid of facing thousands of troops, so nothing will happen to him!

Nearly half an hour passed, but she didn't return when she was happy. Yang Lihua couldn't help feeling worried. She couldn't hold her hands together and hid on the ground. She frowned tightly and muttered to herself.

However, nearly an hour passed, and the happiness still hadn't returned. Yang Lihua felt that she was becoming more and more irritable. She came to the door more than once, wanting to rush out desperately to find happiness. Even if her whereabouts were leaked, it was better than waiting here suffering.But rationality told Yang Lihua that as long as she acted rashly, it might bring happiness and herself infinite disaster.

Happy, why don't you come back, come back soon!Buddha, you must bless him to come back safely, he will avenge me and be responsible to me!Happy, you will be fine, you said, I am your woman, you can't break your promise!If you don't come back, I, Yang Lihua, will not let you go even if I turn into a ghost!

Perhaps the Buddha really heard Yang Lihua's inner prayer and call. When she could no longer restrain her inner anxiety and came to the door for the tenth time, intending to escape from this restless place to find happiness, the door opened. was suddenly pushed away.

A gust of wind blew by, and a beautiful monk appeared in front of Yang Lihua. Just as she was about to exclaim, she suddenly realized that the monk was actually happy. At this moment, his face was covered with sweat, and although the brows were a little tired, his eyes were full of excitement. Clear and spirited, he still carried a bulging bag in his hand.

"You're back!" Yang Lihua said a word but couldn't continue, the tears from the corners of her eyes trickled down, rolling down her haggard and thin cheeks to the ground, splashing deathly water.

"What's wrong with you?" Gao Xing was startled, and hurriedly stepped forward and asked with concern.

"Woooo..." Yang Lihua rushed forward suddenly, suppressing her crying, while waving her two tender little fists quickly, crackling and beating on Gao Xing's chest. Although the strength was not strong, it made Xing happy instantly Senseless.

Gao Xing quickly put down the burden in his hands, grabbed Yang Lihua's hands with both hands, and asked with concern and anxiety: "What happened, what's wrong with you?"

On the other hand, Yang Lihua plunged into Gao Xing's arms, her hands were tightly wrapped around Gao Xing's waist, her pretty face was pressed tightly against Gao Xing's chest, she was so depressed that she began to cry, her voice was very sad, which made Gao Xing feel sad for a while.

Women are complex animals, always elusive.Gao Xing froze for a moment, then stretched out his arms to hold Yang Lihua in his arms, and at the same time gently stroked her back with both hands, comforting her silently.

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